
朱博峰 张 晓 张冠祥 王 鑫 鲁军勇

(海军工程大学电磁能技术全国重点实验室 武汉 430033)

摘要 连发温升是导致电磁发射用脉冲电容器储能特性劣化甚至失效的重要因素,以往的薄膜电容器温度分布研究方法和结论缺乏对于极端应用工况等效性和测量结果进行全面、准确及实时性的考量。该文结合理论分析、有限元仿真以及原位测试等手段系统地研究了一种高压大容量脉冲电容器在连续浪涌电流冲击工况下的内部温升问题。研究结果表明,在完成连续的50次脉冲放电后,仅由电容器内部电流焦耳热和自愈生热导致的温升约为0.7~0.9℃,但在并联汇流排热传导的作用下,电容器单体端部温升最高可达21℃,可见影响脉冲电容器内部芯子最大温升和应用安全的主要因素是芯子外部的热传导。该文的研究方法和结论对于改进电磁发射用脉冲电容器散热工艺,进而提高其在极端应用工况下的工作可靠性具有积极意义和参考价值。

关键词:介电储能 脉冲电容器 电热耦合 原位测试

0 引言

电磁发射用脉冲功率电源具有高功率、长脉宽等显著特点[1-3],因此一般需要采用多模块并联组网的拓扑结构[4-5]。一般情况下,其单个储能脉冲电容器放电电流幅值和脉宽分别为百kA和ms量级,工作电压通常在5~10 kV,重复频率小于1 Hz,而容量和储能规模一般可达mF和百kJ量级。在用于制造电容器的各类电介质绝缘材料当中,双向拉伸聚丙烯(Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene, BOPP)等高分子聚合物以其高击穿场强、低损耗、良好的耐温性和机械加工性以及相对低廉的价格成本成为了高储能密度脉冲电容器的首选材料。


综上所述,相关文献主要研究了电容器单体层面的传热问题,还没有文献针对全尺寸高压大容量脉冲电容器进行连发温升分析,而后者对于电磁发射装置安全性具有重要的现实意义。本文利用电磁-温度多物理场耦合的有限元仿真方法研究了一种储能规模达到500 kJ(10 kV,10 mF)的大容量脉冲电容器的连发温升,相关研究结果可为该型脉冲电容器的优化提供重要参考。

1 解析模型

一台储能规模达到500 kJ的大容量脉冲电容器由数百个芯子单元组成,其物理结构如图1所示。由于脉冲电容器的放电时间较短,仅为ms级,因此其内部传热是典型的瞬态过程,在不考虑材料物性参数随温度的变化时,柱坐标系下适用于电容器的导热微分方程为

width=183,height=27.75 (1)

式中,T为温度;(r, φ, z)为柱坐标系下三维位置;t为时间变量;λρc分别为材料的导热系数、密度和比热容;width=46.5,height=17.25为生热功率体密度,在没有内生热源的区域,如内外表面的光膜、芯轴以及留边区域等,其值为零。


图1 储能500 kJ的脉冲电容器的物理结构

Fig.1 Physical structure of 500 kJ pulse capacitor

1.1 径向热分析




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式中,β为金属化膜方阻;bL分别为薄膜宽度和长度;i(t)为变化的电流。根据该脉冲电容器在0.166 Hz放电频率下实测的电流波形(峰值100 kA)、金属化膜的厚度(4.8 μm)、金属化膜方阻以及所在位置的半径,可以计算出不同时刻的热流和热层厚度。进一步可以求出电容器的径向温度分布和温升变化情况,如图2所示。


图2 放电过程电容器薄膜的温升

Fig.2 Temperature rise of capacitor film of discharge



图3 距离金属电极不同位置的温升

Fig.3 Temperature rise at different locations from metal electrodes



图4 不同方阻对应的温升

Fig.4 Temperature rise under different quare resistances


width=120.75,height=48 (6)




