
刘晶冠 艾小猛 方家琨 崔世常 王盛世

(强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室(华中科技大学) 武汉 430074)

摘要 成品油管网具有多批次顺序输送特性,其管道网络参数为连续时变变量,导致压力约束中存在多个连续时变变量相乘项,具有很强的非线性。为此,该文借鉴流体力学中描述流体运动的思路,首先,将建模视角从传统基于欧拉法的管网视角切换到基于拉格朗日法的批次视角对模型进行等价重构以降低非线性;然后,综合大M法、分段线性化和二维凸组合等多种线性化技术进一步消除非线性,将非线性模型转换为易于求解的混合整数线性规划模型;最后,进行算例分析,结果表明所提模型较现有模型更能反映管网的复杂工况,在确保运输安全的同时提高经济性,其中电力成本降低27.95%,平均近似误差从19.74%降低至0.61%。

关键词:多批次输送 线性化技术 电力成本 输油节能

0 引言






图1 成品油输送示意图

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of refined oil transportation







1 多批次成品油管网计划-运行优化模型


1.1 目标函数


width=144,height=29.25 (1)

式中,R为电价,本文取固定电价0.85 ¥/(kW·h);width=20.4,height=15.8为第t个时间窗内第个站场第台泵起停状态的0-1变量;width=15,height=15.8为第width=6.95,height=10.4个时间窗内第width=6.95,height=11.95个站场过站油品密度;width=23.1,height=15.8为第width=6.95,height=10.4个时间窗内第width=6.95,height=11.95个站场第台主输泵的扬程;为当地重力加速度,本文取9.81 m/s2为站场的过站流量;width=9.65,height=11.95为泵效率,本文取width=21.95,height=14.25width=13.5,height=11.95为调度时间窗长度,本文取width=35.4,height=13.5


1.2 压力分布约束


width=122.75,height=17.35 (2)

width=36.6,height=17.35 (3)


式中,width=14.25,height=17.35width=15,height=17.35分别为站场进、出站压力;width=15,height=17.35为站场主输泵所提供压力;width=15,height=13.5为输油首站节点压力,本文取0.3 MPa,认为首站节点为恒压源[24]width=14.25,height=17.35为第t个时间窗内管段width=32.35,height=15内的压力损失。式(2)描述了过站前后压力变化,式(4)的含义是油品在管段传输过程中产生的压力损失变化。



式中,width=15,height=17.35为第t个时间窗内管段width=32.35,height=15内含有的所有油品批次集合;width=20.4,height=15.8width=20.4,height=15.8分别为第个时间窗内第批次油品在管段width=32.35,height=15的油品密度和粘度;为列宾宗公式(Leapienzon formula)系数[10],本文分别取值为0.25和0.024 6;为管段内径;Ai为管段横截面积;width=20.4,height=17.35为油品在管段内的体积;width=24.65,height=17.35为油品在管段内的首末高程差。式(5)是在列宾宗公式[25]基础上从传统管网视角描述压力损失的表达式。




width=76.6,height=24.65 (6)

width=107,height=17.35 (7)






1.3 流量分布约束


2 基于欧拉法的模型重构


2.1 变量离散化



width=86.2,height=23.85 (10)

width=141.7,height=25.4 (11)

width=141.7,height=25.4 (12)

width=231,height=25.4 (13)

width=237.25,height=25.4 (14)

width=38.9,height=15.8 (15)


表1 辅助变量取值

Tab.1 Values of auxiliary variable

油品种类α 0号柴油000 92号汽油101 95号汽油112

2.2 变量显示表达






width=101.2,height=30.05 (19)

width=162.15,height=19.65 (20)

width=166.35,height=19.65 (21)



图2 油品分布示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of refined oil distribution

3 模型的线性化近似


3.1 大M法


width=99.7,height=17.35 (22)

width=101.2,height=17.35 (23)

width=159,height=19.65 (24)

width=159.85,height=19.65 (25)



width=105.9,height=17.35 (26)

width=110.9,height=17.35 (27)

width=105.9,height=17.35 (28)

