
李晓华1 殷珊珊2 李 昊1 蔡泽祥1

(1. 华南理工大学电力学院 广州 510640 2. 河南科技大学信息工程学院 洛阳 471023)

摘要 阀电流是晶闸管型换流器运行状态的直接体现形式。为提升换流器的能观性,该文提出一种利用阀侧电流时序特征实时计算阀电流的方法。首先,利用交直流电流的时序特性预估每个阀的导通/关断状态。其次,根据阀状态计算换流器的旁通组数,利用多相旁通组间的并联关系,构造旁通回路方程。最后,计算阀电流,利用阀的单向导电性,校正阀关断状态和阀电流。仿真和录波结果表明:在不同的阀状态和旁通组数下,所提方法均能准确计算换相失败暂态过程及其故障恢复期间的阀电流,验证了其有效性。

关键词:阀电流 阀侧电流 时序特征 预估阀状态 旁通回路方程 阀关断状态校正

0 引言

换流器是高压直流输电(High Voltage Direct Current, HVDC)系统电力变换的核心设备,其性能直接决定电网的运行能力[1-2]。晶闸管型换流器是非线性元件,交流故障后换流器的运行工况和电流变化比较复杂[3]。当长时间、大容量电流流过换流阀时,易造成高温,从而导致阀设备的寿命降低或内部元件的损坏。为保证阀设备的安全、提升换流器的能观性[4]和可靠性,研究换流器运行状态的实时监测是实现阀内部特征反馈到控制系统进行调节的重要条件。

目前,换流阀中各种信号和运行状态的测量、采样及控制主要依赖系统内部阀基电子设备的自 检[5-6],缺乏外部实时检测手段。换流阀的运行状态只能通过换流器端口的外部信息间接反映[7],而暂态过程中,换流器端口电气量与换流阀内部特征的差异较大,不能准确表征换流器复杂的运行状态。因此,从电流反映和观测角度看,检测换流器内部阀电流对提升换流器运行状态的感知能力、优化换流器的控保能力具有重要意义。



1 交流电流极性特征与阀电流的关系

1.1 换流器的拓扑结构



图1 换流器的拓扑结构

Fig.1 The topology structure of the converter


1.2 换流器端口电流与阀电流的拓扑结构


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图2 交流电流极性特性与阀电流实际值的对比

Fig.2 A comparison between polarity current of AC current and actual current under AC fault



2 阀电流计算方案


2.1 基于电流时序特征判别阀状态

2.1.1 基于电流时序特性判别阀状态的分析



图3 单阀的导通/关断的条件及电流特征

Fig.3 The requirement of valve on the on-state and off-state and the current feature



2.1.2 基于电流时序特性的阀状态判别



width=147,height=57 (4)

式中,ik为阀侧交流电流,k=a, b, c;|ik|为阀侧交流电流的绝对值;Dt为一个采样间隔,实际工程一般取0.1 ms;Iset1为导通状态的门槛定值,取值大于擎住电流与漏电流的和[15]Kset1为导通状态交流电流变化率的门槛值,取决于换相电流变化的陡 度[18],与交流系统支撑强度和换相角有关[19]


width=146,height=31 (5)


2.1.3 阀导通状态的修正



图4 单相旁通对的等效电路

Fig.4 Equivalent circuit of single-phase bypass pair



width=165,height=39 (6)

式中,width=19,height=15为换相失败门槛定值[21]width=26,height=15 width=69,height=17width=11,height=15为比率制动系数,width=22,height=15为直流侧电流最大值,width=12,height=15为启动电流;width=19,height=15为单相旁通对的门槛定值,由阀的维持电流决定。


2.2 增补旁通回路方程

2.2.1 换流器关联方程的分析


表1 换流器运行工况与关联方程秩的关系

Tab.1 The relationship between the number of conducting valve and rank(B) of correlation Equ.(3)

旁通组数运行工况rank(B)导通阀数量与rank(B)的关系可解性 ≤12/3/44≤是 24/53>否 364>否


2.2.2 旁通回路方程增补


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2.3 换流器阀状态的校正

2.3.1 换流器阀状态的特殊问题分析



图5 逆变侧电气量和状态量的波形

Fig.5 Waveforms of electrical quantities and state quantities in the inverter



2.3.2 阀关断状态校正


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3 验证及分析

在PSCAD/EMTDC中建立某直流模型[7],验证所提阀电流计算方法的有效性。根据2.1.2小节取值原则考虑[15, 18-19, 21],结合晶闸管的元件技术参数及直流工程报告查询,设置直流模型阀电流计算的阀状态判别阈值为:width=58,height=15width=57,height=15width=26,height=15 width=17,height=13.95width=58,height=15width=31,height=15width=59,height=15width=37,height=15width=40,height=15


