
李世奇 佟文明 贾建国 唐任远

(沈阳工业大学国家稀土永磁电机工程技术研究中心 沈阳 110870)

摘要 该文提出一种将子域法及等效磁路法相结合的新型解析模型,可在计及磁桥饱和的情况下,计算具有任意极槽配合的V型/U型/一字型内置式永磁电机的空载电磁性能。建模时首先根据转子结构将永磁体进行等效,以便于各子域的建立;为了考虑转子磁桥处的饱和,采用等效磁路法来计算磁桥处的磁导率,以便于相应子域边界条件方程的建立。电机无槽时的空载气隙磁通密度分布可以通过求解各子域交界面处边界条件方程组得到,然后通过保角映射的方法可考虑定子开槽的影响。该文所提模型可用于计算内置电机的空载气隙磁通密度分布、反电动势及齿槽转矩。将模型计算结果与实验测试及有限元计算结果进行对比,验证了所提出模型的有效性。与有限元法相比,该文所提模型具有建模速度快、耗时短,同时可达到近似精度的优点,这为相关电机的初始设计及优化带来了方便。

关键词:内置式永磁电机 子域法 等效磁路法 磁桥饱和

0 引言


子域法是一种通过不同子域之间的边界条件求解每个子域的场控制方程的方法。1993年,Zhu Zhiqiang教授在文献[7-8]中首次提出了这种方法来计算表贴式永磁电机的磁场分布;基于该方法,文献[9]中计算了轴向磁通永磁电机的磁场分布;考虑到内置式电机转子结构变化引起的边界条件变化,参考文献[10-13]中分别计算了表面嵌入式永磁电机、V型内置式电机、U型内置式电机以及切向式电机的空载气隙磁场。





1 建模假设及电机不同拓扑等效过程







图1 不同永磁体结构内置式电机拓扑及其等效结构示意图

Fig.1 Topology of interior permanent magnet motors with different magnet structure and its equivalent schematic diagrams


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式中,hmlm分别为永磁体的厚度与宽度;Rl为磁桥1内半径;w1为永磁体与磁桥1间空气宽度;w2为永磁体与磁桥2间空气宽度;g 为磁极跨度角;Rf为等效后切向结构外半径;lx为等效后径向结构中永磁体的宽度;a a1分别为等效后径向及切向结构跨度角;wb2为磁桥2的宽度。


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可以发现,图1中各电机等效后的拓扑均具有磁桥结构、径向结构(径向永磁体或空气区域)与切向结构(切向永磁体或空气区域),本文针对以上三种等效拓扑结构,提出一种通用解析模型,对电机的空载电磁性能进行计算,模型建立时为便于各子域及其相应边界条件的建立,做出如下简化:电机径向结构均为永磁体,其宽度为Rl-Rf;切向分布结构均为永磁体,其跨度角为a1+2a,忽略磁桥2的存在。所提出的通用解析计算模型如图2所示(后文称之为简化结构),图中,Rr为转子铁心外半径,Rs为定子铁心内半径,Rm为等效后切向结构内半径,p为电机极对数,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ与Ⅳ分别代表模型中的不同子域,AxHxq 分别为不同子域处的矢量磁位与切向磁场强度(x=1, 2, 3, 4),各子域间边界条件将在后文给出,b 为磁桥饱和区域的跨度角[23],有


图2 所提出通用解析计算模型示意图(简化结构)

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of the proposed general model

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为了验证所提等效方法的有效性,本文通过有限元对电机原始结构、等效结构及等效后简化结构(即所提出通用模型)的空载气隙磁通密度进行计算。由于V型电机结构等效后与U型电机结构相似,同时一字型电机结构又可看成V型电机结构永磁夹角为180 °时的特殊情况,故本文以具有代表性的V型电机结构为例,通过有限元对所提出的等效方法进行了验证,所计算出的不同情况下电机的空载气隙磁通密度波形对比如图3所示。可以看出,原始电机与等效后电机的空载气隙磁通密度波形吻合较好,进而证明了所提出等效方法的有效性。


图3 不同情况下电机空载气隙磁通密度波形对比

Fig.3 Comparison of no-load air-gap flux density under different conditions



2 解析模型的建立

2.1 解析建模

根据材料的不同特性,本文将图2中建立的模型分为四个子域:气隙(Ⅰ)、磁桥(Ⅱ)、径向永磁体(Ⅲ)与切向永磁体(Ⅳ)。考虑到模型对称性,本文假设磁极中心处为q =0,并对q ∈[0, p/2p]内的模型进行解析,其中p为电机极对数。电机各子域矢量磁位满足



