摘要 随着新能源的大规模广泛并网,其对感应电动机动态等值建模的影响值得关注。该文提出了新能源电力系统中感应电动机动态分群新方法。分析了感应电动机与电网的交互作用,提出在现有基于感应电动机动态相似性分群的基础上,同时考虑机端电压动态相似性的分群可提高感应电动机动态等值精度。针对高比例新能源电力系统,研究发现感应电动机附近有新能源机组,且部分新能源机组在故障期间进入低电压穿越(LVRT)时,这些感应电动机动态特性具有显著差异。为此提出新能源电力系统中考虑感应电动机端口电压跌落深度的动态分群方法。算例分析表明,该文提出的兼顾感应电动机端口电压动态相似性以及端口电压跌落深度的分群方法具有较高的等值精度,且适应性强。
关键词:感应电动机 动态等值 新能源电力系统 动态相似性 低电压穿越
令X=[Em δ s]T,U=[U θ]T,Y=[P Q] T,则感应电动机的状态方程和输出方程可简写为
根据式(5)中的代数方程0=g(X,U, Xs,Us),可知感应电动机的响应Y不仅与自身状态量X和机端电压U相关,还受系统侧状态量Xs和代数量Us影响。如果感应电动机端口电压U可以测量,由式(4)可知,此时感应电动机模型与系统模型实现解耦。因此,电力系统通过机端电压U与感应电动机进行动态交互。
式中,DL(Ceqm, Ceqn)为感应电动机群Ceqm和Ceqn之间的距离。
新能源机组的动态特性由变流器及其控制策略主导。当新能源机组端口电压低于某一阈值时将切换至低电压穿越(Low Voltage Ride Through, LVRT)控制,此时新能源机组的动态特性与正常控制策略下的动态特性差异较大。
图1 10机39节点系统
Fig.1 10-generator 39-bus simulation system
在原系统的负荷节点{5,6,13,14,16,21}增设光伏电源,为保持原节点的功率平衡,在相应节点上增加了功率相同的恒阻抗负荷;将同步发电机节点{33,35}改为有功出力相同的光伏电源,通过并联电容保证原节点的无功出力不变。仿真平台为电力系统分析综合程序(Power System Analysis Software Package, PSASP),其中虚线以上为研究区域,虚线以下为待等值区域。为了研究的需要,将原系统中的静态负荷节点{4,7,8,12,15,20,23,24}设置为含感应电动机的综合负荷,其中静态负荷采用恒阻抗模型,其他保持不变。附表1给出了各感应电动机的参数,其中Pmp表示感应电动机初始负荷比重,KL表示负载率。
扰动1设置为t=1s时节点39发生接地电抗为0.025(pu)的三相短路,故障持续0.1 s后消失,各感应电动机出口电压的受扰轨迹如图2所示,此时所有光伏电源都未进入LVRT状态。
图2 感应电动机端口电压响应轨线
Fig.2 Terminal voltage responses of induction motor
扰动2设置为t=1 s时节点39发生接地电抗为0.004(pu)的三相短路,故障持续0.1 s后消失。图3给出了该扰动下各光伏电源端口电压的受扰轨迹,可以看出,故障期间光伏电源{5,6,13,14}的电压小于0.9Un(光伏电源进入LVRT的阈值),因此光伏电源{5,6,13,14}进入LVRT,其余光伏电源{16,21, 33,35}则未进入LVRT。
图3 光伏母线电压波形
Fig.3 Voltage waveforms of photovoltaic bus
图4 故障期间按各节点电压最低值分区
Fig.4 Partition results by bus voltage during the fault
由于感应电动机{15, 20, 23, 24}故障期间的电压跌落相差较大,图5给出了将这些机组分在同群时,等值前后该区域内光伏电源33的响应特性。可以发现,等值前光伏电源33未进入LVRT,但等值后光伏电源33却进入了LVRT,导致其有功功率和无功功率在等值前后相差较大。因此感应电动机等值前后导致光伏电源的运行状态发生改变是等值误差的关键因素。
图5 光伏节点33等值前后电压和功率波形
Fig.5 Voltage and power trajectories of node 33 before and after the equivalence
为衡量等值模型的精度,本文采用方均根(Root Mean Square, RMS)误差E1和绝对误差E2两个指标,定义为
图6 感应电动机动态等值流程
Fig.6 Flow chart of induction motor equivalent modelling
3.1.1 基于特征根距离的分群结果
图7 根据特征值距离的分群聚类
Fig.7 Clustering diagram by eigenvalue distance
根据图7,选取DL=0.3为分群阈值,得到感应电动机分群结果为:机组{7,8}分为同群,其余机组{4, 12, 15, 20, 23, 24}分为同群。
3.1.2 所有光伏电源未进入LVRT状态的分群结果
根据式(10)和式(11),计算图2中各感应电动机端口电压的相似性距离,结果见附表4。根据电压波动的相似性距离,可得感应电动机分群结果,基于动态电压相似性的分群聚类如图8所示。选取DV=0.002为分群阈值,可将感应电动机{4, 7, 8, 12}分为同群,其余机组{15, 20, 23, 24}分为同群。
综合感应电动机小扰动动态相似性分群和基于机端电压动态相似性的分群结果,可将感应电动机最终分为三群,具体为:群1{7, 8},群2{4, 12}以及群3{15, 20, 23, 24}。根据该分群结果,将同群内感应电动机参数进行聚合,等值电动机的模型参数见附表5。
图8 基于动态电压相似性的分群聚类
Fig.8 Clustering results by voltage fluctuation similarity
为验证所提分群方法的可行性,在上述相同扰动下,仿真获得感应电动机等值前后系统中边界节点{2, 9, 27}的电压受扰轨迹,以及边界线路{3-2, 8-9, 17-27}的功率受扰轨迹,等值前后边界节点电压和边界线路功率的误差如图9所示。限于篇幅,图9仅给出了节点27的电压以及线路17-27的功率受扰轨迹,其余如附图1~附图3所示。表1给出了仅根据特征根距离分群以及采用本文方法分群时,等值前后边界节点和边界线路的方均根误差。
图9 等值前后边界节点电压和边界线路功率的误差
Fig.9 Equivalent model error of boundary node voltage and tie-line power
表1 两种分群方法下的方均根误差
Tab.1 The RMS error of the two clustering methods
