摘要 针对三相电流源型PWM整流器直流侧电压-直流侧电流双闭环控制策略中动态响应速度较慢、参数整定复杂的问题,该文提出一种无差拍预测电流控制与负载功率前馈补偿相结合的改进控制策略。首先,分析三相电流源型PWM整流器在两相静止坐标系中的网侧离散化数学模型,在此基础上,电流内环采用无差拍控制跟踪网侧电流,但由于电感参数与控制延时的影响,将导致网侧电流控制精度及波形质量下降。针对此问题,该文采用改进型无差拍控制策略,并利用根轨迹法对电流内环稳定性能进行分析。在环路设计中,通过在外环上加入负载功率前馈等效电流,加快了系统动态响应,解决了负载突变时直流侧电压超调问题。最后,对传统方案和改进方案进行了对比仿真测试和样机实验,验证了所提控制策略的正确性。
关键词:PWM整流器 无差拍控制 功率前馈 预测两拍
脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)整流器克服了二极管整流器和晶闸管相控整流器网侧电流畸变率大和功率因数低等缺点,已成为电力电子热点研究方向之一[1-2]。PWM整流器分为电压源型整流器(Voltage Source Rectifier, VSR)和电流源型整流器(Current Source Rectifier, CSR)两类,长期以来,VSR以拓扑结构简单、易于控制、低损耗等优点成为PWM整流器研究的重点[3]。然而,在一些特定场合下,CSR因具有降压输出、直接电流控制、谐波电流抑制等优点相较于VSR更具有优势[4-8]。
目前,CSR广泛采用双闭环PI控制,包括直流侧电流-网侧电流双闭环、直流侧电压-直流侧电流双闭环(后文简称:电压-电流双闭环)两种方式[9-10],当三相CSR作为有源前端时,需要对输出电压进行控制,故采用电压-电流双闭环控制[11-14]。文献[11-12]采用电压-电流双闭环控制策略,控制结构虽然简单,但当负载变化时,直流母线电压波动范围较大,其波动幅值大于30 V。文献[13]在双闭环控制策略的基础上,引入电容电压反馈有源阻尼法,改善了网侧电流质量,但当负载变动时其输出电压波动较大。文献[14]中电压外环采用状态反馈控制策略替代了传统PI控制,在交流侧引入虚拟阻抗的控制方法,该控制策略简单、便于实现,但当负载变化时,直流侧输出电压波动幅值增大(约30 V),且恢复时间较长(约30 ms)。由上述文献可知,三相CSR采用电压-电流双闭环控制策略,当负载发生突变时,输出电压均产生较大超调。
无差拍控制(Deadbeat Control, DBC)因具有良好的动态性能、控制精度高、电流跟踪速度快、控制结构简单、易于调试等优点[18-20],已被广泛运用在VSR和Vienna整流器上[21-22]。然而对于CSR整流器,文献[23]采用了电流内环无差拍控制,改善了系统动态性能,但未考虑因控制延时造成的电流预测误差。文献[24]采用无差拍控制跟踪网侧电流,并在外环引入自适应线谱增强器,抑制了系统控制延时带来的误差影响,但该控制方法使控制结构变得复杂,计算量较大。
针对上述文献关于CSR控制策略的不足,本文提出改进型DBC策略。首先,通过分析CSR在ab 两相静止坐标系下的数学模型,推导出CSR改进型DBC策略下z域传递函数;其次,利用根轨迹法对电流内环稳定性能进行分析,通过在内环采用DBC,提高了网侧电流质量,改善了系统动态响应;此外,在电压外环中引入负载功率前馈等效电流,解决了负载突变时输出电压波动过大的问题;最后,通过仿真与实验验证了文中所提控制策略的正确性与可行性。
如图1所示为三相CSR带容性负载的主拓扑电路原理。vx为网侧输入电压,ix为网侧输入电流,ux为交流侧输入电压,isx为交流侧输入电流,x=a, b, c;网侧电感Lg与网侧电容Cg构成LC二阶滤波器与电网相连,用以滤除网侧电流谐波以及整流桥中的高频开关分量;Rs为网侧滤波电感和线路上的等效电阻;将与负载串联的电感Ldc均分为感值相同的Ldc+和Ldc-,既起到了对整流器输出电流的滤波作用,又降低了共模噪声电流;S1~S6为整流器开关功率管;VD为续流二极管,起到简化电路结构以及降低开关器件导通损耗的作用。
图1 三相CSR电路原理
Fig.1 Circuit schematic of three-phase CSR
得到三相CSR在ab 两相静止坐标系下的数学模型为
式中,uCa、uCb,vga、vgb,iga、igb 分别为交流滤波电容电压,网侧电压和网侧电流的a 轴、b 轴分量。
图2 系统控制框图
Fig.2 Block diagram of system control
因本文分析CSR在ab 下的数学模型,则需要将dq坐标系下的网侧参考电流通过Park逆变换得到ab 坐标系下的电流,具体表示为
图3 无差拍控制结构
Fig.3 Structure diagram of deadbeat control
为无差拍控制中ab 坐标系下内环参考电流。
图4 控制延时示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of the control delay
图5 改进算法的控制延时示意图
Fig.5 Schematic diagram of the control delay of the improved algorithm
在ab 坐标系下三相CSR不存在耦合,因此以a 轴为例给出电流内环改进无差拍控制框图如图6所示,图中Gh(s)为零阶保持器(Zero-Order Holder, ZOH),其传递函数表达式为
图6 改进无差拍控制框图
Fig.6 Block diagram of improved deadbeat control
图7 z域下改进DBC框图
Fig.7 Improved DBC block diagram in z domain
图8 电流环闭环零极点分布
Fig.8 Current loop closed-loop zero pole distribution plot
表1 CSR仿真参数
Tab.1 Simulation parameters of CSR
参 数数 值 网侧相电压峰值vm/V311 直流侧输出电压uo/V400 开关频率fs/kHz20 网侧电感Lg/mH0.45 网侧电容Cg/mF12 直流侧电感Ldc/mH2.5×2 直流侧电容Cdc/mF100
采用传统控制策略时仿真结果如图9所示,三相网侧电流波形质量较差,总谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion, THD)为3.97 %。文中所提控制方法仿真结果如图10所示,可以看出网侧电流THD仅为1.52 %,波形质量高;网侧电压、电流同相位运行,其功率因数大于0.995。
图11为两种控制策略以50 %负荷带载启动时直流侧输出电压uo波形。可以发现,采用本文所提控制策略时,uo在15 ms左右稳定至给定值,整个响应过程超调量小;而采用传统控制策略调节时间约为55 ms,且存在较大超调。
