摘要 有源电力滤波器(APF)在谐波治理方面有着广泛应用,其谐波补偿性能在很大程度上取决于谐波检测环节的性能。为了提升谐波检测速度,该文提出一种基于滑窗离散傅里叶变换(SDFT)的快速谐波检测算法。相较于传统滑窗离散傅里叶算法存在一个基波周期延时,该文提出的快速谐波检测算法利用三相系统的对称性,替换传统滑窗离散傅里叶变换谐波检测算法的梳状滤波器构成环节,能在1/6个基波周期内实现谐波的有效检测,降低检测延迟。该文首先分析传统滑窗离散傅里叶变换谐波检测算法的优缺点;其次推导所提出的快速谐波检测算法的Z域表达式并分析其特点;最后通过仿真及小功率缩比有源电力滤波器样机实验平台验证了所提出的快速谐波检测算法的有效性。
关键词:离散傅里叶变换 特定次谐波检测 有源电力滤波器 滑窗迭代
为了早日实现“碳达峰,碳中和”的目标,新能源分布式发电比重不断提高,但是其中的高频电力电子装置等非线性设备会造成电网中的谐波污染日益严重[1-2]。为有效治理谐波污染,设计了多种补偿装置,如统一电能质量调节器(Unified Power Quality Conditioner, UPQC)[3]、有源滤波器(Active Power Filter, APF)。其中,有源电力滤波器以其补偿灵活、容量大等特点,在谐波治理领域有着广泛应用[4-8]。由于负载电路含有非线性器件,使得负载电流产生谐波分量,通过谐波检测环节检测出负载电流中的谐波分量并控制变流器产生与谐波分量幅值相同、相位相反的电流,从而避免谐波电流注入电网。因此,有源电力滤波器的功能实现主要由谐波检测和谐波跟踪两部分组成,而谐波检测部分能否快速准确地检测出谐波分量是影响APF性能的一个重要因素[4-5]。在谐波治理系统中,谐波检测方法主要包含时域和频域两个方面。
在众多时域谐波检测算法中,基于瞬时无功功率理论[9-14]的谐波检测算法是谐波检测中重要的一类算法,如检测法、检测法和d-q检测法[12-14]。检测法主要适用于三相对称系统,当电网电压发生畸变时检测误差会增大。检测法解决了检测法存在的检测精度问题,能够在三相电网电压不平衡和发生畸变时保持较高的检测精度,因此在APF系统中得到广泛应用。但是这种方法主要适用于谐波全补偿,不利于特定次谐波补偿的实现。d-q检测法分为基波同步参考坐标系检测(又称基波dq坐标系检测)和谐波同步参考坐标系检测(又称谐波dq坐标系检测)。基波dq坐标系检测是将基波分量和其余谐波分量分离,可以实现谐波整体补偿。而谐波dq坐标系检测是将某一频率分量与其余频率分量分离,可以灵活实现特定次谐波检测,但是这类方法需要进行坐标变换且需要低通滤波器进行滤波,算法性能上很大一部分由低通滤波器的性能决定。文献[15-18]提出一种基于级联延时信号消除(Cascaded Delayed Signal Cancellation, CDSC)特定次谐波检测算法,基于单一延时信号消除(Delayed Signal Cancellation, DSC)法的模块可以消除一组特定的谐波分量,CDSC将不同构造的DSC模块级联以分离所需分量并滤除其余分量。虽然CDSC可以较快地实现特定次谐波的检测,但是当提取不同谐波分量时需要不同的级联DSC模块,从而增加系统的复杂性、计算量以及存储空间开销。
离散傅里叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT)[19-20]作为一种典型的频域谐波检测方法可以实现对指定次谐波检测,但是存在计算量大、延时长等缺点。为减少实时系统计算负担,文献[5, 21-24]将滑窗迭代算法引入离散傅里叶变换中,提出滑窗迭代离散傅里叶(Sliding-window Discrete Fourier Transform, SDFT)谐波检测算法。SDFT的输出频率单元数据与输入数据速率相同,即输入增加一个点的同时输出也增加一个点。因此在实时计算系统中,SDFT相较于Goertzel算法所需计算量更少[25],当只检测某一或几个频率分量时,SDFT比传统的基2时间抽取快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Trans- form, FFT)法[26]更简便。但是SDFT依旧存在一个基波周期的延迟,不利于实现谐波分量实时快速检测。文献[27]提出一种改进的方法,二次采样递归离散傅里叶变换(Twice Sampling Recursive Discrete Fourier Transform, TS-RDFT),可根据输入信号的频谱分布对梳状滤波器重新设计,去除不需要的零点,降低检测算法的延迟。
式中,y=a, b, c;为三相信号第h次谐波的幅值;为三相信号第h次谐波的相位;、为可以构成三相信号第次谐波的两个共轭复信号。
图1 滑窗迭代算法模型
Fig.1 Sliding window iterative algorithm model
图2 的幅频响应曲线
Fig.2 The amplitude-frequency response curves of
式中,为本文提出方法的等效传递函数;梳状滤波器为如式(22)所示,引入个零点以实现次谐波频率分量滤除,其中 。而引入的个零点导致个采样周期,即1/2个基波周期的延迟。
式(19)、式(21)表明, 的等效表达式 中包含的梳状滤波器与求取的目标谐波频率分量的频率相关,即目标频率不同,滤波器构成不同。
式中,。式(23)表明,当求取的目标频率取不同值时,梳状滤波器由、和中的两个串联而成,而上述三个梳状滤波器引入个零点以分别实现、和次谐波频率分量滤除。因此,等效梳状滤波器引入个零点,产生1/3个基波周期的延迟。在本文提出的方法中,梳状滤波器的功能包含在 中,是由B、C两相数据替换A相数据在频域中的表达,因此不产生实际的延迟。而整个检测过程的延迟都是由梳状滤波器产生,为1/6个基波周期延迟。
图3 动态响应的仿真结果
Fig.3 Simulation results of dynamic responses
仿真电路负载由三相不控整流电路带30W(20W 与10W 串联)电阻负载作为非线性负载组成,电网线电压为95V。作为典型的非线性负载,三相不控整流器产生次谐波信号。用SDFT进行谐波检测的仿真波形如图4所示。当三相不控整流电路投入运行时,产生畸变的电流,基波正序和5次负序分量在经过20ms的波动后进入稳态。在0.04s时,负载由30W 突变为20W,在0.06s时获得准确的检测结果。本文提出方法的仿真波形如图5所示,表明本文提出的方法可以在3.3ms延迟内获得准确的检测结果,与SDFT相比减少了延迟时间。
图4 用SDFT进行谐波检测的仿真波形
Fig.4 Simulation waveforms of harmonic detection with SDFT