轨迹特征值距离法兼顾动态电压相似性法准确度提高(%) U2 /kV0.009 70.007 027.835 1 U9 /kV0.026 80.013 549.626 9 U27 /kV0.010 60.010 41.866 8 P3-2 (pu)0.038 60.025 833.160 6 P8-9 (pu)0.613 70.391 536.206 6 P17-27 (pu)1.688 40.708 358.049 0 Q 3-2 (pu)0.135 40.075 444.313 1 Q8-9 (pu)0.221 10.117 446.901 9 Q17-27 (pu)0.761 10.351 653.803 7
3.1.3 部分光伏电源进入LVRT状态下的动态分群
前述扰动2下,光伏电源{5, 6, 13, 14}进入LVRT,其余则未进入LVRT。
综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性的分群结果,得知该故障下感应电动机的分群结果同故障1,即群1{7, 8},群2{4, 12}及群3{15, 20, 23, 24}。图10给出了等值前后边界节点27的电压和边界线路17-27的功率受扰轨线。限于篇幅,其余节点和线路的受扰轨迹如附图4~附图6。从图10可以看出:①相比于仅采用特征根距离的分群结果,本文兼顾电压波动相似性分群方法的等值模型精度更高;②与图9结果相比,此时等模型的误差都较大。尤其是线路3-2有功功率、线路17-27有功功率和无功功率。下面将进一步分析导致该误差的原因。
扰动2下,综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性的分群结果为:群1{7,8},群2{4,12},群3{15, 20, 23, 24}。由于故障期间群3中感应电动机{20, 23, 24}端口电压高于0.9Un,但感应电动机15电压却低于0.9Un,同时群3感应电动机近区有大量的光伏电源,因此进一步考虑电压跌落深度后,感应电动机最终分群结果为:群1{7,8},群2{4,12},群3{15},群4{20,23,24}。
图10 等值前后边界节点电压和边界线路功率的误差
Fig.10 Equivalent model error of boundary node voltage and tie-line power
图11 考虑电压跌落深度后边界节点和线路的等值误差
Fig.11 Equivalent error of boundary node and transmission line after considering voltage dip depth
表2 扰动2下考虑电压跌落深度下的等值模型方均根误差
Tab.2 The RMS error of the two clustering methods after considering voltage dip depth under disturbance 2
轨迹不考虑电压跌落考虑电压跌落精度提高(%) U2 /kV0.026 30.010 261.216 7 U9 /kV0.033 20.018 544.277 1 U27 /kV0.030 30.017 342.904 3 P3-2 (pu)0.142 30.035 674.982 4 P8-9(pu)1.904 00.626 667.090 3 P17-27 (pu)3.317 11.062 067.984 1 Q 3-2 (pu)0.159 90.097 638.961 8 Q8-9 (pu)0.223 60.175 721.422 2 Q17-27 (pu)0.872 40.428 350.905 5
图12 考虑电压跌落深度后光伏节点33等值误差
Fig.12 Equivalent error of node 33 after considering voltage dip depth
3.1.4 适应性分析
为分析所提建模方法的适应性,设置扰动3为t=1 s节点39发生三相金属性短路,故障持续0.1 s消失。考虑特征根距离和机端电压动态相似性的分群方法,分群结果为:{7,8}为群1,{4,12}为群2,{15,20,23,24}为群3。进一步根据各群内感应电动机端口电压在故障期间的跌落程度,可以发现群1和群2中感应电动机,以及群3中感应电动机{15, 24}的电压大于0.9Un,但{20, 23}的电压小于0.9Un。据此可得最终的分群结果为:群1{7,8},群2{4, 12},群3{15, 24},群4{20, 23}。
图13 扰动3下边界节点电压和线路功率等值前后误差
Fig.13 Equivalent model error of boundary node voltage and tie-line power under new fault
表3 扰动3下考虑电压跌落深度分群前后等值模型方均根误差
Tab.3 The RMS error of the two clustering methods under disturbance 3
轨迹不考虑电压跌落考虑电压跌落精度提高(%) U2 /kV0.024 70.012 151.012 1 U9 /kV0.029 20.020 928.424 7 U27 /kV0.034 80.020 740.517 2 P3-2 (pu)0.118 70.043 163.687 0 P8-9 (pu)1.517 60.910 440.010 5 P17-27 (pu)3.140 81.346 657.125 6 Q 3-2 (pu)0.252 10.088 165.053 6 Q8-9 (pu)0.251 70.187 625.466 8 Q17-27 (pu)1.176 50.474 359.685 5
从图13和表3可以看出:扰动3下,由于电压跌落较深,且同群内感应电动机近区的部分光伏电源{20, 23}进入LVRT状态,此时进一步考虑电压跌落程度的分群方法,其等值模型误差最小,说明所提分群方法具有较高的适应性。
西藏中部电网通过1回±400 kV直流线路与西北电网相连,同时与四川电网交流互联。西藏中部电网常规电源占比较小,而“十三五”新增工业负荷占比又较大。本文针对含高比例光伏电源的藏中电网,进行了感应电动机的动态等值。图14为西藏中部电网待等值部分及外部电网,仿真平台为PSASP,其中节点白朗、城区、岗巴、江孜、康马、浪卡子、洛扎、日喀则、亚东、宇拓为含感应电机的综合负荷,静态负荷采用恒阻抗负荷;节点大有、岗开、国策、华电、江华、江江、康力为光伏电源;节点塘河、强旺、满拉、拉郊为同步发电机。
图14 西藏中部电网待等值区域
Fig.14 The equivalent part of Xizang power grid
故障设置为t=1 s节点吉雄发生接地电抗为0.71(pu)的三相短路,故障持续0.1 s后消失,各感应电动机母线电压的受扰轨迹如图15所示,此时光伏电源国策进入LVRT,其余光伏电源都没有进入LVRT状态。
图15 感应电动机端口电压响应轨线
Fig.15 The voltage respnonses of induction motors
图16 边界节点多林和线路日喀则-多林的等值误差
