
边铁錾1,2 李明明1,2 王鑫玉1,2 黄文美1,2 翁 玲1,2

(1. 省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室(河北工业大学) 天津 3001302. 河北工业大学河北省电磁场与电器可靠性重点实验室 天津 300130)

摘要 磁致伸缩位移传感器在检测线圈附近存在测量盲区,在受限安装空间内有效测量范围难以满足应用需求。针对这一问题,基于魏德曼效应、磁弹性耦合效应和维拉里效应,建立合成磁场作用下磁致伸缩位移传感器的测量盲区模型,分析测量盲区内传感器失效机理。搭建实验平台提供可调的脉冲电流和轴向磁场,选用直径为0.6 mm的(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6、Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5和Fe30Co70波导丝验证模型的准确性,测量盲区受永磁体产生的轴向磁场影响,并且随轴向磁场增大。增加静磁屏蔽装置并确定最佳参数,制作样机并测试表明:优化后的(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6波导丝传感器测量盲区由30.05 μs缩短为18.45 μs,宽度缩短了38.6%;Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5波导丝传感器测量盲区由31.15 μs缩短为19.15 μs,宽度缩短了38.5%;Fe30Co70波导丝传感器测量盲区由29.55 μs缩短为18.85 μs,宽度缩短了36.2%。

关键词:磁致伸缩位移传感器 测量盲区模型 静磁屏蔽

0 引言


国内外学者在磁致伸缩位移传感器原理、波导丝材料、结构优化和信息采集与处理等方面做了大量研究工作。E. Hristoforou等[5-6]解释了磁致伸缩位移传感器的工作原理,从磁化强度变化方面研究了输出电压与激励磁场之间的关系。周新志等[7]通过理论分析、实验测试和模拟分析,研究了决定魏德曼效应的要素包括磁致伸缩特性、磁滞特性以及周向和纵向磁场特性。邓超等[8]基于磁畴自由旋转效应和磁源波导效应解释了磁致伸缩位移传感器的原理,提出了使用铁磁性材料对接收线圈进行静磁屏蔽的结构。黄文美等[9-12]设计了磁致伸缩材料磁特性测试装置,在不同激励条件下,测量了不同磁致伸缩材料的动态磁特性曲线。张露予等[13-14]基于魏德曼效应和压磁效应建立了螺旋磁场作用下磁致伸缩位移传感器的输出电压模型,通过对比实验值与理论值,对模型进行了验证。王博文等[15]分析了波导丝材料、脉冲电流和检测线圈等参数对磁致伸缩位移传感器输出电压的影响,设计了一种Fe-Ga波导丝磁致伸缩位移传感器,与Fe-Ni波导丝传感器相比,前者有更高的检测电压信号幅值、信噪比以及传感器精度。谢新良等[16]对扭转波在波导丝中的衰减特性进行研究,提出无阻尼反射的检测方案,通过检测回波的幅值来测量超声波衰减系数。李媛媛等[17-18]基于材料力学求解了扭转应力,建立了扭转力作用下磁致伸缩位移传感器的输出电压模型,又针对应力波在传播过程中的衰减问题,从声压强度与声波峰值的关系出发建立了含有传播距离的输出电压模型,确定了输出电压随传播距离呈指数衰减的规律。


1 磁致伸缩位移传感器原理及测量盲区产生原因

1.1 传感器原理





图1 磁场对波导丝磁畴排列状态的影响

Fig.1 Effect of magnetic field on the state of magnetic domain arrangement in waveguide wire



图2 脉冲激励信号、脉冲响应信号和扭转波信号的波形

Fig.2 Waveforms of impulse excitation signal, impulse response signal and torsion wave signal

1.2 测量盲区的产生原因




2 测量盲区理论分析

2.1 磁致伸缩波导丝的磁化理论


width=81.75,height=33.75 (2)


当磁畴取向与外部磁场一致时,磁致伸缩系数与应变量ε为各向同性的关系[21-22],应变量表示为ε =3λsM2/(2Ms2)。其中,λs为饱和磁致伸缩系数。


width=149.25,height=33.75 (3)

以尺寸为a×b×h的矩形永磁体的一个顶角为原点O建立如图3所示坐标系,z方向均匀、充分磁化且达到饱和状态。其空间任意一点(x, y, z)的x方向、y方向与z方向的磁场强度均可表示[23]


图3 永磁体结构位置示意图

Fig.3 Structural location diagram of permanent domain arrangement in waveguide wire




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2.2 测量盲区的模型



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由于波导丝上不受外力作用,则剪切应力τ为零。将剪切应力τ =0和合成磁场H代入式(9),消去磁感应强度B,得到剪切应变width=9,height=12

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3 材料参数

采用高纯金属(99.9%)在氩气保护下感应熔炼制备了标称成分为(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6、Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5和Fe30Co70的铸铁基合金。分别经过热锻和轧制加工,将铸锭加工成直径为8 mm的线材,然后在加工过程中通过冷拔和多次热处理进一步将直径减小至0.6 mm,拉伸线材经过直流退火后得到磁致伸缩波导丝。利用综合物性测量系统(Physical Property Measurement System, PPMS)测量得到了材料的磁滞回线、磁致伸缩曲线以及应变系数与轴向磁场的关系。

