
郝 亮 赵文祥 吉敬华 许德志 王玉雪

(江苏大学电气信息工程学院 镇江 212013)

摘要 双三相永磁同步发电机(DTP-PMSG)具有容错率高、低压大功率等特点,适用于受输出电压、空间体积限制的高端装备领域。常规的母线电压控制方法在负载快速变化时,存在电压恢复时间长、电压波动大的缺点。该文提出基于交轴电流计算与电容储能反馈相结合的稳压控制策略。建立脉冲宽度调制(PWM)整流器能量和功率交换数学模型,推导交轴电流内环给定的计算表达式,设计电压外环并分析物理意义。该方法既能缩短电压恢复时间,又可以降低电压波动幅值。仿真和实验结果验证了所提控制策略的可行性和有效性。

关键词:交轴电流计算 电容储能反馈 电压波动 恢复时间 永磁同步发电机

0 引言


直流电能系统中的负载形式多样、工况复杂。从永磁同步发电机脉冲宽度调制(Pulse Width Modulation, PWM)整流稳压控制的角度,需要提出与负载功率突变相适应的控制策略[9-10]。降低直流侧母线电压波动幅值,加快母线电压恢复速度,为负载提供稳定可靠的直流电能,以确保系统的安全运行。目前,针对PWM整流器,已有方法多数是面对电力系统应用,如虚拟磁链定向控制[11]、直接功率控制等[12-14]。这些方法根据具体的电机对象,结合永磁同步电动机的控制方法[15-17],经过改进,也可适用于直流电能系统中永磁同步发电机的PWM整流控制。但外环仍以母线电压作为被控量的比例积分(Proportional Integral, PI)控制,不能满足高性能的母线电压控制需求。


本文主要以双三相永磁同步发电机(Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator, DTP- PMSG)为例进行分析,对永磁同步发电机构成的PWM整流系统的电压外环,提出一种简单有效的稳压控制策略。针对传统电压外环采用PI控制时响应速度慢、电压波动幅值大的问题,通过解析计算,直接得到交轴电流内环给定,有效地加快母线电压恢复,降低电压波动。考虑到实际系统存在损耗,造成简化的解析计算存在一定误差,利用电容储能反馈补偿,提升母线电压控制精度,实现直流母线电压的高性能稳压输出。

1 PWM整流系统的数学模型

1.1 发电机数学模型



图1 直流电能系统结构

Fig.1 Structure of DC electrical energy system



图2 DTP-PMSG PWM整流系统结构

Fig.2 Structure of DTP-PMSG PWM rectifier

采用多相电机矢量空间解耦的方法[21-22],在自然坐标系下,将双三相电机的物理量分解到3个正交解耦的静止坐标系中,依次为:包含基波和12k±1(k=1, 2,…)次谐波的ab 子空间;包含6k±1(k= 1, 3, 5,…)次谐波的z1z2子空间;包含6k±3(k= 1, 3, 5,…)次谐波的o1o2零序子空间,采用两套绕组N1、N2中性点隔离的方式时,该空间的变量均为零。将ab 子空间再变换到旋转坐标系下,按照发电机惯例,令相电流从发电机内部流向发电机端部为正方向,最终得到四维空间下的发电机电压方程为

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1.2 母线电容能量和功率交换数学模型


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2 交轴电流计算与电容储能反馈稳压控制策略

2.1 稳压控制策略原理

图3为DTP-PMSG PWM整流系统的控制框图,点画线框①中的电压外环为所提方法,电流内环为四维空间下的闭环控制。dq轴和z1z2子空间下的电流均使用PI控制器调节,使用id=0控制,谐波子空间电流环给定也为零。电流环的输出经交直轴解耦得到d、q轴的给定电压width=12,height=17width=12,height=19。再通过Park逆变换,经最大四矢量空间电压矢量调制,控制整流器桥臂开关,实现母线电压控制。


图3 DTP-PMSG PWM整流稳压控制框图

Fig.3 Voltage stabilization control structure for DTP-PMSG PWM rectifier




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2.2 电流内环设计



图4 电流内环解耦结构

Fig.4 Current inner loop decoupling diagram



图5 交轴电流内环结构

Fig.5 Quadrature axis current inner loop structure


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图6 电流内环频率特性

Fig.6 Frequency characteristic of current inner loop

为了控制系统的稳定,一般设计相位裕度为 45°。校正前相位为-135°的频率为5 480rad/s,幅频特性增益为-22dB。经PI控制器校正后,幅频曲线需要在5 480rad/s处穿越0dB,则令20lg(KP_iq)= 22,可得KP_iq=12.6。

