摘要 功率器件的焊料层易受到温度波动逐步发生老化脱落,造成热量无法快速消散而在芯片处积聚,引起芯片过热损毁,造成功率器件突发失效,因此,焊料层老化的实时评估是实现功率器件可靠运行的重要保障。该文通过提出基于壳温的焊料层老化评估方法,分析了焊料层老化影响的壳温分布情况,建立了基于壳温的基板二维温度梯度模型对壳温分布变化规律,研究了壳温分布变化与热阻抗的关联情况,以焊料层老化程度作为中间变量,通过离线加速老化平台采集壳温分布和热阻抗的演化信息,建立基板二维温度梯度与热阻抗关系的数据库,在工程应用中,通过布设在器件基板和散热板之间的传感器测量壳温并计算二维温度梯度,通过数据库识别热阻抗值对器件可靠性进行评估。在仿真和实验的老化分析中,表征壳温分布的二维温度与热阻抗的变化趋势相同,当器件失效时,二维温度梯度和热阻抗分别增长了16.1%、20%和20.1%,表明二维温度梯度与热阻抗受焊料层老化影响是一致的,与现有的方法相比,该方法通过壳温便可实现功率器件的可靠性评估。
关键词:功率器件 焊料层老化 可靠性 温度梯度
图1 健康功率器件内部热流分布
Fig.1 The heat flow in an healthy device
图2 老化功率器件内部热流分布
Fig.2 The heat flow in an aging device
图3 基板底部表面温度监测分布图
Fig.3 Monitoring of case temperatures on the bottom surface of the baseplate layer
图4 方法实现流程
Fig.4 The flow chart of the proposed method
通过有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis, FEA)实例对提出方法的有效性进行验证。首先采用Pro/ENGINEER对SEMIKRON商用功率器件(SKM75GB123D)进行三维建模,并将三维模型导入Ansys软件中进行有限元分析,如图5所示。功率器件的工作条件如下:直流电压VDC=1 000 V,负载电流IC=60 A,开关频率fsw=10 kHz,调制指数M=1,功率因数PF=0.8,线路频率f0=50 Hz。
图5 功率器件三维模型
Fig.5 3-D model of the power device
为深入分析焊料层老化对功率器件热特性的影响,通过以下六个老化场景来模拟焊料层老化的演变过程设计:①健康状况;②焊料层出现0.5 mm裂纹的轻微老化状态;③焊料层出现1.0 mm裂纹的轻度老化状态;④焊料层出现1.5 mm裂纹的中等老化状态;⑤焊料层出现2.0 mm裂纹的重度老化状态;⑥焊料层出现2.5 mm裂纹的危险老化状态。六种焊料层的老化状态的示意图如图6所示。
图6 功率器件焊料层老化设计示意图
Fig.6 The schematic of the design solder aging conditions
图7 健康功率器件剖面温度分布云图
Fig.7 The temperature distribution of cross plane
由图9可知,ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC随焊料老化进程而不断增大。当焊料层裂纹达到2.5 mm时,与健康的器件相比,ÑTP,x增大约10.3%,ÑTP,y增大约15.4%,ZJC增大约15.2%。这表明ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC的值与焊料层的老化程度有关。由于焊料层的老化程度是唯一的,因此,ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC之间的关系是唯一的。此外,ÑTP,x和ÑTP,y可描述任意位置的焊料层老化情况。
图8 功率器件内部热流随焊料层老化的演化趋势
Fig.8 The evolution of heat flow during the solder aging process
图9 焊料层老化过程中ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC的演化趋势
Fig.9 The evolution of ÑTP,x, ÑTP,y and ZJC during the solder aging process
图10 器件可靠性的演化趋势
Fig.10 The evolution of the reliability for the device
实验配置如图11所示,由塞米控生产的功率器件(SKM75GB123D),获取温度信息的红外相机(红外相机型号为Fotric 288,采样频率为30 Hz),测量器件电信号的录波仪,功率器件驱动器,直流电源,铝制散热器以及LabVIEW数据采集系统等,其中铝制散热器上表面刻有用于安装热敏电阻的凹浅槽。
图11 实验设备示意图
Fig.11 The schematic diagram of experimental equipment
为快速获取功率器件老化过程中壳温演变信息,搭建器件加速老化测试平台,首先采用45 A的直流电流对功率器件持续加热至芯片结温达到150℃左右,然后断开直流电源采用强制风冷将芯片结温降至60℃。在一个循环周期内功率器件承受的温度冲击为90℃。采用LabVIEW系统持续采集器件壳温信息,并计算ÑTP,x和ÑTP,y的数值。此外,每200个循环周期中断一次加速老化测试,采用红外摄像头记录芯片结温信息,并代入式(6)计算ZJC数值。当ZJC增长达到20%时终止器件的加速老化测试。加速老化测试过程中ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC的演化如图12所示。
图12 焊料层老化过程中ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC演化趋势
Fig.12 The evolution of ÑTP,x, ÑTP,y and ZJC during the solder aging process
图13 器件可靠性随焊料层老化的演化趋势
Fig.13 The evolution of the reliability during the solder aging process
本文研究了焊料层老化对壳温分布的影响机制,有限元仿真结果表明了焊料层老化使得芯片热流向下传递的区域变窄,当老化区域达到2.5 mm时,焊料层的热传递区域减小近40%,热传递区域的变化使得基板中心处的温度不断升高,而基板边缘处的温度不断降低,最终导致基板壳温分布的变化。
此外,本文提出了二维温度梯度计算方法对基板壳温分布的变化进行描述。在仿真部分中,当老化区域达到2.5 mm时,二维温度梯度ÑTP,x和ÑTP,y分别增大了约10.3%、15.4%,而热阻抗ZJC增大约15.2%;在实验部分中,ÑTP,x、ÑTP,y与ZJC在加速老化测试结束时分别增加16.1%、20%和20.1%。上述结果表明,焊料层老化导致了基板壳温分布的变化,进而造成二维温度梯度的变化;同时二维温度梯度与热阻抗的变化保持一致。
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Reliability Analysis of Power Device Based on the Case Temperatures
