摘要 针对精简矩阵变换器(RMC)传统直接功率预测控制在电网电压不平衡工况下网侧电流畸变严重、输入功率和直流侧输出电压存在较大波动的问题。该文提出一种适用于RMC的扩展直接功率预测控制方法。推导分析不平衡输入电压下有功功率和无功功率的二倍频波动表达式,利用1/4电网周期延迟法提取电网电压、电流正负序分量,采用扩展瞬时功率理论重新构建瞬时功率的参考值,实现网侧功率和直流电压纹波波动的自抑制,最后搭建一台实验样机对所提方法进行了验证。实验结果表明,电网电压不平衡下所提方法使直流侧输出电压、有功功率和无功功率波动相较传统直接功率预测得到了有效抑制,实现了RMC网侧电流正弦且单位功率因数运行,验证了所提出方法的有效性和正确性。
关键词:精简矩阵变换器 直接功率预测控制 电网非正常工况 扩展功率控制
精简矩阵变换器(Reduced Matrix Converter, RMC)在V2G、交直流微电网、通信电源以及其他大型电源供电系统等领域具有广阔的应用前景[1-4]。在实际电力系统中,三相负荷分配不对称、大功率特殊负载启动以及新能源发电并网均会导致电网电压三相不平衡等工况。同时RMC无中间储能环节,在电网电压不平衡时,网侧存在二倍频功率脉动,若仍采用传统直接功率预测的瞬时无功功率控制策略,有功功率和无功功率不能同时跟踪功率参考值,同时无法消除有功和无功功率脉动,进而导致网侧电流失真、直流电压不稳定等问题[5-7]。因此,对RMC在电网不平衡工况下的控制策略进行研究以提高性能具有重要的学术意义和工程应用价值。
文献[19]提出了一种基于虚拟磁通估计器的直接功率预测控制方法,对基波正序分量(Fundamental Positive Sequence Component, FPSC)和基波负序分量(Fundamental Negative Sequence Component, FNSC)分离器进行了优化调整,在电网不平衡和畸变条件下变换器仍然能够稳定运行,动态性能和网侧电流正弦度较好,但在有功和无功功率动态瞬时响应方面平滑度较差。
文献[20]为了有效抑制不平衡电网下直流侧纹波和电网电流谐波,提出了一种基于有功功率和无功功率独立控制的增强型多通道控制策略,通过瞬时功率分解直接合成电流参考,输入功率因数(Input Paver Factor, IPF)几乎接近1,电网电流总谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion, THD)小于5%,但该策略下输入电流仍包含低次谐波。
轴分量的直接功率预测控制方法,使得直流侧的纹波降低了76%,但在电网电压大幅度变化下无功、有功功率振幅并不能得到有效抑制。文献[22]提出了一种基于复功率矢量新的扩展功率预测方法,在电网电压严重不平衡情况下通过采用双矢量控制,仍能获得更好的电网电流质量。文献[23]提出一种基于扩展有功功率滑模直接功率预测方法,该控制策略省去了正负序提取和锁相环的复杂过程,在平衡和非平衡电网电压下电流都能保持正弦,但是扩展有功和无功功率的开关控制律参数选取困难。文献[24]为了改善在不平衡电网下传统功率模型预测控制(Conventional Model Predictive Control, C-MPPC)开关频率、变换器效率和电流THD,提出了多矢量合成扩展无功功率预测控制,且稳定性得到了提高,但由于新的代价函数权重系数难以确定,相邻两个控制切换点处最小开关切换次数需要重新整定,同时需要计算能力更强的数字控制器才能实现计算。
图1 精简矩阵变换器拓扑结构
Fig.1 Reduced matrix converter topology
图2给出了正常工况下RMC直接功率预测控制(Direct Power Model Predictive Control, DPMPC)框图,其主要由功率预测模型、功率参考计算和循环优化环节构成。首先,采集第k拍的电压、电流量,由功率预测模型计算得到k+1拍的网侧有功、无功功率;其次,设定直流侧电压参考值,将其与采样电压之差经PI调节器后与采样电压相乘得到有功功率参考,同时设定无功功率参考为零;最后,建立目标函数,循环优化,选出最优的开关状态Sxy,得到开关管驱动信号。
Fig.2 Block diagram of RMC direct power model predictive control
2.1.1 扩展瞬时功率定义
在电网非正常工况下,传统直接功率预测控制方法失效,存在网侧电流畸变、有功功率输出、无功功率二倍频和直流侧较大纹波的问题。本文将扩展功率定义应用到直接功率预测控制中,提出一种在正常和非正常工况下均能良好运行的扩展直接功率模型预测控制(Extended Direct Power Model Predictive Control, EDP-MPC)。
2.1.2 功率参考值计算
2.1.3 构建目标函数
图3 EDP-MPC框图
Fig.3 Extended direct power predictive control block diagram
图4给出了RMC DPMPC和EDP-MPC在电网电压不平衡工况下对比仿真波形。从图4a中可以看出,DPMPC网侧电流畸变较大,EDP-MPC网侧电流畸变相对较小。由图4b可以看出,DPMPC输入有功功率脉动为5.2 W,EDP-MPC输入有功功率脉动为3.8 W。上述数据验证了本文所提方法在电网电压非正常工况下对输入有功功率脉动抑制的可行性和正确性。
图4 RMC DPMPC和EDP-MPC电网电压不平衡工况下对比仿真波形
Fig 4 RMC DPMPC and EDP-MPC comparison of simulation steady-state waveforms under grid voltage unbalance conditions
为了验证本文提出方案的可行性和有效性,搭建了一台实验样机,如图5所示,控制器由DSP2812和CPLD组成,前级矩阵双向开关模块采用SK60GM123 IGBT,实验参数见表1。
图5 实验平台
Fig.5 Experimental platform
表1 RMC实验参数
Tab.1 Parameters of RMC experimental
参数数值 输入电压/V100(50 Hz) 输入滤波器电容/μF30 电阻/Ω103 电感/mH1.4 输出滤波器电感/mH10 电容/μF450 开关频率/kHz20 负载R/Ω10
