
何旺龄1,2 汤 荣1 刘云鹏1 闫博虎1 张胤禄1

(1. 华北电力大学电力工程系 保定 071003 2. 河北省绿色高效电工新材料与设备重点实验室 保定 071003)

摘要 特高压交流输电线路附近钢架平台处人体接触晾衣架等金属物体可能会发生暂态电击,使居民产生不悦感与惊吓,因此研究上述场景下的感应电特性至关重要。该文利用有限元方法建立1 000 kV线路模型,计算了晾衣架和人体的感应电压,然后基于Matlab建立了暂态电击模型,计算了发生电击时的暂态电击电流。结果表明:平台处人体与晾衣架的感应电压与所处位置有关,高度越高,感应电压越高,暂态电击电流也越大;人体是否绝缘对感应电压和暂态电流大小的影响较大。最后,该文在1 000 kV特高压交流线路下方附近区域搭建了钢架平台,对人体与平台上晾衣架间的暂态电击特性进行实际测量,获得了电击发生时的暂态电流特征。通过对比可知,试验结果与仿真结果基本保持一致,验证了模型的有效性。

关键词:输电线路 感应电 钢架平台 暂态电击

0 引言


国内外学者对相关现象已开展了部分研究:D. W. Deno[10]采用等效面积法计算了特高压输电线路下物体的感应电压和短路电流;C. J. Lin等[11]基于表面电荷方程,对人体感应电流进行量化,构造人与车之间的等效电路,分析汽车与人之间的冲击电流;Luo Guangxiao等[12]针对不同的身体设计假人模型,将测量结果与志愿者结果比较并验证,提出模拟人体的电路模型,可在复杂情况下进行静电放电(Electro-Static Discharge, ESD)测试。A. Gunatilake等[13-14]给出了发生“微冲击”时的实验瞬态电压和电流,在CDEGS和PSCAD/EMTDC软件中建立模型,并与实验测量结果进行了比较。Wang Donglai等[15]采用金属人体模型在±1 100 kV高压直流(High Voltage Direct Current, HVDC)线路附近进行了实验,测量人体感应电压和电流,分析电阻和电容参数对暂态电流的影响。华北电力大学李秀英[16]分析了交流输电线路下方人体遭受电击的机理,建立了人体接触汽车的模型,并与试验测量结果进行对比,验证了研究的有效性。中国电科院李顺元[17]研究了直流输电线路下人体可能遭受电击的各种现象,比较了交、直流输电线路电场的特点。山东农业大学王冉冉等[18]建立了特高压交流双回输电线路计算模型,仿真计算了线路下方钢架建筑上产生的感应电压和感应电流大小。西安交通大学王青于等[19]采用Ansys建模计算了特高压变电站内含人体的电位、电场强度和电流密度分布特征,以及鞋子对人体内部电场、电流的影响,通过对比实际测量与理论计算结果,验证了所提模型的准确性。曹文勤等[20]在500 kV输电线路下方选择具有代表性的试验点测量感应电压、稳态电击电流、暂态电击电流,得到了输电线路下感应电的大小与空气湿度、线下电场强度等因素有关。朱文艳[21]从人体阻抗的构成和人体对泄漏电流的反应提出了人体阻抗模拟电路。目前关于人体与金属物体电击问题的研究主要聚焦于实验室的模型试验和数值仿真,对于实际特高压输电线路下方人体感应电压与金属物体发生暂态电击时的数值模型和真型试验研究相对较少,而上述场景是居民感应电投诉的重要方面。

因此,本文首先以1 000 kV特高压同塔双回输电线路为对象,建立了特高压输电线路钢架平台-晾衣架-人体数值仿真模型;然后研究了钢架平台上人体、晾衣架的感应电压,以及发生暂态电击时的感应电流;最后在实际线路附近搭建了钢架平台模拟民房平台,开展了暂态电击试验,分析了发生暂态电击时的电压和电流,验证了所提模型的准确性。本文所提的数值模型及试验结果有助于分析高压输电线路下方人体发生暂态电击时的特征变化规律,可以为感应电的研究及防护提供参考。