Abstract As the channel of heat transfers from the inside of the power device to the outside, the solder layer is vulnerable toaging and falling off due to the effect of temperature fluctuations. The heat cannot be dissipated quickly and accumulates in the chip, causing the chip to overheat and damage. As a result, the power device may fail suddenly. Real-time evaluation of solder aging is a vital guarantee for the operational reliability of power devices. The thermal impedance from the chip to the baseplate is a signal to characterize solder aging, and the measurement of junction temperature for estimating the thermal impedance is costly. From an economic point of view, this paper proposes a novel solder aging evaluation method based on the case temperatures. The case temperature distribution is sensitive to the solder aging. From this perspective, a two-dimensional temperature gradient monitoring algorithm based on case temperatures was modeled to describe the changes in case temperature distribution due to the solder aging. In addition, the relationship between the changes in case temperature distribution and thermal impedance was studied. With solder aging degree as the intermediate variable, the evolution of case temperature distribution and thermal impedance was recorded through an offline accelerated aging test. A database including information on two-dimensional temperature gradients and thermal impedance was built. In practical applications, the case temperature is measured by a thermistor sensor placed between the baseplate and the heatsink. Then the two-dimensional temperature gradient value is calculated. Based on the database, the thermal impedance value is identified to evaluate the reliability of the device. Finite-element simulation and experiment verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The finite-element simulation results show that the heat transfer region of the chip becomes narrower due to the solder aging. When the aging region reaches 2.5 mm, the heat transfer area of the solder layer decreases by nearly 40%, and the change in the heat transfer area causes the temperature at the center of the baseplate to increase continuously. When the aging area reaches 2.5 mm, the two-dimensional temperature gradient ÑTP,x and ÑTP,y increases by about 10.3% and 15.4%, respectively, and the thermal impedance ZJC increases by about 15.2%.The experimental results showed that ÑTP,x, ÑTP,y, and ZJC increased by 16.1%, 20%, and 20.1% at the end of the accelerated aging test. The verification results show that the solder aging leads to a change in the temperature distribution of the baseplate, which leads to a change in the two-dimensional temperature gradient. As a result, the two-dimensional temperature gradient and thermal impedance are consistent with the solder aging. Compared with the existing methods, this method can realize the reliability evaluation of the device only with the case temperature, has a better economy, and gives some guidance for engineering applications.
keywords:Power device, solder aging, reliability, temperature gradient
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220886
国家自然科学基金项目(62073173, 62203052, 61903126)、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(22KJB470007)、南邮电大学引进人才自然科学研究启动基金项目(NY219153)和陕西省自然科学基金项目(2020JQ-814)资助。
收稿日期 2022-05-19
改稿日期 2022-06-06
崔 曼 女,1986年生,博士,研究方向为复杂系统建模与评估。E-mail: 15991637202@163.com
胡 震 男,1989年生,博士,讲师,研究方向为电力电子设备故障的智能化诊断。E-mail: huzhen0111@njupt.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 郭丽军)