摘要 基于里德堡原子电磁诱导透明(EIT)效应的电场量子测量方法,能够突破传统基于电学原理、光学原理测量法在测量精度和灵敏度上的极限,并且具有自校准性。采用热里德堡原子进行测量具有工程应用的便捷性,但是原子热运动形成的多普勒效应会导致EIT谱峰发生频移和形变,混淆电场对原子的相干效应,从而影响电场测量精度。基于激光、电场与原子的作用机理,以及原子热力学,该文提出通过调整探测光和耦合光频率,修正原子热运动对电场量子测量影响的方法。首先,假设里德堡原子静止不动,建立和求解密度矩阵方程,描述双光子阶梯型三能级系统的EIT光谱;然后,引入温度与原子运动数学关系,将温度造成的原子热运动多普勒影响量化为探测光和耦合光频率失谐量,通过修正探测光和耦合光的频率来抵消该影响。仿真实验表明,该文提出的修正方法效果良好,该研究有利于推进基于里德堡原子电场量子测量的实用化进程。
关键词:电场测量 里德堡原子 电磁诱导透明 原子热运动 多普勒效应 修正
目前普遍采用双激光(探测光、耦合光)共振激发制备碱金属原子的里德堡态并且形成电磁诱导透明(Electromagnetic Induced Transparency, EIT)[13-16]光谱。当电场频率小于1 GHz且为非共振频率时,EIT谱峰会因外电场的作用发生Stark频移,EIT光峰频移大小与电场强度的二次方成正比[17-19]。电力系统中工频电场量子测量的原理即为里德堡原子的EIT效应和Stark效应[20-22]。
理想情况下,应采用静止的冷原子进行电场量子测量,但是所需设备结构复杂、价格高昂、操控繁琐,不具实用性。若采用处于室温下的热原子进行测量,原子的热运动影响其与激光之间的相对运动速度,从而产生多普勒效应。K. Boller的研究团队[23]研究了EIT效应,发现原子的热运动会使EIT光谱展宽。Y. Li的研究团队[24]将探测光和耦合光设置为相向传输的配置,以此来减弱由原子热运动引起的多普勒效应。D. X. Khoa等[25]研究了多普勒展宽对EIT窗深度和宽度的影响,并发现结果与低温实验的验证非常一致。R. Hazra等[26]通过实验发现,随着介质温度的升高,EIT吸收曲线和色散曲线的振幅均逐渐减少,同时还伴随着频率的移动。Zhang Guiyin等[27]分析了当频率高于1 GHz的电场作用于系统时原子热运动对EIT效应的影响,发现多普勒展宽大于透明窗口的宽度时,会导致EIT光峰的消失。上述实验结果表明,原子热运动所产生的多普勒效应会导致EIT光谱的频移和形变,这些现象会混淆电场对原子的相干效应。要提高基于热里德堡原子的电场量子测量准确性,有必要消除多普勒效应的影响。
本文研究以铯原子为对象,里德堡态制备及EIT形成采用图1所示的阶梯型三能级结构。图中三个能级分别为基态(6S1/2)、第一激发态(6P3/2)、里德堡态(49D5/2)。探测光的波长为852 nm,将基态原子激发到第一激发态;耦合光的波长为510 nm,其加入导致铯原子从第一激发态跃迁至里德堡态。探测光和耦合光相向传播通过铯原子气室,有利于减小多普勒效应[28]。
针对图1所示阶梯型三能级结构,采用半经典理论的密度矩阵方法来描述系统动力学的演化 过程:
图1 阶梯型三能级结构
Fig.1 Ladder-type three-level system structural drawing
式中,r 为系统能级跃迁的分布率;H为系统的哈密顿量;Lr为系统中能级的衰减及退相干项;为约化普朗克常数。
式中,Gab 为从能级a 跃迁到能级b 的辐射率。
图2 阶梯型三能级系统EIT光谱
Fig.2 Ladder-type three-level system EIT spectrum
设激光沿z轴传播,原子在z方向的运动速率范围为-20~20 m/s,取T为50、100、300、500、1 000 K分别计算里德堡原子的等效热运动速度,计算结果见表1。
表1 不同环境温度下里德堡原子等效热运动速率
Tab.1 Equivalent thermalrate of Rydberg atoms at different ambient temperatures
温度/K等效热运动速率/(m/s) 502.822 1003.991 3006.912 5008.923 1 00012.619
图3 考虑多普勒效应的EIT光谱曲线
Fig.3 EIT spectrum considering Doppler effect
图4 不同温度下的原子吸收光谱[27]
Fig.4 Atomic absorption spectraat different temperatures[27]
图5 消除原子热运动多普勒效应方法
Fig.5 Method of eliminating the Doppler effect caused by the thermal motion of atoms
表2 参数对照
Tab.2 Parameter comparison
参 数数 值 探测光波长/nm852.347 耦合光波长/nm509.714 原子密度/m-33.5×1016 铯原子相对原子质量132.905 4 探测光拉比频率/(rad/s)20 耦合光拉比频率/(rad/s)1 环境温度/K298.15
图6 修正多普勒效应的EIT光谱(T=298.15 K)
Fig.6 Correcting the Doppler effect in the EIT spectrum (T=298.15 K)
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Abstract The quantum measurement of the electric field based on the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) effect of the Rydberg atom surpasses the limitations of traditional measuring methods in accuracy and sensitivity, offering self-calibration capability. Ideally, the electric fieldismeasured by stationary cold atoms. However, preparing cold atoms requires multi-lasersynergy