摘要 针对永磁同步电机(PMSM)采用无差拍预测电流控制(DPCC)时,性能易受电机参数失配及死区效应的影响,该文提出一种基于广义比例积分(GPI)观测器的鲁棒谐振预测电流控制(RRPCC)方法。首先,分析PMSM参数失配将产生非周期扰动及逆变器死区效应会导致周期扰动,进而建立带有非周期和周期性扰动的PMSM精确数学模型;其次,基于内模原理,将包含扰动频率的谐振多项式嵌入电流预测模型,可有效地抑制周期性扰动;最后,采用GPI观测器估计由参数失配引起的集总扰动,并通过前馈补偿消除非周期扰动。实验结果表明,该方法能提高系统面对非周期及周期性扰动时的鲁棒性。
关键词:参数失配 GPI观测器 周期扰动 鲁棒谐振预测电流控制
永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)凭借其高效率、高功率密度以及优异的控制性能广泛应用于工业、航天等领域。但由于PMSM非线性、强耦合的特性,在要求动态响应快速精确及低输出转矩脉动的场合,采用线性控制方法很难在整个工作范围获得理想的动态性能。
模型预测控制具有处理非线性和多约束的能力,实现系统在目标函数下的最优控制[1]。模型预测控制包括有限集模型预测控制(Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control, FCS-MPC)和连续集模型预测控制(Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control, CCS-MPC)[2]。FCS-MPC不需要调制器,是基于逆变器的离散开关特性,将使目标函数最小化的离散电压矢量作为输出。然而,有限的电压矢量使FCS-MPC具有电流纹波大、开关频率不固定等缺陷[3]。作为CCS-MPC的一种,无差拍预测电流控制(Deadbeat Predictive Current Control, DPCC)利用系统模型输出最优的连续电压矢量。因此,DPCC具有开关频率恒定、低电流纹波等优点[4]。但DPCC的性能依赖电机模型的准确性,参数失配会导致电流稳态误差,甚至使系统不稳定[5]。由于温度漂移、磁饱和等原因,参数不匹配是不可避免的。
以上方法均要假定扰动恒定,然而PMSM参数是时变的[13]。广义比例积分(Generalized Pro- portional Integral, GPI)观测器是对扩张状态观测器的高阶化扩展,能准确地估计时变扰动,扩大了扰动观测的范围,从而得到更高的估计精度[14]。同时,由于逆变器死区效应使输出产生周期性电压扰动,导致相电流失真及转矩脉动,降低了PMSM系统的性能。因此,抑制由于死区效应引起的周期性扰动是必要的。主要方法可分为三类,即定子电流补偿法[15]、基于模型观测的方法[16]和电流谐波监测法[17]。
本文提出一种基于GPI观测器的鲁棒谐振预测电流控制(Robust Resonant Predictive Current Control, RRPCC)方法,能同时抑制参数失配产生的非周期性扰动及逆变器死区效应导致的周期性扰动。首先,分别分析由参数失配和死区效应引起的扰动,并建立带有非周期性和周期性扰动的PMSM精确数学模型;其次,设计包含扰动频率多项式的谐振预测电流控制器,消除由于死区效应导致的周期性扰动;然后,将电机电感、电阻及磁链参数失配导致的扰动视为集总扰动,并使用GPI观测器进行估计和补偿;最后,通过实验验证了所提方法的有效性。
式中,Duadt、Dubdt、Ducdt为三相平均电压误差;ia、ib、ic为定子三相电流;Vdc为母线电压;sgn( · )为符号函数,定义为
式(16)表明,逆变器死区效应使dq轴输出电压中含有与we相关、频率为6lwe(l=1, 2, 3,…)的周期性扰动电压Duddt和Duqdt,使PMSM的速度和dq轴电流出现周期性脉动。考虑到12次及以上的谐波对逆变器及电机的影响较小,因此,本文仅考虑幅值最高的6次谐波扰动。
定义电流i=[id iq]T;电压u1=[ud uq-weyf]T;非周期扰动Duf=[Dudf Duqf]T;周期扰动Dudt= [Duddt Duqdt]T。设y为状态方程的输出变量,则PMSM精确数学模型的状态方程可表示为
根据表1,当电机转速为800 r/min(we= 335 rad/s)时,可得出在频率6we(即2 010 rad/s)扰动信号作用下的闭环传递函数矩阵S(z)为
S(ejw)的幅频响应,如图1所示。图1尖峰处为谐振频率点,频率等于扰动频率2 010 rad/s,对应幅值为-210 dB和-226 dB,表明谐振预测电流控制器对该频率扰动有很强的衰减能力。
图1 S(ejw)的幅频响应
Fig.1 Amplitude response of S(ejw)
表1 PMSM参数标称值
Tab.1 Nominal parameters of PMSM
参 数数 值 额定功率/W950 额定转矩/(N×m)5.6 额定转速/(r/min)1 600 额定电流/A6.8 极对数4 定子电阻/W0.97 定子电感/mH13 永磁体磁链/Wb0.185
在本文中,取Ts=50 ms,l1=300,l2=30 000,l3=104,使式(41)中的不等式全部满足。因此,所设计的GPI观测器是稳定的。
设输出电压u=[ud uq]T,反电动势ue=[0 weyf]T,则输出电压u(k)=u1(k)+ue(k)。根据式(24)和式(30),可求得RRPCC在k时刻的dq轴输出电压u为
图2 基于GPI观测器的RRPCC系统框图
Fig.2 Block diagram of RRPCC system based on GPI observer
图3 PMSM实验平台
Fig.3 PMSM experiment platform
死区效应会导致频率为6we的周期性扰动,分别采用常规DPCC和提出的RRPCC,比较dq轴电流及速度反馈的输出波形。在测试中,PMSM在额定负载条件下以800 r/min(即we=335 rad/s)的转速稳态运行。对比测试结果如图4~图6所示。
图4 dq轴电流稳态测试对比
Fig.4 Comparison of dq axis current steady-state test
图5 dq轴电流的FFT分析对比
Fig.5 Comparison of dq axis current FFT analysis
图6 电机速度稳态测试曲线对比
Fig.6 Comparison of PMSM speed steady-state test
