
林志远1 李中启1,2 胡昌轩1 陈钟棒1 黄守道2

(1. 湖南工业大学轨道交通学院 株洲 412007 2. 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 长沙 410082)

摘要 互感是无线电能传输系统中的重要参数之一,精确计算互感可为无线电能传输设计及优化提供理论依据,然而目前带凸字环形有界磁屏蔽任意位置圆形线圈互感计算问题还未解决。该文提出空间边界矢量解析法对互感进行精确求解。此方法通过边界条件求解各区域磁矢势,利用空间矢量坐标变换法,结合诺依曼公式得到任意位置互感计算表达式。通过仿真和实验对所提公式的有效性进行验证,互感计算值和实验值之间误差最大为2.86%。互感计算值、仿真值和实验值吻合良好,验证了所提计算方法的正确性。该文所提模型结构,可为水下供电提供更灵活的布局,且在同等规格下,该模型结构相比传统圆盘形结构节省19.6%的材料,其除高角度偏转外互感可达到圆盘形互感的99%。

关键词:无线电能传输 环形磁屏蔽 圆形线圈 互感计算

0 引言

近年来,无线电能传输(Wireless Power Transfer, WPT)技术逐渐兴起,该技术可实现无接触式电能传输,相比传统有线电能传输模式,其具有更加灵活、便携、安全的特性。目前该技术已广泛应用于电动汽车、便携式电子设备、生物医疗、水下供电等领域[1-7]。在WPT系统设计和结构优化过程中,互感是决定WPT系统传输效率的关键参数之一,如何快速、准确地计算互感是该过程的关键步骤,而在实际应用中,为适用不同的应用场景,WPT系统结构也不尽相同,并且传输系统线圈间相对位置改变也会导致互感发生变化,从而影响传输效率。因此,研究WPT系统中线圈在不同相对位置下的互感计算方法具有重要意义。






图1 带凸字环形有界磁屏蔽圆形线圈三维示意图

Fig.1 3-dimensional view of finite magnetically shielded circular coil with convex ring type


1 互感计算


1.1 各区域磁矢势计算



图2 任意位置互感计算流程

Fig.2 Arbitrary position mutual sense calculation flow


图3 带凸字环形磁屏蔽圆形螺旋线圈横截面

Fig.3 Circular spiral coil cross-section with convex ring type magnetic shield

为方便计算,建立圆柱坐标系(r, φ, z),引入洛伦兹规范的磁矢势A,由于在圆柱对称模型中,磁矢势A只有周向分量,故有A=Aφ。通过麦克斯韦方程组可以得到含有磁矢势A的拉普拉斯方程满足


式中,width=13.8,height=13.8为拉普拉斯算子。通过分离变量法对式(1)求解得到磁矢势A(r, z)含有贝塞尔函数的通解为



由于所求磁矢势A应为有限值,而Y1(ξir)在原点r=0时发散,故在区域1、2、5时Bs=0,此区域当作真空区域,取width=10.95,height=9.8=0,因此对应区域磁矢势A(r, z)可以表示为

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width=104.25,height=28.8 (5)


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width=152.6,height=28.2 (26)
width=198.2,height=47.25 (27)


1.2 任意位置互感计算



图4 带凸字环形磁屏蔽圆形线圈任意相对位置计算系统示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of the system for calculating the arbitrary relative position of a circular coil with convex ring type magnetic shield


width=225.75,height=74.95 (32)

对坐标(xc, yc, zc)进行变换得到(xe, ye, ze),加上偏移坐标位置即可实现任意相对位置的计算。其中接收线圈与圆O参数方程分别为

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2 仿真与实验验证

为验证所提式(41)的有效性,仿真通过Ansys Maxwell建模验证,实验测试装置如图5所示,实验使用LCR测试仪IM3536进行测试,设置电流频率为85 kHz。本节将对线圈相对位置垂直偏移、水平偏移、水平角度偏转和水平偏移加角度偏转四种变化进行验证。其中,磁屏蔽材料和发射线圈位置保持不变,仅改变接收线圈位置。实验模型线圈相对位置变化如图6所示。


图5 实验装置

Fig.5 Experimental setup


图6 实验模型线圈相对位置变化

Fig.6 Experimental model coil relative position change



图7 实验模型线圈互感测试连接示意图

Fig.7 Experimental model coil mutual inductance test connection diagram

表1 线圈与磁屏蔽材料参数

Tab.1 Coil and magnetic shielding material parameters

参数数值 发射线圈匝数T17 接收线圈匝数T28 发射线圈初始半径/mm68 接收线圈初始半径/mm60 半径改变量/mm3.1 发射线圈高度z1/mm12 接收线圈高度z2/mm22~112 内环半径c1/mm40 内沿外半径c2/mm40.15 内沿高度|d1|/mm5 环形铁氧体外半径c3/mm90 环形铁氧体厚度|d2-d1|/mm5 铁氧体相对磁导率μ12 800 铁氧体电导率σ/(S/m)0.01