1 仿真模型建立

1.1 仿真模型参数

输电线路模型参考河北省保定市蠡县1 000 kV特高压同塔双回交流输电线路,导线为8×LGJ630钢芯铝绞线,逆相序排列方式。

本文采用的输电线路布置示意图如图1所示,输电线路对地高度分别为78.5、57.5、34.5 m,弧垂最低点处对地高度分别为77.5、56.5、33.5 m。


图1 输电线路布置示意图

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of transmission line layout

钢架平台-人-晾衣架示意图如图2所示。钢架平台位于输电线路弧垂最低处,距离输电线路边相导线15 m,人和晾衣架位于钢架平台上。钢架平台长6 m,宽6 m,两层共高6 m。金属晾衣架高0.97 m,长1.6 m,宽0.8 m。人体高175 cm,手臂到指尖长82 cm。


图2 钢架平台-人-晾衣架示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of steel frame platform, human body and clothes rack

1.2 仿真条件设置

在仿真计算中,设定分析频率为50 Hz,地面和无穷远处为零电位。相序布置方式与实际线路相同,采用逆相序排列方式。仿真时输电线路三相电压时域表达式为

width=111.1,height=106.05 (1)

式中,Ul为输电线路线电压有效值,U1=1 000 kV;ω为角频率。仿真模型具体参数见表1。

表1 仿真模型参数

Tab.1 Simulation model parameters

材料电导率/(S/m)相对介电常数 人体0.05[16]1×106[16] 导线3.774×1071 绝缘板1×10-105 空气1×10-141

1.3 人体阻抗参数



图3 人体等效阻抗电路

Fig.3 Equivalent impedance circuit of human body

对比人体模型研究的相关文献[23-25],不同研究者提出的电容值有一定差异,但主要集中于100~500 pF范围内。根据文献[26]中的试验研究,接地时的人体电容要高于绝缘时的人体电容,本文仿真时,参考文献[26]及MIL-STD-1512标准人体模型[27]的试验结论和推荐值,选择人体绝缘时的人体电容为200 pF;选择人体接地时的人体电容为500 pF。

根据标准GB/T 13870.1—2008,对于人体内部电阻分布,从一手到双脚的内阻抗大约是人体正常阻抗的75%,从双手到双脚的内阻抗为人体正常阻抗的50%[24-25]。不同电压下人体阻抗不同,电压越高,人体阻抗越低。参考文献[28],本文在人体建模仿真时选择电阻R1=1 500 Ω,R2根据感应电压值选择不同的电阻值。

2 仿真结果与分析



图4 钢架平台位置示意图

Fig.4 Location diagram of steel frame platform


2.1 人体绝缘时接触接地晾衣架


表2 绝缘人体感应电压峰值

Tab.2 Peak values of induced voltage of insulated human body

位置人体感应电压峰值/V 11 512 5274 71 340 103 497


图5 未发生暂态电击时人体感应电压波形

Fig.5 Induced voltage waveforms of human body without transient electric shock



通过仿真计算得到人体绝缘发生暂态电击时的电流如图7所示,其电流峰值见表4。根据仿真结果可知,当人体绝缘时,在0.8 μs突然发生暂态电击,电流幅值在50~80 ns内达到最大值,人体感应电压越高,电流上升时间越短,放电时间常数也越小。位置5处的暂态电流最小,这主要是因为在位置5处,受到支撑钢架的电场屏蔽作用,人体感应电压低,人的内阻较大,放电时间常数较大。位置10处暂态电流最大,这主要是由于位置10处高度最高,电场最大且无屏蔽,人体感应电压最高,人体阻抗减小,因此上升时间最短,放电时间常数也最小,人体感受也最强烈。


图6 绝缘人体接触晾衣架时的等效电路

Fig.6 Equivalent circuit model when insulated human body touching grounded clothes rack

表3 人体绝缘时的等效电路参数

Tab.3 Equivalent circuit parameters when human body insulation

位置C1/pFR1/ΩR2/ΩC2/pFR3/ΩR4/Ω 12001 5004 000221 25010 52001 50010 000221 25010 72001 5005 000221 25010 102001 5003 000221 25010


