摘要 针对传统单传感器直流母线采样系统中相电流重构盲区问题,该文分析传统空间矢量脉冲宽度调制(SVPWM)技术的电流采样方法和重构盲区产生的原因,精确地划分电压空间矢量平面的各个区域。提出一种互补非零矢量脉宽调制(CNSVPWM)方法,通过在中调制区添加互补非零矢量来延长电流采样窗口的时间,满足直流母线电流最小采样时间要求,消除了电流重构盲区,拓展了电机的运行范围。仿真及实验结果表明,采用CNSVPWM方法电流总谐波畸变率(THD)低于6.15 %,重构误差低于3 %,电机在动态工况下运行正常。
关键词:直流母线采样 单传感器 空间矢量脉冲宽度调制(SVPWM) 相电流重构
交流电机因其高可靠性、高功率密度、高控制精度等优点广泛应用于工业生产、交通运输、军用航天等领域[1-3]。传统的交流伺服控制系统中,电机相电流是矢量控制系统的核心参数,相电流检测对提高控制系统性能具有重要意义[4-5]。传统的矢量控制系统至少需要两个电流传感器来实现电流的精准采集,达到闭环控制。多个传感器既增加系统成本,又因传感器之间的不一致性影响电机控制性能[6-7]。单电流传感器技术(Single Current Sensor Technology, SCST)通过直流母线侧电流的分时采集,实现了单传感器相电流采样,在降低系统成本的同时避免了多个传感器参数不一致对系统性能造成的影响,成为电驱动控制系统领域的研究热点[8-9]。单传感器相电流重构技术的主要难点在于,受最小采样时间的限制,在电压矢量空间的低调制区和扇区边界会不可避免地出现电流重构盲区,无法进行可靠的相电流采样[10-14]。
针对电流重构盲区,一些研究方法通过修改脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)方式,增大电流采样窗口来消除重构盲区[15-19]。文献[20]提出了一种混合脉宽调制方法,通过在每个PWM周期的开始和中间时刻插入测量矢量,获得短暂的采样窗口,实现不可观测区的相电流重构。文献[21]采用三态脉宽调制技术,使用了三个相邻的开关状态来合成参考电压,在一定程度上缩小了电流重构盲区。文献[22-23]提出开关状态移相(Switching State Phase Shift, SSPS)脉宽调制算法,利用PWM波形的移相,增加电流观测窗口的时长,扩大了相电流重构范围,降低了电流谐波。文献[24]通过插入测量和补偿矢量提出了采样电压空间矢量脉宽调制(Sampling voltage Space Vector Pulse Width Modu- lation, SSVPWM)方法,减少了采样点的更新频率,避免了电流振荡引起的采样误差,实现相电流重构。文献[25]采用永磁同步电机无位置传感器电流预测法,分析了引入高频电压信号导致的重构误差,利用固定采样点预测d-q轴电流,实现了非观测区的部分电流检测。文献[26]对逆变器的死区效应、开关延时、通断损耗进行分析,在每个开关脉冲中进行补偿,保证了输出电压的准确性,降低了电流谐波。
针对单传感器相电流重构盲区问题,本文提出了一种互补非零空间矢量脉宽调制(Complementary Non-zero Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation, CNSVPWM)方法,通过划分调制区域,定义直流母线电流的最小采样时间,在空间电压矢量平面的中调制盲区插入互补非零矢量,增大电流采样窗口,实现了中调制盲区的电流采样和重构。
SVPWM控制是一种通过逆变器使电机的磁链生成圆形的旋转磁场以产生恒定电磁转矩的控制方法。逆变电路三相桥臂的开关状态均以Sx(x=A, B, C)表示,Sx=1为上桥臂导通,下桥臂关断;反之,用Sx=0表示。对逆变器三相开关的导通状态进行组合产生八种电压矢量,分别为:V1(100)、V2(110)、V3(010)、V4(011)、V5(001)、V6(101) 6个有效电压矢量以及V0(000)和V7(111)2个零电压矢量。六种有效电压矢量将电压空间平面划分为对称的6个扇区,电压空间矢量平面如图1所示。
图1 电压空间矢量平面
Fig.1 Voltage space vector plane diagram
图2 电压矢量V100和V110作用时直流母线电流
Fig.2 DC bus current under voltage vector V100 and V110
表1 各扇区母线电流与开关状态的关系
Tab.1 DC bus current and switching state of each sector
扇区基本电压矢量母线采样电流计算电流 ⅠV100V110ia-icib=-ia-ic ⅡV110V010-icibia=-ic-ib ⅢV010V011ib-iaic=-ib-ia ⅣV011V001-iaicib=-ia-ic ⅤV001V101ic-ibia=-ic-ib ⅥV101V100-ibiaic=-ib-ia
图3 理想电流信号和实际电流信号对比
Fig.3 Comparison diagram of ideal current signal and actual current signal
图4 电流采样窗口
Fig.4 Current sampling window
式中,T1、T2为有效矢量的作用时间;Vref和q 为参考电压矢量及旋转角度;Udc为直流母线电压;T0为零矢量作用时间;Ts为一个PWM控制周期作用时间;M为调制度。
图5 扇区Ⅰ电压调制区域
Fig.5 Modulation area in sector I
表2 各调制区有效矢量作用时间
Tab.2 Action time of vector in each modulation area
区域矢量作用时间 过调制区 中调制区 可观测区 低调制区
图6 扇区Ⅰ的CNSVPWM基本原理
Fig.6 Principle of CNSVPWM in sector Ⅰ
表3 CNSVPWM矢量切换顺序
Tab.3 CNSVPWM vector switch sequence
扇区前后 Ⅰ5-1-2-1-51-2-4-2-1 Ⅱ3-2-6-2-35-3-2-3-5 Ⅲ1-3-4-3-13-4-6-4-3 Ⅳ5-4-2-4-51-5-4-5-1 Ⅴ3-5-6-5-35-6-2-6-5 Ⅵ1-6-4-6-13-1-6-1-3
图7 CNSVPWM重构原理
Fig.7 Reconstruction principle of CNSVPWM
图8 各扇区前后CNSVPWM方法
Fig.8 CNSVPWM in every sector front and back
在Matlab/Simulink中搭建仿真模型对所提方法进行验证,控制原理框图如图9所示。调制度M设置为0.55,PWM载波频率设置为10 kHz,采样频率为20 kHz。
图9 系统控制原理框图
Fig.9 System control principle block diagram
图10 实际相电流与重构相电流以及定子磁链矢量轨迹在SVPWM方式下对比