将表1参数代入式(3)输出接收线圈z2=22 mm时,同轴状态下磁矢势A1r增大的变化曲线如图8a所示,同时输出Ansys Maxwell模型接收线圈z2= 22 mm、r为正方向时磁场分布截面如图8b所示。


图8 磁矢势A1与磁场分布变化

Fig.8 Variation of magnetic vector potential A1 with magnetic field distribution

分析图8可知,磁矢势A1r为0~0.1 m,磁矢势逐渐增加,随后逐渐减小,符合该位置磁场分布。

2.1 垂直偏移

接收线圈垂直偏移实验,设定接收线圈从z2= 22 mm沿z轴正方向以步长为10 mm依次垂直偏移至z2=112 mm,如图9所示。


图9 接收线圈垂直偏移示意图

Fig.9 Schematic diagram of vertical offset of receiving coil



表2 垂直偏移时互感及误差

Tab.2 Mutual inductance and error at vertical offset

Δz/mmMtotal/μHMs/μHMe/μHε1(%)ε2(%) 1010.841 011.149 011.080 22.842.21 208.086 28.283 98.167 62.441.01 306.241 16.363 86.153 51.971.40 404.927 04.997 94.872 51.441.11 503.952 93.989 84.031 10.931.98 603.210 93.226 83.210 20.500.02 702.634 62.637 12.569 20.092.48 802.180 32.175 42.222 20.221.92 901.818 11.807 61.804 50.580.75 1001.526 51.512 71.525 10.900.09

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分析表2可知,计算互感与仿真互感在发射线圈与接收线圈垂直距离为10~100 mm时误差ε1均不大于2.84%,计算互感与实验互感误差ε2不大于2.48%。计算互感与仿真互感及实验互感结果具有很好的一致性。结合表2,建立计算、仿真及实验的互感随线圈间垂直距离变化曲线如图10所示。


图10 互感随线圈间垂直距离变化曲线

Fig.10 Variation curve of mutual inductance with vertical distance between coils


2.2 水平偏移

接收线圈水平偏移实验,设定z2=72 mm,其与发射线圈间垂直距离Δz=60 mm。接收线圈在此垂直高度以x=50 mm为起点,以10 mm为步长沿x轴负方向依次水平偏移至x=-50 mm。接收线圈水平偏移示意如图11所示。接收线圈水平偏移所测的互感数据及误差对比见表3。表中x为水平偏移距离,本文后续均为此含义。


图11 接收线圈水平偏移示意图

Fig.11 Schematic diagram of the horizontal offset of the receiving coil

表3 垂直距离Δz=60 mm时水平偏移互感及误差

Tab.3 Horizontal offset mutual inductance and error at vertical distance Δz=60 mm

x/mmMtotal/μHMs/μHMe/μHε1(%)ε2(%) 502.354 72.319 72.287 61.492.85 402.629 42.609 22.617 30.770.46 302.867 12.860 92.836 90.221.05 203.052 23.057 43.002 20.171.64 103.170 33.183 53.110 80.421.88 03.210 93.226 83.210 20.500.02 -103.170 33.1863.158 50.500.37 -203.052 23.062 53.041 70.340.34 -302.867 12.868 22.8150.041.82 -402.629 42.621 52.554 80.302.84 -502.354 72.3352.288 30.842.82

分析表3可知,计算互感与仿真互感在接收线圈水平偏移距离除x=50 mm时误差ε1为1.49%外,其余误差均不大于0.84%。计算互感与实验互感误差ε2不大于2.85%。计算互感与仿真互感及实验互感结果具有良好的一致性。结合表3,建立计算、仿真及实验的互感随接收线圈水平偏移变化曲线如图12所示。


图12 互感随接收线圈水平偏移变化曲线

Fig.12 Variation curve of mutual inductance with horizontal offset of receiving coil


2.3 水平角度偏转

接收线圈水平角度偏转实验,设定z2=102 mm,与发射线圈的垂直距离Δz=90 mm。接收线圈以x轴为偏转轴,逆时针偏转δx,以0°为起点,步长为10°依次偏转至90°,如图13所示。接收线圈水平角度偏转所测的互感数据及误差对比见表4。