采用常规DPCC策略时,由于没有采取扰动抑制措施,dq轴电流出现明显的电流脉动。如图4a所示,电流脉动频率为2 010 rad/s,电流iq的波动幅值为0.7 A,电流id的波动幅值为0.9 A。而采用RRPCC策略时,如图4b所示,由于谐振控制器有效抑制了正弦扰动,电流波动随之降低,电流iq的波动幅值为0.3 A,电流id的波动幅值为0.2 A。因此,RRPCC实现了更稳定的电流跟踪。
分别对dq轴稳态电流进行快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)分析,如图5所示。可以看出,采用常规DPCC的dq轴电流存在明显的6次谐波,而采用本文提出的RRPCC后,dq轴电流6次谐波含量明显降低。
速度对比曲线如图6所示,常规DPCC的稳态速度存在频率为2 010 rad/s的周期性脉动,脉动幅度约为7 r/min。采用RRPCC时,由于消除了dq轴电流的周期性扰动,速度的6次谐波脉动也被抑制,速度脉动显著降低,速度波动幅值降为3 r/min。
首先,当PMSM以800 r/min的速度在额定负载条件下稳态运行时,测试磁链参数按照0.5yf、yf、2yf阶跃变化时的电流跟踪性能。
当使用常规DPCC时,在yf阶跃变化下的测试如图7所示,d轴电流能跟随参考值,没有受磁链失配的影响;而q轴电流受磁链失配影响较大,出现明显的电流跟踪误差,特别当磁链参数失配值为2yf时,iq的稳态电流跟踪误差为0.9 A。从图7还可以看出,在磁链阶跃变化瞬间,iq出现了明显的暂态电流尖峰,尖峰幅值最高达到5.85 A。
图7 常规DPCC在yf阶跃变化下的测试
Fig.7 Test of conventional DPCC with yf step change
然后,磁链参数保持失配状态为2yf,使电机速度从400 r/min上升到1 600 r/min。使用常规DPCC时,在yf失配下的测试如图8所示,速度变化使iq的参考电流发生阶跃变化。在电流动态过程中,电流iq出现振荡,iq瞬时跟踪误差达到2 A。电流稳态时,跟踪误差随速度升高明显增加,iq电流跟踪误差约为1.5 A。
图8 速度变化时常规DPCC在yf失配下的测试
Fig.8 Test of conventional DPCC with yf mismatch when motor speed changes
图9 所提RRPCC在yf阶跃变化下的测试
Fig.9 Test of proposed RRPCC with yf step change
图10 速度变化时所提RRPCC在yf失配下的测试
Fig.10 Test of proposed RRPCC with yf mismatch when motor speed changes
当定子电感按照0.5Ls、Ls、2Ls阶跃变化时,图11和图12比较了两种方法的测试结果。当电感失配时,如图11所示,常规DPCC的dq轴电流不能很好地跟踪其参考值,特别当预设的定子电感值小于电机实际定子电感时,dq轴电流波动较大,iq的波动幅值达到1.1 A,稳态误差为0.3 A;id的波动幅值达到1.6 A,稳态误差为0.4 A。而采用所提RRPCC,GPI观测器补偿了电感参数失配导致的电压扰动,消除了由电感失配引起的dq轴稳态电流误差,电流波动没有因扰动发生变化,如图12所示,波动幅值保持为0.5 A及0.4 A。因此,RRPCC对电感参数失配表现出良好的鲁棒性。
图11 常规DPCC在Ls失配下的测试
Fig.11 Test of conventional DPCC with Ls mismatch
图12 所提RRPCC在Ls失配下的测试
Fig.12 Test of proposed RRPCC with Ls mismatch
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Abstract To improve the control performance of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), deadbeat predictive current control (DPCC) is adopted for the inner current loop due to its small current ripple and fast dynamic response. However, DPCC is highly dependent on accurate PMSM parameters, and any mismatch may lead to steady-state current errors and system instability. In practical PMSM operation, parameter mismatch is inevitable due to factors such as temperature drift and magnetic saturation. In addition, inverter dead time introduces periodic voltage disturbance, resulting in current distortion and torque ripple, which deteriorates the performance of the PMSM system. Therefore, this paper proposes a robust resonant predictive current control (RRPCC) strategy based on the generalized proportional integral (GPI) observer to mitigate the adverse impacts of parameter mismatch and inverter dead-time effect.