Fig.10 Comparison diagram of actual phase current, reconstructed phase current and stator flux vector trajectory under SVPWM mode
图11 实际相电流与重构相电流以及定子磁链矢量轨迹在CNSVPWM方式下对比
Fig.11 Comparison diagram of actual phase current, reconstructed phase current and stator flux vector trajectory under CNSVPWM mode
实验平台如图12所示,采用TMS320F28035型DSP的高压电机控制器对CNSVPWM方法进行测试。PWM载波频率为10 kHz,采样频率20 kHz,三相感应电机48T17D2000K为控制系统的驱动电机。实验数据的采集和分析通过力科MDA805A电驱动分析仪完成。表4为三相感应电机参数。
图12 实验平台
Fig.12 Experimental platform
表4 三相感应电机参数
Tab.4 Parameters of three phase induction motor
参 数数 值 相数3 额定功率/kW0.183 极对数p2 额定转速/(r/min)1 725 额定电流/A1.2~1.3 额定电压/V208 额定频率/Hz60
图13 PWM和直流母线电流波形
Fig.13 PWM and DC bus current waveforms
实验在传统SVPWM模式下,开环运行时重构电流与实际电流的波形如图14所示。实验中,频率为15.6 Hz,调制度M=0.55,转速468 r/min,可见重构出的相电流会在扇区中调制盲区时发生畸变。定义Ire为重构电流,Iac为实际电流,重构误差可通过式(6)计算得出,为4.27 %。重构误差波形如图14c所示,重构误差为
CNSVPWM模式下重构电流与实际电流对比如图15所示。从图15中可以看出,在CNSVPWM模式下,重构出的相电流和实际电流波形基本一致且能保持较好的正弦度,重构误差为2.72 %。
图14 SVPWM模式下重构电流与实际电流对比
Fig.14 Comparison of reconstruct current and actual current under SVPWM
图15 CNSVPWM模式下重构电流与实际电流对比
Fig.15 Comparison of reconstruct current and actual current under CNSVPWM
图16为分别采用SVPWM和CNSVPWM策略,系统开环运行时实测电流谐波。可以看出,传统SVPWM策略电流的总谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion, THD)为4.11 %。采用CNSVPWM的电流谐波略有上升,THD=6.15 %。
Fig.16 THD comparison of SVPWM and CNSVPWM
图17 平稳运行、电机加速和电机减速
Fig.17 Stable operation, motor acceleration and motor deceleration
3)实测电流THD略有提升,保持在6.15 %以下,重构误差低于3 %。
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Abstract With the development of power electronics and control theory, AC drive systems are widely used in industrial production, transportation, military aerospace, and other fields. In the AC servo control system, the motor phase current is the core parameter to the vector control, and the detection and feedback of the phase current are of great significance in improving the control system’s performance. The traditional vector control system needs at least two current sensors installed on the AC output side through the space voltage pulse width modulation (SVPWM) method to achieve phase current acquisition and real-time feedback. Multiple sensors will inevitably increase the system cost and equipment volume, which is not conducive to the development of control equipment miniaturization. Furthermore, the inconsistencies between multiple sensors will deteriorate the performance of the system. To improve these problems, based on the DC bus single sensor sampling principle and traditional SVPWM method, this paper proposes a complementary non-zero vector pulse width modulation (CNSVPWM) method. CNSVPWM utilizes the DC bus single sensor to carry out the phase current time-sharing acquisition under the action of the complementary non-zero vectors and complete the reconstruction of three-phase currents. Thus, accurate feedback on current information is achieved while reducing the cost and volume of the control system.
