
刘国海 孙汶超 周华伟 刘正蒙

(江苏大学电气信息工程学院 镇江 212013)

摘要 传统无差拍直接转矩磁链控制(DB-DTFC)策略应用于五相永磁同步电机(PMSM)时存在稳态性能差、转矩和磁链耦合、谐波电流大等问题,该文提出一种改进型DB-DTFC策略。首先,为实现转矩和磁链的解耦控制,在两相静止坐标系中对定子电压与转矩和磁链之间的关系进行分析,求解满足控制要求的电压矢量。其次,设计电流和磁链观测器补偿数字控制系统的延时。再次,采用基于4个非零电压矢量的空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)技术,抑制相电流的3次谐波分量。实验结果表明,该策略计算简便,抑制了转矩和磁链脉动,降低了3次谐波电流,提升了控制系统动稳态性能。

关键词:无差拍控制 直接转矩和磁链控制 永磁同步电机(PMSM) 延时补偿 空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)

0 引言

与三相永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Syn- chronous Motor, PMSM)相比,以五相PMSM为代表的多相电机驱动系统由于拥有更多的控制自由度、较小的母线电流纹波、更高的母线电压利用率等优点,在电动汽车、舰船驱动等领域得到广泛关注[1-3]

直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control, DTC)和矢量控制(Vector Control, VC)是工业生产中最常用的PMSM控制策略。相比于VC[4-5],DTC以转矩和磁链作为控制变量,采用滞环比较器和开关表相结合的方式实现对电机的控制,具有结构简单、动态响应速度快等特点[6-8]。然而,传统DTC无法精确识别转矩和磁链误差的大小,在单一控制周期内输出单一电压矢量,因此存在转矩和磁链脉动大、电流谐波含量高等缺点。模型预测转矩控制(Model Predictive Torque Control, MPTC)依据价值函数最小化原则,从有限控制集中选择最优电压矢量[9-11],提升了转矩和磁链动态响应能力。然而,MPTC存在迭代计算复杂、权重系数调整困难等缺点。无差拍直接转矩和磁链控制(Deadbeat Direct Torque and Flux Control, DB-DTFC)策略以电机模型为基础,在一个控制周期内以消除转矩和磁链误差为目标求解电压矢量,控制系统结构简单、无需多余参数整定,因此受到广泛关注。文献[12]基于定子磁链差分法和PMSM复功率提出了两种简化的DB-DTFC策略,提高了稳态性能、降低了计算量,但动态性能有待提升。文献[13]提出一种用于三相PMSM的基于两相同步旋转坐标系(dq)的传统DB-DTFC策略,提升了转矩和磁链的稳态性能。然而其无差拍模型不理想、定子电压求解复杂。另外,其未考虑大误差情况下电压限制带来的长调节时间问题。文献[14]将文献[13]策略与最小时间斜坡轨迹法相结合,充分利用逆变器电压求解转矩变化率最大的定子电压,以提高响应的快速性和稳定性。然而该策略运算繁琐,计算量会随着误差值的增大而增加。文献[15-16]提出了一种基于定子磁链定向的DB- DTFC策略,该策略根据转矩误差控制负载角的变化实现无差拍控制,实现了转矩和磁链的独立调节,提高了稳态和动态性能。然而,不合适的参考磁链会对磁链控制精度产生较大影响,严重时可能导致控制系统不稳定。另外,在设计无差拍系统时通常假设控制变量的采样和计算同时发生。然而,由于数字控制系统存在时间延迟,会引起振荡现象。此外,电机运行过程中存在参数摄动和外部扰动,需要对这些扰动进行估计以提高系统鲁棒性能[17-19]

为实现对转矩和磁链的精确控制,提高电机的稳态和动态性能。本文针对五相PMSM,提出一种改进型DB-DTFC策略。首先,为解决转矩和磁链之间的耦合问题,根据ab 坐标系上的PMSM数学模型,分析电压矢量对转矩和磁链变化的影响,求解合适的定子电压矢量。其次,为解决数字系统的延时问题,设计观测器对电流、磁链和转矩进行预测。最后,采用空间矢量脉宽调制(Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation, SVPWM)合成目标电压矢量以抑制3次谐波电流。