图5 用本文提出方法进行谐波检测的仿真波形
Fig.5 Simulation waveforms of harmonic detection with the proposed method
图6 APF系统电路及控制策略
Fig.6 APF system circuit and control strategy
APF主电路采用三电平中点钳位(Neutral Point Clamped, NPC)型变流器结构,控制策略为重复控制,采用数字信号处理器(DSP28335)来实现算法控制。实验主要参数见表1。
表1 实验的系统参数
Tab.1 System parameters for experiment
参 数数 值 电网线电压Us/V95 电网频率fg/Hz50 负载电阻Rd/W30 开关频率fswitch/kHz15 采样频率fs/kHz15 直流侧电压Udc/V200 直流侧电容C1, C2/mF1 350 滤波电感L/mH4
图7 负序5次谐波电流分量检测的实验波形和 APF补偿之后的A相电网电流波形
Fig.7 Experimental waveforms of 5th harmonic detection and source current in phase A after the APF starts compensating
图8 发生负载突变时负序5次谐波电流分量检测的实验波形和APF补偿之后的A相电网电流波形
Fig.8 Experimental waveforms of 5th harmonic detection and source current in phase A after the APF starts compensating when the load changes
图9 用SDFT和本文提出方法消除特定次谐波之后 A相电网电流的FFT结果
Fig.9 FFT results of the grid current in phase A before and after selective harmonic elimination with SDFT and the proposed method
图10 采用SDFT检测算法全补偿动态波形
Fig.10 Harmonic compensation dynamic waveforms using SDFT detection algorithm
图11 采用本文提出的检测算法全补偿动态波形
Fig.11 Harmonic compensation dynamic waveforms using the detection algorithm proposed in this paper
图12 用SDFT和本文提出方法进行补偿之后并网电流达到稳态的动态过程
Fig.12 The dynamic process of grid connected current reaching steady state after compensation by SDFT and the method proposed in this paper
附 录
1. 实输入序列第次谐波频率分量检测的域传递函数的推导
2. 第次谐波频率分量检测结果的时域表达式的推导
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Abstract The active power filter (APF) can compensate harmonics caused by nonlinear equipment such as high-frequency power electronic devices. Whether its harmonic detection algorithm can detect the harmonic component quickly and accurately largely determines the dynamic response and harmonic compensation performance of APF. The traditional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) was a frequency domain harmonic detection method, which can detect specific harmonics. However, it had large computation and long delay and, hence, can not detect harmonics quickly and compensate them in time. This was insufficient to support fast harmonic compensation of APF. Recently, some methods introduced the sliding window iterative algorithm into DFT, but there was still delay of a fundamental period. To address these issues, this paper proposes a new sliding-window discrete Fourier transform (SDFT) algorithm for three-phase symmetric systems. By using the symmetry of three-phase signals, it effectively detects harmonics within 1/6 fundamental cycle.
