
许水清1 许晓凡1 何怡刚2 柴 毅3

(1. 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 合肥 230009 2. 武汉大学电气与自动化学院 武汉 430072 3. 输变电装备技术全国重点实验室(重庆大学) 重庆 400044)

摘要 为提高中点钳位型三电平(3L-NPC)并网逆变器故障诊断的准确性和可靠性,针对其开关管开路故障和电流传感器故障,提出一种基于自适应滑模观测器的开关管开路故障和电流传感器故障同时诊断方法。该方法首先针对3L-NPC并网逆变器,设计一种收敛速度快且能显著抑制抖振的自适应滑模观测器来精确估计正常状态下的三相电流值;其次,利用实际电流和估计电流设计了故障检测变量;同时,利用实际三相电流之和以及估计三相电流之和来区分开关管故障和电流传感器故障;在此基础上,构造开关管故障定位变量和电流传感器故障识别变量,实现开关管开路故障的准确定位以及电流传感器故障类型的快速识别。实验结果验证了该文所提诊断算法的有效性和鲁棒性。

关键词:中点钳位型三电平(3L-NPC)并网逆变器 开关管开路故障 电流传感器故障 自适应滑模观测器

0 引言

与传统的两电平并网逆变器相比,中点钳位型三电平(Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped, 3L-NPC)并网逆变器由于具有输出电压电流谐波小、开关管损耗低等优点被广泛应用于新能源发电等并网系统中[1-2]。但3L-NPC并网逆变器极易发生故障,且统计表明开关管故障和电流传感器故障是逆变器系统中两类高发故障[3]。一旦发生这些故障,将会导致逆变器系统性能显著下降,甚至引起整个电网发生严重安全事故[4-5]。因此,在3L-NPC并网逆变器系统中,如何快速且准确地检测出开关管和电流传感器故障,是目前热门的研究方向,具有广泛的应用前景。







1 并网型3L-NPC逆变器的混合逻辑动态模型及其故障分析

1.1 混合逻辑动态模型

图1为并网型3L-NPC逆变器的拓扑结构,主要包括直流电压源Udc、主逆变电路、电流传感器(Current Sensor, CS)、滤波电感L、等效电阻R和控制电路等。其中主逆变电路每相桥臂包含4个带反向并联二极管的功率开关管VTxm(x=a, b, c; m=1, 2, 3, 4)。图1所示的逆变器混合逻辑动态模型为



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图1 3L-NPC并网逆变器的拓扑结构

Fig.1 Topology of 3L-NPC grid-connected inverter



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1.2 功率开关管开路故障分析



图2 开关管发生开路故障时的电流通路

Fig.2 Current flow in case of power switch occurs open-circuit fault





1.3 电流传感器故障分析


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2 并网型3L-NPC逆变器故障诊断策略



图3 基于自适应滑模观测器的故障诊断方法流程

Fig.3 Flow chart of fault diagnosis method based on adaptive sliding mode observer

2.1 自适应滑模观测器设计


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2.2 故障检测方法



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2.3 故障识别方法


2.3.1 开关管开路故障识别方法



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2.3.2 传感器故障类型识别方法


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3 实验验证

为了验证本文提出算法的可行性与鲁棒性,搭建了如图4所示的3L-NPC并网逆变器实验平台。该平台主要由上位机、数字信号处理器 DSP(TMS320F28335)、dSPACE实时仿真器和示波器组成。其中,DSP的计算速度为1 Mbit/s,电流信号采样频率为10 kHz。3L-NPC并网逆变器的主要参数如下:电网电压为220 V,频率为50 Hz,直流侧电压width=52.7,height=15.05,滤波电感width=52.1,height=11.8,等效电阻width=43,height=11.8,直流侧电容width=65,height=15.05,采样频率width=50.5,height=15.05


图4 硬件在环实验装置

Fig.4 Hardware-in-the-loop experimental setup

3.1 开关管开路故障诊断



图5 开关管VTa1开路故障

Fig.5 Open-circuit fault of the switch VTa1

3.2 电流传感器故障诊断



图6 电流传感器CSc增益故障

Fig.6 The gain fault of the current sensor CSc

3.3 直流电压波动工况下的鲁棒性验证

图7为直流侧电压波动工况下开关管VTb2发生开路故障的诊断结果。从中可以看到,当直流侧电压从500 V增加到600 V时,三相输出电流幅值增大,但此时故障检测变量width=49.95,height=17.2,不会产生故障误报。当引入开关管VTb2开路故障后,故障检测变量width=10.2,height=12.9迅速超过自适应阈值,且开始时width=15.6,height=17.75width=15.6,height=17.75=width=15.6,height=17.75,根据三相电流之和width=73.05,height=23.1,故障检测变量width=24.2,height=15.05以及故障定位变量width=30.1,height=15.6,可以判断出开关管VTb2发生开路故障。实验结果表在直流侧电压波动工况下,本文所提方法对3L-NPC逆变器系统的故障诊断仍然具有鲁棒性。