三种波导丝的磁滞回线如图4a所示,它们在低磁场情况下的斜率有明显不同,斜率越大,对弱磁场越敏感。采用标准应变片法测量了三根波导丝的磁致伸缩系数,测量结果如图4b所示。图4c显示了三根波导丝中应变系数h与轴向磁场Hz的关系。通过测量磁致伸缩波导丝试样在轴向磁场和幅值为1 kA/m、频率为1 kHz的正弦交流磁场作用下沿纵向的振动位移,得到磁致伸缩应变系数h。随着轴向磁场的增大,应变系数呈先增大后减小的趋势。



图4 材料参数测量

Fig.4 Measurement of material parameters


表1 波导丝相关参数

Tab.1 Related parameters of wire

(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5Fe30Co70 Ms/(kA/m)1 186.478851.2971 609.163 λs/10-620.927.8997.6 17.969 8710.894 3313.519 02 ρ/(g/cm3)7.347 377.760 958.572 42 G/GPa72.6257270.714 hi/(m/A)0.703 40.90.565 2

4 实验结果与分析

4.1 实验平台的搭建


构建如图5所示的磁致伸缩位移传感器实验平台。可调直流源为AMETEK公司的SorensenXG600-1.4可编程直流电源,斩波电流最高输出150 V的脉冲电压,脉冲宽度15 μs,用以提供脉冲电流形成周向激励磁场。可调永磁体夹具的单向行程为40 mm,夹具上固定Nd2Fe14B永磁体,牌号N38,尺寸为 15 mm×10 mm×5 mm,剩磁Br=1.2 T,矫顽力Hc= 899 kA/m,充磁方向沿厚度方向指向波导丝平行方向,为波导丝提供可变化的轴向磁场。被测波导丝两端用阻尼固定[28],使用恒压弹簧将波导丝拉直,拉力小于1 N。检测线圈套入波导丝,线圈800匝,平均截面积为12.56 mm2,骨架内径为2 mm,漆包线线径为0.06 mm,两端引线不经放大器及滤波电路接入示波器测量输出电压,示波器型号为Tektronix公司的DPO3014数字示波器。


图5 磁致伸缩位移传感器实验平台

Fig.5 Magnetostrictive displacement sensor experimental platform

4.2 测量盲区模型的验证

为验证脉冲响应电压模型的正确性,将pwidth=11.25,height=15设置为变量,永磁体到波导丝的垂直距离由文献[9]中得出的最大扭转波输出电压求得,该距离为8.3 mm,(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6、Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5和Fe30Co70波导丝在不同pwidth=11.25,height=15情况下的测量盲区如图6所示。




图6 不同pwidth=9.75,height=14.25情况下测量盲区的测量值(黑点)和理论值(彩色面)

Fig.6 Measured (black dots) and theoretical (colored surfaces) values of the measurement blindness for different p andwidth=9.75,height=14.25


5 传感器结构优化与测量盲区分析

5.1 磁屏蔽装置结构优化设计


表2 坡莫合金(1J85)相关参数

Tab.2 Related parameters of permalloy (1J85)

参数数值 饱和磁感应强度Bs/T0.78 相对磁导率μr4.0×104~6.4×104 居里温度Tc/℃400 矫顽力Hc /(A/m)24 密度ρ/(g/cm3)8.75



图7 改良后的磁致伸缩位移传感器实验平台

Fig. 7 The improved experimental platform of magnetostrictive displacement sensor


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图8 磁屏蔽罩半径和长度对磁屏蔽系数的影响

Fig.8 Effect of radius and length of magnetic shield on magnetic shielding coefficient

因为检测线圈的长度为10 mm,半径为5 mm,所以要限定第一层磁屏蔽罩的长度l1不小于10 mm,半径r1不小于5 mm。结合限定条件,从图8中得出不同层数磁屏蔽装置的最佳尺寸,见表3。

表3 不同层数磁屏蔽装置的相关参数

Tab.3 Parameters related to magnetic shielding devices with different layers

层数r1/mmr2/mmr3/mmr4/mmr5/mml1/mml2/mml3/mml4/mml5/mmSm 17.46————10.30————4.289 4×103 27.569.56———10.0214.02———4.012 7×106 37.569.5611.56——10.0214.0218.02——2.341 0×109 47.569.5611.5613.56—10.0214.0218.0222.02—9.371 4×1011 57.569.5611.5613.5615.5610.0214.0218.0222.0226.022.735 6×1014

