
董守龙 赵立胜 项思哲 姚陈果 余 亮

(输变电装备技术全国重点实验室(重庆大学) 重庆 400044)

摘要 针对小负载阻值测量场景,该文提出了一种基于全固态方波脉冲电流源的新测量方法。全固态方波脉冲电流源采用现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)作为控制系统,使用金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)作为控制开关,该系统采用模块化设计,每个模块包括一个二极管、一个开关和一个电感。开关导通时,电感串联充电;开关断开时,电感并联向负载放电。通过仿真验证了该拓扑的正确性和可行性。搭建了实验样机,样机可以在5 Ω负载下产生800 ns灵活可调脉冲电流方波。最后,采用标称为0.05 Ω的小负载进行系统测试,系统测试结果与商用精密电阻测试仪测试结果误差在1.5%以内。

关键词:脉冲功率技术 脉冲恒流源 小负载测试 脉冲电流

0 引言



现如今,受材料固有特性和工艺限制,无论是半导体器件、贴片元器件还是接触件等,均非理想元器件,都存在一定的寄生参数,其误差会导致设计过程中的仿真结果与实际结果相差甚远。贴片元器件的参数建模的准确性对电路性能和电磁兼容设计有着重大的影响[16-17]。如在文献[18]中,其引用了天线设计中的小电阻问题,2.95 Ω小电阻的偏差将导致天线效率在特定频带发生显著偏移,这对于商业天线而言是不允许出现的。因此,在工程上准确地测量小负载具有重要意义。


针对上述小电阻测量应用场景,本文提出了一种全固态的脉冲电流源,在小负载上的电流波形不会受到负载的影响,电压波形相对较容易获取,为小负载测量提供了新的方法[25]。本文提出的脉冲电流源采用现场可编程逻辑门阵列(Field Program-mable Gate Array, FPGA)作为控制器,金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor, MOSFET)作为控制开关,脉宽灵活可调,输出波形为方波脉冲。相比于现有的测量方法,方波电流脉冲可以有效避免温升带来的测量误差。

1 电感储能脉冲电流源设计

1.1 基本结构



图1 脉冲电流源电路基本拓扑

Fig.1 Pulsed current generator circuit basic topology


1.2 工作原理



图2 脉冲电流源时序

Fig.2 Pulsed current generator timing


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图3 脉冲电流源电路工作原理

Fig.3 Working principle of pulsed current generator circuit



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1.3 参数选择



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2 脉冲电流源仿真分析

为验证前述脉冲电流源原理,本文构建了一个5级的脉冲电流源的仿真电路模型。输出电流为120 A,顶降为0.95,负载设置为50 Ω,最大脉宽为1 μs。根据式(14)计算可得

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通过控制脉冲电流源中开关的导通与关断时间,能够产生典型的脉冲电流源波形,设置开关关断时间为1 μs,调节充电电压为30、50、80、100、150、200 V,得到脉冲电流源输出的电流波形如图4所示。统计充电电压与脉冲电流的关系见表2。通过计算,进一步验证了两者之间的线性关系。

表1 主要仿真参数设置

Tab.1 Simulation parameters

参数数值 充电电压U/V0~200 模块级数n5 顶降系数α0.95 最大脉冲宽度td/μs1 输出电流IRL/A0~185可调 开关导通电阻Rds(on)/Ω0.056 每级储能电感L/mH5 储能电感内阻r/Ω0.6 负载电阻RL/Ω50


图4 RL=50 Ω,不同充电电压的脉冲电流源输出电流波形

Fig.4 RL=50 Ω, pulsed current generator output current waveforms under different charging voltages

表2 不同充电电压下的输出电流

Tab.2 Output current under different charging voltages

充电电压U/V输出峰值电流IRL/A比例系数 3027.70.923 5046.20.924 8073.90.924 10092.40.924 150138.60.924 200184.80.924

设置充电电压为80 V,控制开关的导通时间为100、300、500、800、1 000 ns,其输出电流波形如图5所示。仿真的结果基本与第1节中的理论相符,验证了该拓扑结构理论的正确性。

基于仿真结果,选择充电电压为80 V,脉冲宽度为1 μs,将负载上的电压与流过负载的电流做除法运算,可得到负载的阻抗谱图如图6所示。从图6可以看出,在低频段,负载的阻抗为50 Ω,随着频率的升高,负载阻抗缓慢降低,脉冲波形的中高频段对测量结果没有影响,从而验证了XRAM测量负载电阻的原理。