1 五相PMSM数学模型

假设五相PMSM仅含基波反电动势,忽略定子绕组间互感和漏感,则该电机在ab 坐标系上的数学模型可表示为

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式中,us=[usausb]Tys=[ysaysb]Tis=[isa isb]Tyr= [yfcosqr yfsinqr]T分别为定子电压、磁链、电流和永磁磁链;usa, usbysa, ysbisa, isbyfcosqr, yfsinqr分别为usysisyrab 轴上的分量;Rs为定子电阻;yf为永磁磁链的幅值;Te为电磁转矩;p为极对数;Ls为电感;qr为转子位置角。


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2 改进型DB-DTFC策略

2.1 DB-DTFC原理


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式中,g 为电压矢量和定子磁链矢量的夹角。相比于其他项,|us(k)Tk|2很小,可忽略不计。因此,在一个控制周期内磁链的误差可进一步表示为

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图1 定子磁链增量计算

Fig.1 Calculation of stator flux increment



图2 电压矢量选择

Fig.2 Graphical representation of voltage vector selection


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根据上述分析,为消除转矩误差,电压矢量的最小作用时间需要Tk。电机运行时磁链会有微小变化,通过修正as可保证磁链控制精度,进而实现转矩和定子磁链控制的独立性。相较于传统DB- DTFC,所提策略计算更为简便,电压矢量对转矩和磁链实现了解耦控制,提升了转矩和磁链的跟踪性能,进而保证电机优越的稳态和动态性能。

2.2 定子电流观测



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式中,usd, usqisd, isqysd, ysq分别为usisys在d、q轴上的分量。在电机运行时,RsLsyf等参数发生变化会产生扰动电压Dudq。设计如图3所示的PI控制器对这部分电压进行补偿。根据式(20),k+1时刻的定子电流可表示为


图3 定子电流观测器

Fig.3 Stator current observer


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经坐标变换将dq中k+1时刻电流转换到ab 中,有


2.3 定子磁链和转矩观测


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2.4 3次谐波抑制

五相PMSM运行时,根据电压源逆变器中功率器件的开关状态,可获得如图4所示的30个非零矢量和2个零矢量,其中非零矢量根据幅值不同分为大、中、小矢量,其幅值分别为0.647 2Udc、0.4Udc、0.247 2Udc。其中,Udc为直流母线电压[20-22]


图4 五相PMSM空间电压矢量

Fig.4 Space voltage vectors of five-phase PMSM

为抑制3次谐波电流,在基波空间中每个扇区内选取2个大矢量和中矢量合成参考电压矢量。根据空间电压矢量分布特点,在基波空间中当同相位的大矢量作用时间为中矢量作用时间的1.618倍时,对应3次谐波空间内合成电压矢量为零。由此,在ab 空间合成的电压矢量幅值最大为

