摘要 罗氏线圈电流互感器中的积分器会放大暂态传变误差,可能导致保护误动作。该文提出直接采用罗氏线圈微分信号输出进行保护计算的改进思路,并以距离保护为例,提出一种基于罗氏线圈电流互感器的等传变距离保护方法。该方法中,保护电流直接采用罗氏线圈输出的电流微分信号,消除积分器引入的暂态传变误差,并通过虚拟数字传变解决电压与电流微分信号传变不一致问题。仿真和试验结果表明,所提出的等传变距离保护方法动作速度快,受系统中高频暂态信号影响较小,性能优于现有距离保护方法。
关键词:罗氏线圈 积分器 距离保护 虚拟罗氏线圈 等传变
图1 传统距离保护数据传变环节
Fig.1 Data transfer in conventional distance relay
图2 新方法数据传变环节
Fig.2 Data transfer in improved distance relay
图3 罗氏线圈等效电路
Fig.3 Equivalent circuit of Rogowski coil CT
图4 罗氏线圈暂态等效电路
Fig.4 Transient equivalent circuit of Rogowski coil
图5 220kV输电线路系统模型
Fig.5 System model of 220kV transmission line
输电线路参数为:r1=0.037 219Ω/km, x1= 0.303 986Ω/km, c1=0.012 120μF/km, r0=0.315 511Ω/km, x0=1.081 049Ω/km, c0=0.007 758μF/km。
式中,滤波器系数b0~b14分别为0.010 500, 0.021 526,0.038 863, 0.059 973, 0.082 118, 0.101 736, 0.115 268, 0.120 103, 0.115 268, 0.101 736, 0.082 118, 0.059 973, 0.038 863, 0.021 526, 0.010 500。
图6 故障位置计算结果
Fig.6 Fault location calculation results
图7 模型误差计算结果
Fig.7 Model error calculation results
表1 大方式下100km线路仿真结果 (单位:ms)
Tab.1 Simulation results for 100km line in the maximum operating mode
故障类型不同故障位置计算时间 20km50km80km100km AN8888 AN-5Ω7.757.757.758.5 AN-20Ω7.757.758.5NF AN-50Ω7.757.759NF AN-100Ω7.75814NF BC8.58.258.258 BC-1Ω8. BC-2Ω8.58.58.25NF BC-5ΩNFNFNFNF BCN8.58.258.258 ABC8.58.258.258
表2 小方式下100km线路仿真结果 (单位:ms)
Tab.2 Simulation results for 100km line in the minimum operating mode
故障类型不同故障位置计算时间 20km50km80km100km AN7.757.757.757.75 AN-5Ω7.757.757.758.75 AN-20Ω7.757.758.5NF AN-50ΩNF21.25NFNF AN-100ΩNFNFNFNF BC8. BC-1Ω8. BC-2Ω8.258.258.5NF BC-5ΩNFNFNFNF BCN8. ABC8.
