
邵子豪1,2 吴伟业1,3 汪晨鑫1,2 邱 立1,2

(1. 三峡大学电气与新能源学院 宜昌 443002 2. 梯级水电站运行与控制湖北省重点实验室 宜昌 443002 3. 国网安徽省电力有限公司来安县供电公司 滁州 239200)

摘要 针对传统管件电磁胀形存在管件壁厚减薄严重和变形不均匀等问题,提出基于双层凹型集磁器结构的单线圈管件电磁成形方法,通过径向电磁力场分布的调控和轴向电磁力的协同加载,为同时抑制管件壁厚减薄和改善变形均匀性提供了新的技术途径。为验证该方法的有效性,基于电磁-结构场耦合数值模型,对比探究有无双层凹型集磁器下轴径电磁力分布特性、管件壁厚减薄量以及轴向变形均匀性等关键物理量的变化规律,研究集磁器的内凹高度对管件成形行为的影响。仿真结果表明,与传统管件电磁胀形方法相比,新方法下管件壁厚减薄量可从22.07%降低至8.30%,且轴向均匀性扩大至2.31倍。

关键词:电磁成形 电磁力 集磁器 变形行为

0 引言




1 基于双层凹型集磁器管件电磁胀形原理



图1 传统管件胀形与双层集磁器管件胀形对比

Fig.1 Comparison of traditional tube bulging and double-layer magnetic field shaper tube bulging




图2 传统集磁器与双层凹型集磁器对比

Fig.2 Comparison of traditional magnetic collector and double-layer concave magnetic collector


2 基于双层凹型集磁器的管件胀形过程分析

2.1 数值模型





图3 传统管件胀形与双层凹型集磁器管件胀形的结构及参数对比(单位:mm)

Fig.3 Comparison of traditional tube bulging and double-layer concave magnetic collector tube bulging structure


图4 管件电磁胀形仿真流程

Fig.4 Simulation process of tube electromagnetic bulging








width=7.5,height=14.25 width=195,height=28.5(1)



式中,width=14.25,height=14.25为线路电阻(取28 mΩ);width=14.25,height=14.25为驱动线圈电流;width=7.5,height=14.25为线路电感(取6.6 μH);width=14.25,height=14.25为驱动线圈电阻;width=14.25,height=14.25为驱动线圈电感;M为线圈和管件互感;width=14.25,height=14.25为管件电流;width=14.25,height=14.25为电容电压;width=14.25,height=14.25为初始放电电压;C为放电电容(取320 μF);width=14.25,height=14.25为线路电流;width=14.25,height=14.25为续流电阻(取200 mΩ)。将集磁器作为单匝线圈处理并设定其环向电流为零,可以近似模拟集磁器实际工作状态,实际上、下表面电流大小相等、方向相反。


width=7.5,height=14.25 width=165.75,height=28.5(4)







将“磁场”模块中计算得到的数据代入“固体力学”和“动网格”模块中进行进一步计算。本模型采用直径75 mm、壁厚2 mm、高度64.2 mm的AA6061-O铝合金管材,对比分析传统管件电磁胀形壁厚减薄量和轴向变形非均匀性。


width=86.25,height=36 (9)

式中,width=10.5,height=9.75为应力;width=14.25,height=14.25为管件塑性应变参数;m为应变率硬化参数(取0.25);width=14.25,height=14.25为黏性参数(取6 500);width=14.25,height=14.25为应变速率。

2.2 管件涡流及电磁力特性分析

由于集磁器存在断缝,内外壁感应电流通过断缝形成回路,并且因为内外壁电流反向,新型集磁器内壁感应电流密度为负,而外壁感应电流密度则为正。通过仿真图5a可得,175 μs时线圈电流达到峰值,取峰值时刻数据对电流和磁场情况进行说明。双层凹型集磁器表面感应电流密度二维分布如图5b所示,集磁器内壁端部感应电流为正值,而内壁中部区域感应电流为负值,外壁感应电流主要集中在集磁器端部区域,而集磁器中间区域外壁感应电流密度则相对较小。管件上的感应涡流与新型集磁器感应电流所产生的磁场相互作用时,由于双层凹型集磁器外壁中间区域感应电流密度相对较小,从而管件中部受到的径向电磁力也相对较小,从而能够提高管件轴向均匀性。



图5 线圈电流曲线及集磁器表面感应电流密度分布

Fig.5 Coil current curve and surface induced current density distribution of magnetic collector



