摘要 全氟异丁腈(C4F7N)和三氟甲基磺酰氟(CF3SO2F)是两种具有应用前景的SF6替代气体,有必要研究其与设备中常见吸附剂的相容性。该文通过试验研究了五种常用的吸附剂(3A分子筛、4A分子筛、5A分子筛、13X分子筛及活性氧化铝)与C4F7N气体、CF3SO2F气体的相容性,采用C4F7N/CO2、CF3SO2F/N2混合气体进行试验,检测试验前后混合气体的比例及成分,发现活性氧化铝会使C4F7N气体体积分数下降,但不会使CF3SO2F气体体积分数下降;其他几种吸附剂均不会使两种气体体积分数下降。分析表明,C4F7N气体分子的CN基团会与活性氧化铝发生弱相互作用,从而导致其被活性氧化铝吸附,因此活性氧化铝不适合作为C4F7N气体设备中的吸附剂。该文涉及的五种吸附剂均与CF3SO2F气体相容。
关键词:吸附剂 C4F7N CF3SO2F SF6替代气体 相容性
SF6气体因具有优异的理化性质、绝缘特性及灭弧能力[1-2],在高压电气设备中得到了广泛应用。然而由于SF6气体具有强温室效应,其温室效应系数(Global Warming Potential, GWP)约为CO2的23 500倍,大气寿命长达3 200年[3-4]。1997年《京都议定书》中明确将SF6气体列为六种限制性使用的温室气体之一[5],因此SF6的环境问题引起了国内外研究人员的广泛关注[6]。在“碳达峰,碳中和”目标下,电力系统减少SF6气体使用是必然趋势[7],SF6替代气体的研发与应用成为电力行业中的热点研究问题[8]。
表1 吸附剂材料参数
Tab.1 Parameters of the absorbents material
吸附剂种类分子式粒径/ mm有效孔径/Å 3A分子筛2/3K2O·1/3Na2O·Al2O3·2SiO2·9/2H2O33.0 4A分子筛Na2O·Al2O3·2SiO2·9/2H2O33.8 5A分子筛3/4CaO·1/4Na2O·Al2O3·2SiO2·9/2H2O34.3 13X分子筛Na2O·Al2O3·2.45SiO2·6H2O34~10 活性氧化铝Al2O3-x(OH)2x3~59~20
试验使用的气体密封罐如图1所示,其材料为304不锈钢,内径为60 mm,高度为100 mm,容积为282 mL,最高可承受气压为1.0 MPa。
图1 不锈钢气体密封罐
Fig.1 Gas container made of stainless steel
1)将密封包装的吸附剂取出,放入温控箱中进行加热,加热温度为150℃,加热时长为12 h。加热的目的是对吸附剂进行活化处理,除去吸附剂上可能存在的水分等杂质。
2)计算预计使用的气体质量。GB/T 34320—2017《六氟化硫电气设备用分子筛吸附剂使用规范》中规定,吸附剂质量应选取不低于气室内气体质量的5%,本文选取气体质量的30%作为吸附剂的使用质量[20]。这样的选取方法对试验的结果不造成干扰。称取定量的吸附剂后放入试验气罐中,利用真空泵将试验气罐抽至真空,抽真空时间为15 min。
3)向试验气罐内充入少量C4F7N或CF3SO2F,静置5 min后,对试验气罐抽真空进行洗气,洗气完毕后,在真空状态下充入C4F7N或CF3SO2F,随后充入CO2或N2至指定气压。参考GB/T 3906—2020《3.6 kV~40.5 kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备》充气隔室内非SF6气体气压应由制造商及用户协商确定[21],本文参考GE公司所提出的配气方案[7],将试验气体配成绝对压力为0.6 MPa的20% C4F7N/80%CO2混合气体以及绝对压力为0.4 MPa的40% CF3SO2F/60%N2混合气体。
4)在室温(25℃)下将试验气罐放置在阴暗处,试验时长为7 d。
5)试验结束后,使用取气袋从采气口抽气并进行气相色谱-质谱联用(Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer, GC-MS)检测。取气后对剩余气体进行气相色谱(GC)检测。
图2 不同吸附剂与C4F7N/CO2混合气体试验后GC-MS检测结果
Fig.2 GC-MS results of different adsorbents and C4F7N/CO2 gas mixtures
图3 不同吸附剂与CF3SO2F/N2混合气体试验后GC-MS检测结果
Fig.3 GC-MS results of different adsorbents and CF3SO2F/N2 gas mixtures
2.1.1 C4F7N/CO2混合气体
分析表2可知,五种吸附剂对于CO2的吸附能力比较接近。而五种吸附剂中,活性氧化铝对C4F7N中的C2F5CN气体杂质有更为明显的吸附作用,这与文献[16, 22]中的结果是一致的,也表明了腈类化合物分子中的CN基团会与活性氧化铝中的Al之间形成弱相互作用。
表2 C4F7N/CO2试验后各气体组分相对峰面积占比
Tab.2 Relative ratios of peak area of C4F7N/CO2 gas after tests
试验组C4F7N(%)CO2(%)C2F5CN(%) 3A分子筛10011.690.92 4A分子筛10013.230.83 5A分子筛10012.160.96 13X分子筛10013.200.78 活性氧化铝10012.320.42
2.1.2 CF3SO2F/N2混合气体
表3 CF3SO2F/N2试验后各气体组分相对峰面积占比
Tab.3 Relative ratios of peak area of CF3SO2F/N2 gas after tests
试验组CF3SO2F(%)N2(%)CF4(%) 3A分子筛10030.200.62 4A分子筛10015.280.07 5A分子筛10013.380.38 13X分子筛10016.980 活性氧化铝10020.740
如表3所示,五种吸附剂中,3A分子筛明显表现出对N2的吸附效果不如其他吸附剂,这是由于N2的分子尺寸(3.4 Å)要比3A分子筛的孔径(约3.0Å)略大,导致3A分子筛无法吸附N2分子。对于CF3SO2F气体中的CF4气体杂质,13X分子筛、活性氧化铝的吸附效果更好。
表4 试验前后C4F7N体积分数
Tab.4 Volume fraction of C4F7N before and after the test
