
王 晴 刘 增 韩鹏程 张宏伟 刘进军

(西安交通大学电气工程学院 西安 710049)

摘要 针对直流微电网下垂控制变流器并联系统中变流器间内部参数差异引发的并联稳定性问题,该文采用基于变流器输出阻抗的频域方法进行研究。首先,该文建立单台下垂控制Buck变流器的输出阻抗模型并分析其特征。然后,依据该输出阻抗特征,基于变流器输出阻抗的稳定性分析方法揭示下垂控制变流器并联系统的振荡机理。在此基础上,对变流器输出阻抗进一步简化,结合并联系统振荡机理提出并联系统关键参数的稳定边界。最后,搭建下垂控制Buck变流器并联系统实验平台,通过实验验证了所提振荡机理及稳定边界的正确性。

关键词:下垂控制 输出阻抗 变流器并联系统 稳定边界

0 引言



图1 典型直流微电网结构

Fig.1 Typical configuration diagram of a DC microgrid

近年来,国内外学者分别从大信号[3-5]和小信 号[6-9]两个角度对直流微电网稳定性展开了广泛的研究,本文则从小信号角度对其进行研究。




1 下垂控制Buck变流器输出阻抗建模及特征分析



图2 下垂控制DC-DC变流器并联系统示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of droop-controlled parallel DC-DC converters

1.1 输出阻抗建模




图3 下垂控制Buck变流器原理

Fig.3 Schematic diagram of the droop-controlled Buck converter

Ts为开关周期,Tsm为采样周期。单更新模式下,采样周期和开关周期一致。数字PWM控制可近似为一个延时环节,延时时间t =1.5Tsm。本文用二阶Pade近似表达式[17]表示延时环节Gd

1.1.1 主电路建模


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1.1.2 控制回路建模


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图4 下垂控制Buck变流器小信号模型框图

Fig.4 Block diagram of the small-signal model of the droop-controlled Buck converter




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1.2 输出阻抗特征分析


表1 下垂控制Buck变流器CONV1和CONV2的参数

Tab.1 Parameters of droop-controlled Buck converters CONV1 and CONV2

参 数数 值 CONV1CONV2 Ui/V3030 Lf/mH33 Cf/mF1030 RL/W0.080.08 RC/W0.030.09 Rl/W0.250.25 kpu0.050.164 kiu1010 kpi0.06— Rd/W0.10.1 Ts/ms0.10.1


图5 下垂控制Buck变流器输出阻抗Zo1伯德图

Fig.5 Bode plot of output impedance Zo1 of droop-controlled Buck converter



2 并联系统建模与振荡机理





图6 主电路参数及控制参数变化时输出阻抗Zo1伯德图

Fig.6 Bode plots of output impedance Zo1 with varied main circuit parameters and control parameters

2.1 并联系统建模

依照图2中各变流器输出阻抗并联关系,可得并联系统总输出阻抗如式(11)所示。当各变流器稳定且输出阻抗Zo1Zo2不含右半平面零点(Right Half plane Zero, RHZ)时,式(12)所示的并联系统等效环路增益Te将不含右半平面极点(Right Half plane Pole, RHP),因此可以依据奈奎斯特判据[18]来判断系统稳定性。

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图7 比例系数kpi增大时输出阻抗Zo1的零极点

Fig.7 Pole-zero map of output impedance Zo1 when the proportional coefficientkpi increases


图8 比例系数kpi增大时输出阻抗Zo2的零极点

Fig.8 Pole-zero map of output impedance Zo2 when the proportional coefficientkpi increases


综上所述,在下垂控制Buck变流器并联系统中,若单个变流器均能稳定运行,依据奈奎斯特判据,并联系统稳定的充要条件为式(12)所示的等效环路增益Te在复平面上围绕(-1+j0)的次数为0。该充要条件等效为输出阻抗幅频曲线相交时对应的相频曲线相位差小于180 °。

2.2 并联系统振荡机理


由图9可以看出,变流器CONV1输出阻抗Zo1的谐振峰位于变流器CONV2输出阻抗Zo2谐振峰的左侧,进而Zo1谐振峰右侧将与Zo2谐振峰左侧相交,对应的频率为fosc;与此同时输出阻抗Zo1的相位将先于Zo2发生跳变,在频率fosc处相频曲线间的相位差为Dj。此时并联系统稳定性取决于Dj:当Dj<180 °时,并联系统稳定;当Dj>180 °时,并联系统不稳定。

由于下垂控制Buck变流器输出阻抗在谐振峰处的相位跳变可超过180 °,因此图9中相频曲线相位差Dj 可大于180 °,进而引发系统振荡,振荡时母线电压频率为fosc,下垂控制并联系统振荡母线电压波形示意图如图10所示。