校正后截止频率为5 480rad/s,为了满足相位裕度要求,控制器转折频率远离幅值穿越频率,取KI_iq/KP_iq≤0.1wc,得KI_iq=6 904.8。电流环校正后近似等效为一阶惯性环节,时间常数为Tiq=Lq/KP_iq


2.3 电压外环设计



图7 电流内环阶跃响应

Fig.7 Step response of current inner loop


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图8 DTP-PMSG母线电压外环控制框图

Fig.8 Outer loop control for bus voltage of DTP-PMSG


图9 母线电容充电示意图

Fig.9 Diagram of bus voltage capacitor charging


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DTP-PMSG PWM整流系统的损耗为非线性变量,采用传递函数设计电容储能反馈的PI参数后,仍需根据实际情况对参数进行适当调整,以较好地实现对系统损耗造成的交轴电流计算误差的补偿。电容储能反馈的开环传递函数为




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2.4 负载扰动传递函数分析



图10 负载扰动下电压外环控制框图

Fig.10 Outer loop control diagram for bus voltage under load disturbance


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3 仿真与实验验证


表1 DTP-PMSG系统参数

Tab.1 The parameters of DTP-PMSG system

参 数数 值 电机相数6 电机极对数5 定子电阻Rs/W0.67 直轴电感Ld/mH2.46 交轴电感Lq/mH2.46 永磁体磁链yf/Wb0.088 5 额定转速n/(r/min)1 000 直流母线电容C/mF2 200 控制周期Ts/ms100 IGBT开关频率fs/kHz10 直流母线控制电压Udc/V150 负载投切功率P/W420

3.1 仿真分析



此外,为验证交轴电流计算在交轴电流的给定中占主要分量,电容储能反馈起到辅助补偿作用;并且,在负载切换时,交轴电流计算能迅速调整,电容储能反馈补偿量有一定程度增加,将仿真工况与图11设定一致,图12给出交轴电流计算分量、电容储能反馈分量和交轴电流给定的波形。在负载为100W 轻载时,交轴电流给定与交轴电流计算近似相等,电容储能反馈近似为零。0.5s突加负载后,因系统中电流的增加,损耗随之增加,该部分由电容储能反馈补偿,等效交轴电流约为0.5A。在0.5~1.0s阶段的稳态情况下,交轴电流计算约为4.5A,给定约为5.0A,两者存在一定误差,与理论分析 一致。


图11 负载突变时母线电压对比

Fig.11 Bus voltage comparison under abrupt load variation


图12 交轴电流与电容储能反馈分量

Fig.12 Quadrature axis current and capacitor energy storage feedback component diagram

3.2 实验验证

本文搭建DTP-PMSG PWM整流系统实验平台如图13所示。整流器使用TI公司嵌入式微控制器TMS320F28377S,采用Lattice公司CPLD芯片进行硬件上的逻辑保护,选择分立IGBT器件构建隔离驱动电路。以三相永磁同步电动机拖动DTP-PMSG的方式发电。



图13 DTP-PMSG PWM整流实验平台

Fig.13 Experimental platform for PWM rectifier of DTP-PMSG


图14 传统母线电压控制加载波形

Fig.14 Load impact waveforms of the traditional bus voltage control method


图15 传统母线电压控制减载波形

Fig.15 Load dispatch waveforms of the traditional bus voltage control method



图16 所提控制策略母线电压加载波形

Fig.16 Load impact waveforms of the proposed control strategy


图17 所提控制策略母线电压减载波形

Fig.17 Load dispatch waveforms of the proposed control strategy

表2 传统PI方法与所提策略性能比较

Tab.2 Performance comparison between traditional PI method and proposed strategy

算法负载切换恢复时间/ms电压波动/V 传统母线电压 PI控制加载39.4012.50 减载47.1015.25 所提控制策略加载29.008.00 减载38.4010.00




图18 加载时所提控制策略交轴电流计算与电容储能反馈分量

Fig.18 Quadrature axis current calculation and capacitor energy storage feedback component diagram of the proposed strategy when loading