This method is based on DFT and sliding window iterative algorithm. Firstly, the DFT algorithm needs N complex multiplications to detect a specific order harmonic. The sliding window iterative algorithm updates the datas using cyclic sliding pointer, reducing the calculation to one complex multiplication, thus leading to the delay of one fundamental period. Secondly, the z-domain transfer function of DFT is composed of a comb filter, a complex resonator and gain coefficient. The method proposed in this paper uses a new comb filter, which makes use of the characteristic that the sampling value of B and C phase signals in three-phase symmetric signals can replace the partial sampling value of phase A as the input sequence of DFT calculation. It only needs 1/6 fundamental period to obtain the output sequence of the harmonic components. This way, the problem that SDFT requires one fundamental cycle delay is addressed, and APF can detect and compensate harmonics more quickly.
The test results in the simulation model with the fundamental frequency of 50Hz and sampling frequency of 15kHz show that both SDFT and the proposed method can effectively detect the target frequency components. However, it takes about 20ms to obtain detection results by using SDFT. The proposed method only needs about 3.3ms, that is, 1/6 SDFT delay time. The proposed method and SDFT are applied to the system composed of three-phase shunt APF and three-phase uncontrolled rectifier bridge with resistive load. The negative sequence 5th harmonic current components generated by three-phase uncontrolled rectifier circuit are detected and extracted respectively, and the detection results are used as the reference value of harmonic current in current loop to compensate the negative sequence 5th harmonic current components. The experimental results show that both SDFT and the proposed method can achieve specific harmonic detection, but the proposed method has better dynamic response performance and requires less storage space than SDFT. After the compensation by APF system using SDFT and the proposed method, the 5th harmonic current content in grid current decreases from 23.56% to 0.64% and 0.77% respectively. The experimental results show that the grid-connected current of the APF system with the proposed method can reach the steady state faster.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation and experimental results: The proposed fast harmonic detection algorithm, which is suitable for three-phase symmetric systems, can achieve fast and effective detection of specific harmonics. Compared with SDFT harmonic detection algorithm, the proposed method obtains faster dynamic response, and only needs 1/6 fundamental cycle to detect specific harmonics. Applying the proposed method to APF system can improve the dynamic performance of the system and compensate specific harmonics faster.
Keywords:Discrete fourier transform, selective harmonic detection, active power filter, sliding- window iterative
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220362
收稿日期 2022-03-14
改稿日期 2022-06-23
E-mail: yezongbin@163.com(通信作者)
侯 波 男,1999年生,硕士,研究方向为变流器控制技术。
E-mail: houbo0113@163.com
(编辑 陈 诚)