Abstract:The undispatchability of wind farm brings great challenge to safe operation of power system. Designing energy storage system for dispatchability of wind farm is an effective integration solution. This paper presents a novel sizing method of energy storage system for dispatchability of wind farm at specified confidence level,which is for the compromise between dispatchability of wind farm and energy storage size. The persistence method was used to generate the forecast data of wind power,and then based on forecast data a dispatch strategy was proposed for the minimization of energy storage size. The confidence level of dispatchability was defined as constraint and constraint functions of energy storage rated power and capacity were established separately with non-parametric estimation and curve fitting. The investment cost model considering lifetime of energy storage is proposed as objective function with the constraint functions. For obtaining optimal energy storage size,genetic algorithm was used to solve the non-linear objective function. Finally,the sizing method of lithium-ion battery energy storage system is illustrated as an example.
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