图7 人体绝缘时仿真暂态电击电流波形

Fig.7 Simulated transient shock current waveforms when human body insulation

表4 人体绝缘时仿真电流峰值

Tab.4 Peak values of simulated current when human body insulation

位置仿真电流峰值/A 10.225 50.019 70.168 100.645

2.2 人体接地时接触绝缘晾衣架


表5 绝缘晾衣架感应电压峰值

Tab.5 Peak values of induced voltage of insulated metal rack

位置晾衣架感应电压峰值/V 13 186 5674 71 531 105 835


图8 未发生暂态电击时晾衣架感应电压波形

Fig.8 Induced voltage waveforms of clothes rack without transient electric shock



通过仿真计算得到人体接地发生暂态电击的电流如图10所示,其峰值见表7。根据仿真结果可知,当接地人体在0.8 μs时刻突然发生暂态电击时,电流幅值在约0.1 μs的时间内达到最大值。由图10可知,人体接地时电流的上升速度慢,放电的时间常数增大,峰值更高,这是因为人体接地时人体电容大于人对地绝缘时的人体电容,导致放电时间常数增大。此外,在相同的位置,人体接地时的暂态电击电流大于人体绝缘时的暂态电击电流。


图9 接地人体接触绝缘晾衣架时的等效电路

Fig.9 Equivalent circuit model when grounded human body touching insulated clothes rack

表6 人体接地等效电路参数

Tab.6 Equivalent circuit parameters when human body grounding

位置C1/pFR1/ΩR2/ΩC2/pFR3/ΩC3/pFR4/Ω 15001 5008002250015010 55001 5001 2002250015010 75001 5001 0002250015010 105001 5005002250015010


图10 人体接地时仿真暂态电击电流波形

Fig.10 Simulated transient shock current waveforms when human body grounding

表7 人体接地仿真电流峰值

Tab.7 Peak values of simulated current when human body grounding

位置仿真电流峰值/A 10.582 50.087 70.232 101.548

3 试验与结果分析

本文在河北省保定市蠡县1 000 kV同塔双回交流输电线路附近搭建了真型试验平台,开展了平台处人体暂态电击试验,测量了人体与晾衣架未发生接触时各自的感应电压及接触瞬间发生电击时两者之间的暂态电击电流。

3.1 试验场景及设备



图11 试验场景

Fig.11 Experiment scene

试验时采用的设备有:高采样率数字示波器Tek MOD3024,其采样频率为2.5 GS/s,模拟带宽为200 MHz;超高压差分探头,用于采集对地绝缘的人体感应电压或晾衣架感应电压,其最大采样带宽为200 MHz,可测得的交流电压最大量程有效值为7 kV;Pearson定制化电流线圈,测量流过人体或晾衣架的暂态电流,其精度为±1%;为了防止受到外界电磁场的影响,采用金属屏蔽箱对电流线圈进行屏蔽;超高压差分探头与电流线圈通过BNC同轴电缆与示波器相连接。

3.2 试验内容


在开展人体绝缘接触接地晾衣架试验时,人体穿绝缘鞋直接站在环氧树脂绝缘板上。开始时,人手与晾衣架保持10 cm距离,而后人手指开始缓慢靠近金属晾衣架,直到触碰晾衣架,发生暂态电击。高压探头采集人体感应电压,电流线圈采集人体电击电流,示波器调至单次脉冲模式来抓取暂态电流波形,试验测量回路如图12所示。同理,在开展人体接地接触绝缘晾衣架时,人体通过回路接地,晾衣架置于绝缘板之上,试验测量回路如图13所示。


图12 人体绝缘时暂态电击试验测量回路

Fig.12 Transient electric shock test circuit when human body insulation


图13 人体接地时暂态电击试验测量回路

Fig.13 Transient electric shock test circuit when human body grounding


3.3 仿真与试验对比


表8 人体绝缘时仿真与试验感应电压对比

Tab.8 Comparison of simulated and test induced voltage when human body insulation

位置人体感应电压 仿真值/V试验值/V误差(%) 11 5121 6055.79 527424014.17 71 3401 4255.96 103 4973 5401.21

表9 晾衣架绝缘时仿真与试验感应电压对比

Tab.9 Comparison of simulated and test induced voltage when clothes rack insulation

位置晾衣架感应电压 仿真值/V试验值/V误差(%) 13 1862 79014.19 567455820.79 71 5311 36512.16 105 8355 8800.77


3.3.1 人体绝缘仿真电流与试验电流对比




图14 人体绝缘时仿真电流与试验电流的对比

Fig.14 Comparison of simulation current and test current when human body insulation

表10 人体绝缘时仿真与试验电流峰值对比

Tab.10 Comparison of peak values of simulated and test current when human body insulation

位置仿真电流峰值/A试验电流峰值/A误差(%) 10.2250.2164.17 50.0190.02420.83 70.1680.20016.00 100.6450.58011.21

