
徐 飞1,2,3 史黎明1,2,3 李子欣1,2,3 李耀华1,2,3

(1. 高密度电磁动力与系统全国重点实验室中国科学院电工研究所 北京 100190 2. 中国科学院大学 北京 100049 3. 齐鲁中科电工先进电磁驱动技术研究院 济南 250100)

摘要 定子分段直线感应电机在超高速电磁推进领域具有较好的应用前景,然而多相直线感应电机定子与动子耦合程度快速时变、供电切换晶闸管开关电流过零关断、供电电缆阻抗随动子位置变化等非线性特性显著,导致现有建模方法难以准确实时地模拟系统电磁暂态过程。该文将直线感应电机系统依据能量转换特性划分为有效转换、无效转换和电源三部分,采用多相电机定子空间矢量解耦建模和虚拟动子磁链方法,实现了晶闸管与直线电机、电机定子与动子之间的解耦,并建立了数学模型。硬件在环实验结果表明,数学模型无迭代实时运算步长低至500 ns,原理样机实验结果表明,数学模型与物理实验误差小于7%,验证了数学模型的快速性和准确性,研究成果可为超高速直线感应电机推进系统高性能控制提供建模基础。

关键词:分段供电 多相直线感应电机 晶闸管开关 非线性特性 实时模型

0 引言

长定子直线感应电机因其动子质量轻、结构简单等优点,在电磁推进高速地面试验设施(简称电磁橇)、航天电磁发射、超高速交通等领域具有较好的应用前景[1-2],目前公开报道长定子直线感应电机最高推进速度已到达1030 km/h。高速直线感应电机通常采用长定子分段供电拓扑,直线电机分段结构、供电切换晶闸管非线性特性、供电电缆阻抗长度变化等因素导致现有建模方法无法准确实时模拟系统电磁暂态过程[3-4],难以实现系统高性能控制。



1 定子分段直线感应电机非线性建模分析



图1 定子分段直线感应电机拓扑、绕组及供电结构

Fig.1 The topology, winding and power supply structure of the segmented linear induction motor


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式中,Wi为任意一相晶闸管导通状态,导通时Wi=1、关断时Wi=0;iiumi分别为任意一相电机绕组电流和实际供电电压;ui为任意一相电源供电电压,下标i=u, v, w, x, y, z代表6相;Lt为晶闸管导通时等效电感;Ct为晶闸管关断时等效电容;Ll Rl分别为供电电缆等效可变电感和电阻,随着动子位置变化而变化。由式(1)可知,直线感应电机和晶闸管都为电流源特性,当电缆长度增加,阻抗越来越大时,电感电压微分项易引起系统运算不收敛。


图2 定子分段直线感应电机推进系统非线性特性分析

Fig.2 Nonlinear analysis of linear induction motor propulsion system with segmented stator


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2 定子分段直线感应电机解耦建模方法

2.1 旋转电机解耦建模方法

对于双Y移30°绕组多相旋转电机,空间矢量解耦变换方法将电机输入能量划分为1, 3, 5次空间,1次空间为有效机电能量转换,3次和5次空间属于谐波空间,为无效机电能量转换部分,有



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式中,uabsiabsiabr分别为ab 坐标系下定子电压、定子电流和动子电流;Lm为励磁电感;Lr为动子电感;wr为动子机械角速度;j为虚数;uziz分别为z空间定子电压和定子电流;uoio分别为o空间定子电压和定子电流。


2.2 直线感应电机解耦建模方法


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图3 定子分段直线感应电机推进系统解耦建模方法

Fig.3 Decoupled modeling method of linear induction motor propulsion system with segmented stator



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解耦变化后电机定子与动子1次空间状态方程复数表达式如式(13)和式(14)所示,该部分为ab 坐标系下直线电机有效机电能量转换部分。




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式中,v为动子的速度;t 为极距;uabsniabsniabrab 坐标系第n个定子电压、电流和动子电流。


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式中,yabsnyabrab 坐标系下第n个定子磁链和动子磁链。动子磁链为本文提出的虚拟动子磁链,当各定子段电流恒定时动子磁链为恒定值。





2.3 数学模型高效实时运算方法



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其次,针对数百个定子段的大规模电路实时运算难的问题,考虑供电切换过程3台变频器最多同时给6个定子段供电,可将数百个定子段等效为6个定子段循环计算,降低数值运算硬件资源。由6个定子段被动子覆盖比例an实现各定子段数学模型相互解耦并行计算,提高运算效率。采用现场可编程逻辑阵列(Filed Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)硬件加速方式实现系统小步长实时运算[26-27]