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对于径向永磁体子域,以图2中S极为例,其满足Mq=-Brem/m0Mq/r=Mr/q =0,其中Brem为永磁体剩磁;对于切向永磁体子域,其满足Mq =0,Mq/r=Mr/q=0。故对于径向与切向永磁体子域有

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考虑到模型的周期性和对称性,各子域的矢量磁位通解[12, 23-25]可表示为



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不同子域间交界面处,矢量磁位A及切向磁场强度Hq 是连续的。故在气隙子域与磁桥子域交界面处,满足如下边界条件



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待求解的方程中磁桥磁导率应与各原始电机磁桥1处的磁导率相同,为了计算该处磁导率,建立了如图4a所示的电机通用等效磁路,图中,GmGasGb1Gb2Gg分别为永磁体等效内磁导、转子空气区域磁导、磁桥1磁导、磁桥2磁导以及气隙磁导;jr为永磁体等效磁通源;jmjasjb1jb2、以及jg为各支路磁通,以上磁导及各支路磁通均可根据文献[23, 30]中的公式及迭代法计算得到,进而可计算出方程中所需的磁桥磁导率。


图4 原始电机及简化结构通用等效磁路

Fig.4 Equivalent magnetic circuit of different model





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2.2 定子开槽影响


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2.3 空载电磁性能计算


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式中,y 为绕组磁链;N为每相串联匝数;width=12,height=11为相绕组磁通;S为相绕组区域的面积。


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图5 内置电机空载性能解析计算流程

Fig.5 Flow chart of no-load performance analysis

3 解析计算结果及其验证


表1 电机主要参数

Tab.1 Main parameters of the motors

参 数数 值 V型电机U型电机一字型电机 额定功率/kW112015 额定转速/(r/min)8 2004 50020 000 额定电压/V380189380 额定电流/A17.687.527.7 定子内径/mm8012770 转子外径/mm77.6125.667.4 极对数342 槽数364818 铁心长度/mm8075110 定子槽口宽/mm21.82 磁桥1宽wb1/mm1.521.5 磁桥1长hb1/mm3.644.5 磁桥2宽wb2/mm1.5—2 磁桥2长hb2/mm3.8—4 空气宽度w1/mm252.5 空气宽度w2/mm1—1 永磁体宽lm/mm14.48(lm1), 27(lm2)15 永磁体厚hm/mm454 永磁体材料N40UHSmCo24N42UH


图6 V型结构样机图片

Fig.6 Prototype pictures of V-shape motor


图7 一字型结构样机图片

Fig.7 Prototype pictures of straight-shape motor

3.1 空载气隙磁通密度对比



图8 电机空载磁通密度云图

Fig.8 No-load flux density cloud map of motors


图9 空载气隙磁通密度波形对比

Fig.9 Comparison of no-load air-gap flux density

3.2 空载反电动势对比

通过解析模型及有限元对V型、U型与一字型电机在转速为1 500 r/min、4 500 r/min与15 000 r/min情况下的空载线反电动势进行了计算,并将计算结果与实验结果进行了对比,如图10所示,其中还包括相应的谐波分析。可以看出,对于V型电机,有限元、解析及实验得到的反电动势基波幅值分别为85.5 V、86.2 V和84.8 V,相应的波形畸变率分别为2.57 %、1.95 %及3.02 %;对于U型电机,有限元与解析得到的反电动势基波幅值分别为213.7 V和215.9 V,相应的波形畸变率分别为4.98 %与4.7 %;对于一字型电机,有限元、解析及实验得到的反电动势基波幅值分别为318.7 V、325.3 V和320.4 V,相应的波形畸变率分别为1.09 %、1.62 %及1.55 %。可以看出,所提模型可有效计算电机空载反电动势。


图10 空载线反电动势波形及其谐波分析

Fig.10 Back electromotive force waveforms and harmonic analysis

3.3 齿槽转矩对比

通过解析模型计算出了V型、U型与一字型电机在一个齿距下的齿槽转矩波形,并将其与有限元计算结果进行对比,如图11所示。可以看出,对于V型电机,有限元与解析得到的齿槽转矩幅值分别为368 mN·m与403 mN·m,计算误差为9.5 %;对于U型电机,有限元与解析得到的齿槽转矩幅值分别为609 mN·m与584 mN·m,计算误差为4.1 %;对于一字型电机,有限元与解析得到的齿槽转矩幅值分别为57 mN·m与51 mN·m,计算误差为10.5 %。可以看出,解析计算结果与有限元结果吻合良好,计算误差均在工程允许范围内。