图5 不同计算方法对应温升

Fig.5 Comparison of different calculation methods

1.2 轴向热分析



图6 电极上的电流分布

Fig.6 Current distribution on metal electrodes





图7 电容器分段等效电路

Fig.7 Segmented equivalent circuit of pulse capacitor


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width=153,height=27.75 (10)



图8 电容器单体温升分布

Fig.8 Temperature simulation of single winding capacitor


2 全尺寸电热耦合仿真

本节利用有限元仿真的方法分析电容器整机尺度的温升特性。前文的分析仅限于单个芯子,本节建立了电磁发射用500 kJ脉冲电容器产品的全尺寸有限元模型,并针对高压脉冲大电流放电工况下的电热耦合问题进行仿真,以分析其内部温升情况。

2.1 仿真模型



图9 电容器仿真全尺寸模型

Fig.9 Full-size geometric model of pulse capacitor

2.2 激励条件

仿真按照0.166 Hz的频率进行循环充放电模拟,即单次充放电时间设置为6 s,每次仿真过程共分为11个载荷步,前10个载荷步步长为1 ms,模拟脉冲放电过程,最后一个载荷步步长为5.99 s,模拟充电时间与间隔时间。为了最大程度地实现仿真的准确性,激励电流为实验实测波形,并且电流在各个单体上均匀分布,具体如图10所示。


图10 仿真输入电流波形

Fig.10 Input current waveforms in simulation

2.3 仿真结果



图11 电容器单次放电后温升分布

Fig.11 Temperature rise distribution after single pulse discharge


图12 电容器50次连续放电后温升分布

Fig.12 Temperature rise distribution after 50 pulse discharges


图13 50次连续放电过程电容器温升曲线

Fig.13 Simulated temperature rise curves of pulse capacitor during 50 pulse discharges

据图13可知,50连发后电容器芯子端部的最高温升超过21℃,远高于前文分析得到的放电过程中金属化膜自发热带来的温升。因此,对于最应该关注的电容器芯子温升,除了需要考虑其内部金属化膜材料自身等效串联电阻(Equivalent Series Resistance, ESR)引起的相对均匀的温升以外,更应该关注电容器单体端部由于汇流排的热传导而增加的额外温升,即汇流排产生的热量向电容器本体传导将是威胁电容器芯子性能与安全的重要因素之一。改用导热系数和比热容较大的绝缘油或者绝缘树脂灌封是切实可行的方法之一,由于灌封层的存在,汇流排的最高温度将有所下降,其对芯子造成的影响也会减小。

3 温升实验


全尺寸指一个完整的高压大容量电容器产品。利用红外热成像仪测量得到连续1 000次充放电后脉冲电容器全尺寸级温度场分布如图14所示。可以看出,电容器壳体表面中间位置处温度较高,表明芯子内部热量累积最多,同时温度最高点出现在整体电极引出端,这与该位置的电流密度最大的实际情况相吻合。


图14 电容器全尺寸温度分布

Fig.14 Temperature distribution of the full size capacitor



图15 电容器多芯模组温度分布

Fig.15 Temperature distribution of the core module



图16 电容器芯子温度分布(中间部位)

Fig.16 Temperature distribution of the core unit (middle)


图17 电容器芯子温度分布(端部)

Fig.17 Temperature distribution of the core unit (end)



图18 快速响应温度传感器

Fig.18 Fast response thermocouple temperature sensor


图19 电容器芯子特征点温度曲线

Fig.19 Temperature curve of the characteristic point of the core unit

根据连续1 000次充放电过程中内部特征点的温升情况可以看出,每50连发后电容器内部的测点温度升高约为0.7~0.9℃,而本文第1节的理论与仿真分析结果表明,单次放电的温升约为0.013℃,即理论上50次连续放电温升为0.65℃,因此,实验结果与理论和仿真分析结果吻合较好。