试验组试验前(%)试验后(%) 3A分子筛20.7920.07 4A分子筛19.6620.62 5A分子筛20.0119.89 13X分子筛19.9820.47 活性氧化铝20.0018.12
表5 试验前后CF3SO2F体积分数
Tab.5 Volume fraction of CF3SO2F before and after the test
试验组试验前(%)试验后(%) 3A分子筛40.4141.75 4A分子筛40.2743.54 5A分子筛40.4240.65 13X分子筛40.1739.89 活性氧化铝40.7040.04
试验前后吸附剂质量的变化见表6。从表6可以看出,对于C4F7N/CO2混合气体,五种吸附剂中除活性氧化铝外,其他吸附剂在试验后增重率均约为10%,这是由于吸附剂吸附了试验中混入的空气与水分以及试验气体中的杂质气体所导致的增重。而活性氧化铝试验组中吸附剂在试验后的增重率为43.37%,明显高于其他试验组,说明活性氧化铝在试验中吸附了除上述气体外的其他气体。表4中,C4F7N气体经过计算后可知气体实际减重质量为0.257 g,而表6中活性氧化铝吸附剂相比其他吸附剂的增重率反映其额外吸附的气体质量为0.282 g,考虑到试验检测产生的误差,可以认为吸附剂额外吸取的气体质量就是C4F7N气体减少的质量。结合GC-MS与GC结果综合分析说明两者之间并未产生化学反应,没有生成其他气体,因此证明了活性氧化铝对于C4F7N气体有吸附作用。对于CF3SO2F/N2混合气体,五种吸附剂在试验后的增重率均为5%左右,这也是由于吸附了混入的空气、水分以及部分气体杂质导致的。结合GC-MS与GC结果综合分析,可以认为五组吸附剂均没有对CF3SO2F气体表现出明显的吸附作用,相容性良好。
表6 试验前后吸附剂质量变化
Tab.6 The change of adsorbent mass before and after the test
试验气体试验组试验前质量/g试验后质量/g增重率(%) C4F7N/CO23A分子筛0.8860.9719.59 4A分子筛0.8851.01915.14 5A分子筛0.8881.00012.61 13X分子筛0.9121.00610.31 活性氧化铝0.8971.28643.37 CF3SO2F/N23A分子筛0.6970.7142.44 4A分子筛0.7070.7364.10 5A分子筛0.7000.7121.74 13X分子筛0.6980.7213.30 活性氧化铝0.7260.7685.79
吸附剂活性氧化铝的生产过程通常是通过将天然形态的氢氧化物进行热处理转变为不同形式的氧化铝。γ-氧化铝是吸附和催化应用中最常用的氧化铝形式,由于活性氧化铝的孔结构取决于热处理条件,而设计热处理的过程非常复杂,往往导致活性氧化铝的吸附孔径具有比较大的范围[23]。有文献表明,γ-氧化铝的小孔平均孔径通常为0.9 nm,大孔平均直径可达1~2 nm[24],而C4F7N的分子尺寸约为0.75 nm,因此可以被活性氧化铝吸附剂所吸收,而同时C4F7N分子的CN基团会与活性氧化铝中的Al形成弱相互作用,也会导致活性氧化铝吸附C4F7N分子,致使C4F7N气体比例下降[16,25]。
2)活性氧化铝吸附剂会吸附C4F7N气体,二者的相容性试验检测发现,时长为7 d的试验后C4F7N的体积分数降低1.88%,相应活性氧化铝吸附剂增重率达43.37%,因此不推荐在C4F7N气体绝缘设备中使用活性氧化铝。CF3SO2F/N2混合气体与活性氧化铝的试验未出现吸附,五个试验组中CF3SO2F的体积分数降低最大值仅为0.66%,吸附剂增重率的最大值仅为5.79%,表明CF3SO2F与五种吸附剂之间的相容性均良好。
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Abstract SF6 is an advantageous insulation gas that is widely applied in electrical equipment all over the world. However, the high global warming potential (GWP) it possesses prevents it from continuous application due to environment-friendly targets. In this circumstance, a variety of environment-friendly insulation gases have entered the field of view of researchers. Perfluoroisobutyronitrile (C4F7N) and trifluoromethylsulfonyl fluoride (CF3SO2F) are two novel environment-friendly gases replacing SF6. Researchers have conducted a bunch of studies to test the dielectric properties and other properties of two gases by different methods. To promote the use of environment-friendly gases in industrial applications, it is necessary to study the compatibility between environment-friendly gases and common adsorbents in electrical equipment. Compatibility means that a kind of material will not have physical changes or chemical changes if contacted by other kinds of material. Recent research indicated that activated alumina is incompatible with C4F7N while there is little research on the compatibility of adsorbents with CF3SO2F. To find out the compatibility between the adsorbents and CF3SO2F and to verify the test methods used in this paper, a series of tests were performed.