图13 接收线圈水平角度偏转示意图

Fig.13 Schematic diagram of horizontal angle deflection of receiving coil

表4 垂直距离Δz=90 mm时水平角度偏转互感及误差

Tab.4 Horizontal angular deflection mutual inductance and error at vertical distance Δz=90 mm

δx/(°)Mtotal/μHMs/μHMe/μHε1(%)ε2(%) 01.818 11.807 61.804 50.580.75 101.827 61.823 91.831 70.200.22 201.852 91.857 91.825 80.271.46 301.880 51.897 61.903 10.911.20 401.876 51.907 91.930 21.672.86 501.774 31.818 21.756 92.470.98 601.507 61.556 71.506 83.260.05 701.0831.115 41.081 22.990.17 800.561 660.561 460.562 60.040.17 9000.039 067




图14 互感随接收线圈水平偏转变化曲线

Fig.14 Variation curve of mutual inductance with horizontal deflection of receiving coil

2.4 水平偏移加角度偏转

接收线圈水平偏移加角度偏转实验,设定 z2=72 mm,与发射线圈的垂直距离Δz=60 mm。以y轴为旋转轴逆时针旋转20°,以x=50 mm为起点步长为10 mm,向x轴负半轴依次水平偏移至x= -50 mm。如图15所示。接收线圈在水平角度偏转下水平偏移所测的互感数据及误差对比见表5。


图15 接收线圈水平偏移加角度偏转示意图

Fig.15 Schematic diagram of horizontal offset plus angular deflection of the receiving coil

分析表5可知,计算互感与仿真互感在接收线圈水平偏移50~-50 mm内误差ε1不大于1.84%。计算互感与实验互感误差ε2不大于2.47%。计算互感与仿真互感及实验互感结果有较好的一致性。结合表5,建立计算、仿真及实验的互感水平角度偏转下随接收线圈水平偏移变化曲线如图16所示。

表5 垂直距离Δz=60 mm,水平角度偏转δy=20°时水平偏移互感及误差

Tab.5 Vertical distance Δz=60 mm, horizontal deflection δy=20° when horizontal deflection mutual sense and error

x/mmMtotal/μHMs/μHMe/μHε1(%)ε2(%) 502.413 32.368 92.402 51.840.45 402.717 22.688 62.745 61.051.05 302.990 72.981 63.010 40.300.66 203.205 83.2143.198 70.260.22 103.333 43.359 8 3.292 50.791.23 03.354 33.394 53.332 1.200.66 -103.268 63.314 73.3391.412.15 -203.093 33.138 63.092 31.460.03 -302.852 22.892 82.781 71.422.47 -402.565 92.591 52.513 11.002.06 -502.249 52.2572.273 10.331.05


图16 互感在水平角度偏转下随接收线圈水平偏移变化曲线

Fig.16 Variation curve of mutual inductance with horizontal deflection of receiving coil under horizontal angular deflection


2.5 对比

将本文所提计算模型利用Matlab编写程序与Ansys Maxwell仿真软件进行速度对比,除去使用Ansys Maxwell建模的时间,在同一计算机硬件配置下,分别使用Matlab计算和Ansys Maxwell仿真相同参数带凸字环形有界磁屏蔽圆形线圈互感模型,对比求解互感的速度见表6。表中,tc为测试所耗时间,t1为Ansys Maxwell仿真所耗平均时间,t2为Matlab所耗平均时间。Ma表示垂直偏移状态下,Mb表示水平偏移状态下,Mc表示水平角度偏转状态下,Md表示水平偏移加角度偏转状态下。

表6 计算互感所耗时间

Tab.6 Time taken to calculate mutual inductance

时间MaMbMcMd t1/s106.5105.636106.3106.455 t2/s0.0970.1050.1210.108

分析表6可知,Ansys Maxwell仿真最短平均用时为105.636 s,而使用本文所提方法编写的Matlab程序最长平均所用时间为0.121 s,远快于Ansys Maxwell仿真时间,故本文所提方法在计算速度上优势显著。对本文所提计算方法与文献中的方法进行对比见表7。

表7 计算方法对比

Tab.7 Comparison of calculation methods

文献VOHOAPMSFMSSM [14]√ÍÍÍÍÍ [17]√√ÍÍÍÍ [19]√√√ÍÍÍ [20]√√√ÍÍÍ [22]√√√ÍÍÍ [23]√ÍÍ√√Í [24]√√Í√ÍÍ [25]√√Í√√Í [26]√√√√ÍÍ [27]√√√√√Í 本文√√√√√√