3.2 分段线性化


设与流量有关的函数表达式为width=44.3,height=17.35,其中映射 为函数的非线性关系。在给定的流量区间范围内,利用个分段点,即width=52.35,height=12.7,将其分成width=23.1,height=10.4段,本文采取等分策略,将区间的分段点用width=10.4,height=15, width=11.95,height=15, width=11.95,height=8.1, width=12.7,height=15表示。其中width=10.4,height=15与所给流量区间的下限重合,width=12.7,height=15与所给流量区间的上限重合。每个分段点e均用一个连续变量width=38.9,height=17.35进行关联,每个分段区间width=36.6,height=17.35均用一个0-1变量width=11.95,height=15进行关联,如图3所示。


图3 分段线性化示意图

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of piecewise linearization


width=48.15,height=29.25 (29)


width=37.35,height=29.25 (31)

width=36.6,height=29.25 (32)


width=30.8,height=15 (34)

width=41.2,height=15 (35)

width=47.35,height=15 (36)

3.3 二维凸组合


设二元函数表达式为width=53.9,height=19.65,其中映射代表函数的非线性关系。根据文献[30],二维单纯形为三角形,因此本文在给定的流量区间范围内,利用V个分段点,即width=52.35,height=12.7,采取等分策略将流量区间分成V-1段,分段点用width=9.65,height=15.8, width=9.65,height=15.8, width=11.95,height=8.1, width=10.4,height=15.8表示。其中width=9.65,height=15.8与所给流量区间的下限重合,width=10.4,height=15.8与所给流量区间的上限重合;同样地,在给定的油品水平长度区间范围内,利用U个分段点,即width=53.9,height=12.7采取等分策略将其分成U-1段,分段点用width=9.65,height=17.35, width=9.65,height=17.35, width=11.95,height=8.1, width=11.95,height=17.35表示,其中width=9.65,height=17.35与所给长度区间的下限重合,width=11.95,height=17.35与所给长度区间的上限重合。通过上述区间划分,可以将二元函数的曲面利用多个二维单纯形来近似替代。在函数定义域内,以由width=29.25,height=19.65width=35.4,height=19.65width=41.2,height=19.65width=35.4,height=19.65顶点构成的矩形为例,通过对角线分割,可以将矩形区域划分为上、下两个三角形,对应区域为上、下单纯形在width=23.85,height=15.8平面的投影。




width=89.35,height=29.25 (39)

width=89.35,height=29.25 (40)


width=190.6,height=19.65 (42)
width=50.8,height=15.8 (43)

图4 二维凸组合示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of 2D convex combination

4 算例分析

本节在Matlab 2021a平台上以国内西南地区某成品油管线为算例对所提模型进行测试,测试环境为i7-7700 CPU@3.60 GHz,16 G内存,并调用商业求解器GUROBI 9.1.0进行求解。

4.1 参数设置

算例管道长度约47.4 km,沿线共有五个站场,包括一个输油首站(即油品注入站IS)、三个中间下载站(即DS1、DS2和DS3)和一个输油末站(即TS),其中输油首站IS和中间下载站D1为泵站,决策总时长为24 h,线性化分段数均取5,其余算例参数见附表1~附表5。

4.2 算例分析







图5 算例1~3批次转移图

Fig.5 Batch moving plan in Case1 to Case 3


表2 算例1~3求解结果对比

Tab.2 Result comparasion among Case1 to Case 3

对比指标算例1算例2算例3 电力成本/(103元)23.0429.4823.36 泵功率/(MW·h)27.1135.6027.49 泵提供压力/MPa112.97142.62112.99 压力损失/MPa105.97118.28105.36 泵站特性平均近似误差(%)—8.920.21 泵站特性最大近似误差(%)—10.510.41 压力损失平均近似误差(%)—19.740.61 压力损失最大近似误差(%)—42.171.80