According to the gas application scheme that the researchers have introduced, 20%C4F7N/80%CO2 mixed gas under 0.6 MPa and 40%CF3SO2F/N2 mixed gas under 0.4 MPa were used for the compatibility test. The mixed gas and the adsorbents were put into gas containers made of stainless steel at 25℃. The GC-MS tests and GC tests aimed to analyze the collected gas after the tests were performed 7 days later. The mass of the adsorbents was measured by precision balances before and after the tests to find out how much weight the adsorbent increased through the adsorption process. The gas and adsorbents test results were compared to find out if the target environment-friendly gas was adsorbed.
The adsorption effect of five commonly used adsorbents (3A molecular sieve, 4A molecular sieve, 5A molecular sieve, 13X molecular sieve, and activated alumina) on C4F7N/CO2 and CF3SO2F/N2 gases was experimentally studied. Firstly, the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS ) results show that there is no extra gas produced in both tests for C4F7N and CF3SO2F which indicates that there are no chemical changes during a 7-day test. By detecting the proportion and composition of mixed gases before and after the test through gas chromatography (GC) test, it is found that activated alumina can obviously reduce the proportion of C4F7N by 1.88% which can be converted to 0.257 g while no similar result was observed for CF3SO2F. Other adsorbents will not reduce the ratio of the two gases. The increased mass of the adsorbents was calculated and the increased mass of the activated alumina adsorbent is 0.282 g which is approximately equal to the decreased mass of C4F7N considering the errors in the test. Because GC-MS test result reveals that no chemical change between C4F7N and activated alumina during the test, the adsorption effect is considered physical adsorption. The analysis shows that the CN group of C4F7N molecule has a weak interaction with activated alumina, which leads to its adsorption by activated alumina. Therefore, activated alumina is not suitable for use as an adsorbent in C4F7N gas-insulated equipment, and the five adsorbents involved are all compatible with CF3SO2F.
keywords:Adsorbent, C4F7N, CF3SO2F, SF6 alternative gases, compatibility
收稿日期 2023-01-10
改稿日期 2023-02-17
吕浥尘 男,2000年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为新型环保绝缘气体。E-mail:lyceehv@whu.edu.cn
郑 宇 男,1992年生,博士后,副研究员,研究方向为高电压绝缘技术。E-mail:zywhuee@whu.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 李冰)