摘要 针对三相感应电机进行单相运行的工况,该文提出一种三相感应电机单相运行的新型双电容接线方式,通过选择合适的电容,使三相感应电机在单相交流电源供电时,三相绕组电流仍接近对称,电机性能与三相电机接近,优于普通单相电机。首先基于对称分量法,分析新型单相运行接法电机的对称运行条件,研究该接法电机稳态运行时性能的计算方法;然后将双电容连接方法应用在一台550 W三相感应电机(Y2-801-4)上,计算出该电机单相运行时的性能,研究不同电容值对电机性能的影响,并且利用有限元法对电机进行仿真分析;最后对电机进行了性能测试,实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性,采用新型接法的单相运行感应电机的效率和额定功率等性能参数与三相对称运行时接近,功率因数则优于同功率的三相感应电机。
关键词:三相感应电机 单相运行 对称分量法 稳态性能 单相感应电机
据文献[5-6]的介绍,当额定功率超过0.5 kW时,使用单相感应电机的经济性较差,如使用三相感应电机接单相电源运行,可以提高电机的运行性能。O. J. M. Smith提出了“Smith接法”,通过串入三个电容元件,可以实现三相感应电机接近对称运行[7]。文献[8-10]分析了“Smith接法”的三相感应电机的单相运行性能,研究表明,尽管绕组联结具有不对称性质,但可以使三相定子绕组中电流三相近似对称。文献[11]研究了“Smith接法”的起动方式。文献[12]继续研究了三相电机的单相运行方案,基于“Smith接法”提出了SEMIHEX接法,并申请了专利,该方法使用两个电容元件,实现单相供电,有明显节能效果,但该方法起动性能较差,需要较复杂的起动电路[13-14]。文献[15-16]提出三绕组串联式接法、文献[17-18]提出三绕组并联式接法,使用合成电流法对三绕组并联式接法进行分析,额定运行时,三个绕组都接近对称运行,且都具有接近于同容量的三相感应电机的效率,但三相电流对称性略差。近年来,开始有学者在单相负荷电源中,将三相感应电机的单相运行方案用在自励异步发电机和无功补偿器上[19-20]。
图1 新型三相感应电机单相运行连接
Fig.1 Circuit for single-phase operation of the three-phase induction motor
图2 新型三相感应电机的单相运行相量图
Fig.2 Single-phase operation phasor diagram for a three-phase induction motor
图3 各相序等效电路
Fig.3 Equivalent circuits of each phase sequence
若使三相对称运行,则,于是 得到
表1 Y2-801-4电机主要参数
Tab.1 Parameters of the motor Y2-801-4 motor
参 数数 值 额定功率/W550 额定电压/V380 额定电流/A1.54 额定转速/(r/min)1 409 额定转差率0.06 额定转矩/(N·m)3.70 额定效率(%)71.86 额定功率因数0.75 温升(实测值)/K69.80 极数4 绕组接法星形 定子外、内径/mm120/75 铁心长度/mm60 每槽导体数128
表2 Y2-801-4电机等效电路参数
Tab.2 Equivalent circuit parameters of the motor Y2-801-4 (单位: W)
参 数数 值 定子电阻15.05 定子漏抗10.86 励磁电阻Rm11.40 励磁电抗xm230.21 折算到一次侧转子电阻12.10 折算到一次侧转子电抗10.86
根据式(10),代入额定运行时的转差率s(或期望值),得到额定运行时的两个电容初始阻抗值。以输出功率和转矩达到Y2-801-4型电机额定功率(550 W)和输出转矩(3.7 N·m),效率尽量高为目标,计算得出电容值大小与电机效率、输出功率和转矩的关系,如图4所示。根据式(10)的计算结果和图4,最终确定选择匹配的电容分别为
,此时电机计算的功率为549.6 W,效率为70.9%,转矩为3.65 N·m,与三相电机额定运行时的性能接近。
图4 不同电容值电机性能关系
Fig.4 Motor performance figures for different capacitors
图5 单相运行时的三相绕组电流波形
Fig.5 Waveforms of three-phase windings current during single phase operation
(a)转子位置13.65° (b)转子位置30.47°
(c)转子位置47.30° (d)转子位置64.13°
(e)转子位置80.95° (f)转子位置97.78°
图6 转子不同位置磁力线、磁通密度
Fig.6 Magnetic field distribution with rotor positions
图7 电机气隙磁通密度对比
Fig.7 Comparison of air gap magnetic flux density
图8 实验平台
Fig.8 Experimental platform
图9a为效率曲线,可以看出,当电机工作在额定输出转矩时,新型接法电机的实验效率为70.2%,略低于三相对称运行时的实验效率71.8%。效率的计算值略大于测试值,主要是因为新型接法仍然不能达到完美的对称运行,存在一定量的负序电流,电机磁场分布不均匀,电机铁耗计算不准确。图9b为功率因数曲线,图中显示新型接法的功率因数无论在轻载还是额定运行,都远高于三相对称运行时的功率因数,随着转矩增高,功率因数趋近于1。图9c为电机机械特性曲线,可以看出,电机在小于额定转矩运行时,电机转速与三相对称运行接近甚至优于三相电机,但单相运行时电机的最大转矩为5.8 N·m,说明单相运行时电机的过载能力略差。
图9 性能曲线
Fig.9 Performance curves
电机单相运行时的三相绕组电流波形如图10所示。电机在额定转矩运行时,示波器显示电机三相绕组电流,可以看到电机的三相绕组电流接近三相对称,波形和幅值与图5的仿真值近似,总电流为3.6 A,约为相电流的2倍,证明了理论分析的正确性,也证明了该方法的可行性。
图10 实测电机电流波形
Fig.10 Waveforms of winding current
电机温升是电机重要的性能指标[27-28],它标志着改造后的电机是否能满足应用。在额定运行条件下,对电机进行温升实验,温升测试曲线如图11所示。新型接法电机温度最终稳定在64.2℃(室温27℃);三相电机温度最终稳定在61.5℃(室温 24.5℃),测试结束后电机热态电阻分别为19.17、19.10 W。于是通过电阻法(GB/T 1032)计算出新型接法电机温升为72.6 K,三相接法电机温升为69.8 K。虽然单相运行时温升略高,但仍满足电机绝缘和运行的要求。
图11 温升测试曲线
Fig.11 Curves of temperature test
为验证新型接法电机的起动转矩,对电机进行堵转转矩实验,搭建电机堵转实验平台如图12所示。测试电机堵转数据与三相电机起动转矩如图13所示(为对比方便将三相感应电机的电压转换为相电压)。根据图13,新型接法电机在施加220 V单相电压时,可以实现自起动,堵转转矩为1.9 N·m,起动转矩倍数为0.52,和三相感应电机相比,起动转矩偏小,但稍大于单相电容运行电机YY8014的起动转矩(额定转矩35%即1.3 N·m)[24]。根据式(6)、式(11),电机起动时应匹配转差率为1时所对应的电容,所以若想提高电机起动转矩,可为电机匹配起动电容。
图12 堵转实验平台
Fig.12 Motor blocking test platform
图13 电机堵转特性曲线
Fig.13 Motor blocking characteristic curves
表3 电机性能对比
Tab.3 Performance comparison of motors
电机型号铁心直径/ mm铁心长度/ mm额定电压/ V额定功率/ W效率 (%)额定电流/ A Y2-801-4三相运行1206038055071.81.54 Y2-801-4单相运行1206022055070.23.60 YL801412858220550684.00 YY801412858220550644.25
本文提出了一种新型三相感应电机单相运行的双电容绕组连接方式,使用对称分量法推导了电机对称运行条件,并且研究了电机的稳态运行性能计算方法。根据对称运行条件和电机的额定参数计算匹配电容和电机性能参数。以一台550 W三相感应电机(Y2-801-4)为例,研究了其电容匹配、性能计算、有限元仿真,并且进行了负载和起动实验,结果表明本文理论分析结果与实验结果吻合。