Firstly, the non-periodic disturbance generated by parameter mismatch and the periodic disturbance induced by the dead-time effect are analyzed. A precise mathematical model of the PMSM is established considering both disturbances. Secondly, based on the internal mode principle, a resonant polynomial is incorporated into the current prediction model at the same frequency as the periodic disturbance. The resonant predictive current controller is designed to reject periodic sinusoidal disturbance and achieve smooth current output. Finally, to eliminate non-periodic disturbance, a GPI observer is added to the current controller to estimate and compensate for lumped disturbances induced by parameter mismatch. The stability analysis of the GPI observer in the discrete-time domain is given.
The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by experiments. The speed reference is set to 800 r/min (we=335 rad/s) in the periodic disturbance test. Apparent d-q axis current pulsations occur with 2 010 rad/s in the conventional DPCC. The pulsation amplitude of iq and id is 0.9 A and 0.7 A, respectively. The FFT analysis shows that 6th current harmonics are significant in the d-q axis. The RRPCC method effectively suppresses 6th harmonics. The pulsation amplitude of iq and id is reduced to 0.3 A and 0.2 A, respectively. In the flux-linkage mismatch test, the flux-linkage is changed in step from 50% to 200% of the nominal value. The flux-linkage variation in the conventional DPCC causes an obvious steady-state current error with 0.9 A in the q-axis. The flux-linkage is maintained at 2yf, and the speed increases from 400 r/min to 1 600 r/min. When the conventional DPCC is adopted, the q-axis current oscillates during the current dynamic process. The current tracking error increases to 1.5 A at 1 600 r/min in the steady state. The proposed RRPCC maintains the d-q axis current stable and smooth, exhibiting good current tracking performance. In the inductance mismatch test, the inductance step changes from 50% to 200% of the nominal value. In the conventional DPCC, current ripples are severely increased with the amplitudes of 1.1 A and 1.6 A in the d-q axis. The current quality of the proposed RRPCC is not affected by maintaining current ripples at 0.5 A and 0.4 A.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the experimental analysis: (1) The dead-time effect generates periodic sinusoidal disturbances. Compared with the conventional DPCC, the resonant predictive current controller is established in RRPCC, which can reject the periodic disturbance. (2) Steady-state current errors induced by PMSM parameter mismatch are compensated by the GPI observer in RRPCC, enhancing system robustness. (3) The proposed RRPCC exhibits good disturbance rejection ability and current tracking performance in the presence of non-periodic and periodic disturbances.
keywords:Parameter mismatch, GPI observer, periodic disturbance, robust resonant predictive current control (RRPCC)
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230331
杨 帆 男,1985年生,博士研究生,副研究员,研究方向为电机控制、电力电子、预测控制等。E-mail: sailing_0402@163.com
赵希梅 女,1979年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为直线伺服、智能控制、鲁棒控制等。E-mail: zhaoxm_sut@163.com(通信作者)
收稿日期 2023-03-21
改稿日期 2023-04-07
(编辑 崔文静)