Analysis and Optimization of Cooling System for 75kVA Three-Level Back-Back Converter
Zhu Yifeng1, 2, 3, Ge Qiongxuan1, Liu Yuhong1, Ren Jinqi
1. Institute of Electrical Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100039 China 3. He’nan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo 454003 China
Abstract:For the 75kVA three-level back-to-back converter, the heat sources including the busbar are analyzed and calculated first. Secondly, the equivalent thermal resistance circuit is given. Based on the circuit, a forced-air cooling system is designed for the power converter. After that, a three-dimensional geometric model of the converter is built, and a computation-fluid-dynamics finite element software is used to simulate the cooling system. The impact of the dissipated power of the busbar, power semiconductor devices and the air volume of the cooling fan is also investigated. According to the simulation results, an optimized cooling method through setting up the appropriate aperture opening ratio of the inlets and active wind shields is presented. Finally, some experimental verification is also offered with infrared thermometer in a 75kVA laboratory prototype. Comparing the experimental results with the simulation results, it is shown that the designed cooling system cools the converter well and every power device has almost the same temperature distribution. The provided design methods for the cooling systems may be useful for other power converters.
朱艺锋, 葛琼璇, 刘育红, 任晋旗. 75kVA三电平背靠背变流器的散热分析及优化[J]. 电工技术学报, 2012, 27(2): 103-108.
Zhu Yifeng, Ge Qiongxuan, Liu Yuhong, Ren Jinqi. Analysis and Optimization of Cooling System for 75kVA Three-Level Back-Back Converter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2012, 27(2): 103-108.
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