Abstract:Suitable windows and interpolation FFT algorithms have been used to eliminate the errors caused by spectral leakage and picket fence effect. New kinds of windows, called as Hanning self-convolution windows(HSCW), are presented. The p-order HSCW is produced by convolving p Hanning windows. The major lobe and side lobes characteristics of p-order HSCW are discussed and an interpolated FFT algorithm based on HSCW is given. As the new windows have the optimal side lobe levels and the side lobes decay at a very fast rate, the windowed interpolation FFT algorithm can greatly increase the accuracy of harmonic analysis. The simulation results show the effectiveness and practicability of the algorithm.
温和, 滕召胜, 卿柏元. Hanning自卷积窗及其在谐波分析中的应用[J]. 电工技术学报, 2009, 24(2): 164-169.
Wen He, Teng Zhaosheng, Qing Baiyuan. Hanning Self-Convolution Windows and Its Application to Harmonic Analysis. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2009, 24(2): 164-169.
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