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Abstract Single-phase induction motors are powered by a single-phase AC power supply. The air gap field of a single-phase asynchronous motor is an elliptical rotating field that includes a negative sequence rotating field, which causes the motor to produce a braking torque during operation. As a result, the motor's output torque and efficiency are reduced. Generally, applying sinusoidal windings in single-phase motors results in low utilization of the motor stator slot area. Single-phase motors have low efficiency, large size, and high-temperature rise. By connecting appropriate capacitors to the three-phase induction motor windings, the three-phase induction motor can be supplied by a single-phase AC power. This paper proposes a novel windings and capacitors connection method, where the windings of the three-phase induction motor are connected to two capacitors.
The connection circuit between capacitors and the three-phase windings for the new single-phase operation motor is given. Then, the phasor diagram about the voltages and the currents is derived. The positive-sequence and negative-sequence equivalent circuits are established. Based on the symmetrical component method, the symmetrical operation condition is analyzed, and the optimal matched capacitors are obtained. Subsequently, the calculation method of motor performance for the new single-phase operation motor in a steady state is investigated.
The proposed scheme applies to a standard 550 W three-phase induction motor (Y2-801-4). The influence of the capacitance on motor performance is investigated, and the optimal two capacitances are determined. According to the FEM analysis, currents in three-phase windings are almost balanced, and the distribution of the magnetic field is rational. The air-gap flux density of the new single-phase motor is approximate to the original three-phase induction motor.
The performance tests under three-phase and single-phase operation conditions are carried out. The three winding currents during single-phase operation is almost symmetrical, which agrees with the theory. The efficiency, power factor, and maximum torque are 70.2%, 1, and 5.8 N·m, respectively. The efficiency is slightly lower than the three-phase motor (71.8%), and the power factor is far higher than the three-phase motor (0.75). The temperature rise of the two operation modes is 72.6 K and 69.8 K, respectively. The temperature rise of the single-phase operation is slightly higher, but it can satisfy the operation requirement. The locked-rotor torque is 1.9 N·m, and the locked-rotor torque ratio is 0.52. The locked-rotor torque is smaller than the three-phase motor and much bigger than the standard single-phase induction motor with an operating capacitor (YY8014, 550 W, the locked-rotor torque is 1.3 N·m, locked-rotor torque ratio is 0.35). Compared with the YY8014, the efficiency is increased by 6%, the current is reduced by 15%, and the volume of the effective materials is decreased by 17%.
The following conclusions can be drawn. The proposed capacitor connection method is practical. The experiments verify the new scheme and the analysis process. The new single-phase motor’s performance is approximate to the original three-phase motor and much better than the common single-phase motor.
keywords:Three-phase induction motor, single-phase operation, symmetrical component method, steady- state performance, single-phase induction motor
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.240009
收稿日期 2024-01-04
改稿日期 2024-05-27
赵国新 男,1979年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为特种电机及其控制系统。E-mail: zhaogx@sut.edu.cn(通信作者)
崔效源 男,1998年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为特种电机及其控制系统。E-mail: 1648045824@qq.com
(编辑 崔文静)