图6为不同方案下的泵起停计划,其中黑色实心代表泵起动,空心代表泵停机。算例1和算例3所给配泵计划相同,从配泵角度验证了所提模型的正确性。相比之下,算例2由于对压力损失和泵站特性的近似过于保守,导致四台泵的总在线时长比算例3多出9 h,进一步恶化了经济性。值得注意的是,算例2在16 h给出了四台泵同时起动的方案,该方案意味着出现备用缺失的局面,一旦一台泵停机,将导致整条管线失去输送能力,造成巨大的经济损失。若给模型添加起泵数量约束,则会导致模型出现无解局面。因此,算例2所给开泵方案难以在实际调度中被采用。相比之下,本文所提模型能更准确地估计管网的压力损失,决策出更为合理的配泵方案。

图7为不同方案下的压力分布,算例3的压力分布平均近似误差仅为0.6%,验证了所提模型的压力分布正确性。相比之下,算例2由于对压力损失的近似误差较大,导致配泵方案出现冗余,进而导致管段压力分布贴近运行上限,甚至在压力损失较大的第1、9、11、16和22个时间窗内出现压力越限的局面。以10~11 h为例,不同方案的压力损失估计见表3。由于管段IS-DS1的流量较大,相较于其他管段其近似误差也较大。由于现有模型对压力损失的估计误差较大,高估了管段的压力损失,导致算例2不得不起动更多的泵来弥补估计误差,进而危及运行安全。


图6 算例1~3泵起停计划

Fig.6 Pump scheduling in Case 1 to Case 3


图7 算例1~3压力分布

Fig.7 Pressure distribution in Case1 to Case 3

表3 10~11 h压力损失估计

Tab.3 Pressure loss estimation in 10 h to 11 h (单位:MPa)

压力损失算例1算例2算例3 IS-DS11.802.551.80 DS1-DS20.700.830.71 DS2-DS30.941.090.95



表4 不同分段数下的计算结果

Tab.4 Calculation results with different segment numbers

分段数电力成本/(103元)最大近似偏差(%)计算时间/min 230.5612.715 326.875.288 425.113.5819 523.361.8064 623.321.28307

5 结论






附 录

1. 联合优化模型流量约束


width=70.45,height=16.55 (A1)

width=90.1,height=18.1 (A2)

width=83.15,height=16.55 (A3)

width=84.65,height=16.55 (A4)

width=107,height=16.55 (A5)


width=41.95,height=28.5 (A7)

width=105.1,height=16.55 (A8)

width=74.3,height=28.5 (A9)




width=87.8,height=27.7 (A11)



width=182.8,height=18.1 (A12)

width=181.7,height=18.1 (A13)

width=135.85,height=16.55 (A14)

width=135.85,height=16.55 (A15)

width=132,height=18.1 (A16)

width=132,height=18.1 (A17)

width=155.15,height=18.1 (A18)



width=75.05,height=16.55 (A19)

width=70.45,height=16.55 (A20)

width=144,height=26.95 (A21)



width=100.5,height=16.55 (A22)


width=96.65,height=29.25 (A24)

width=140.85,height=29.25 (A25)



width=146.3,height=29.25 (A26)

width=95.8,height=28.5 (A27)


width=136.3,height=16.55 (A29)


2. 算例系统参数及算例结果

附表1 站场下载参数

App.Tab.1 Delivery parameters of stations

站场0号需求/m392号需求/m395号需求/m3最小下载流量/(m3/h)最大下载流量/(m3/h) DS18501 100500100900 DS21 2001 4001 800100600 DS36801 4002 000100600 TS2 1001 8002 000100600

附表2 站场压力限制

App.Tab.2 Pressure limits of stations

站场最小进站压力/MPa最大进站压力/MPa最小出站压力/MPa最大出站压力/MPa IS0. DS10. DS20. DS30. TS0.