Fig.16 Equivalent error of boundary node duolin and line rikaze-duolin after considering voltage dip depth
图17 边界节点甲孜和线路江孜-甲孜的等值误差
Fig.17 Equivalent error of node jiazi and line jiangzi-jiazi after considering voltage dip depth
图18 考虑电压跌落深度后光伏节点国策等值误差
Fig.18 Equivalent error of node GuoCe after considering voltage dip depth
表4 考虑电压跌落深度分群前后等值模型方均根误差
Tab.4 The RMS error of the two clustering methods before and after considering voltage dip depth of an actual system
轨迹不考虑电压跌落考虑电压跌落精度提高(%) 0.003 90.002 729.612 6 0.003 90.002 729.421 7 0.080 70.028 564.689 8 0.042 00.014 864.815 3 0.059 20.043 626.362 8 0.072 90.041 443.244 2
附 录
表1 感应电动机参数
App.Tab.1 Induction motor parameters
节点R1(pu)X1(pu)Xm(pu)R2(pu)X2(pu)Tj/sPmpKL 40.110.1220.130.1330.410.4 70.0560.0872.40.0530.0820.560.510.5 80.0570.0882.410.0590.0830.5690.520.5 120.1110.1212.010.1310.1323.0010.40.4 150.1120.1222.040.1340.1353.0060.420.4 230.1240.1561.920.1440.1422.6050.410.4 240.1230.1521.90.140.1432.60.430.4
附表2 感应电动机的特征根
App.Tab.2 Eigenvalues of induction motors
感应电动机节点特征值 4λ1,2 = −171.01±j9.04λ3 =−2.08 7λ1 = −97.91λ2,3 =−52.91±j16.82i 8λ1 = −106.83λ2 = −79.43λ3 = −37.99 12λ1,2 = −170.35±j9.26λ3 = −2.05 15λ1,2 = −171.49±j9.49λ3 = −2.02 20λ1,2 = −160.95±j10.84λ3 = −2.09 23λ1,2 = −161.34±j10.47λ3 = −2.1 25λ1,2 = −158.16±j10λ3 = −2.17
附表3 感应电动机的特征根距离
App.Tab.3 Distance of eigenvalue between induction motors
感应电动机节点781215202325 40.995 30.773 30.005 70.005 60.082 00.078 50.103 8 700.252 00.990 51.000 00.918 80.921 20.895 2 8—00.768 30.777 80.695 40.698 00.671 9 12——00.009 50.076 60.073 10.098 4 15———00.085 60.082 20.107 7 20————00.004 30.023 7 23—————00.026 1
附表4 电压波动相似性距离
App.Tab.4 Distance of voltage fluctuation similarity
感应电动机节点781215202325 40.001 30.001 70.000 30.001 30.002 20.002 30.001 8 700.000 40.001 40.002 60.003 40.003 60.003 1 8—00.001 80.002 90.003 80.003 90.003 4 12——00.001 20.002 10.002 30.001 7 15———00.001 00.001 00.000 5 20————00.000 60.000 7 23—————00.000 5
附表5 等值感应电动机的模型参数
App.Tab.5 Model parameters of equivalent induction motors
等值机R1(pu)X1(pu)Xm(pu)R2(pu)X2(pu)Tj/sPmpKL 10.0570.0882.4070.0570.0830.5660.5170.500 20.1100.1202.0000.1300.1303.0000.4100.401 30.1200.1451.9300.1390.1402.6840.4200.398
附图1 扰动1下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后母线2和母线9的电压波形
App.Fig.1 Voltage of bus-2 and bus-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 1 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图2 扰动1下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后线路3-2功率波形
App.Fig.2 Power responses of transmission line 3-2 before and after equivalence under disturbance 1 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图3 扰动1下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后线路8-9功率波形
App.Fig.3 Power responses of transmission line 8-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 1 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图4 扰动2下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后母线2和母线9的电压波形
App.Fig.4 Voltage of bus-2 and bus-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 2 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图5 扰动2下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后线路3-2功率波形