图6 管件径向磁感应强度

Fig.6 Radial flux density of tube


图7 管件轴向电磁力密度

Fig.7 Axial electromagnetic force density of the tube



图8 管件轴向电磁力密度(管件上端部)

Fig.8 Axial electromagnetic force density of tubes (upper end of pipe fittings)



图9 管件轴向磁感应强度

Fig.9 Axial flux density of tube


图10 管件径向电磁力密度

Fig.10 Radial electromagnetic force density of tube

2.3 基于双层凹型集磁器管件胀形有效性分析

本节对传统管件胀形和基于双层凹型集磁器管件胀形进行了对比分析。为了增强对比,成形管件高度和驱动线圈高度保持一致,且通过调节放电电压使得两类成形模式下,管件最大变形量保持基本一致。其中,螺线管线圈(传统)管件胀形时线圈电压设置为5.5 kV,新型集磁器管件胀形时线圈电压设置为6.5 kV。



图11 管件端部材料轴向流动随时间的变化(管件上端部)

Fig.11 Material flow at the end of the tube (upper end of the tube)


图12 管件中心壁厚随时间的变化

Fig.12 Tube center wall thickness


图14给出了两类管件胀形系统下管件的最终成形轮廓。可以看出,对于电磁力呈现“凸形”分布的螺线管线圈而言,管件存在明显的变形不均匀现象;对于电磁力呈现“凹形”分布的新型集磁器来说,管件中部变形量明显减小,呈现均匀变形特征。为了进行定量比较,使用Dr来比较二者管件变形均匀度。其中,Dr定义为管件轴向上能达到最大径向胀形量90%的区域。对于传统管件胀形,Dr=27.8 mm;当采用双层凹形集磁器时,Dr=64.2 mm。通过数据可以直观地看出,双层凹形集磁器的引入,可以显著改善管件轴向变形不均匀问题。



图13 传统管件胀形和双层凹形集磁器胀形过程中径向位移的变化

Fig.13 Bulging changes in the traditional tube bulging and double-layer concave magnetic collector bulging process


图14 传统管件和双层凹形集磁器管件胀形的最终轮廓

Fig.14 bulging contour comparison of traditional tube and double - layer concave magnetic collector tube

3 新型集磁器凹陷高度对管件成形影响

在前文模型构建基础上,进一步探究新型集磁器内凹高度对管件胀形影响。在保持驱动线圈、成形管件以及初始放电电压5.5 kV一致的前提下,通过改变新型集磁器内凹高度,以新型集磁器凹陷8 mm为起点,探究了不同集磁器凹陷高度下(16 mm、32 mm、64 mm)管件径、轴向电磁力特性以及轴向变形均匀性和壁厚减薄的变化规律。



图15 新型集磁器凹陷高度对管件胀形径向位移的影响

Fig.15 Effect of concave height of new magnetic collector on radial displacement of tube bulging

此外,从仿真数据可以看出,当集磁器凹陷达到32 mm时,管件胀形已具有很好的均匀性,进一步增大集磁器内凹高度,管件轴向均匀性反而变差,但是总体仍显著优于传统管件胀形。图16给出了不同集磁器凹陷高度下管件中心壁厚的变化情况,表明增大集磁器内凹高度有助于增大管件壁厚。进一步,图17给出了不同集磁器凹陷高度下管件端部材料流动和壁厚减薄量的变化情况。可以看出,随着引入的集磁器凹陷高度不断增加,管件壁厚减薄量呈减小趋势,与图16管件中心壁厚变化情况相对应;但是集磁器凹陷高度达到32 mm时,管件端部材料流动反而减小,这是因为集磁器凹陷过大时,管件变形量减小(见图15),从而导致管件端部材料流动相应减少。


图16 新型集磁器内壁凹陷高度对管件中心壁厚的影响

Fig.16 Influence of inner wall height of new magnetic collector on wall thickness of tube center


图17 管件上端部材料流动与壁厚减薄量对比

Fig.17 Comparison of material flow and wall thickness reduction at the end of pipe fittings