3.1 典型故障的仿真验证



图6 交直流电流和阀状态

Fig.6 Waveforms of AC-DC currents and valve state



图7 三相故障下阀电流实际值与计算值的对比

Fig.7 A comparison of the actual values and calculated values under the ABC fault


3.2 普适性分析




图8 单相故障下阀电流实际值与计算值的对比

Fig.8 Valve currents of the actual values and calculated ones under the Ag fault


图9 相间故障下阀电流实际值与计算值的对比

Fig.9 Valve currents of the actual values and calculated ones under the AB fault

3.3 现场录波的验证分析



图10 改变故障时刻时阀电流实际值与计算值的对比

Fig.10 Valve currents of the actual values and calculated ones when change the fault moment


图11 录波再现时的阀电流计算值

Fig.11 Valve current calculated under the field record wave


4 结论








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Real-Time Calculation Method of Converter Valve Current Based on Temporal Features of Valve-Side Current

Li Xiaohua1 Yin Shanshan2 Li Hao1 Cai Zexiang1

(1. School of Electric Power South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China 2. College of Information Engineering Henan University of Science and Technology Luoyang 471023 China)

Abstract As the essential element for electronic power conversion, the line-commutated converter is the core equipment in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems. The safety of the converter equipment is critical to the stable operation of an AC/DC hybrid power grid after AC faults. When commutation failure occurs in the converter, the valve that experiences commutation failure is conducted for a long time with a high current, which may cause the valve to be damaged or burned, thereby exacerbating the security complexity between the converter and the grid. The valve current is a direct manifestation of the thyristor converter operating state. Recently, the existing studies on the converter thyristor valve current are mainly conducted through converter modeling, which involves the calculation of thyristor valve current. However, this method of valve current calculation must first assume the valve state. Nevertheless, especially during commutation failure and fault recovery, the assumed valve state may be wrong, resulting in incorrect valve currents. Therefore, a real-time calculation method of the valve current is proposed based on the temporal features of the converter terminal AC and DC currents. The protection and control capabilities of the equipment are optimized, and the reliability of the converter technology is improved by learning the accurate calculation of the thyristor valve current.

According to the circuit constraints of the converter topology, the vector sum of the three-phase AC current is equal to 0 under the condition that there is no fault inside the converter. The KCL equations of the five nodes in the converter topology are combined to establish the correlation equation between the converter terminal current and the thyristor valve current. In order to determine the current distribution, the valve state should be introduced based on the topological equation. Firstly, the polarity characteristics of the converter terminal AC current and temporal features between the valves are utilized to estimate the valve state. When the bypass group occurs, the AC and DC currents of the converter are isolated, and the polarity characteristics of the three-phase AC current cannot estimate the valve conducting state of the bypass pair. The valve conducting state of the bypass group is necessary to revise. Secondly, the bypass number of the converter is calculated based on the valve state, the parallel relationship between the bypass phases during multiphase bypasses is established, and the supplementary bypass loop equation is constructed. Finally, the supplementary bypass loop equation and the associated equation are combined to calculate the thyristor valve current. When the thyristor valve current is a negative value, the blocking state of the valve is corrected in real-time, and the valve current is recalculated.

The simulation results show that the calculated value of the thyristor valve current before the converter bypass equals the actual value. Scheme 1, based on revising the valve conducting state, can calculate the thyristor valve current in the bypass operating state of the converter. However, starting from the moment the converter exits the bypass operation, the thyristor valve current calculated by scheme 1 appears to be different from the actual value, indicating that the calculated value is incorrect. Scheme 1 addresses the conduction judgment of bypass operation after commutation failure, but the valve blocking state needs to be corrected after commutation failure. According to scheme 1, scheme 2, based on correcting the valve blocking state, addresses the correction of the valve blocking state after commutation failure by constraining the unidirectional conductance characteristics of the valve. Under different valve states and bypass groups, the proposed real-time calculation method can accurately calculate the valve current in the transient process of commutation failure and its fault recovery, which verifies the effectiveness and reliability of the valve current calculation method.

keywords:Valve current, valve-side current, temporal features, valve state estimation, bypass loop equation, valve blocking state correction

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220101



收稿日期 2022-01-08

改稿日期 2022-08-03


李晓华 女,1975年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电力系统故障分析和继电保护、高压直流输电运行。E-mail: eplxh@scut.edu.cn

殷珊珊 女,1989年生,博士,讲师,研究方向为高压直流输电系统故障分析和保护。E-mail: yss1041529800@126.com(通信作者)

(编辑 郭丽军)