注:VO(vertical offset)表示垂直偏移,HO(horizontal offset)表示水平偏移,AP(arbitrary position)表示任意位置,MS(magnetic shield)表示带磁屏蔽,FMS(finite magnetic shield)表示有界磁屏蔽,SM(save materials)表示节省材料。


同时,为了对比相同线圈结构下,磁屏蔽材料为凸字环形与圆盘形时互感的差异。以表1参数分别建立凸字环形与圆盘形磁屏蔽材料传输模型,通过仿真对比磁屏蔽材料为凸字环形与圆盘形时互感的比值。其中,圆盘形磁屏蔽半径与凸字环形磁屏蔽外半径一致为90 mm。其余线圈等参数与凸字环形磁屏蔽传输结构保持不变。


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表8 水平角度偏转时凸字环形磁屏蔽与圆盘形磁屏蔽传输结构互感仿真值间的比值

Tab.8 Ratio between the simulated values of mutual inductance of a convex ring-type magnetic shield and a disk-type magnetic shield transmission structure for horizontal angular deflection

δx/(°)Ms1/μHMs2/μHε3(%) 01.807 61.816 399.52 101.823 91.833 999.45 201.857 91.868 999.41 301.897 61.909 699.37 401.907 91.922 299.26 501.818 21.836 699.00 601.556 71.580 498.50 701.115 41.143 597.54 800.561 460.582 0996.46 900.039 0670.039 74598.29



3 结论



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Mutual Inductance Calculation Method of Arbitrarily Positioned Circular Coils with Convex Ring Type Finite Magnetic Shielding in Wireless Power Transfer

Lin Zhiyuan1 Li Zhongqi1,2 Hu Changxuan1 Chen Zhongbang1 Huang Shoudao2

(1. College of Railway Transportation Hunan University of Technology Zhuzhou 412007 China 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China)

Abstract In practice, the structure of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system varies for different application scenarios. And the relative position change between the coils of the transmission system will also be caused by the change of mutual inductance. This affects the transmission efficiency. How to quickly and accurately calculated the mutual inductance is a key step in the process of designing and optimizing the structure of WPT systems. Therefore, it is important to study the calculation method of mutual inductance of coils in WPT system under different relative positions. There is no method for mutual inductance calculation of arbitrary positioned circular coils with convex ring type finite magnetic shielding.

This paper established the model for mutual inductance calculation of circular coil with convex ring type finite magnetic shielding in arbitrary position. The spatial boundary vector analysis method is proposed for the exact solution of mutual inductance. This method is solved for the magnetic vector potential in each region by boundary conditions. The space vector coordinate transformation method is utilized. The expression for the calculation of mutual inductance in arbitrary position is obtained by combining Neumann's formula. The validity of the proposed formula is verified by simulations and experiments from four variations of coil relative position vertical offset, horizontal offset, horizontal angular deflection and horizontal offset plus angular deflection.

The calculated results of the proposed formula are compared with the simulated and experimental results as follows: (1) The maximum error of the calculated results with the simulated and experimental results for vertical offset are 2.84% and 2.48%, respectively. (2) The maximum error of the calculated results with the simulated and experimental results for horizontal offset are 1.49% and 2.85%, respectively. (3) The maximum error of the calculated results with the simulated and experimental results for horizontal angular deflection are 3.26% and 2.86%, respectively. 4) The maximum error of the calculated results with the simulated and experimental results for horizontal offset plus angular deflection are 1.84% and 2.47%, respectively.

The calculation model is written Matlab as a program and Ansys Maxwell simulation software under the same equipment for speed comparison. The shortest average time for Ansys Maxwell simulation is 105.636 s, while the longest average time for Matlab program is 0.121 s. Therefore, the proposed calculation method has a significant advantage in calculation speed. The model structure saved 19.6% material compared to the traditional disk type structure under the same parameters. Except for high angle deflection, the mutual inductance can reach 99% of the mutual inductance of the disk type.

In conclusion, the calculated, simulated and experimental values of mutual inductance are in good agreement. The correctness of the proposed calculation method is verified.

keywords:Wireless power transfer, ring type magnetic shield, circular coils, mutual inductance calculation


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230805


收稿日期 2023-05-31

改稿日期 2023-07-23


林志远 男,1996年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为无线电能传输技术。

E-mail: linzhiyuan_19@163.com

李中启 男,1985年生,博士,研究生导师,研究方向为无线电能传输技术。

E-mail: lizhongqi@hnu.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 郭丽军)