图6 电网正常工况下的DPMPC稳态波形
Fig.6 Direct power predictive control steady-state waveforms under normal grid conditions
图7 DPMPC网侧功率波形
Fig.7 Direct power prediction control network side power waveforms
针对本文提出的扩展功率预测控制的有效性进行了实验验证并与传统直接功率预测控制进行性能对比。用三相输出不平衡的调压器模拟电网不平衡工况,相电压有效值分别设定为89、82和69 V。
图8 不平衡工况下两种控制方法网侧电流性能对比
Fig.8 The comparison of current performance between two control methods under unbalanced conditions
图9 不平衡工况下两种控制方法输入功率对比
Fig.9 Comparison of DC voltage ripple between two control methods under imbalanced condition
由图9、图10可知,不平衡电网工况下,继续采用直接功率预测控制,电网电流THD=7.41%,网侧电流质量将变差,有功功率二倍频波动幅值在5.8 W,无功功率的波动幅值为6 var。扩展功率控制下RMC电网电流THD=4.07%,仍满足电网电流THD<5%的谐波标准要求,有功功率波动幅值为4 W,波动幅值降低了31.03%,无功功率波动幅值为5.8 var,波动幅值降低了3.33%。从而验证了扩展直接功率预测控制有效抑制了不平衡输入电压导致的有功功率和无功功率的二倍频波动。
图10 不平衡工况下两种控制方法电网电流THD
Fig.10 THD of grid current for two control methods under unbalanced conditions
波形。由图11可知,直接功率预测控制下直流侧输出电压存在较大波动,波动幅值为7.4 V。而采用扩展功率预测控制下输出电压波动幅值为5.4 V,两者相比较波动幅值降低了27.03%,从而验证了本文所提方法能有效减少RMC不平衡输入工况下的RMC直流侧电压波动分量,提高了直流侧输出电压的稳定性。
图11 不平衡工况下两种控制方法直流侧电压波动对比
Fig.11 The comparison of DC voltage ripple between two control methods under unbalanced conditions
为比较网侧电压不平衡作用下两种控制方法的优越性,图12给出有功功率脉动、无功功率脉动、直流侧电压交流分量和THD的对比。DPMPC有功功率脉动为5.8 W,无功功率脉动为6 var,直流侧电压交流分量为7.4 V,THD为7.41%;EDP-MPC有功功率脉动为4 W,无功功率脉动为5.8 var,直流侧电压交流分量为5.4 V,THD为4.07%。对上述数据分析对比可知,EDP-MPC能有效抑制有功功率脉动、无功功率脉动和直流侧电压波动,同时网侧电流THD<5%,在网侧电压不平衡时RMC仍可以获得良好的输入输出性能。
图12 两种控制策略的有功脉动、无功脉动、直流侧电压交流分量和THD的对比
Fig.12 Comparisons of active pulsation, reactive pulsation, DC voltage AC component and THD for two control strategies
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Abstract Aiming at the abnormal condition of unbalanced grid voltage, the grid side of RMC has double frequency power pulsation. The active and reactive power in RMC cannot track the power reference value at the same time, whose pulsation cannot also be eliminated using the instantaneous reactive power control strategy of traditional direct power prediction, thus leads to current distortion in grid side and instability in DC side. The topology of RMC is different from the three-phase PWM rectifier because a high-frequency transformer is used to couple the front and rear stages. The method is not applicable completely. Therefore, the problem of larger pulsation it must be solved. In order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes an extended direct power predictive control method in an RMC system.