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图5 第一扇区相邻4个非零电压矢量合成

Fig.5 Voltage vector synthesis of adjacent four none-zero vectors in sector Ⅰ



图6 改进型DB-DTFC控制框图

Fig.6 Control diagram of improved DB-DTFC

3 实验验证



图7 实验平台

Fig.7 Experimental platform

表1 电机参数

Tab.1 Motor parameters

参 数数 值 槽数20 极对数11 额定转速/(r/min)300 额定电流/A14.14 相电感/mH1.43 相电阻/W0.3 永磁磁链/Wb0.030 6

为了保证对比实验的公平性和合理性,传统DB-DTFC策略和所提出的改进型DB-DTFC策略都采用本文所设计的基于相邻4个非零电压矢量的SVPWM技术。电机转速设置为300 r/min,负载转矩给定为4 N·m。电机稳态实验波形及定子磁链矢量在ab 平面的轨迹分别如图8、图9所示。可见,传统DB-DTFC和改进型DB-DTFC的转矩脉动分别为11.1%和7.8%。在两种策略控制下,均能较好地控制定子磁链,其在ab 平面上的轨迹接近圆形。传统DB-DTFC的相电流波形一定程度上发生了畸变,而改进型DB-DTFC的相电流波形较为光滑。因此,所提出的改进型DB-DTFC策略能在保持磁链控制精度的基础上更好地抑制转矩脉动。图10为两种策略控制下A相电流的快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transformation, FFT)。可见,传统DB-DTFC和改进型DB-DTFC下的A相电流总谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion, THD)分别为10.48%和5.46%。因此,改进型DB-DTFC具有更好的电流谐波抑制能力。主要原因是改进型DB-DTFC策略所求解电压矢量更符合无差拍控制目标,对定子磁链和转矩控制精度较高,因此电流谐波较小。图11为两种策略控制下基波空间和3次谐波空间的电流波形。可见,相比传统DB-DTFC策略,改进型DB-DTFC策略的基波空间电流波形呈现较好的正弦度,且3次谐波空间中的电流几乎被抑制为零。两种控制策略的稳态性能对比见表2。可见,相比传统DB-DTFC策略,所提出的改进型DB-DTFC策略不但减少了计算量,而且能更好地抑制转矩和磁链脉动,降低相电流谐波,具有更好的稳态性能。





图8 稳态实验结果对比

Fig.8 Comparison of steady-state experimental results


(a)传统DB-DTFC (b)改进型DB-DTFC

图9 定子磁链矢量在ab 平面上的轨迹对比

Fig.9 Trajectory comparison of stator flux vector in absubspace


图10 A相电流FFT对比分析

Fig.10 FFT comparative analysis of phase-A current





图11 ab z1z2坐标系下的电流波形

Fig.11 Current waveforms in ab and z1z2 subspaces

表2 稳态性能对比

Tab.2 Comparison of steady-state performance

转矩脉动(%)磁链脉动(%)电流THD(%)计算时间/ms 改进型DB-DTFC7.84.255.469.8 传统DB-DTFC11.15.5110.4815.3

为了进一步验证在改进型DB-DTFC策略下PMSM的动态性能,电机进行了负载阶跃和转速阶跃实验。电机参考转速为300 r/min,负载转矩在4 N·m和6 N·m之间发生阶跃。图12、图13分别为传统DB-DTFC和改进型DB-DTFC转速、转矩、磁链和电流的动态响应波形。负载阶跃变化时的响应时间和最大转速波动见表3。可见,在两种策略控制下电机均能在较短时间内对负载变化做出响应,且改进型DB-DTFC响应更迅速。传统DB-DTFC由于磁链和转矩存在耦合,在负载阶跃变化过程中,转速产生较大波动、调节时间较长,且转矩在此过程出现振荡,定子磁链误差增大,极大地影响了转矩变化后的稳态性能。相比之下,由于改进型DB- DTFC实现了转矩和磁链的解耦,在负载变化过程中,转速波动较小,调节时间较短,且转矩响应更为平稳、迅速,磁链幅值在此过程中基本保持不变,控制精度不因负载变化而降低。





图12 传统DB-DTFC负载阶跃实验结果

Fig.12 Experimental results of traditional DB-DTFC when load step changes

图14、图15分别为电机参考转速在200 r/min和300 r/min之间阶跃时,传统DB-DTFC和改进型DB-DTFC转矩、转速和电流的动态响应波形。可见,当参考转速向下和向上阶跃时,若采用传统DB- DTFC策略,电机转速响应时间分别为182 ms和195 ms;当采用改进型DB-DTFC时,电机转速响应时间分别为162 ms和165 ms。因此,所提出的改进型DB-DTFC策略对于转速变化的响应更为迅速。





图13 改进型DB-DTFC负载阶跃实验结果

Fig.13 Experimental results of improved DB-DTFC when load step changes

表3 动态性能对比

Tab.3 Comparison of dynamic performance

负载向上阶跃负载向下阶跃 响应时间/ms转速偏差/ (r/min)响应时间/ms转速偏差/ (r/min) 改进型DB-DTFC6.8514.86.5318.9 传统DB-DTFC9.8522.39.2126.1





