摘要 随着非线性负荷和冲击性负荷的不断增加以及新能源的大规模并网,电网环境日趋复杂,各类电能质量问题日益凸显。其中,谐波问题尤为突出,准确估计谐波参数不仅是谐波治理的关键,也是电力企业和用户评价电能质量的重要依据。为此,该文提出一种基于自适应移频滤波的电力系统谐波分析方法。首先,对电网谐波信号进行初次移频滤波操作,以获得信号实际基波频率;然后,根据信号实测基波频率,对信号进行二次移频滤波处理,进而准确获取各次谐波的幅值和相角;最后,仿真实验表明,该文所提算法能够有效地克服非同步采样和噪声的影响,并且具有测量精度高、实时性好和适应性强等特点。此外,通过实际构建的硬件测试平台,进一步验证了所提算法的准确性和可靠性。
关键词:电力系统分析 电能质量 电网谐波 移频滤波
随着电力电子、微电子等相关技术的快速普及与新能源产业的飞速发展,各类非线性与冲击性负荷在电网中的使用比重逐渐增加,特别是以光伏、风电为代表的新能源大规模并网,使得当前电网运行环境日趋复杂[1- 2]。这些电力电子设备在工作时会不可避免地引入谐波,使得电网信号波形发生畸变,给电力系统安全运行造成严重影响[3-5]。
近年来,国内外学者在电力系统谐波分析方面做了大量的研究工作,并且也取得了一定的研究成果。目前电力系统谐波分析的主要方法有卡尔曼滤波[6]、Prony[7]、人工神经网络[8]、小波变换[9-10]和快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)及其改进算法[11-12]等。基于卡尔曼滤波的分析方法虽可实现电力系统谐波信号的跟踪测量,但其需依赖信号的先验信息进行准确的数学建模,不准确的建模将导致谐波参数估计误差较大[13]。Prony及其改进算法虽然能够实现较高的谐波参数估计精度,但其对噪声十分敏感,且巨大的运算量也限制了其在实际中的应用[14]。人工神经网络法具有一定的自学能力且具有检测精度高、计算量小等特点,但其初始训练样本往往难以确定[15]。小波变换在分析非周期和暂态信号时具有一定优势,但其计算复杂、运算量大、对噪声敏感且不易于嵌入式实现[16]。FFT因具有简单、快速、易于嵌入式实现等优点而被广泛使用[17]。但利用FFT对电网信号进行分析时难以做到同步采样,从而造成频谱泄露和栅栏效应,使得谐波参数的估计误差较大[18-19]。为克服传统傅里叶变换在非同步采样条件下所导致的频谱泄露与栅栏效应等问题,国内外学者针对FFT提出一系列改进算法,例如,加窗插值FFT[20-22]、加窗相位差FFT[23]和加窗移频FFT算法[24]。加窗插值FFT需对谐波频谱进行最小二乘拟合,计算相对复杂[25]。加窗相位差FFT与加窗移频FFT算法均具有较高的精度与较小的运算量,但其谐波参数的估计精度受制于所选择的窗函数,不具备普适性[26-27]。这些改进FFT算法虽然在一定程度上提高了谐波参数的检测精度,但对弱幅值谐波参数估计的精度仍略显不足。文献[28]提出基于移频滤波的谐波频率分析方法,可有效减少频谱泄露对弱幅值谐波的影响,从而实现弱幅值谐波的频率估计,然而该方法仍会受到基波频率偏差的影响。
假设电力系统标称频率为fnom=50 Hz,则实际频率fr为
式中,ωr=2πfr/(Mfnom);n=1,2,, N;N为采样点数。
对式(7)进行离散时间傅里叶变换(Discrete Time Fourier Transform, DTFT)处理后,可以得到
单次滤波操作难以很好地滤除目标频率分量之外的频率分量,故本文对移频后信号进行多次迭代滤波处理,以减少其他频率分量对目标频率分量的干扰。信号与均值滤波器进行多次迭代滤波处理,等同于该信号与p阶自卷积均值滤波器(Self-Convolution Mean Filter, SCMF)进行卷积运算。其中,p阶SCMF可表示为
图1 不同阶数SCMF的幅频特性
Fig.1 The amplitude-frequency characteristics of SCMF with different orders
2)当h≠hs时,经移频滤波后的ωp(h)=(hsωnom+ hωr)≠0且ωn(h)=(hsωnom-hωr)≠0,此时与
图2 基于自适应移频滤波的电网谐波分析方法流程图
Fig.2 The flow chart of power grid harmonic analysis method based on adaptive frequency-shift filtering
图3 自适应移频滤波算法示意图
Fig.3 The diagram of the adaptive frequency-shift filtering algorithm
式中,f0为基波频率,f0=49.5Hz;采样频率fs=8 kHz。仿真信号各次谐波具体参数见表1。
表1 弱幅值谐波信号各谐波分量参数
Tab.1 Parameters of each harmonic component of weak amplitude harmonic signal
谐波阶次Ah/Vφh/(°) 12205 20.110
谐波阶次Ah/Vφh/(°) 31220 40.130 52.740 60.0550 72.160 90.380 110.6100
由所设定参数可知,仿真是在非同步采样下进行的。分别采用Hanning窗插值FFT(Hanning Window interpolation FFT, HW-FFT)、Blackman-Harris窗插值FFT(Blackman-Harris Window interpolation FFT, BHW-FFT)、四项三阶Nuttall窗插值FFT(4-term 3-order Nuttall Window interpolation FFT, NW-FFT)、移频滤波(Frequency Shift Filtering, FSF)与本文所提自适应移频滤波(Adaptive Frequency Shift Filtering, AFSF)算法对该信号的谐波参数进行分析比较,其中窗函数长度均为1 024。各个算法所得信号幅值和相角测量相对误差分别见表2和表3。
表2 不同算法对弱幅值谐波的幅值测量相对误差
Tab.2 Relative error of amplitude measurement of weak amplitude harmonic using different algorithms
算法DA1(%)DA2(%)DA3(%)DA4(%)DA5(%)DA6(%)DA7(%)DA9(%)DA11(%) HW-FFT2.57×10-51.371.41×10-31.85×10-14.05×10-45.56×10-22.52×10-52.67×10-42.06×10-4 BHW-FFT6.11×10-71.32×10-24.22×10-41.63×10-12.11×10-36.94×10-31.26×10-36.54×10-32.25×10-3 NW-FFT5.67×10-87.85×10-37.60×10-71.96×10-33.64×10-62.22×10-49.10×10-73.09×10-63.05×10-7 FSF, p=68.81×10-111.03×10-51.51×10-85.82×10-54.40×10-76.85×10-41.27×10-58.44×10-91.84×10-6 AFSF, p=62.58×10-143.92×10-111.03×10-131.45×10-126.56×10-121.88×10-115.51×10-121.87×10-111.99×10-11
表3 不同算法对弱幅值谐波的相角测量相对误差