App.Fig.5 Power responses of transmission line 3-2 before and after equivalence under disturbance 1 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图6 扰动2下综合特征根距离和端口电压动态相似性分群时等值前后线路8-9功率波形
App.Fig.6 Power responses of transmission line 8-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 2 based on the clustering method by combining the eigenvalue distance and the terminal voltage’s dynamic similarity
附图7 扰动2下本文分群方法时等值前后母线2和母线9的电压波形
App.Fig.7 Voltage of bus-2 and bus-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 2 based on the proposed clustering method
附图8 扰动2下本文分群方法时等值前后线路3-2 功率波形
App.Fig.8 Power responses of transmission line 3-2 before and after equivalence under disturbance 2 based on the proposed clustering method
附图9 扰动2下本文分群方法时等值前后线路8-9功率波形
App.Fig.9 Power responses of transmission line 8-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 2 based on the proposed clustering method
附图10 扰动3下本文分群方法时等值前后母线2和母线9的电压波形
App.Fig.10 Voltage of bus-2 and bus-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 3 based on the proposed clustering method
附图11 扰动3下本文分群方法时等值前后线路3-2功率波形
App.Fig.11 Power responses of transmission line 3-2 before and after equivalence under disturbance 3 based on the proposed clustering method
附图12 扰动3下本文分群方法时等值前后线路8-9功率波形
App.Fig.12 Power responses of transmission line 8-9 before and after equivalence under disturbance 3 based on the proposed clustering method
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Abstract With the continuous integration of large-scale of renewable energy, a high share of renewable energy is the main feature of the modern power systems. Since the converter controller of renewable generation has nonlinear modules such as current limiting and switching actions, the dynamic characteristics of the induction motor in the near area will be influenced by them. Therefore when there are a large number of renewable generation in the near area of the induction motor, the dynamic interaction between the renewable energy and the induction motor needs to be considered. However, there are few research on the impact of renewable generation on induction motor equivalent modeling presently. To address this issue, this paper presents a new dynamic clustering method of induction motors in power systems with a high share of renewable energy.
Firstly, the interaction between induction motor and power grid is analyzed, which shows that the power system interacts with the induction motor through its terminal voltage. Therefore, considering terminal voltage disturbed trajectories can improve the accuracy of equivalent model. The group-average method is used to quantify the similarity of terminal voltage fluctuation, and the similarity distance is applied to group the induction motors. Based on this, the clustering method that both considers the small disturbance dynamic similarity of induction motor and the dynamic similarity of the terminal voltage is proposed. The ultimate clustering result is obtained by dividing the intersection of the clustering results obtained by the two methods into a new group and the rest into a new group.