图14 传统DB-DTFC转速阶跃实验结果

Fig.14 Experimental results of traditional DB-DTFC when speed step changes





图15 改进型DB-DTFC转速阶跃实验结果

Fig.15 Experimental results of improved DB-DTFC when speed step changes


4 结论

本文针对五相PMSM提出一种改进型DB- DTFC策略。所提策略具有如下优点:






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An Improved Deadbeat Direct Torque and Flux Control Strategy of Five-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

Liu Guohai Sun Wenchao Zhou Huawei Liu Zhengmeng

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering Jiangsu University Zhenjiang 212013 China)

Abstract With the advantages of higher bus voltage utilization and more degrees of control freedom, multiphase permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are widely used in electric vehicles, ship propulsion, and other fields. Direct torque control (DTC) and vector control (VC) are the most popular methods. Compared with VC, DTC needs two hysteresis comparators of stator flux linkage and torque and a switching table, which has a simple structure and fast dynamic response. However, traditional DTC has the disadvantages of large torque, flux linkage ripples, and high current harmonics. Model predictive torque control (MPTC) selects the optimal voltage vector from a control set according to the cost function to improve the torque and flux dynamic response. It has heavy computational burden and difficulty in tuning the weighting factor. Deadbeat direct torque and flux control (DB-DTFC) can eliminate the errors of torque and flux linkage within one sampling period by a voltage vector, which is obtained by discretizing the mathematical model. In addition, its control structure is simple, and it is unnecessary to adjust redundant parameters. However, there is a coupled relationship between torque and stator flux linkage. The traditional DB-DTFC has poor dynamic and steady-state performance. Therefore, an improved DB-DTFC strategy is proposed for five-phase PMSM.

Firstly, the PMSM model is discretized in the two-stationary frame, and a voltage vector is obtained from the relationship among stator voltage, torque, and stator flux linkage. Thus, the decoupling control of torque and stator flux linkage can be achieved. Secondly, current and flux linkage observers are built to compensate for delay and parameter disturbance in the digital control system. Finally, due to harmonic space in the five-phase PMSM, the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) based on four non-zero vectors is designed to restrain the third harmonic current.

Experimental results of the traditional and improved DB-DTFC were tested at rated speed to evaluate the steady-state performance. Compared with the traditional DB-DTFC, the improved DB-DTFC can better suppress the torque and flux linkage ripples, the waveform of phase current is more sinusoidal, and the CPU execution time is shorter. Therefore, the voltage vector obtained by the improved DB-DTFC is more consistent with the deadbeat control goal, improving the stator flux and torque control accuracy and restraining current harmonics. Moreover, during dynamic experiments, the improved DB-DTFC has faster torque and speed responses, shorter adjustment time, and more dynamic response than the traditional DB-DTFC, ensuring the control accuracy of flux linkage.

The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is verified through theoretical analysis and experiments, and the following conclusions can be drawn. (1) Compared with the traditional DB-DTFC, the stator voltage of the method is much easier to obtain, thus requiring less computation. (2) The model of torque and flux linkage is accurate to achieve the decoupling control. The ripples are less at steady-state operation, thus improving the steady-state and dynamic performance. (3) Current and flux linkage observers are designed to eliminate the delay of digital control and to improve the parameter robustness. (4) SVPWM based on four non-zero vectors can effectively restrain the third harmonic current and reduce the distortion of phase current.

keywords:Deadbeat control, direct torque and flux control (DTFC), permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), delay compensation, space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM)


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221730


收稿日期 2022-09-13

改稿日期 2022-11-09


刘国海 男,1964年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电机控制、复杂系统控制及非线性智能控制等。E-mail: ghliu@ujs.edu.cn

周华伟 男,1980年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电动汽车和电磁悬架用特种永磁电机驱动控制、容错控制等。E-mail: zhouhuawei@ujs.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)