摘要 与电力变压器相比,电磁式电压互感器(PT)具有更大的杂散电容,这将使其磁滞曲线的绘制以及宽频仿真模型的构建更加困难,难以进行精确的铁磁谐振仿真。目前,工程上常用频率扫描的方式计算高频高压变压器的分布电容。但是该方法需要数MHz的扫频范围,难以应用于工作在低频下的PT设备。该文提出一种低频窄带的频率扫描方法,通过在PT与变频电源端口之间串联电感的方式,将扫频试验的谐振点降至低频范围内,对杂散电容的数值进行了精确计算。该方法所需的扫描频段窄、扫描频率低,降低了对电源与测量设备的硬件要求,避免了由于高频试验带来的损耗问题。进而,可以分离PT端口电流中的容性电流与励磁电流分量,对磁滞曲线进行精确绘制。最终,可以建立包含铁心磁滞与杂散电容的p 型仿真模型。仿真结果具有较好的频率响应特性,与试验结果的相似系数保持在95 %以上,优于现有的仿真模型。
关键词:电磁式电压互感器 杂散电容 磁滞曲线 频率扫描
电磁式电压互感器(Potential Transformer, PT)被广泛应用于电网的数据采集中,其精确建模对系统的安全运行意义重大。由于PT具有较高的电压比与绕组匝数,杂散电容对其将具有更大的影响,使磁滞曲线的测量更加困难,系统中更容易发生铁磁谐振,感应耐压试验的端口电流抬升,造成安全风险[1]。因此,有必要对其进行准确测量。
本文提出一种低频窄带的频率扫描方法,通过对PT进行非破坏性的端口试验,精确计算其杂散电容的具体数值。进而,可以分离空载试验中的励磁电流与电容电流,从而获取铁心磁滞数据。建立包含杂散电容与铁心磁滞的p 型仿真电路,并搭建试验平台,对不同电压输入下的PT端口电流的仿真与试验结果进行比较。结果表明,所建立的模型具有较高的仿真精度与良好的频率响应,可以为铁磁谐振相关仿真提供参考。
PT是一种大电压比的变压器,它将待测的高压转换为符合测量仪表量程的低压,从而实现对高压信号的安全测量。以一台35 kV电压等级的PT为例,其内部构造如图1所示,铭牌参数见表1。
图1 一台35 kV电压等级PT内部构造
Fig.1 The internal structure of a 35 kV PT
表1 PT的铭牌参数(部分)
Tab.1 Nameplate of the PT (part)
参 数数值 (型号) 型号JDZXFW-35II 额定电压比(35/0.1/0.1)/kV 额定频率/Hz50 极限输出/(V·A)2×300
PT的杂散电容将对其端口特性产生重要影响。电容的本质是衡量电荷容纳能力的物理量,工程上一般通过计算导体间存储的电场能量,对杂散电容的数值进行计算。在PT运行过程中,电场能量主要储存于各个绕组之中,因此PT的杂散电容主要由绕组的杂散电容所决定[12]。由于PT一次绕组匝数较多,绕线结构较为复杂,其产生的杂散电容值大于其他绕组。假设一次绕组产生的杂散电容为CH,二次绕组产生的杂散电容为CL,归算到高压端的等效电容为C1。由于PT具有较大的电压比(k 1),则有
图2 PT的单电容模型
Fig.2 The single-capacitor model of the PT
图3 一次绕组的几何参数与层间结构
Fig.3 Geometric parameters and interlayer structure of primary winding
表2 一次绕组宏观结构与导线的尺寸参数
Tab.2 The macroscopic structure of the primary winding and the size parameters of the wire
参 数数 值 绕组匝数Nt22 700 绕组层数kl114 绕组外径r1/mm115 绕组内径r2/mm63 导体直径d1/mm0.25 导线总直径d2/mm0.28
表3 一次绕组层间尺寸参数
Tab.3 Dimensional parameters between primary winding layers(单位: mm)
参 数数 值 尺寸参数dc0.457 7 尺寸参数dt0.548 6 尺寸参数dh0.177 7 金属导体半径r0.125 导线绝缘层厚度d0.015
图4 平行板电容模型
Fig.4 Parallel plate capacitance model
图5 典型绕线方案
Fig.5 Typical winding methods
图6 典型绕线方案的电动势分布
Fig.6 Potential distribution of typical winding methods
式中,CC与CZ分别为C型与Z型绕法产生的分布电容;e0为真空介电常数;er为绕组层间介质的相对介电常数,一般取3~5之间。此时,PT设备的绕组电容的估算值为50~120 pF,无法满足精确建模的需求。
图7 PT设备的T型等效电路
Fig.7 T-type equivalent circuit of PT equipment
图7中,A-N为一次侧端口,对应的电压等级为35 kV;1a-1n与2a-2n分别为两个二次侧端口,对应的电压等级为100 V;C1为PT设备的杂散电容;H为PT铁心的磁滞;Rx与Lx为PT设备各个端口的漏阻抗。由于漏阻抗的数值一般较小,可以暂时将其忽略。将图7所有参数归算到二次侧,如图8所示。
图8 PT简化等效电路(归算到二次侧)
Fig.8 PT simplified equivalent circuit (referred to the secondary side)
图9 通过空载试验获取的PT磁滞曲线
Fig.9 PT hysteresis loops obtained by no-load tests
图10 空载试验中的电压、电流、磁通(归算到二次侧)
Fig.10 Voltage, current, and magnetic flux in no-load test (referred to the secondary side)
图11 串联电感扫频试验原理
Fig.11 The wiring diagram of frequency sweep test with a series inductance
根据估算结果,PT一次杂散电容C1的取值范围在50~150 pF以内,则归算到二次侧的杂散电容的取值范围为6~18 mF之间。为了保证谐振点的频率在变频电源工作频率30~300 Hz之间,串联电感的取值范围应当处于40~1 500 mH范围内。可以选取较小的串联电感,从而提高谐振频率,保证铁心工作在线性区域。为了避免谐振产生的过电流损坏互感器,将电源电压有效值设定为20 V,是额定电压的20 %。由于外加电压较低,可以认为互感器励磁电感处于线性工作区域,将此时铁心的等效电感记为
图12 串联电感扫频试验等效电路
Fig.12 The equivalent circuit of frequency sweep test with a series inductance
图13 串联电感扫频试验电路
Fig.13 Series inductor frequency sweep test circuit