为了解释上述管件轴向变形均匀性和壁厚减薄的变化特性,进一步对管件所受径向电磁力和轴向电磁力进行分析。图18给出了不同集磁器凹陷高度下管件所受的径向电磁力特性。可以看出,随着集磁器凹陷高度的增加,管件所受径向电磁力呈减小趋势,这很好地解释了图15中随着集磁器凹陷高度不断增加径向位移却逐步减小的现象。对于图15中出现集磁器凹陷超过32 mm之后,管件均匀性变差的现象,这与管件端部所受轴向电磁力特性有关。图19给出了不同集磁器凹陷高度下管件所受的轴向电磁力特性。一方面可以看出,引入集磁器后管件上端部受到的轴向电磁力均向下,这有助于促进管件轴向流动而抑制管件壁厚减薄;另一方面可以看出,随着集磁器凹陷高度的增加,与径向电磁力逐渐变小不同,管件端部所受轴向电磁力增大,这也使得当凹陷高度过大时,管件轴向电磁力对管件变形行为的影响较大,易在端部较大轴向电磁力的作用下形成凸形弯曲特征,造成轴向变形均匀性一定程度的降低。


图18 新型集磁器凹陷高度对管件径向电磁力的影响

Fig.18 The effect of the new magnet collector concave height on the radial electromagnetic force of the tubing


图19 新型集磁器凹陷高度对轴向电磁力的影响

Fig.19 The effect of the concave height of the new magnet collector on the axial electromagnetic force

4 结论



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Electromagnetic Force and Formability Analysis of Tube Electromagnetic Bulging Based on Double-Layer Concave Magnetic Field Shaper

Shao Zihao1,2 Wu Weiye1,3 Wang Chenxin1,2 Qiu Li1,2

(1. College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy China Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 China 2. Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory for Operation and Control of Cascaded Hydropower Station Yichang 443002 China 3. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co. Ltd Lai'an County Power Supply Company Chuzhou 239200 China)

Abstract Electromagnetic forming technology has significant advantages over mechanical processing technology in the processing of light alloy materials and is an important way to realize energy saving and emission reduction in aerospace, automobile manufacturing and other fields. However, the traditional electromagnetic tube expansion process has the defects of serious wall thinning and uneven axial deformation. Based on the traditional electromagnetic tube expansion system, this paper proposed a novel type of double-layer field shaper to regulate the distribution of magnetic field and electromagnetic force.

The new field shaper structure can adjust the radial electromagnetic force distribution characteristic from “small at the ends, large in the middle” mode to “large at the ends, small in the middle” mode. And the smaller axial electromagnetic force at the end of the tube can be adjusted to a larger electromagnetic force. The adjustment of the radial electromagnetic force field distribution can weaken the radial electromagnetic force in the middle of the formed tube, thus changing the deformation shape of the tube and improving the characteristics of uneven axial deformation of the tube; the adjustment of the axial electromagnetic force field distribution can promote the flow of the material at the end of the tube to the middle area, compensating for the reduction of the wall thickness of the tube due to radial expansion, thus suppressing the wall thickness thinning phenomenon of the tube. To verify the effectiveness of the double-layer field shaper, the finite element model of electromagnetic coupling structure for the electromagnetic tube expansion system was established by using COMSOL software. In this paper, the change laws of the key physical quantities, such as, the electromagnetic force distribution, the axial deformation uniformity and the wall thickness thinning amount were compared and studied under the condition with or without field shaper. On this basis, the influence of the inner cavity depth of the field shaper on the forming effect of tubes was further explored.

The simulation results show that the new field shaper structure improves the axial uniformity by 2.31 times compared with the traditional expansion process, and reduces the wall thickness thinning from 22.07% to 8.30%. The effectiveness of the new field shaper structure in improving the wall thickness thinning and uneven axial deformation of tubes was verified. In addition, increasing the concave height of field shaper is helpful to restrain the wall thinning of tubes, and increase the axial uniformity in a certain range. However, with the further increase of the concave height of field shaper, the radial and axial force fields in the tube forming area are further regulated, the axial uniformity will slightly decrease, but it is still significantly better than the traditional tube expansion effect. It is worth mentioning that the bulging method proposed in this paper adopts single drive coil with simple structure and convenient toolingcompared to multi-coil electromagnetic forming systems. The actual effect of the bulging method will be further verified from the experimental level in the future.

keywords:Electromagnetic forming, electromagnetic force, magneticfield shaper, deformation behavior

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.222324



收稿日期 2022-12-12

改稿日期 2023-04-01


邵子豪 男,1999年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电磁成形。E-mail:shaozihao1999@163.com

邱 立 男,1984年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为电磁成形。E-mail:Doctor_QiuL@163.com(通信作者)

(编辑 郭丽军)