Abstract:Only one voltage vector is used in a control period to control the flux and torque in induction generation system which uses instantaneous torque control(ITC) strategy. This leads to the increase speed of voltage in buildup process is unequal. The influence factors of voltage buildup process is investigated. There are two dominating influence factors, one is the magnitude of buildup bus voltage, and the other is the rotating speed. Stator flux lags behind rotor flux an angle by the optimal voltage vector at first. But with the increase of bus voltage magnitude, the position of stator flux is becoming identical with rotor flux. The bus voltage rises slower or doesn’t rise any more, so it can’t be built up successfully. Lower the rotate speed is, remoter possibility of voltage buildup there is. A scheme by increasing negative torque command gradually to build up bus voltage at low rotating speed is proposed. Simulation and experimental results show that the analysis about the influence factors of voltage builtup process is correct. The scheme of bus voltage buildup at low rotate speed is simple and effective.
张兰红, 胡育文, 黄文新. 采用瞬时转矩控制的异步发电系统建压过程[J]. 电工技术学报, 2009, 24(11): 8-13.
Zhang Lanhong, Hu Yuwen, Huang Wenxin. Voltage Buildup Process of Induction Generation System Based on ITC Strategy. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2009, 24(11): 8-13.
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