图7 直流侧电压波动下VTb2开路故障

Fig.7 Open-circuit fault of VTb2 under DC-side voltage fluctuations

3.4 电网电压波动工况下的鲁棒性验证

图8为电网电压波动工况下,电流传感器CSa发生断开故障时的故障诊断结果。从中可以看到,当电网电压从220 V上升到305 V时,三相输出电流幅值减小,但此时故障检测变量width=51.05,height=17.2,不会产生误报。当电流传感器width=18.8,height=15.05发生断开故障时,故障检测变量width=10.2,height=12.9迅速超过自适应阈值,根据检测变量width=30.1,height=15.05的值突变,且width=15.05,height=17.2大于width=15.05,height=17.2width=15.05,height=17.2以及三相电流之和width=11.3,height=13.45不再处于width=22.05,height=22.05width=15.6,height=22.05之间,可知a相电流传感器发生了故障;由width=30.1,height=15.05以及width=30.1,height=15.05推断出电流传感器CSa发生断开故障。实验结果表明在电网电压波动工况下,本文所提方法对3L-NPC逆变器系统的故障诊断仍然具有鲁棒性。



图8 电网电压波动下CSa断开故障

Fig.8 The disconnection fault of CSa under grid voltage fluctuations

3.5 电感参数不平衡工况下的鲁棒性验证

图9给出了电感参数不平衡工况下开关管VTc3发生开路故障时的故障诊断结果。从图中可以看到,由于a、b、c相的滤波器电感分别设定为 7.5 mH、8.0 mH以及8.5 mH,在开关管VTc3发生开路故障之前,电流波形略有不平衡,但故障检测变量width=51.05,height=17.2,不会出现误检。引入开关管VTc3开路故障后,故障检测变量width=10.2,height=12.9超过自适应阈值,检测变量迅速增大且width=55.9,height=17.2,三相电流之和width=10.75,height=13.45处于width=21.5,height=21.5width=15.05,height=21.5之间,可知c相开关管发生了故障,结合故障检测变量width=24.2,height=15.05且故障定位变量width=26.35,height=15.05,判断出开关管VTc3发生了开路故障。实验结果表明在电感参数不平衡工况下,本文所提方法对3L-NPC逆变器系统的故障诊断仍然具有鲁棒性。



图9 电感参数不平衡下开关管VTc3开路故障

Fig 9 Open-circuit fault of VTc3 under the inductance parameter unbalance condition

4 方法对比分析

4.1 观测器性能比较



图10 观测器性能对比

Fig.10 Observer performance comparison

4.2 故障诊断方法对比

本节将本文所提出的故障诊断算法与文献[19, 28-29, 35-36]中的方法进行对比,验证了本文算法的有效性。

首先,通过图11给出的一个周期内每间隔1 ms设置故障时的VTa1开路故障和CSa断开故障诊断时间可以看出,不同时刻的CSa断开故障诊断时间width=8.6,height=15.05基本都在2 ms左右,而VTa1开路故障的诊断时间width=11.8,height=15.05在输出电流正半周期前段时间较短,td0<5 ms,在正半周期后段和负半周期时的诊断时间较长。这是由于在负半周期内,VTa1开路故障对逆变器系统的运行没有影响,故障检测是在相电流下个正半周期开始时完成的。因此,VTa1开路故障的实际诊断时间可以用图11中的width=9.65,height=15.05来表示,td<5 ms。


图11 故障诊断时间

Fig.11 The time of fault diagnosis

表1给出了所提文献故障诊断方法与本文故障诊断方法的对比情况,其中复杂程度是通过综合考虑各种算法所需数据量大小、数据变量种类以及是否需要额外操作来定性分析的。相比之下,文献[19, 28-29, 35-36]具有较长的检测时间。此外,在文献[35]中,为了实现对开关管故障的精确定位,需要注入无功电流,而且该算法的复杂度较高,仅适用于开路故障的检测。与此同时,文献[19, 36]也只能实现开关管开路故障诊断;文献[28]只能实现电流传感器断开故障诊断;文献[29]采用随机向量函数链接网络进行故障诊断,则需要大量的数据进行训练,算法复杂度较高。