图5 RL=50 Ω,不同脉宽的脉冲电流源输出电流波形

Fig.5 RL=50 Ω, pulsed current generator output current waveforms under different pulse widths


图6 XARM测量负载的阻抗谱图

Fig.6 Impedance spectrum of the load measured by XARM

3 脉冲电流源小型化样机验证



本文所研制的脉冲电流源样机测试平台如图8所示。由于充电电源的限制,电源恒流输出电流为3 A,其最大输出为15 A,设计脉冲顶降为90%,方波的脉冲宽度为800 ns,负载是一个阻值为5 Ω的厚膜无感纯电阻负载。经过式(14)计算,每个模块的储能电感的电感值大于或等于189.8 μH,实际绕行之后,电感为197.8 μH。以上参数满足5 Ω以下小负载的测试要求。脉冲电流源中各主要参数设置见表3。


图7 单级电路模块

Fig.7 Single-stage circuit module


图8 样机测试平台

Fig.8 Prototype test platform

表3 主要参数设置

Tab.3 Key parameters

参数数值 充电电流I/A0~3 模块级数n5 顶降系数α0.90 最大脉冲宽度td/ns800 输出电流IRL最大15 A可调 每级储能电感L/μH197.8 负载电阻RL/Ω≤5

充电电源选用固纬公司的可调数字电源GPD-3303S,可以提供最大3 A的充电电流及最大180 W的双通道输出功率。控制模块选择型号为Cyclone IV系列芯片EP4CE6F17C8的FPGA。实验中采用美国LeCroy公司的示波器HDO6104B、电流探头CP031A及电压探头PP026-1进行负载测量。

通过调节FPGA的控制信号,可以输出不同脉冲宽度的方波脉冲,脉冲宽度分别为100、300、500、800 ns,不同脉冲宽度的实际输出波形如图9所示。由图9可以看出,脉冲电流源在不同脉宽下,上升沿与下降沿均无明显差别,可以实现脉冲宽度的灵活调节。由于负载电阻较小,回路中存在杂散电感,故图中波形会存在较大的超调与振荡。


图9 RL=5 Ω,不同脉冲宽度的实际输出波形

Fig.9 RL=5 Ω, test output waveforms under different pulse widthes

为验证样机在小负载测量上的准确性,本文采用0.05 Ω的厚膜无感电阻进行测试。在0.05 Ω负载下将输出脉宽最大可调至80 μs,本测试实验选取测量电流脉冲的脉宽为50 μs,可以去除在小负载条件下由脉冲上升沿振荡带来的测试误差。其测试电流、电压波形如图10所示。去除脉冲上升沿振荡与脉冲后沿,选择电流、电压稳定的波形进行处理,通过计算得到负载电阻的阻值为54.072 mΩ。

为验证测量的准确性,采用商用Applent公司生产的精密电阻测试仪AT512进行误差标定,其测试范围为0.1 μΩ~110 MΩ,基本准确度为0.01%。测试结果如图11所示。图11中显示同一个电阻的测量阻值为54.869 mΩ,与上述样机测量误差在1.5%以内,验证了本文所研制的脉冲电流源可以进行小负载的测量。


图10 小负载测试波形

Fig.10 Small load test waveforms


图11 AT512测试结果

Fig.11 AT512 test results


4 结论

本文通过仿真和样机的研制,验证了所提出的脉冲电流源拓扑能够实现稳定的恒流输出。该脉冲电流源可以在5 Ω的负载条件下输出最大800 ns灵活可调的脉冲电流波形。对标称为0.05 Ω的小负载进行测试,通过对比样机测试结果与商用精密电阻测试仪结果发现,误差不超过1.5%,说明该脉冲电流源在小负载测试领域有着良好的应用前景。该拓扑结构简单,系统稳定,模块化设计使得通过增加级数能够测量更小的负载。


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Development of an All-Solid-State Pulse Current Generator with Adjustable Parameters

Dong Shoulong Zhao Lisheng Xiang Sizhe Yao Chenguo Yu Liang

(State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China)