5.2 优化后的传感器测量盲区分析


在不同层数磁屏蔽装置的情况下,实验测量了三种波导丝传感器测量盲区的变化,如图10所示。实验结果表明:当磁屏蔽装置在3层以内时,测量盲区随着磁屏蔽装置层数的增加而快速减小。当磁屏蔽装置大于3层时,测量盲区随层数的增加而缓慢减小。因此,在考虑成本的前提下,磁屏蔽装置为3层时屏蔽效率较高,此时(Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6波导丝传感器测量盲区持续时间由30.05 μs缩短为18.45 μs,宽度缩短了38.6%;Fe30Co70波导丝传感器测量盲区持续时间由29.55 μs缩短为18.85 μs,宽度缩短了36.2%;Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5波导丝传感器测量盲区持续时间由31.15 μs缩短为19.15 μs,宽度缩短了38.5%。


图9 不同层数磁屏蔽装置情况下的脉冲响应电压幅值

Fig.9 Impulse response voltage amplitude for magnetic shielding devices with different layers


图10 不同层数磁屏蔽装置情况下的测量盲区

Fig.10 Measurement blindness in case of different layers of magnetic shielding devices

6 结论




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Failure Mechanism of Measurement Blindness in Magnetostrictive Displacement Sensors and Optimization of Magnetic Shielding

Bian Tiezan1,2 Li Mingming1,2 Wang Xinyu1,2 Huang Wenmei1,2 Weng Ling1,2

(1. State Key Laboratory of Reliability and Intelligence of Electrical Equipment Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China 2. Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability of Hebei Province Hebei University of Technology Tianjin 300130 China)

Abstract Magnetostrictive displacement sensors use the Weidmann effect to achieve displacement measurement, with high accuracy, non-contact, high reliability and adaptable to harsh environments, etc., and are widely used in a variety of fields. Due to the existence of measurement blind zones near the detection coil, the effective measurement range of magnetostrictive displacement sensors is difficult to meet the application requirements in the field of hydraulic cylinders, robotic arms and other areas where the installation space is limited. This problem limits the development of precision measurement and precision displacement control.

In order to reduce the measurement blind zone of magnetostrictive displacement sensors in the vicinity of the detection coil and to widen the application range of magnetostrictive displacement sensors in environments where measurement space is limited. Based on the Weidmann effect, magneto-elastic coupling effect and Villari effect, this paper theoretically investigates the relationship between the measurement blind zone of magnetostrictive displacement sensors and the synthetic magnetic field, establishes a model of the measurement blind zone of magnetostrictive displacement sensors under the action of the synthetic magnetic field, and analyses the failure mechanism of magnetostrictive displacement sensors in the measurement blind zone. The theoretical model shows that the measurement blind zone is affected by the axial magnetic field generated by the permanent magnet, and the measurement blind zone increases with the axial magnetic field. An experimental platform was built to provide adjustable pulse current and axial magnetic field, and experiments were conducted using (Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6, Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5 and Fe30Co70 waveguide wires with a diameter of 0.6 mm, which verified the accuracy of the measurement blind zone model, and a solution was developed to reduce the measurement blind zone by adding a cylindrical multilayer magnetic shielding device. It is concluded that the measurement blind zone can be reduced by adding cylindrical multi-layer magnetic shielding device. The material of the magnetic shielding device is the high permeability permalloy, and the optimal parameters of the static magnetic shielding device are determined by calculating the magnetic shielding coefficient, and the change of the measurement blind zone in the case of different layers of the magnetic shielding device are measured experimentally. The experimental results show that the shielding efficiency is higher when the static magnetic shielding device is 3 layers, at which time the length of the first layer of magnetic shielding is 10.02 mm and the radius is 7.56 mm; the length of the second layer of magnetic shielding is 14.02 mm and the radius is 9.56 mm; the length of the third layer of magnetic shielding is 18.02 mm and the radius is 11.56 mm.A prototype of the improved sensor is fabricated and the prototype's measurement blind area was analysed and tested. The results show that the measurement blind zone of the optimized (Fe83Ga17)99.4B0.6 waveguide wire sensor measurement blind zone is shortened from 30.05 μs to 18.45 μs, and the width is shortened by 38.6%; that of the Fe46.5Ni48.5Cr2Ti2.5Al0.5 waveguide wire sensor measurement blind zone is shortened from 31.15 μs to 19.15 μs, and the width is shortened by 38.5%; that of the Fe30Co70 waveguide wire sensor measurement blind zone is shortened from 29.55 μs to 18.85 μs, and the width is shortened by 36.2%.

The experimental results show that the blind zone of the improved magnetostrictive displacement sensors near the detection coil is effectively reduced, and they can be applied to high-precision displacement measurements in the case of limited measurement space. This study can provide theoretical basis and guidance for the optimal design of magnetostrictive displacement sensors.

keywords:Magnetostriction, displacement sensor, measurement blindness model, static magnetic field shielding

中图分类号:TP212; TM936

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231238

国家自然科学基金(51801053, 52077052)、河北省自然科学基金(E2022202067)和中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(226Z1704G)资助。

收稿日期 2023-07-28

改稿日期 2023-12-07


边铁錾 男,1995年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为新型磁性材料与器件。


李明明 男,1986年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为新型磁性材料与器件。


(编辑 郭丽军)