4 结论



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Finite Element Simulation and In-Situ Testing of Electrothermal Coupling in Dielectric Energy Storage Pulse Capacitor for Electromagnetic Launch

Zhu Bofeng Zhang Xiao Zhang Guanxiang Wang Xin Lu Junyong

(National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Energy Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China)

Abstract The pulse power supply for electromagnetic launch has significant characteristics such as high power and long pulse width. Therefore, its dielectric energy storage pulse capacitors generally have the indicators of high voltage and large capacity. The discharge current amplitude and pulse width of a single pulse capacitor are generally in the order of 100 kA and several milliseconds, the working voltage is usually 5~10 kV, the repetition frequency is less than 1Hz, and the capacity and energy storage scale can generally reach the order of several millifarad and 100 kJ. Among various dielectric insulation materials used in the manufacturing of capacitor, biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) has become one of the preferred materials for high energy storage density pulse capacitor due to their high breakdown field strength, low loss, good temperature resistance, machinability, and relatively low cost.

Continuous temperature rise is an important factor that leads to deterioration or even failure of the energy storage pulse capacitor for electromagnetic launch. The phenomenon of local breakdown caused by defects in polymer films is inevitable. Although pulse capacitor has a certain self-healing ability, the increase in temperature will increase the probability of electric thermal breakdown, leading to accelerated life decay. In addition, an increase in temperature can also lead to an increase in the conductivity of dielectric film, resulting in a decrease in the insulation resistance of capacitor, an increase in the leakage current, and a decrease in the voltage holding capacity. References point out that thermal aging is one of the important reasons for the failure of pulse capacitor. Related studies indicate that for every 8℃ increase in temperature, the lifespan of pulse capacitor decreases by half of its original. Thermal model for pulse capacitor has been established in reference, but the corresponding model has been extensively simplified and only considers axial heat distribution. Anisotropic thermal conductivity and its impact on the insulation safety, self-healing phenomenon and its impact on the operating temperature, deterioration phenomenon and pattern under the repeated frequency discharge conditions, such similar topics are also introduced in the existing references surrounding the pulse capacitor. In summary, the research methods and conclusions of temperature distribution of polymer film pulse capacitor lack the consideration of the equivalence of extreme application conditions and the comprehensiveness, accuracy and real-time of measurement results. In addition, relevant references have mainly studied the heat transfer problem at the single-core level of capacitor and there is no reference that has analyzed the continuous temperature rise of full-size high-voltage high-capacity pulse capacitor. The latter has important practical significance for the safety of electromagnetic launch devices.

In this paper, by means of theoretical analysis, finite element simulation and in-situ test, the internal temperature rise of a high-voltage large-capacitance pulse capacitor under continuous surge pulse current is systematically studied. The results show that after 50 times of pulse discharge, the temperature rise caused only by the Joule heat and self-healing heat inside the capacitor is about 0.7~0.9℃, but under the effect of parallel copper bar heat conduction, the temperature rise at the end of capacitor core unit can reach up to 21℃, which shows that the main factor affecting the maximum temperature rise of the inner capacitor core unit and its application safety is the heat conduction outside the capacitor core unit. The research methods and conclusions of this paper have positive significance and reference value for improving the heat dissipation process of pulse capacitor for electromagnetic launch and improving its working reliability under extreme application conditions.

Keywords:Dielectric energy storage, pulse capacitor, electrothermal coupling, in situ test


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231919

国家自然科学基金杰青项目(51925704)、重大研发计划集成项目(92366302)、重大研发计划重点项目(92166205, 92066204)、国家自然科学基金青年项目(52107173)和湖北省自然科学基金杰青项目(2020CFA094)资助。

收稿日期 2023-11-17

改稿日期 2024-01-16


朱博峰 男,1990年生,博士,讲师,研究方向为脉冲功率技术。


鲁军勇 男,1978年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电磁发射技术。


(编辑 李 冰)