Abstract Pulsed power technology is an electrophysical technology that rapidly compresses energy of low amplitude over a long period of time and releases it to the load side in a short period of time. It is widely used in biomedicine, plasma discharge, electromagnetic catapult and other military and defense fields. Pulsed power technology is widely used in the direction of wide bandwidth and high power. Pulsed power supply is divided into pulsed voltage source and pulsed current source (XRAM). Pulsed voltage source of the form of energy storage for the electric field, energy storage device for the capacitor, which can produce high amplitude narrow pulse width voltage. A pulsed current source stores energy in the form of a magnetic field, and the storage device is an inductor, which generates a high amplitude narrow pulse width current, and the output is in the form of a current. Nowadays, whether semiconductor devices, patch components or contact parts, due to the inherent characteristics of materials and process limitations, they are not ideal components and have certain parasitic parameters. Traditionally, the main methods of small load measurement include Ohm's law method, bridge measurement, impedance analyzer measurement and so on, which should avoid the problem of resistance change due to temperature rise in the process of application. The pulse current source proposed in this paper uses FPGA as the controller, MOSFET as the control switch, the pulse width is flexible and adjustable, and the output waveform is a square wave pulse.

Firstly, in order to facilitate the elucidation of its operation, a four-stage pulse current source is illustrated in this paper. The circuit uses a MOSFET as the main switch, and the pulse-forming circuit includes a switch, an inductor, and two diodes for each stage of the module. Mode 1 is the charging phase: all switches are on and the pulse source operates in charging mode. The DC voltage source charges the inductor in series, all diodes are in cutoff state in this charging phase. Mode 2 is the discharge phase: all switches are off and the pulse source operates in the discharge mode. The inductor current flows through the diode to the load resistor, so the current on the load resistor will be superimposed on the current of the 4 inductors. This results in a superposition of currents.

A simulation circuit model of a pulsed current source containing 5 stages is constructed in this study to verify the principle of the aforementioned pulsed current source. The output current is 120 A, the top drop is 0.95, the load is set to 50 Ω, and the maximum pulse width is 1 μs. By controlling the on and off times of the switches in the pulsed-current source, a typical pulsed-current source waveform can be generated. The relationship between the statistical charging voltage and the pulse current is calculated to further verify the linear relationship between the two. The results of the simulation are basically consistent with the theory in subsection 1, which verifies the correctness of the theory of this topology.

The circuit fundamentals of the pulsed current source are verified by simulation in the second subsection, and the topology of the circuit is further verified in practice in the third subsection of this paper using the constructed experimental platform. In this experiment, a five-stage miniaturized prototype of the pulsed current source is developed, and each stage module includes an energy storage inductor, two diodes, a MOSFET switch, an isolated power supply module, and the corresponding driving circuit. The development of this prototype and the comparative measurement experiments with loads effectively verify the basic theory and simulation analysis discussed in the paper, and the topology proposed in this study can be used to perform measurements with small loads. In addition, its modular design enhances the expansion capability, which can be used to realize the measurement of smaller grade resistance values by increasing the number of stages and adjusting the input current.

Ultimately, the paper verifies that this pulsed current source topology is capable of achieving stable constant current output through simulation and prototype development. The pulsed-current source can output a flexible and adjustable pulsed-current waveform of up to 800ns under a load condition of 5 Ω. Tested by a small load labeled as 0.05 Ω, the test results are compared with a commercial precision resistance tester, and the error does not exceed 1.5%, indicating that the pulse current source has a good application prospect in the field of small load testing. The topology is simple, the system is stable, and the modular design can measure smaller loads by increasing the number of stages.

Keywords:Pulsed power technology, pulsed constant current generator, small load test, pulsed current

中图分类号:TN78; TM93

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.232118

国家自然科学基金重点项目(52237010, 52477229)、中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2023CDJYGRH-ZD04, 2023CDJKYJH075)和重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(CSTB2024NSCQ-MSX0618)资助。

收稿日期 2023-12-20

改稿日期 2024-03-05


董守龙 男,1989年生,副教授,研究方向为脉冲功率技术及其应用、电气设备在线监测与故障诊断技术、生物医学中的电工新技术等。


赵立胜 男,1995年生,博士研究生,研究方向为脉冲功率技术及其应用、生物医学中的电工新技术等。


(编辑 李 冰)