Firstly, according to the switching states of the three-phase two-level inverter, six effective voltage vectors and two zero vectors are defined, and the corresponding relationship between the DC bus current idc and the phase current can be obtained. Then, the characteristics of the switching devices and the establishment process of the DC bus current are analyzed. The shortest time for the DC bus current to reach a steady state is obtained. That is, the minimum sampling time Tmin for current sampling. According to the minimum sampling time, each sector is divided into the observable area, sector boundary, and low modulation area. The effective voltage vector not meeting the minimum sampling time requirement is defined as a current reconstruction blind area, where the current cannot be completely reconstructed. Aiming at the current reconstruction blind area and based on the volt-second balance principle, the CNSVPWM method utilizes a pair of complementary non-zero vectors to extend the voltage vector action time. For the CNSVPWM method, the duty cycle of effective vectors in each carrier period TS does not change, and the symmetry of the PWM is retained.
In the open-loop experiments, the PWM carrier frequency is set to 10 kHz, the sampling frequency is 20 kHz, and the modulation index is M=0.55. MDA805A motor drive analyzer is used to collect and analyze the experimental data. In sector switching, the CNSVPWM waveform is normally sent, and two sample pulses can be accurately triggered. When the reference voltage vector enters the sector boundary area, the three-phase current can be completely reconstructed, and the reconstruction error is 2.72 %. To further verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experiments are carried out under two dynamic conditions of motor acceleration and deceleration. When the rotational speed changes, the reconstructed phase current can follow the measured phase current in real-time. The FFT results show that compared with the SVPWM method, the current harmonic THD of CNSVPWM is increased by 2.04 %, from 4.11 % to 6.15 %.
The following conclusions are drawn through experiments: (1) The CNSVPWM method retains the symmetry of the PWM waveform and does not affect the duty cycle. (2) The CNSVPWM extends the current sampling window and realizes the phase current reconstruction in the middle modulation area. (3) The current THD of CNSVPWM is less than 6.15 %, reconstruction error is less than 3 %.
keywords:DC bus sampling, single sensor, space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM), phase current reconstruction
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220071
国家自然科学基金面上项目(62273313, 62173134)、河南省科技攻关项目(222102240005)、河南省青年骨干教师培养计划项目(2021GGJS089)、郑州市协同创新专项项目(2021ZDPY0204)和河南省自然科学基金项目(222300420373)资助。
收稿日期 2022-01-16
改稿日期 2022-09-09
申永鹏 男,1985年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为电动汽车动力系统驱动与控制、能量管理与优化。E-mail: shenyongpeng@zzuli.edu.cn(通信作者)
武克轩 男,1999年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电机调速与控制。E-mail: wkx1932@126.com
(编辑 陈 诚)