图19 减载时所提控制策略交轴电流计算与电容储能反馈分量

Fig.19 Quadrature axis current calculation and capacitor energy storage feedback component diagram of the proposed strategy when unloading





图20 母线电压响应波形

Fig.20 Bus voltage response waveforms


图21 母线电压波动幅值与永磁体磁链关系

Fig.21 Relationship between bus voltage fluctuation amplitude and permanent magnetic chain


图22 母线电压波动幅值与电容容量关系

Fig.22 Relationship between bus voltage fluctuation amplitude and capacitance value


4 结论



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Voltage Stabilization Control for Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator System Based on Quadrature Axis Current Calculation and Feedback of the Energy Stored in Capacitor

Hao Liang Zhao Wenxiang Ji Jinghua Xu Dezhi Wang Yuxue

(School of Electrical and Information Engineering Jiangsu University Zhenjiang 212013 China)

Abstract In full electrification of high-end equipment, such as special vehicles, warships and aircraft, direct current power systems with generators as the core works under the condition of rapid load change. The dual three-phase permanent magnet synchronous generator (DTP-PMSG) has a high fault tolerance rate, low voltage, and high power, suitable for the high-end equipment field limited by output voltage and space volume. However, without considering the nonlinear relationship between bus voltage and quadrature axis current, the conventional bus voltage control method had the disadvantages of long voltage recovery time and large voltage fluctuation when the load changes rapidly. Recently, some methods were presented to analyze the physical meaning of the voltage outer loop and establish the connection between bus voltage and output power, but most of them suffered from high design costs due to complex control parameter. To address these issues, this paper proposes a voltage stabilization control strategy based on quadrature axis current calculation and feedback of the energy stored in capacitor.

Firstly, the DTP-PMSG mathematical model is established to deduce the relationship between electromagnetic power and quadrature axis current. Secondly, according to PWM rectifier topology, the mathematical model of the energy and power exchange of the bus capacitor is established to derive the calculation formula of quadrature axis current. Thirdly, combined with the digital realization of the actual control system, the designed time parameter optimizes quadrature axis current calculation formula. Finally, considering that the calculated value of the quadrature axis current will have errors due to the inaccuracy of the DTP-PMSG mathematical model, a capacitor energy storage PI controller is designed to compensate the errors caused by the modeling and realizes the accurate control of the bus voltage.

Simulation results show that, when the load is 100W, the calculated quadrature axis current value accounts for the main component of the given quadrature axis current, and the values are almost equal. After sudden loading to 35W, the calculation of quadrature axis current adjusts quickly to 4.5A to meet output power requirements. Meanwhile, the increase of system power brings about the increase of loss, resulting in an equivalent 0.5A quadrature current loss, which is compensated by capacitor energy storage feedback. Then the experimental results are consistent with the simulation results. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed control strategy reduces the voltage recovery time by about 20% and the voltage fluctuation amplitude by about 35%, which demonstrates the effectiveness of using the proposed. In addition, the experiment draws the curve of bus voltage fluctuation amplitude with flux linkage and capacitance value. The trend suggests that the proposed control strategy has a certain dependence on the flux linkage parameter, the change of the capacitance value has little influence on the bus voltage, and the strategy can adapt to the error of the actual capacitor value.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation and experimental analysis: ① Through the calculation of quadrature axis current, the setting of the quadrature axis current inner loop is directly obtained, replacing the traditional method that only relies on the voltage outer loop adjusted by the PI controller, and speeding up the response of the voltage outer loop. ② The introduction of capacitive energy storage feedback compensates the calculation error of the quadrature axis current caused by system loss to achieve the accuracy of bus voltage control. Based on clear physical implications, the proposed method can effectively shorten the bus voltage recovery time and reduce the voltage fluctuation amplitude. Although this paper takes DTP-PMSG as the experimental object for analysis, and the method is also applicable to three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motors after proper modification.

keywords:Quadrature axis current calculation, capacitor energy storage feedback, voltage fluctuation, recovery time, permanent magnet synchronous generator


DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.211521


收稿日期 2021-09-27

改稿日期 2021-12-10

作者简介 郝 亮 男,1997年生,硕士,研究方向为永磁电机控制。

E-mail: 792667420@qq.com

赵文祥 男,1976年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电机设计与控制。

E-mail: zwx@ujs.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 崔文静)