3.3.2 人体接地仿真电流与试验电流对比



图15 人体接地时仿真电流与试验电流对比

Fig.15 Comparison of simulation current and test current when human body grounding

表11 人体接地时仿真与试验电流峰值对比

Tab.11 Comparison of peak values of simulated and test current when human body grounding

位置仿真电流峰值/A试验电流峰值/A误差(%) 10.5820.6003.33 50.0870.07316.09 70.2320.2507.20 101.5481.4606.03

3.3.3 感应电抑制建议






4 结论

本文以1 000 kV特高压同塔双回输电线路为对象,建立了特高压输电线路钢架平台-晾衣架-人体数值仿真模型,研究了钢架平台上人体、晾衣架的感应电压以及发生暂态电击时的感应电流,并在实际线路附近搭建了钢架平台,开展了暂态电击试验,实测获得了试验数据,总结结论如下:


2)人体绝缘与否对感应电压和暂态电击电流大小有一定影响,当人体接地时,身体阻抗相对较小,而此时若与绝缘晾衣架发生接触,会造成明显的暂态电击现象。本文研究发现此时的最大瞬态电流幅值可达1.548 A。




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The Induced Electrical Characteristics of Human Body and Metal Clothes Rack at the Steel Frame Platform Near the UHV AC Transmission Line

He Wangling1,2 Tang Rong1 Liu Yunpeng1 Yan Bohu1 Zhang Yinlu1

(1. Department of Electrical Engineering North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China 2. Hebei Key Laboratory of Green and Efficient New Electrical Materials and Equipment North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China)

Abstract With the increasing number of transmission lines, the line corridors are becoming scarce and the proximity of lines to residential areas is more common. Due to electrostatic induction, the potential on human body and metal structures will be induced. If there are potential differences between them, the transient electric shock will occur when they are in contact. Consequently, the human body will feel electric shock, triggering displeasure or panic, and even triggering line complaints or an engineering boycott. As the operating voltage increases to UHV level, this phenomenon occurs more obviously due to the higher electric field strength. The human body touches metal objects such as metal clothes rack is the common life event. If the living room is near the UHV AC transmission lines, the transient electric shock maybe occurs frequently. Therefore, it is important to study the inductive electrical characteristics of this scenery.

In this paper, the transient electric shock research near the UHV transmission line is divided into two types, one is that the human body is well grounded, the metal clothes rack is insulated, and the electric shock is occurred from metal clothes rack to human body; the other is the human body is insulated, the metal clothes rack is well grounded, and the electric shock is occurred from human body to metal clothes rack. Based on above scenarios, an UHV AC transmission line model was established according to the practical UHV transmission lines, the induced voltages of insulated objects were calculated, and the transient electric shock currents of different conditions were obtained by combining the proposed transient shock simulation model. Then a practical test platform was constructed near a 1 000 kV AC transmission line, and the transient electric shock experiments were conducted. The induced voltage and the transient electric shock current were measured and compared with the simulation results. It is found that the computational results of the model are close to those of the experiments.

The following conclusions can be drawn from this study: (1) The induced voltage of the human body or the metal clothes rack is related to the position. If the insulated object is higher, the induced voltage level is larger and can result in a serious transient electric shock when contacts. The metal shield can reduce the induced voltage and transient electric shock current effectively. (2) Whether human body is insulated or not has an obvious influence on induced voltage level and transient current level. If the human body is grounded, the body impedance is relatively small, it will cause serious transient electric shock at this situation when the body contact with the insulated metal clothes rack. The amplitude of transient current can reach to 1.548 A. The human perception and annoying level are more obvious than that occurred between the insulated human body and grounded metal clothes rack. (3) Based on simulation and experiments results of this paper, the human perception of transient electric shock is related to the amplitude of induced voltage and current. Therefore, some suggestions are proposed to reduce the electric shock level from above perspective. (4) The proposed simulation model in this paper can calculate the induced voltage and current levels effectively, which provide a reference for induced electrical reduction or elimination.

Keywords:Transmission lines, inductive electricity, steel frame platform, transient electric shock


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231451


收稿日期 2023-09-04

改稿日期 2023-11-09


何旺龄 男,1988年生,博士(后),副教授,研究方向为电网电磁环境与电磁兼容。E-mail:hewangling@ncepu.edu.cn

张胤禄 男,1998年生,博士研究生,研究方向为电网电磁环境保护与电力系统及装备。E-mail:zhangyinlu_98@163.com(通信作者)

(编辑 李 冰)