图9 参数不一致时两台下垂控制Buck变流器输出阻抗示意图

Fig.9 Sketches of output impedances of two droop-controlled Buck converters when the parameters are inconsistent


图10 下垂控制并联系统振荡母线电压波形示意图

Fig.10 Sketch of the bus voltage waveform in droop-controlled parallel converters with oscillation

3 并联系统稳定边界


3.1 输出阻抗简化

3.1.1 忽略寄生参数和数字控制延时


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3.1.2 修正阻尼系数




图11 寄生参数和数字延时变化时输出阻抗Zo1伯德图

Fig.11 Bode plot of output impedance Zo1 with varied parasitic parameters and switching frequency

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因利用上述方法求得的g 随频率变化,无法得到零极点解析式,因此需要一个常值来代替谐振频率处的width=9,height=12值。绘制输出阻抗Zo、等效阻尼系数width=9,height=12及其分子分母s3项系数之比width=12,height=15的伯德图如图12所示,可以看出,width=12,height=15幅值与谐振频率处width=9,height=12幅值很接近,故用width=12,height=15来近似代替谐振频率处的width=9,height=12值,其表达式为

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因式分解后输出阻抗width=13.95,height=15和阻尼系数修正后输出阻抗width=16,height=15的相对误差曲线分别如图13和图14所示,从图中可以看出,简化后最大相对误差小于5 %,并且阻尼系数修正后相对误差明显降低,提升了简化模型的准确性。此外,阻尼系数修正后,并联系统参数稳定域不超出实际系统,可获得系统稳定充分条件,因此该简化模型可用于下文稳定性分析。


图12 输出阻抗Zo、等效阻尼系数width=9,height=11和近似阻尼系数width=11,height=13的伯德图

Fig.12 Bode plots of output impedance Zo, equivalent damping coefficient width=9,height=11 and approximated damping coefficientwidth=11,height=13


图13 简化前后输出阻抗伯德图

Fig.13 Bode plots of output impedances before and after simplification


图14 简化后输出阻抗相对误差曲线

Fig.14 Relative error plots of simplified output impedances

3.1.3 折线近似


本文采用如图15所示的三转折点法对幅频曲线进行近似,即在原伯德图Zo谐振峰附近引入A(0.5w3/(2p),width=51,height=19)、B(0.9w3/(2p),width=51,height=19)、C(1.1w3/(2p), width=49.95,height=19)、E(2w3/(2p), width=42.95,height=19)四个点,用线段AB和它的延长线,以及线段CE和它的延长线代替在这个区间的原伯德图,进而得到折线近似后的伯德图width=15,height=17。其中,谐振频率为w3/(2p)。相比于传统近似方法[20],三转折点法改善了谐振峰附近幅频特性的贴合度,会减小幅频交点频率的误差。


图15 折线近似前后下垂控制Buck变流器输出阻抗伯德图

Fig.15 Bode plots of the output impedance of the Buck converter with droop control before and after the polyline approximation





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3.2 并联系统稳定边界求解



图16 并联系统稳定边界求解示意图

Fig.16 Sketch for solving the stability boundary of parallel converters

表2 并联变流器输出阻抗幅频交点频率

Tab.2 Output impedance amplitude-frequency intersection frequency of parallel converters

序号幅频交点频率fosc a b c d


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4 实验验证

4.1 算法验证


当变流器CONV1参数固定,变流器CONV2的电流调节器比例系数kpi2和滤波电容Cf2变化并确保其单独运行稳定时,将表1中其他参数代入表2中,变流器输出阻抗交点如表2中情况c所示,进而求解得到交点频率。在此基础上依据式(24)可得相位差正切值tanDj 关于kpi2/kpi1Cf2/Cf1的曲面,如图17a所示。使图17a中的曲面与tanDj=0的平面相交,可得图17b中的系统临界稳定曲线。显然,该曲线的右下方对应的参数值会使系统不稳定,左上方对应的参数值会使系统稳定。所以电容相差越小,且当kpi1取值固定时,kpi2取值越大,系统更容易不稳定。


图17 kpi2/kpi1Cf2/Cf1变化时并联系统稳定情况

Fig.17 Stability situation of parallel converters with Variation of ratios kpi2/kpi1 and Cf2/Cf1

依照图17,并将变流器CONV2的滤波电容Cf2设置为表1中对应取值,可得:当kpi2<0.095时,Dj <180 °,并联系统稳定;当kpi2=0.1时,Dj ≈ 181 °,并联系统不稳定,此时振荡频率为781 Hz。并联系统关于kpi的稳定边界见表3。