Tab.3 Relative errors of phase measurement of weak amplitude harmonic using different algorithms
算法Dφ1(%)Dφ2(%)Dφ3(%)Dφ4(%)Dφ5(%)Dφ6(%)Dφ7(%)Dφ9(%)Dφ11(%) HW-FFT5.72×10-31.32×1023.91×10-21.474.67×10-25.01×10-19.06×10-31.76×10-25.25×10-3 BHW-FFT1.13×10-31.04×1012.50×10-23.545.48×10-27.71×10-23.53×10-28.87×10-25.79×10-2 NW-FFT1.81×10-61.671.01×10-45.86×10-23.59×10-56.88×10-42.69×10-65.92×10-53.04×10-7 FSF, p=62.90×10-87.57×10-46.66×10-77.51×10-46.54×10-64.41×10-36.86×10-75.47×10-51.16×10-5 AFSF, p=61.07×10-102.07×10-88.19×10-116.84×10-91.85×10-108.77×10-91.83×10-108.32×10-104.41×10-10
相较于其他阶次的谐波参数估计结果,2次谐波的估计精度明显较低。参见表1可知,2次谐波的幅值仅为0.1 V,远低于基波与3次谐波幅值。此时,2次谐波分量易被基波分量与3次谐波分量的频谱泄漏所淹没,从而出现较大的估计误差。
Nuttall窗具有较好的旁瓣特性,能够有效地抑制其他阶次谐波分量的频谱泄露。因此,NW-FFT的估计精度要高于其他加窗插值算法。然而在估计2次谐波的初相角时,NW-FFT仍然表现不足。因FSF将目标分量频谱搬移至接近零频的位置,可减少频谱泄露的影响,故采用FSF估计2次谐波估计的误差要远远小于加窗插值法。然而,由于仿真信号的基波频率为49.5 Hz,而FSF是以标称频率(fnom=50 Hz)进行频谱搬移的,故影响了其谐波幅值与相角的估计精度。本文提出的AFSF算法是对原始信号采用经校正后的移频函数进行频谱搬移的。所以虽然存在基波频率偏差,但目标频率分量仍旧能够被搬移至零频位置,从而可以得到高精度的谐波幅值与相角估计值。仿真实验结果表明,本文提出的算法具有最高的谐波参数估计精度。算法对于2次弱幅值谐波分量的幅值与相角的最大估计相对误差分别为3.92×10-11%和2.07×10-8%。
为了验证本文所提算法在基波频率偏差情况下对谐波参数的估计性能,本节仍采用式(24)表示的谐波信号,并设置频率在49.5~50.5 Hz范围内以0.1 Hz为步长进行变动。采用p=6的SCMF和2.1节相同的参数设置。采用AFSF的谐波参数估计结果如图4所示。
图4 基波频率偏差时本文所提算法的相对误差
Fig.4 The relative errors of the proposed algorithm when fundamental frequency deviation occurs
实际测量中存在的噪声会对谐波参数测量造成影响。为了验证本文所提算法在噪声环境下对谐波参数估计的准确性,将式(24)表示的谐波信号叠加信噪比为10~100 dB的高斯白噪声,同时设置基波频率为49.5 Hz。分别采用HW-FFT、BHW-FFT、NW-FFT、FSF与AFSF算法进行仿真实验,其中窗函数长度为1 024,FSF与AFSF均采用p=6的SCMF。考虑到高斯白噪声的随机性,在每个信噪比条件下均运行30 000次并取平均值。图5给出了白噪声影响下不同算法的基波幅值与基波相角的平均估计相对误差。
图5 白噪声影响下不同算法的基波平均相对误差
Fig.5 The average relative errors of fundamental wave with different algorithms under the influence of white noise
为了验证所提算法的准确性和有效性,本文在实际硬件平台上进行了测试。硬件测试平台的整体架构如图6所示,其中,标准源输出的谐波信号具体参数见表4。标准源的一路输出至标准仪表进行对比测试,另一路接入硬件测试平台。硬件测试平台的信号调理电路将测试谐波信号转换为适合模数转换器(Analog-to-Digital Converter, ADC)ADS8598H输入的交流小信号,在ADC中进行采样后,将其送入Zynq-7010进行算法计算并输出测量结果。
图6 实际硬件测试平台
Fig.6 The actual hardware test platform
表4 实际谐波信号相关参数
Tab.4 Parameters related to actual harmonic signal
谐波阶次幅值/V相角/(°) 1220.3846.6 319.7751.3 513.8537.1 79.1721.2 96.3219.4 113.7517.2 132.6218.5 151.1718.4 170.8619.1 210.3616.3
表5 实际谐波信号测试结果
Tab.5 The test results of actual harmonic signal
谐波阶次幅值/VγA(%)相角/(°)ΔP/(°) 1220.440.0346.960.36 319.780.0551.490.19 513.860.0737.310.21 79.180.1121.310.11 96.330.1619.470.07 113.760.2717.480.28 132.640.7618.850.35 151.191.7119.020.62 170.882.3319.980.88 210.372.7816.980.68
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Abstract With the increasing proportion of various types of nonlinear and impactive loads in the power grid, especially the large-scale integration of new energy sources represented by photovoltaic and wind power, the harmonic issues in the current power system are becoming increasingly severe. Accurately estimating harmonic parameters is not only critical for harmonic control but also an essential basis for power companies and users to evaluate power quality. To achieve accurate and effective detection of harmonic parameters in modern power systems, this paper proposes a power system harmonic analysis method based on adaptive frequency-shift filtering, which estimates harmonic parameters by dynamically and adaptively adjusting frequency deviations.
