Peaking Value Quantification and Cost Compensation for Generators
Xie Jun1, Li Zhengkun3, Zhang Meidan2, Zhang Xiaohua4, Wu Fuxia1,2, Fu Rong1
1. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing 210046 China
2. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China; 3. Shanghai University of Electric Power Shanghai 200090 China; 4. Changzhou University Changzhou 213164 China
Abstract:In hydro-wind-thermal hybrid power system, the peaking of hydro generators is valuable. In this paper, an economic dispatch model for hydro-wind-thermal hybrid system is proposed, which is modeled as a mixed integer linear programming(MILP)problem and therefore can be efficiently solved by using GAMS. The peaking value of generators is quantified by using the proposed economic dispatch model. Based on Shaley value and peaking mileage concepts, two peaking cost compensation methods are proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is shown with the simulation results of a 5-generator 8-bus power system.
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