附表3 站场主输泵扬程参数

App.Tab.3 Pump head parameters of each pump

站场泵编号 IS(P1)P1-1-1.09-14.1497.1 P1-2-1.12-13.8498.2 DS1(P2)P2-1-44.9-5.6322.9 P2-2-43.2-5.8325.2

附表4 批次计划参数

App.Tab.4 Parameters of injection plan

批次质量/t油品密度/(kg/m3)粘度/10-6 B13 9800号847.46 B25 70092号7242 B36 30095号7251 B44 8300号847.46

附表5 管段参数

App.Tab.5 Parameters of pipeline segments

管段里程/ km高程差/ m内径/ mm最小流量/ (m3/h)最大流量/ (m3/h) IS-DS115.1253115001 200 DS1-DS212.1353115001 200 DS2-DS310.1802081001 100 DS3-TS10.180208100700

3. 算例结果图


附图1 算例1~3流量分布

App.Fig.1 Flow distribution in Case1 to Case 3


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A Joint Scheduling and Operation Optimization Model for Multi-Batch Refined Oil Pipeline Network Based on Pressure Constraint Reconstruction

Liu Jingguan Ai Xiaomeng Fang Jiakun Cui Shichang Wang Shengshi

(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China)

Abstract Unlike water pipeline networks that transport a single medium, refined oil pipeline networks transport multiple media sequentially. As a result, the pipeline network parameters continuously vary over time, leading to multiple continuous time-varying variable multiplication terms in pressure constraints that exhibit strong nonlinearity. Existing research typically divides the transport of refined oil into two separate decision stages or simplifies the constraints to reduce model nonlinearity. However, most methods suffer from low safety or poor economics. To address these issues, this paper proposes a joint scheduling and operation optimization model for multi-batch refined oil pipeline network based on pressure constraint reconstruction. The model's accuracy is improved through model reconstruction and linear approximation, which accurately reflects the complex transportation conditions of refined oil pipeline networks.

First, according to different approaches to describe fluid motion in fluid mechanics, the construction of refined oil transport models switches from the traditional Eulerian-based network perspective to the Lagrangian-based batch perspective. Without compromising model accuracy, continuous time-varying variables in pressure constraints are reconstructed equivalently as discrete variables to reduce model nonlinearity. Simultaneously, some difficult-to-quantify variables are equivalently reconstructed as new variables that are easy to express and have intuitive physical meanings. Various linearization techniques, such as the big-M method, piecewise linearization and two-dimensional convex combination, are further utilized to eliminate the nonlinearity of the reconstructed model. Within the acceptable range of practical engineering errors, the two-stage joint optimization model is transformed into a tractable mixed integer linear programming model.

The proposed model is applied to a refined oil transportation pipeline network in the southwest region of China. Compared with the pump scheduling of existing models, the electricity cost of the proposed model is only 1.39% higher than the optimal solution. On the other hand, the electricity cost of the existing joint optimization model is 27.95% higher than the optimal solution. These results validate the power cost accuracy of the proposed model. Furthermore, pump station characteristics and pressure loss in the proposed model are closer to the actual values, with maximum approximation errors of only 0.41% and 1.80%, respectively. This validates the model's approximation accuracy. In contrast, the maximum approximation error of existing models reaches 19.74%, making it difficult to reflect the actual pressure conditions of refined oil pipeline networks. This can lead to incorrect pump allocation schemes, which worsens both economic efficiency and operational safety. Simulation results show that the pumping scheduling provided by the existing model could not be used in the implement field.

The simulation analysis leads to the following conclusions: (1) The proposed model has superior approximation accuracy compared to existing two-stage joint optimization models, which reflects the complex conditions of refined oil pipeline networks more accurately. (2) The proposed model can determine more accurate pump allocation schemes compared to existing models, which ensures transportation safety and improves economic efficiency. (3) A larger number of segments can improve the approximation accuracy of the constraints, which further reduces electricity costs. However, this comes at the cost of model solution speed. Therefore, the number of segments should be selected based on the actual model size and computation time.

keywords:Multi-batch transportation, linearization technique, electricity costs, energy saving in oil transportation




收稿日期 2023-01-13

改稿日期 2023-03-29


刘晶冠 男,1999年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为综合能源系统优化建模。E-mail:spencerplusmail@foxmail.com

方家琨 男,1985年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为氢能、储能技术的系统应用、综合能源系统优化建模等。E-mail:jfa@hust.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 赫蕾)