表3 大方式下150km线路仿真结果 (单位:ms)
Tab.3 Simulation results for 150km line in the maximum operating mode
故障类型不同故障位置计算时间 30km75km120km150km AN7.757.757.758 AN-5Ω7.757.7588.5
故障类型不同故障位置计算时间 30km75km120km150km BC8.258.2588 BCN8.258.2588 ABC8.258.2588
表4 小方式下150km线路仿真结果 (单位:ms)
Tab.4 Simulation results for 150km line in the minimum operating mode
故障类型不同故障位置计算时间 30km75km120km150km AN8888 AN-5Ω8888.75 BC8.58.58.258 BCN8.58.58.258 ABC8.58.58.258
2.3.1 系统故障工况
图8 不同距离保护算法故障位置计算结果
Fig.8 Calculation results of fault location for different distance relay algorithms
2.3.2 电流数据异常工况
图9 叠加异常信号前电流与叠加后积分器输出电流
Fig.9 Original current and integrated current
图10 等传变距离保护算法故障计算结果
Fig.10 Calculation results of the improved algorithm
图11 传统距离保护故障位置计算结果
Fig.11 Calculation results of different distance relay algorithms
图12 等传变距离保护试验环境
Fig.12 Test environment of the improved distance relay algorithm
图13 试验结果
Fig.13 Test verification results
表5 部分试验结果
Tab.5 Partial test results
故障类型稳定时间/ms 20km50km80km100km AN7.2556.56.75 AN-5Ω7.5777 BC109.759.59.5 BCN9.759.759.59.25 ABC9.759.759.59
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Abstract Since the output voltage of the coil is proportional to the rate of change of the primary current, it is required to be integrated to recover the measured current, which is usually realized by electronic integrator circuits. High-frequency transient signals tend to be generated during power system operation or short-circuit faults. After being processed by the integrator, the output signal of electronic transformer may be seriously distorted, resulting in mal-operation of the relay. Many researchers have proposed a variety of detection methods for abnormal output of the Rogowski coil, but the impact of additional components caused by integrators on protection cannot be avoided. An improved method of line relay directly using the differential output of Rogowski coil is put forward. Besides, a distance relay based on Rogowski coil current transformer by using instantaneous value after equal transfer processes is proposed. In the novel scheme, the current differential signal output by Rogowski coil is directly used to eliminate the influence of transient transmission error introduced by integrator.
Firstly, according to the equal transfer process of transmission lines(ETPTL) theory, the virtual Rogowski coil digital transmission link is constructed to process the voltage signal with the same transmission characteristics as the Rogowski coil digital transmission link, so that the voltage and current signals used for distance protection pass through the same transmission link. Secondly, the R-L equations are solved by least square method to calculate the fault location, so as to improve the stability of the calculation results. Thirdly, the voltage at the fault point is reconstructed and passed through the digital transmission link of virtual Rogowski coil to make it have the same transient transmission process as the voltage at the protection installation, so as to reduce the initial calculation error of fault and accelerate the convergence of fault calculation to stability. Finally, a method of model error discrimination is proposed. According to the R-L model, the voltage of the protection installation can be calculated from the calculation results of the fault location. It is compared with the actual voltage at the protection installation site to verify the calculation results of fault location, so as to prevent the distance protection from misoperation under working conditions such as abnormal data interference.
Simulation results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed distance relay method is not affected by the system operation mode, line length, fault location and fault type. In the case of metal fault, it can accurately calculate the fault location within 8.75 ms, and has a certain ability to withstand transition resistance. Compared with the traditional algorithm, the new algorithm has faster calculation speed, smaller fluctuation range and better stability under fault conditions and it is less affected by abnormal current signal transfer. To verify the performance of the improved distance relay algorithm proposed in this paper in practical applications, an actual Rogowski coil and relay device are used to build a test environment to test different fault conditions. The experiment results show that when different faults occur at different points, the time required for the measurement error of the improved distance relay to stabilize within 5% does not exceed 10ms, which is consistent with the simulation test results.
The study comes to the following conclusions: (1) According to the ETPTL theory, the current signal directly adopts the differential output of Rogowski coil, the voltage signal adopts the output of a virtual Rogowski coil with the same transfer features, so the relationship between them still satisfy the distributed parameter model of the original transmission line. (2) The current signal of the improved distance relay is directly from the Rogowski coil transducer without the integrator. It can radically eliminate the impacts of the Rogowski coil transducer integrator on the relay. (3) Various PSCAD simulation and experiment results show that it takes no more than 10ms for the measurement error of the improved distance relay to be stabilized within 5%, which is signed prior to the present method. The novel proposal immunes to system operation mode and can be applied to different length lines.
keywords:Rogowski coil, integrator, distance relay, virtual type of Rogowski coil, equal transfer process
收稿日期 2021-10-20
改稿日期 2022-04-13
李宝伟 男,1984年生,博士研究生,高级工程师,研究方向为电力系统保护与控制。E-mail:xjtc_libaowei@126.com(通信作者)
石 欣 女,1983年生,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为电力系统建模仿真。E-mail:xjtc_shixin@126.com
(编辑 赫蕾)