For the power systems with a high share of new energy, it is found that when there are renewable energy near the induction motors in the same cluster, and some of these renewable energy enters into the low voltage ride through (LVRT) during the fault, the dynamic characteristics of the induction motors in the same group will have significant differences. Therefore, a dynamic clustering method considering the voltage drop depth of induction motor is proposed. Therefore, the paper proposes the clustering method for induction motors, which combining of three factors of ① the small disturbance dynamic similarity of induction motor, ② the dynamic similarity of terminal voltage and ③ the clustering results of terminal voltage drop depth. Based on the clustering results obtained by these three methods, the intersection is divided into a new group, and the rest are divided into a new group respectively to obtain the final clustering results.
Based on the obtained clustering results of the induction motors, the power network is simplified according to the synchronous generator coherency-based equivalent method. The parameters of induction motor are aggregated by weighted average of each individual motor. Finally, the dynamic equivalence process of induction motors is elaborated by integrating the steps of motor clustering, parameter aggregation and power network simplification.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the 10-machine 39 node New England simulation system and the real power grid of Central Tibet: (1) Compared with classical clustering method based on the small disturbance dynamic similarity of induction motor, further considers the dynamic similarity of the terminal voltage can improve the dynamical equivalent accuracy of induction motors. (2)For the power system with high proportion of photovoltaic power, it is found that when there is photovoltaic power near the induction motor in the same group, and some of these photovoltaic power enters the LVRT state, the effects of the renewable energy on the dynamics of induction motors should be included. Therefore, the clustering method by further considers the terminal voltage drop depth can improve the equivalent accuracy of induction motors. (3) The feasibility and adaptability of the modeling method proposed in this paper are illustrated by analyzing the errors of the equivalent models under different disturbances.
keywords:Induction motor, dynamic equivalence, new energy power system, dynamic similarity, low voltage ride through (LVRT)
收稿日期 2023-01-13
改稿日期 2023-02-27
潘学萍 女,1972年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新能源电力系统建模与分析。E-mail:xueping_pan @163.com(通信作者)
王卫康 男,1977年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为新能源发电系统建模。E-mail:1414168268@qq.com
(编辑 赫 蕾)