选取空心电感作为串联电感,该类电感无需考虑铁心的饱和问题,能够获得更精确的测量结果。其电感Lex=113 mH,内阻Rex=8 W。在0~300 Hz范围内进行频率扫描,记录不同频率下的端口电流有效值Io2。在谐振点附近,将扫频的步进量调整为0.1 Hz,以获取更加精确的结果。串联电感扫频试验结果如图14所示。
图14 串联电感扫频试验结果
Fig.14 The test results of frequency sweep test with a series inductance
由图14可得,当电源频率为170.0 Hz时,电流有效值达到最高,为619.5 mA。同理,更换电感,可以获得不同的频率点,电感参数与电流最高频率点见表4。
表4 电感参数与电流最高频率点
Tab.4 Series inductance parameters and the highest point of frequency sweep test
电感/mH内阻/W频率点/Hz 636221.8 1138170.0 1478151.7
将表4中的数据代入式(7)中,对超定方程组进行求解。可以解得=0.855 mH,
=8.766mF。则归算到一次侧的杂散电容C1=71.56 pF。此时,根据式(4),即可在空载试验的数据基础上,计算出容性电流分量ioc以及励磁电流分量iol。以iol为横坐标,
图15 分离杂散电容后的磁滞特性曲线
Fig.15 Hysteresis loops obtained after separating the stray capacitance
建立PT的p 型等效电路,如图16所示。
图16 PT的p 型模型(归算到二次侧)
Fig.16 The type p model of PT (referred to the secondary side)
为互感器的杂散电容。图16中所有参数均被归算到二次侧。通过直流电阻测量仪测量PT的直流电阻,可得一次侧直流电阻Rdc1=5.16 kW,二次侧直流电阻Rdc2= 0.146 W,归算到二次侧的一次侧直流电阻
= 0.044 W。进行短路试验,可以测得PT的短路电阻Rs=0.209 W,短路电感Ls=0.382 mH。可以根据一、二次侧的直流电阻,对绕组电阻进行分配[26],有
表5 p型等效电路参数
Tab.5 Parameters of the type p model
参 数数 值 /W0.048 4 R2/W0.160 6 Ls/mH0.038 2 /mF8.766
图17 PCH模型的仿真电路
Fig.17 The simulation circuit of PCH model
图18 用于验证仿真模型的试验电路
Fig.18 Test circuit used to verify the simulation model
图19 PH与PRL模型的等效电路
Fig.19 The equivalent circuit of PH and PRL model
图20 PH与PRL模型的仿真电路
Fig.20 The simulation circuits of PH and PRL models
图21 仿真与试验波形对比(30 Hz, 60 V)
Fig.21 Comparison of waveforms (30 Hz, 60 V)
图22 仿真与试验波形对比(40 Hz, 80 V)
Fig.22 Comparison of waveforms (40 Hz, 80 V)
图23 仿真与试验波形对比(50 Hz, 30 V)
Fig.23 Comparison of waveforms (50 Hz, 30 V)
图24 仿真与试验波形对比(50 Hz, 90 V)
Fig.24 Comparison of waveforms (50 Hz, 90 V)
图25 仿真与试验波形对比(50 Hz, 100 V)
Fig.25 Comparison of waveforms (50 Hz, 100 V)
图26 仿真与试验波形对比(60 Hz, 120 V)
Fig.26 Comparison of waveforms (60 Hz, 120 V)
表6 仿真与试验结果的相似度
Tab.6 Similarity between the simulation and test results(%)
模型组别 123456 PCH95.896.395.396.295.495.7 PH92.582.890.188.684.266.6 PRL62.247.284.550.328.70.8
如表6所示,传统的PRL模型具有较低的仿真精度;考虑铁心磁滞的PH模型在频率较低时具有较高的仿真精度,而在频率升高时将会产生较大的误差;而本文构建的PCH模型具有良好的频率响应特性,不同频率下的仿真与试验结果的相关系数均保持在95 %以上。
基于工程上难以测量PT杂散电容与磁滞曲线的问题,本文通过串联电感的方式,降低了扫频试验的谐振频率点,对杂散电容进行计算。进而可以排除PT端口电流中的容性分量,实现对铁心磁滞曲线的准确绘制。结合短路试验与直流电阻测量结果,构建PT的p 型等效电路。仿真结果具有良好的频率响应特性,与试验结果的相关系数保持在95 %以上,优于现有其他仿真模型。该模型可以应用于电力系统铁磁谐振仿真中,获取更加精确的仿真结果,为消谐振方案的设计提供参考。
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Abstract The low-frequency responses of potential transformers (PT) are essential in power system protection. Due to the complex winding structure and large transformation ratio, the stray capacitance will significantly impact the dynamic performance of the PT. Many studies have analyzed the distribution of the electric field and magnetic field energy of the PT at low frequencies to determine its modeling method of it. However, it is difficult to obtain the stray capacitance value of a PT without its detailed internal structure parameters, which makes it challenging to build an accurate low-frequency simulation model.