图9 传统双闭环控制策略仿真结果
Fig.9 Simulation results of traditional double closed-loop control strategy
图10 所提控制策略仿真结果
Fig.10 Simulation results of the proposed control strategy
图11 两种控制策略的输出电压
Fig.11 Output voltage for both control strategies
为了验证所提控制策略动态响应能力,图12与图13分别给出了CSR负载由满载减至半载工况下传统控制策略和所提控制策略的仿真结果。在传统控制策略中突减负载时,直流侧输出电压uo超调大于35 V,调节时间约为60 ms,有功功率从满载切换至半载调节时间较长;而本文所提控制方法在突减时,uo能在5 ms内达到新的稳态并实现对给定值的跟踪,整个过程电压波动最大值仅为13 V,网侧电流无明显畸变,有功功率快速到达稳态。
图12 传统控制策略下满载减至半载仿真结果
Fig.12 Simulation results of full load reduction to half load under traditional control strategy
图13 所提控制策略下满载减至半载仿真结果
Fig.13 Simulation results of full load reduction to half load under the proposed control strategy
图14与图15给出了CSR负载由半载增加至满载工况下两种控制策略的仿真结果。虽然传统控制策略在突加负载时,网侧电流未产生明显畸变,但直流侧输出电压uo跌落至365 V,经过70 ms左右才恢复至给定值400 V,无功功率也存在一定的波动。然而采用所提控制策略时,当突加负载uo仅跌落14 V,且仅需5 ms便可实现对给定值的跟踪,同时网侧电流在转换过程中波形保持完好。
图14 传统控制策略下半载增加至满载仿真结果
Fig.14 Simulation results of half load increase to full load under traditional control strategy
图15 所提控制策略下半载增加至满载仿真结果
Fig.15 Simulation results of half load increase to full load under the proposed control strategy
图16 三相CSR实验样机
Fig.16 Three-phase CSR experimental prototype
当系统功率为3 kW(半载)和6 kW(满载)时,所提控制策略实验结果如图17所示。可以看到文中所提出的控制策略工作在半载或满载时均能满足三相CSR系统的控制目标:网侧电压电流同相位,网侧电流在半载、满载运行时均呈正弦化,其THD分别为2.08 %和2.48 %;直流侧输出电压uo保持400 V稳定输出,无电压波动。
(a)实验波形(3 kW)
(b)网侧电流THD(3 kW)
(c)实验波形(6 kW)
(d)网侧电流THD(6 kW)
图17 所提控制策略实验结果
Fig.17 Experimental results of the proposed control strategy
图18、图19分别给出了未加与加入负载功率前馈控制策略两种情况下突减负载、突加负载的实验波形。可以看出,未加负载功率前馈控制在负载突减或突加时,直流侧输出电压uo存在明显波动,其波动幅值已超过30 V,且在突变时刻网侧电流发生畸变;而加入负载功率前馈控制策略时,其网侧电流在负载突变时刻无明显畸变,电流质量保持良好,直流侧电感电流idc能快速达到稳定值,uo能在半个周期内达到稳定状态,波动幅值峰值仅为15 V。
图18 未加负载功率前馈瞬态响应实验结果
Fig.18 Transient response experimental results of without load power feed-forward
图19 加入负载功率前馈瞬态响应实验结果
Fig.19 Transient response experimental results of load power feed-forward
图20 所提控制策略有功、无功功率实验波形
Fig.20 Active and reactive power experimental waveforms of the proposed control strategy
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Improved Deadbeat Control of Current-Source PWM Rectifiers with Load Feed-Forward Compensation
Abstract In a three-phase current source PWM rectifier (CSR), it is necessary to maintain good dynamic performance and supply constant DC output voltage. However, the DC-side voltage and DC-side current double closed-loop control strategy has a slow dynamic response and is prone to an output voltage of DC-side overshoot during load sudden changes. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved control strategy scheme combined with deadbeat predictive current control and load power feedforward compensation.