3 硬件在环实时仿真验证

为了验证本文提出的分段供电直线感应电机推进系统非线性特性解耦建模方法的有效性,搭建了硬件在环(Hardware in the Loop, HIL)实验平台如图4所示,包括直线感应电机控制器和数学模型实时仿真器。直线感应电机控制器由Freescale/ PowerPC/P2020双核处理器芯片及Xilinx/A7200T/ FPGA组成,中断时间为100 ms。数学模型实时仿真器由RTLAB5700和RTLAB5607构成,实时计算步长为500 ns。控制器与仿真器之间通信采用Aurora 2.5 Gbit/s,每10 ms交互一次数据。

分段供电直线感应电机推进硬件在环测试系统参数见表1,采用恒定电流和恒定转差间接磁场定向控制策略,电流有效值为7 kA,直线感应电机动子控制分为加速、惰行和制动三个阶段。


图4 分段直线感应电机推进系统硬件在环实验平台

Fig.4 Hardware-in-the-loop test platform of linear induction motor with segmented stator

表1 硬件在环数学模型参数

Tab.1 The parameters of the HIL model

参 数数 值 定子长度Ss/mm4 800 动子长度Sm/mm7 200 气隙宽度hs/mm20 动子厚度hm/mm10 电缆阻抗Rl/(mW/m)1 Ll/(mH/m)1

图5为式(8)所示传统方法硬件在环测试实验结果,图5a和图5b分别为变频器输出电压和电流,图5c为定子段输出推力,图5d为直线电机动子位置和速度。由图5可知,约0.84 s动子位于90 m时,随着电缆长度增加,传统数学模型数值运算发散,与理论分析结果一致。图6~图8为本文提出解耦建模方法硬件在环测试系统实验结果。图6为解耦建模方法硬件在环测试实验结果,当定子电流恒定时,图中虚拟动子磁链在稳态时保持恒定,避免了传统方法动子磁链变化导致实时运算发散的问题。直线感应电机供电电压和推力随定子覆盖比例变化而发生非线性快速时变,计算结果与理论分析一致。图7为解耦建模方法供电切换过程中电压和电流波形细节,在定子供电切换时,变频器输出电流因两定子并联电流产生冲击现象。图7a和图7b为变频器输出电压和电流波形,体现了供电切换过程中变频器输出电流冲击特征。图7c体现了晶闸管各相电流过零关断时电机电流的非线性特性,图7d体现了晶闸管开通过程中电机各相电流特性。图8为解耦建模方法的直线电机推力、位置和速度波形,直线感应电机定子段推力非线性变化特性与理论分析一致,电机最高运行速度达到310 m/s。硬件在环实验结果表明,解耦建模方法快速准确地表征了分段直线感应电机推进系统供电切换和动子进出定子段时电压、电流和推力特性,实时运算步长低至500 ns。


图5 传统方法硬件在环测试实验结果

Fig.5 Hardware in the loop experimental results of the traditional method


图6 解耦建模方法硬件在环测试实验结果

Fig.6 Hardware in the loop experimental results of decoupled modeling method


图7 解耦建模方法供电切换过程电机电压和电流波形细节

Fig.7 The detailed voltage and current waveforms of the decoupled modeling method during the switching process


图8 解耦建模方法电机推力、位置和速度波形

Fig.8 The waveforms of the linear induction motor’s thrust, position, and velocity using decoupled modeling method

4 原理样机实验验证



图9 分段供电直线感应电机推进系统实验平台

Fig.9 The experiment platform of linear induction motor with segmented stator

实验平台参数见表2,由24个定子段组成,控制算法与硬件在环测试一致,电流幅值为8 A,频率为20 Hz,供电切换时定子内无动子覆盖。

表2 原样样机实验平台参数

Tab.2 The parameters of the experiment platform

参 数数 值 定子个数N24 定子长度Ss/mm240 动子长度Sm/mm360 气隙宽度hs/mm10 动子厚度hm/mm6

图10为解耦建模方法原理样机实验验证结果,在0.346 s时定子1晶闸管开关关断,定子4晶闸管开关导通。图中,下标f代表硬件在环,e代表实验。图10a为直线感应电机定子1在晶闸管关断过程的电流,图10b为定子4在晶闸管开通过程的电流,图10c为变频器输出总电流,具有供电切换冲击特性。图10中实线为原理样机实验平台实验结果,虚线为硬件在环测试结果。可知,实验结果与硬件在环仿真结果一致性较好,稳态时差别小于7%。原理样机与硬件在环测试实验结果差别主要来源于功率半导体器件开关过程动态特性和直线电机各相电感差异。图10a中晶闸管关断过程定子电流实验结果和硬件在环测试结果有较小差别,主要原因是晶闸管阳极电流小于维持电流晶闸管便提前关断,且在电流过零时IGBT死区也影响变频器电压输出。图10a、图10b和图10c中定子电流y相实验结果和硬件在环测试结果有较小差异,其原因是直线感应电机定子为开断结构,六相绕组之间难以完全对称导致各相电感具有较小差别。由于本文所研究的解耦模型方法和数学模型主要应用于高速直线感应电机推进系统硬件在环测试和高性能控制,该差异对系统级测试及控制影响较小。图10所示实验结果验证了提出的解耦建模方法能够实时准确地表征定子分段多相直线感应电机供电切换过程非线性特性。