This method first performs a frequency-shift operation on the original power grid sampled signal based on the nominal frequency ωnom. Then, considering that it is difficult to completely filter out frequency components other than the target frequency component in a single filtering operation, this paper performs multiple iterations of filtering on the frequency-shift signal. Specifically, the frequency-shift signal is convolved with a p-order self-convolution mean filter (SCMF) to reduce the interference from other frequency components on the target frequency component. After the initial frequency-shift filtering of the power grid harmonic signal, the harmonic angular frequency deviation ∆ω, the actual fundamental frequency fr, and the new frequency-shift function corrected by ∆ω can be obtained. Next, according to the desired harmonic order hs and the frequency-shift function after correction, a second frequency-shift filtering process is carried out, moving the desired harmonic spectral line to the zero frequency position. Finally, the amplitude and phase of the desired harmonic component can be accurately obtained by using the derived formulas. For a power grid sampled signal with length N and using fast convolution for the convolution operation in the algorithm, the time complexity of the proposed algorithm is O(Nlog2N). Compared with the windowed interpolation FFT algorithm (WIFFT), the time complexity of both algorithms is similar. However, the WIFFT algorithm requires prior determination of fitting coefficients through polynomial fitting. Therefore, the algorithm proposed in this paper is more convenient and straightforward in practical applications, thus offering distinct advantages.
This paper conducted simulation experiments on the algorithm under conditions of weak amplitude harmonic signal, fundamental frequency deviation, noise impact, etc., and also established an actual hardware testing platform. The amplitude relative error and the phase absolute error of the actual measurement results fully meet the requirements of Class A meters in GB/T 14549 “Quality of electric energy supply — Harmonics in public supply network”. Simulation experiments and practical measurement results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately and effectively detect power system harmonic parameters, showing significant advantages in robustness, adaptability, and real-time performance. Especially for detecting weak amplitude harmonic components, this method exhibits strong applicability. The proposed method can provide new solutions and ideas for the effective and fast analysis of harmonic parameters in complex power grid environments, as well as theoretical and engineering application issues related to electric energy science and accurate metering in the electric power system.
Keywords:Power system analysis, power quality, grid harmonics, frequency-shift filtering
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230786
国家自然科学基金(51907062, 52207076)、湖南省自然科学基金(2021JJ40354)和湖南省自科区域联合基金(2023JJ50025)资助项目。
收稿日期 2023-06-05
改稿日期 2023-08-04
李建闽 男,1985年生,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为电能质量检测、电力系统分析、智能检测与智能信息处理等。E-mail:ljmdzyx@163.com(通信作者)
曹远远 男,1995年生,硕士研究生,研究方向电气测量及其应用。E-mail:337908401@qq.com
(编辑 赫 蕾)