Firstly, based on the power conservation theory, the power relationship between the input side and the output side of the rectifier is analyzed, and the feedforward current is obtained as the reference current of the inner loop current by feedforward compensation of the DC side power. Secondly, the discrete mathematical model of a three-phase current source PWM rectifier in a two-phase static coordinate system is analyzed. The equation relationship between grid-side current & voltage and AC-side voltage is deduced from the mathematical model according to that the internal loop current is tracked by deadbeat control. However, due to the influence of inductance parameters and control delay, the grid-side current’s control accuracy and waveform quality will be degraded. Accordingly, an improved deadbeat control strategy is adopted. The control algorithm is predicted to the time k+2, and the current at the time k+1 is eliminated by the arithmetic iteration process. It can avoid the deepening of the assumption approximation, make the current at the time k directly related to the current at the time k+2, and simplify the calculation process. The results show that this method improves the control accuracy of grid-side current and reduces the current harmonic content. Finally, the root locus method is used to analyze the stability of the current inner loop.
The comparative simulation and experimental results show that the improved scheme is superior to the conventional scheme in steady and dynamic conditions. Under steady-state conditions, the grid-side voltage and the grid-side current are in the same phase, and the grid-side current is sinusoidal at half-load and full-load operation. Its total harmonic distortion rate (THD) is 2.08% and 2.48%, respectively. The DC-side output voltage keeps stable output at a given value without voltage fluctuations. Under dynamic conditions, the output voltage of the DC side can quickly restore stability, regardless of the sudden increase or decrease of system load, and its fluctuation amplitude is less than 15V.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation and experimental analysis: (1) The proposed control strategy enables the CSR system to have good performance. Under different power loads, unit power factor operation can be realized. The current THD values are below the limits, the output voltage is stable, and the transient system response is rapid. (2) The dynamic response of the system can be effectively improved by introducing load power feedforward into the outer loop. When the load suddenly increases or decreases, the DC output voltage can be quickly restored to a given value, and the overshoot and undershoot voltages are effectively suppressed.
keywords:PWM rectifier, deadbeat control, power feed-forward, predict two beats
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221955
收稿日期 2022-10-14
改稿日期 2023-01-09
何黎鹏 男,1998年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电流源型PWM整流器建模与控制。E-mail: helipeng@stu.cqut.edu.cn
郭 强 男,1984年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为大功率整流器、新型逆变器、汽车电子等。E-mail: guoqiang@cqut.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 陈 诚)