图10 解耦建模方法原理样机实验验证结果

Fig.10 Experimental verification results of decoupled modeling method

6 结论




3)构建的数学模型可实现定子分段直线感应电机推进系统供电切换和定动子耦合变化等多工况的实时准确表征。数学模型硬件在环实时运算步长低至500 ns,与原理样机实验结果误差小于7%。



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A Nonlinear Decoupled Modeling Method of Linear Induction Motor Propulsion System with Segmented Stator

Xu Fei1,2,3 Shi Liming1,2,3 Li Zixin1,2,3 Li Yaohua1,2,3

(1. State Key Laboratory of High Density Electromagnetic Power and Systems Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China 3. Institute of Electrical Engineering and Advanced Electromagnetic Drive Technology QILU ZHONGKE Jinan 250100 China)

Abstract The linear induction motor with a segmented stator (LIM-SS) has great potential for ultra- high-speed electromagnetic propulsion. However, simulating the system’s electromagnetic transient feature in real time poses challenges due to rapid time-varying coupling characteristics between the stator and rotor, zero-crossing thyristor switching current, and varying cable impedance. Mathematical modeling methods for high-speed linear motors mainly include the field-circuit joint operation mathematical model and lumped parameter equivalent circuit mathematical model. While the field-circuit joint operation mathematical model can accurately simulate the system's electromagnetic transient characteristics, it requires extensive computational time and cannot operate in real-time. The lumped parameter equivalent circuit mathematical model is more efficient but struggles to accurately represent the nonlinear characteristics of linear motors. Therefore, this paper proposes a decoupling modeling method for the nonlinear characteristics of the LIM-SS propulsion system.

Firstly, this paper analyzes the electromagnetic transient characteristics of the LIM-SS propulsion system under the conditions of the thyristor switching process, rotor entering, and leaving the stator segment. According to the multi-phase motor space vector decoupling modeling method, the system energy conversion characteristics are divided into three parts: effective conversion, invalid conversion, and power supply. The cable voltage drop is moved into the motor leakage inductance part as the stator invalid electromechanical energy conversion part, which effectively avoids the problem of computational divergence caused by the differential term of inductance when calculating the thyristor voltage. Secondly, this paper proposes a virtual rotor flux modeling method for the virtual invalid electromechanical energy conversion part of the linear motor rotor. From the perspective of the rotor, the mutual inductance between the stator and the rotor of the linear induction motor is a constant, which effectively avoids the problem of state equation computational divergence when the coverage ratio is at a continuous non-differentiable point. Finally, a decoupling mathematical model of the LIM-SS propulsion system is proposed based on the multi-phase motor stator space-vector decoupling modeling and virtual rotor flux method. The thyristor’s switching state is judged by the switch command and the current zero crossing point. The stator coverage ratio realizes the mutual decoupling operation of the mathematical model of each stator segment, and the FPGA hardware acceleration realizes the system's small-step real-time calculation.

The results of the hardware-in-the-loop test indicate that the traditional mathematical model's numerical calculation diverges as the cable length increases. However, the decoupling modeling method can maintain a constant virtual rotor flux in a steady state, thus avoiding real-time calculation divergence. The simulation results align with the theoretical analysis, achieving a real-time calculation step as low as 500 ns. The steady-state variation between the prototype experimental results and the hardware-in-the-loop simulation results is less than 7%. This difference primarily stems from the dynamic characteristics of the power semiconductor device switching process and the disparity in inductance of each phase from a disconnected structure of linear motor stator.

The following conclusions are drawn. (1) The decoupling modeling method equates the cable voltage drop to the electromechanical energy conversion part in the motor. (2) The virtual rotor flux method regards the coupling inductance between the stator and the mover of the linear induction motor as a constant. (3) The constructed mathematical model can realize real-time and accurate characterization of multiple working conditions, such as power supply switching and stator-rotor coupling changes of the stator segmented linear induction motor propulsion system. The results provide a modeling basis for high-performance control of ultra-high-speed linear motor propulsion systems.

keywords:Segmented power supply, multi-phase linear induction motor, thyristor switch, nonlinear characteristics, real-time modeling


收稿日期 2024-06-04

改稿日期 2024-07-08

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.240944



徐 飞 男,1983年生,副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为高速直线电机数学建模与优化控制。E-mail: xufei@mail.iee.ac.cn

史黎明 男,1964年生,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为直线电机和驱动控制、磁悬浮技术、电能无线传输技术等。E-mail: limings@mail.iee.ac.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)