Abstract:The permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is a widely used typical nonlinear multi-variable coupled system. It is sensitive to the load disturbance and the change of interior parameter. Traditional PI controller is widely used in the speed control of PMSM for its simplicity, but it can't meet the need of high performance. We should give the range of the coefficient when confirm the controller in sliding model control(SMC). Based on the problem this paper proposes a variable SMC for PMSM speed control system combined with reaching law control, and give the process of controller’s design. Simulation and experiment research are done on the speed control system respectively. The results demonstrate that the system has the advantages of fastness rapid response, stability, robustness, no over-shoot and rejecting load disturbance.
汪海波, 周波, 方斯琛. 永磁同步电机调速系统的滑模控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2009, 24(9): 71-77.
Wang Haibo, Zhou Bo, Fang Sichen. A PMSM Sliding Mode Control System Based on Exponential Reaching Law. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2009, 24(9): 71-77.
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