表3 并联系统关于kpi的稳定边界

Tab.3 Stability boundary regarding to kpi of parallel system

工况kpi2相位差Dj/(°) 10.05177 20.08178 30.09179 40.1181


4.2 实验结果



图18 Buck变流器并联系统实验平台

Fig.18 Experimental platform for the parallel Buck converters

两台变流器分别单独运行,对应参数值见表1,端口输出参考电压值为15 V,电流负载为2 A。其时域波形如图19所示,可以看出此时直流电压能控制在15 V,变流器单独运行稳定。

图20a和图20b给出了稳定情况下并联系统的时域波形,端口输出参考电压值为15 V,电流负载为2 A。然后增大kpi2到0.09和0.1,如图20c和图20d所示,并联系统由稳定变为不稳定,直流电压开始振荡,振荡频率为780 Hz。




图19 各变流器单独运行时的实验波形

Fig.19 Experimental waveforms of individual converters operate standalone


图20 不同工况下并联系统实验波形

Fig.20 Experimental waveforms of parallel converters under different working conditions


5 结论



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Analysis of Oscillation Mechanism and Stability Boundary of Droop-Controlled Parallel Converters Based on Output Impedances of Individual Converters in DC Microgrids

Wang Qing Liu Zeng Han Pengcheng Zhang Hongwei Liu Jinjun

(School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an 710049 China)

Abstract DC microgrids are of great significance for fully using renewable energy and actively responding to the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In DC microgrids, power electronics converters are usually connected to the electrical power generation units and the DC bus. These converters interact with each other through parallel connections, which increases the instability risk of the system. However, existing research regarding the system stability of DC microgrids only focuses on the influence of the interaction between the source subsystem and the load subsystem. It does not consider the difference among parallel converters in the source subsystem and thus ignores the influence of the difference among the source converters on the system stability. The difference among the source converters will cause the difference in their output impedances, which will introduce the system oscillation. Therefore, this paper focuses on the influence of the interaction among the Buck converters on the system stability, analyzes the oscillation mechanism of the parallel converters, and proposes a solution for the stability boundary.

Firstly, the small-signal model of the output impedance of the single Buck converter under droop control is established in this paper, and the accuracy of the output impedance is verified by the frequency sweep in SABER. Secondly, the controller, main circuit, and parasitic parameters are analyzed to the output impedance model established, revealing the oscillation mechanism of the droop-controlled Buck converters in parallel. Thirdly, through qualitative analysis, the output impedance is further simplified. Fourthly, the stability boundary regarding the key parameters of the parallel converters is calculated by combining the oscillation mechanism revealed and the stability criterion. Finally, the experimental platform of parallel Buck converters is built to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis.

The experimental results of the parallel converters show that when the proportional coefficient kpi2 is less than 0.09, the time domain waveform of the parallel converters is stable. Then increase the proportional coefficient kpi2 to 0.09 and 0.1, the output voltage oscillates, and the parallel system becomes unstable. The oscillation period is 1.3 ms, corresponding to the theoretical analysis of 781 Hz. Due to the slight difference between the parameters of the experimental platform and the theoretical analysis, the theoretical value of kpi2 is also slightly different from the experimental value when it is critically stable. However, the error is within an acceptable range, and the oscillation frequency is consistent with the theoretical analysis, which verifies the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed oscillation mechanism and stability boundary.

The following conclusions can be drawn. This paper takes the parallel droop-controlled Buck converters as the research object, and the influence of the difference among Buck converters on the system stability is investigated. The output impedance of the Buck converter is characterized as follows. The amplitude-frequency curve has a resonance peak, and a phase mutation appears at the resonance peak frequency. The resonance peak frequency is mainly affected by key parameters such as the filter inductance Lf, the filter capacitor Cf and the current controller proportional coefficient kpi. The mechanism of system oscillation is revealed when the key parameters, including filter inductances Lf and current controller parameters kpi, of the converters are inconsistent and cause the phase difference between the output impedance of converters at the intersection frequency of amplitude-frequency curves exceeds 180 °. Finally, a segmented analytical formula of the output impedance and the stability boundary of the key parameters of the system is proposed. The experiments verify the correctness of the theoretical analysis.

keywords:Droop control, output impedance, parallel converters system, stability boundary

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220363



收稿日期 2022-03-14

改稿日期 2022-09-22


王晴 女,1997年生,硕士,研究方向为直流微网小信号建模与稳定性分析。E-mail: 1576550782@qq.com

刘 增 男,1984年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为分布式发电系统中储能变流器并联与并网控制、交直流电力电子系统小信号建模与稳定性分析、大容量隔离型直流变流系统设计与高性能控制。E-mail: zengliu@xjtu.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 陈 诚)