图11 齿槽转矩结果对比

Fig.11 Comparison of cogging torque

3.4 模型适用条件与计算时间

在列写附录中的方程时认为永磁体产生的磁通全部沿width=9,height=12方向进入磁桥1的边界,故当width=73,height=15时,磁桥子域满足width=44,height=15。随着磁桥饱和程度的增加,磁通不再全部沿width=9,height=12方向进入磁桥,按照磁桥子域满足width=44,height=15计算会产生误差。文献[29]中总结了不同磁桥饱和程度下width=40,height=13的适用条件,故本文所提解析模型的适用条件与文献[29]中的 相同。


4 结论


通过解析模型计算出的空载气隙磁通密度、线反电动势及齿槽转矩结果与有限元和实验测试结果吻合较好。解析模型计算出的线反电动势幅值及其畸变率与有限元和实验测量结果间的误差均在3 %以内;解析计算出的齿槽转矩幅值与有限元结果间的误差在10 %以内,满足工程需求。与有限元法相比,本文所提解析模型可在保证计算精度的前提下,实现V型/U型/一字型内置永磁电机空载性能的快速计算,这为相关类型电机的初始设计及优化带来了方便。

附 录


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General Analytical Model of No-Load Electromagnetic Performance of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Considering Nonlinearity of Magnetic Bridges

Li Shiqi Tong Wenming Jia Jianguo Tang Renyuan

(National Engineering Research Center for Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Machines Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China)

Abstract Interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors, due to the high power/torque density and wide speed range, are widely used in industrial applications and smart homes. Considerable computation time is one of the major issues faced by designers due to the changeable rotor configurations. The finite element analysis (FEA) is widely used in motor design due to its ability to consider saturation and complex geometries. However, the need for high-precision mesh is time-consuming. The analytical method has acceptable accuracy and fast calculation, which is regarded as an effective tool by designers. However, the existing analytical models are not universal. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel general analytical model to predict the no-load performance of IPM motors with different topologies.

Firstly, the magnets with different topologies are equivalent according to the principle that the total flux produced by the magnets is constant, facilitating the establishment of subdomains. Secondly, based on the boundary conditions between different subdomains, the field governing equations can be obtained to solve the undetermined coefficients. Thirdly, the magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) method is employed to obtain the permeability of magnetic bridges to consider the effect of saturation and improve the calculation accuracy. Finally, the influence of slotting is considered based on the conformal mapping method to obtain the air-gap magnetic field of slotted motors. The proposed general model is suitable for V-shape, U-shape, and straight-shape IPM motors with any slot-pole combination. The computation time is greatly shortened compared with FEA because the equations to be solved are linear.

The calculated no-load air-gap flux density waveforms, back electromotive force (EMF), and cogging torque by the proposed model are in good agreement with those of FEA results. For the V-shape motor, the fundamental amplitudes of back EMF obtained by FEA, analytical model and experiment are 85.5 V, 86.2 V, and 84.8 V, respectively; the corresponding total harmonic distortions (THDs) are 2.57 %, 1.95 %, and 3.02 %, respectively. For the U-shape motor, the fundamental amplitudes of back EMF obtained by FEA and analytical model are 213.7 V and 215.9 V, respectively; the THDs are 4.98 % and 4.7 %, respectively. For the straight-shape motor, the fundamental amplitudes of back EMF obtained by FEA, analytical model and experiment are 318.7 V, 325.3 V, and 320.4 V, respectively; the THDs are 1.09 %, 1.62 %, and 1.55 %, respectively. The amplitudes of cogging torque for the V-shape motor calculated by FEA and analytical model are 368 mN·m and 403 mN·m, the calculation error is 9.5 %. The amplitudes of cogging torque for the U-shape motor are 609 mN·m and 584 mN·m, and the calculation error is 4.1 %. The amplitudes of cogging torque for the straight-shape motor are 57 mN·m and 51 mN·m, the calculation error is 10.5 %. The above results show that the model can effectively calculate the no-load performance of IPM motors with different rotor structures.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the above analysis: (1) Compared with FEA, the proposed general model can significantly reduce the computational cost since the calculation is based on linear equations rather than numerical iteration. (2) The proposed model has higher precision, and the errors between calculated and FEA results are within the allowable range of the engineering. (3) The proposed magnet equivalence method provides ideas for the analytical derivation of other types of IPM motors with irregular magnets arrangement, which brings convenience to the design and optimization of related types of motors.

keywords:Interior permanent magnet synchronous motors, subdomain method, magnetic equivalent circuit, magnetic bridge saturation

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220486



收稿日期 2022-04-02

改稿日期 2022-05-12


李世奇 男,1998年生,博士研究生,研究方向为非晶合金高速永磁电机设计及多物理场分析。E-mail: 18840659110@163.com

佟文明 男,1984年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为特种电机及其控制与电机多物理场仿真分析。E-mail: twm822@126.com(通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)