摘要 采用第二代高温超导(HTS)带材绕制的CORC电缆具有载流能力高、力学性能好等优点,是制造核聚变磁体的理想电缆之一。然而,当由CORC电缆制造的核聚变磁体闭环运行时,现有的工艺很难保证每根CORC电缆的超导带材的接头电阻完全相同,这会对CORC电缆的交流损耗等电气特性产生重要影响。因此,该文搭建了含接头电阻的CORC电缆的三维有限元模型,分析了接头电阻对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响。结果表明,当CORC电缆传输交流电流时,不均匀的接头电阻将导致CORC电缆三根超导带的电流分布不均匀,进而增加了电缆的总体交流损耗。此外,得到了CORC电缆的交流损耗总是随着接头电阻不均匀程度的增加而增大的分析结果。
关键词:高温超导带材 CORC电缆 接头电阻 电流分布 交流损耗
第二代高温超导体(High Temperature Superconducting, HTS)稀土钡铜氧化物(Rare Eeath Barium Copper Oxide, REBCO)在高磁场下有着较强的载流能力[1-5]。基于REBCO布线的三种主流电缆包括TSTC(twisted stacked-tape cable)电缆、罗贝尔(Roebel)电缆、和CORC(conductor on round core)电缆[6-11]。其中,由高温超导带螺旋绕制的CORC电缆因具有交流损耗小、力学性能好等优点正在被应用于聚变磁体和电力输送等领域[12-13]。在这些应用领域中,CORC电缆往往因传输交变电流或处于交变磁场下而产生交流损耗,会增加制冷负担,严重时还会危及整个超导系统的安全稳定运行。因此,研究CORC电缆的交流损耗特性对于保证超导材料的超导特性及整个系统的正常运行至关重要。
在实际应用中,CORC电缆的接头中会不可避免地出现接头电阻。然而,以现有的工程技术很难保证ReBCO带的接头电阻完全相同。从电路的角度看,这些接头电阻属于并联关系,这会改变CORC电缆不同超导带材的电流分布,进而影响CORC电缆的交流损耗。但接头电阻对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响尚未被研究。因此,本文使用COMSOL/ Multiphysics 软件,建立了含接头电阻的CORC电缆三维有限元模型[21-22],分析了不同接头电阻下CORC电缆的电流及交流损耗分布。此外,本文还讨论了接头电阻不均匀程度对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响。研究结果可为CORC电缆的应用及其制冷系统提供重要参考。
CORC电缆主要由超导带与圆芯骨架组成。其中,多根超导带成一定角度螺旋绕制在圆芯骨架上构成多层结构的CORC电缆。为了便于分析,本文主要对单层超导带材绕制的CORC电缆进行建模研究。选取直径为4.92 mm的铜管为圆芯骨架,三根超导带并联且对称地缠绕在铜管上,缠绕角度为30°,这里的缠绕角度定义为铜管中心轴与超导带中心轴的夹角。为研究接头电阻对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响,在每根超导带的端部截取长度为0.5 mm的一小段用于模拟接头电阻。
模型所采用的超导带的宽度为4 mm,厚度为 0.1 mm,在77 K自场下的临界电流为140 A。CORC电缆的具体参数见表1。
表1 CORC电缆的参数
Tab.1 Parameters of the CORC cable
参数数值 电缆层数1 每层超导带数量3 铜管的直径/mm4.92 缠绕角度/(°)30 超导带节距/mm27.2 超导带宽度/ mm4 超导带厚度/mm0.1 77K自场下的临界电流/A140
在Solidworks中绘制CORC电缆的精确几何拓扑结构,再将绘制好的拓扑结构导入有限元软件。为了使网格质量良好,以达到计算可收敛和求解精确的目的,在超导带与铜管之间设置0.1 mm的空气间隙。CORC电缆模型示意图如图1所示。
图1 CORC电缆示意图
Fig.1 The schematic diagram of CORC cable
图2 CORC电缆的等效电路模型
Fig.2 Equivalent circuit model of CORC cable
基于CORC电缆的几何及电路模型,本文采用3D H-formulation对麦克斯韦方程进行求解。自变量为磁场强度,根据法拉第定律和安培定律,控制方程表示为
在进行网格划分时,需先对尺寸相对较小的空气间隙进行网格划分,以避免划分的网格尺寸小于最小的几何单元,从而造成模型不收敛。值得注意的是,当传输电流在临界电流以下时,金属层中的电流是可以忽略的。故本仿真模型将超导层的厚度增大100倍至0.1 mm,以减少网格数量,进而提高模型计算效率。
本文所讨论的CORC电缆是由三根超导带和中心的铜管组成的。当CORC电缆三根超导带的接头电阻均为0时,对CORC电缆施加252 A的直流传输电流。为避免电流突增导致模型不收敛,在0~100 ms内使电流以一定速率上升至稳定值,然后维持不变。CORC电缆的电流分布如图3所示。可见,通入电缆的总电流平均分布到三根超导带上,流过铜管的电流几乎为零。
CORC电缆三根超导带接头电阻分别为2 mW、4 mW和6 mW时,对CORC电缆施加252 A的直流传输电流。CORC电缆的电流分布如图4所示。
图3 直流传输电流下,接头电阻为零的CORC电缆的电流分布
Fig.3 The current distribution of CORC cable with zero joint resistance under DC transport current
图4 直流传输电流下,不均匀接头电阻CORC电缆的电流分布
Fig.4 The current distribution of CORC cable with uneven joint resistances under DC transport current
为探究交流传输电流下,CORC电缆中超导带的接头电阻对各超导带及铜管的传输电流分配和交流损耗的影响,仿真中三根超导带的接头电阻分别设置为2 mW、4 mW和6 mW。对CORC电缆施加频率为50 Hz、幅值为252 A的交流传输电流,CORC电缆的电流分布如图5所示。
图5 交流传输电流下,不均匀接头电阻CORC电缆的电流分布
Fig.5 The current distribution of CORC cable with uneven joint resistances under AC transport current
图6 CORC电缆超导带的接头电阻产生的损耗功率
Fig.6 Loss caused by joint resistances of superconducting tapes of CORC cable
图7 不均匀接头电阻CORC电缆的交流损耗功率
Fig.7 AC loss power of CORC cable withuneven joint resistances
本节主要研究交流传输电流下接头电阻的不均匀程度对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响。根据三根超导带接头电阻之间的相对大小关系可以将其分三类:①大-中-小(Large-Middle-Small, LMS):三根超导带接头电阻值从大到小各不相同;②大-大-小(Large-Large-Small, LLS):两根超导带的接头电阻较大,一根超导带的接头电阻较小;③小-小-大(Small-Small-Large, SSL):两根超导带的接头电阻较小,一根超导带的接头电阻较大。
本文假设各超导带接头电阻均相等时,Rt1=Rt2=Rt3=4 mW,则总电阻Rtotal=4/3 mW。保持总电阻不变,取接头电阻的不均匀程度分别为0.3、0.6、0.9、1.2、1.5、1.8和2.1。采用粒子群算法求解出一系列接头电阻如图8所示。
图8 接头电阻的不均匀程度对应的接头电阻阻值
Fig.8 The resistance values of the joint resistances corresponding to the uneven degree of the joint resistances
图9 接头电阻的不均匀程度对CORC电缆交流损耗的影响
Fig.9 The influence of the uneven degree of joint resistances on the AC loss of CORC cable
图10 LLS接头电阻分布类型下,电流达到峰值时超导带的磁感应强度
Fig.10 The type of joint resistance distribution is LLS, and the magnetic induction intensity of the superconducting tapes when the current reaches the peak value