Firstly, the electric field energy distribution for two typical winding structures was analyzed, and the corresponding stray capacitance values could be calculated. The capacitance calculation method explained the generation mechanism of the PT and could provide references for the design progress. However, most users of the PT are not involved in the design progress and need help understanding its detailed internal structure parameters. Therefore, a non-destructive experiment method is necessary for the stray capacitance evaluation. Secondly, the equivalent model of PT stray capacitance distribution at low frequency was built, and the low-frequency dynamic responses under electromagnetic field coupling of the core and coil were analyzed. The obtained model can provide support for the experimental designs. Finally, a series of tests were carried out to obtain the specific value of PT stray capacitance. By connecting the inductance in series between the PT and the frequency conversion power supply port, the resonance point of the sweep frequency test was reduced to the low-frequency range, and the value of the stray capacitance was accurately calculated. Since this method requires a narrow scanning frequency band and a low scanning frequency, the hardware requirements for power supply and measuring equipment are reduced, and the loss problem caused by high-frequency testing is avoided. Furthermore, the capacitive and excitation current components in the PT port current could be separated, and the hysteresis curve could be accurately drawn.
Based on the problem that it is difficult to measure the PT stray capacitance and hysteresis curve in engineering, this paper reduced the resonant frequency point of the sweep frequency test using series inductance and calculated the stray capacitance. Furthermore, the capacitive component in the current of the PT port could be excluded, and the accurate drawing of the hysteresis curve of the iron core could be realized. Combined with the short-circuit test and DC resistance measurement results, the p-type equivalent circuit of PT was constructed. The simulation results had good frequency response characteristics. The Pearson correlation coefficient was introduced to study the accuracy of the simulation model, and the correlation coefficient with the test results remained above 95 %. Due to the accurate description of the inductive and capacitive coupling, the model can be applied to the ferromagnetic resonance simulation of a power system to obtain more accurate simulation results and provide a reference for the design of the anti-resonance scheme.
keywords:Potential transformer, stray capacitance, hysteresis loop, frequency scanning
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220131
收稿日期 2022-01-24
改稿日期 2022-04-25
沈泽亮 男,1996年生,博士研究生,研究方向为高压试验技术。E-mail: 20143796@cqu.edu.cn
汪金刚 男,1979年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为智能传感设备。E-mail: jingang_023@163.com(通信作者)
(编辑 崔文静)