表1 多种故障诊断方法的结果对比

Tab.1 Comparison of results of multiple fault diagnosis methods

诊断方法研究对象故障类型开关管开路故障诊断时间额外操作数据量复杂程度 文献[35]3L-NPC逆变器开关管、二极管开路故障≈1.2 FP是少高 文献[36]3L-NPC逆变器开关管开路故障>0.65 FP否少高 文献[19]三相逆变器开关管开路故障<1 FP否少低 文献[28]两电平电压源逆变器开关管开路故障、传感器断开故障0.3~0.9 FP否少中


诊断方法研究对象故障类型开关管开路故障诊断时间额外操作数据量复杂程度 文献[29]三相逆变器开关管开路故障、传感器卡死、偏移、噪声故障≈1.1 FP否多高 本文3L-NPC逆变器开关管开路故障、传感器卡死、增益、断开故障<0.25 FP否少低

注:FP为电流基波周期(fundamental peroid)。


5 结论







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A Diagnosis Method for Power Switch and Current Sensor Faults in Grid-Connected Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped Inverters Based on Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer

Xu Shuiqing1 Xu Xiaofan1 He Yigang2 Chai Yi3

(1. College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China 2. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China 3. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Technology Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China)

Abstract The grid-connected three-level neutral-point clamped (3L-NPC) inverter is widely used in grid-connected systems for new energy generation due to its advantages such as low output voltage and current harmonics. However, an open-circuit fault in power switch or a fault in the current sensor within the inverter can lead to a decrease in system performance and may even trigger significant safety incidents within the power grid. Nowadays, most of the fault diagnosis methods for 3L-NPC inverters focus on single-fault diagnosis. Therefore, this paper presents a simultaneous fault diagnosis method for both the power switch open-circuit fault and current sensor fault in 3L-NPC inverter based on an adaptive sliding mode observer.

Firstly, an adaptive sliding mode observer with fast convergence speed and significant chattering suppression is designed to accurately estimate the three-phase current value in normal state. Then, fault diagnosis variables are designed using estimated and actual currents.In the absence of a fault in the inverter, the fault detection variable dx stays within the adaptive threshold range. However, in the event of a fault, the detection variable dx rapidly surpasses the adaptive threshold. The faulty phase can be determined based on the absolutemaximum values of the fault detection variables ra, rb and rc. Additionally, if the sum of the three-phase currents falls within the adaptive threshold range, it signifies a power switch open-circuit fault on the faulty phase. Conversely, it indicates a sensor fault has occurred on the faulty phase. On the basis of completing the fault detection, we further carry out fault identification. In the event of a power switch open-circuit fault in the inverter, the specific location of the faulty power switch can be determined using the fault localization variable wx. In cases of a current sensor fault within the inverter, a rapid identification of the type of current sensor fault can be achieved by combining the fault localization variable wx with the fault identification variable Bx.

Through the establishment of a hardware-in-the-loop experimental platform, we have successfully validated the effectiveness of the fault diagnostic algorithm presented in this paper. The diagnostic algorithm demonstrates a remarkable trait of not producing false alarms even under conditions involving DC-side voltage fluctuations, grid voltage fluctuations, and inductive parameter imbalances, showcasing its robustness. In conclusion, after conducting experimental verification and analysis, it can be affirmed that the fault diagnosis method devised in this paper possesses the following advantages: (1) The simultaneous diagnosis method of power switch open-circuit faults and current sensor faults of 3L-NPC inverter is proposed, which not only prevents false fault reports arising from the mutual influence of these two fault types in a single diagnosis but also facilitates prompt implementation of follow-up maintenance measures after detecting the faults. (2) Through the design of an innovative adaptive convergence law, we have constructed an adaptive sliding mode observer with rapid convergence and substantial jitter suppression. This enhancement results in more precise current observations, thereby ensuring the effectiveness of the fault diagnosis method. (3) A novel fault detection and identification method is introduced. Through the utilization of only actual and estimated current values, without the need for intricate data processing or additional hardware configurations, fault detection and diagnostic variables have been designed, enabling rapid and accurate fault diagnosis.

Keywords:Grid-connected three-level neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter, power switch open-circuit fault, current sensor fault, adaptive sliding mode observer

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230743


国家重点研发计划(2016YFF0102200)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(51637004)和国家自然科学基金(62273128, 61803140, 51807044, 51577046)资助。

收稿日期 2023-05-23

改稿日期 2023-08-22


许水清 男,1991年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为电气设备在线监测与故障诊断。E-mail:xsqanhui91@gmail.com

何怡刚 男,1966年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为输变电装备智能感知与故障预测。E-mail:yghe1221@whu.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 郭丽军)