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Abstract The conductor on round core (CORC) cable, spirally wound by high temperature superconducting tapes, will generate AC loss, which increases the heat burden and even endangers the safe operation of the entire superconducting system.In practical applications, joint resistances will inevitably appear in the joints of CORC cable. However, the existing technology is difficult to ensure that the joint resistance of each superconducting tape of the CORC cable be exactly same. The differences of joint resistance will have significant impacts on the AC loss of the CORC cable. Therefore, a 3D finite element model of CORC cable with joint resistance is established, and studies on the influence of joint resistances on AC loss of CORC cable is carries out.
A CORC cable based on finite element software is built.Firstly, a small segment is cut at the end of each superconducting tape of CORC cable to simulate the joint resistance, and the geometric model and equivalent circuit model of the CORC cable are constructed. Secondly, it is meshed and optimized. Finally, the Maxwell Equations are solved based on H-formulation. The model can accurately and effectively simulate the influence of joint resistances on the electrical characteristics of CORC cable.
The simulation results show that when the transport DC current is applied to the CORC cable with no joint resistance, the transport DC current is evenly distributed to the three superconducting tapes. When the ratio of the joint resistances of the three superconducting tapes is , the ratio of the DC transport current through the superconducting tapes is
, which verifies the accuracy of the model. When the AC transport current is applied to the CORC cable, the transport current of the three superconducting tapes is not distributed according to the ratio of the joint resistances, and the phase of the AC transport current in each superconducting tape is also different.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1) Uneven joint resistances of the CORC cable directly leads to the inconsistency of the transport current of each superconducting tape. When the DC current is transported, the current distribution of each superconducting tape is mainly affected by the joint resistances.When the AC current is transported, the superconducting tapes have reactance due to their spiral winding structure, so the current distribution and phase of each superconducting tape are affected by the reactance and the joint resistance of the superconducting tape. (2) Due to the joint resistance and reactance of the superconducting tape, when the CORC cable transports AC current, part of the AC current will flow into the former and cause loss. Compared with the AC loss generated by the superconducting tapes, the loss generated by the former accounts for a larger proportion of the total loss of the CORC cable. (3) When the AC current is transported, the AC loss of the CORC cable with even joint resistances is always smaller than that of the CORC cable with uneven joint resistances. The total AC loss of the CORC cable is always positively correlated with the uneven degree of the joint resistances.When the joint resistance distribution type of the superconducting tapes is Large-Large-Small, the AC loss of the CORC cable is most obviously affected by uneven degree of the joint resistances.
Keywords:High temperature superconducting (HTS) tape, CORC cable, joint resistance, current distribution, AC loss
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230970
收稿日期 2023-06-19
改稿日期 2023-08-23
李 超 男,1988年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为智能电网保护与控制、高温超导应用技术、超导磁体无线励磁技术等。
杨文超 女,2000年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为CORC电缆电磁热特性分析。
(编辑 郭丽军)