and gradient magnetic field coils to reduce the atomtemperature, which needs complex experimental setups, precise operational techniques, and expensive equipment. Using hot atoms at room temperature is convenient in engineering applications. However, the atom’s thermal motion affects the relative velocity between atoms and lasers, resulting in the Doppler effect. Accordingly, frequency shifts and deformations in the EIT spectruminterfere with the coherent effect of the electric field. Mitigating the Doppler effectis essential to enhance the quantum measurement accuracy of theelectric field using hot Rydberg atoms.
This paper proposes a method to correct the Doppler effect by adjusting the probe and coupling laserfrequencies. The density matrix equation is established based on the multiphot on interaction with atoms. By solving the equation and deriving the mathematical relationship among the absorption rate of the probe laser, the dispersion rate of the probe laser, and the frequency detuning of the coupled laser in the atomic system, an accurate description of the EIT effect is obtained. Then, the relationship between temperature and atomic motion is introduced to quantify the Doppler effect of atomic thermal motion, which convertsatomic thermal motion into the quantity of probe laser and coupled laser frequency detuning. The Doppler effect on the absorbance and dispersion of the atomic system is analyzed. Finally, the EIT spectrum is corrected by reverselyadjusting the input frequency parameters of lasers based on the calculated quantities. Simulations verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
The results show that the EIT absorption and dispersion curve line is asymmetric with the increase in temperature. Simultaneously, the deformation of the absorption curve reduces the depth of the absorption window and inhomogeneous broadening, leading to a frequency shift in the absorption spectrum. The proposed method corrects the anomalous trend of the dispersion and absorption spectra, eliminating the Doppler effect due to the atom’s thermal motion. The quantum measurement accuracy of the electric field is enhanced based on Rydberg atoms at room temperature, which promotes the engineering application process of quantum measurement.
keywords:Electric field measurement, Rydberg atoms, electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), thermal motion of atoms, Doppler effect, correction
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230395
收稿日期 2023-03-29
改稿日期 2023-04-25
阎 晟 男,1998年生,博士研究生,研究方向为量子测量。E-mail: 18843150725@163.com
肖冬萍 女,1977年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电磁测量、量子测量、电磁环境建模与数值计算、电气设备状态监测与故障诊断等。E-mail: xiaodongping@cqu.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 郭丽军)