Firstly, the double frequency fluctuation expressions of active and reactive power under unbalanced input voltage are derived and analyzed. The positive and negative sequence components of grid voltage and current are extracted by using the quarter grid cycle delay method. Secondly, an extended instantaneous power theory more suitable for unbalanced power grid is introduced, and a model predictive extended power control method is proposed. By reconstructing the reference value of instantaneous power, the self-suppression of grid side power and DC voltage ripple fluctuation is realized. Then, aiming at the problem that the input active power still contains large pulsation when the extended power predictive control under unbalanced grid voltage, the adjacent two-beat error of the active power is added to the cost function on the minimum cost function of the model predictive control to reduce the error of active power tracking. The new cost function is constructed to suppress the input active power pulsation and suppress the grid side current distortion under unbalanced grid voltage conditions. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed method was verified in an RMC experimental prototype.
A comparative experiment between the traditional direct power predictive control method and the proposed extended direct power predictive control method is designed. The experimental results show that the active power double frequency fluctuation amplitude of direct power predictive control under unbalanced grid voltage is 5.8 V, the reactive power fluctuation amplitude is 6 V, the fluctuation amplitude is 7.4 V, and the grid current THD is 7.41 %. Under the extended power predictive control, the active power fluctuation amplitude is 4 V, the fluctuation amplitude is reduced by 31.03 %, and the reactive power fluctuation amplitude is 5.8 V, the fluctuation amplitude is reduced by 3.33 %. The output voltage fluctuation amplitude is 5.4 V, and the fluctuation amplitude is reduced by 27.03 %. The sinusoidal grid side current and unit power factor operation of RMC are realized, which verifies the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed method. This paper draws the following conclusions : (1)Under unbalanced grid conditions, the proposed method can effectively suppress the fluctuation of input current, output power and output DC voltage caused by unbalanced grid voltage. (2) The complex weighting factor selection is not required for the cost function using proposed method. (3)The power factor in grid side is closer to unity comparing the direct power predictive control.
keywords:Reduced matrix converter, direct power predictive control, abnormal grid condition, extended power control
收稿日期 2023-01-09
改稿日期 2023-03-17
韩思鹏 男,1996年生,博士研究生,研究方向为矩阵变换器模型预测控制技术。E-mail:si_peng_han@163.com
宋卫章 男,1980年生,博士,教授,研究方向为新型电力电子变换器及其高性能控制技术。E-mail:songwz464237@126.com(通信作者)
(编辑 陈诚)