
杨 凯 李孺涵 罗 成 黄煜昊 罗伊逍

(华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院 武汉 430074)

摘要 无速度传感器感应电机系统在低速、变负载工况运行时,转速可观测性较差。为此,提出一种负载变化下无传感器感应电机主动零频穿越及脉动抑制策略。首先,基于误差系数矩阵行列式分析,阐述了低速发电不稳定的原因,揭示了负载变化对感应电机低速运行稳定性的影响,指出负载变化下恒励磁电流策略存在转速不可观测、系统稳定性差等问题。进而,以提高负载变化下系统的转速可观测性为目标,引入主动零频穿越策略,并基于定子电流限制推导出励磁电流自适应变化区间与其修正步长。为提升系统稳态带载能力,分析了同步转速限制值对电机转矩输出能力的影响,并给出同步转速限制值取值范围。此外,为抑制主动零频穿越过程中的转速/磁链/电流脉动,保证电磁转矩和负载实时匹配,提出转矩电流相位补偿方法。最后,在2.2 kW的感应电机实验平台上验证了所提方法的有效性。

关键词:感应电机 无速度传感器控制 零频穿越 脉动抑制

0 引言





1 数学模型与稳定性分析

1.1 感应电机数学模型

参考两相静止ab 坐标系下感应电机T型等效电路,选取定子电流与转子磁链作为状态变量,感应电机数学模型可以表示为

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1.2 自适应全阶观测器模型


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1.3 稳定性分析


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图1 低速发电不稳定区域

Fig.1 The low-speed unstable regenerating region

2 负载变化下的零频穿越策略

2.1 发电负载变化对感应电机的影响


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2.2 主动零频穿越策略



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图2 发电负载变化下的主动零频穿越策略

Fig.2 Proactive low-frequency ride-through method under variable regenerating load condition

2.3 励磁电流变化区间与修正步长选择


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图3 反向主动零穿工况

Fig.3 Reversed low-frequency ride-through condition

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3 转矩电流相位补偿方法

3.1 稳态带载能力分析


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图4 主动零频穿越电流限制分析

Fig.4 Current limit analysis of the PLFRT method


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当感应电机同步转速限制值选定,转矩电流与励磁电流之比也随之确定。结合电磁转矩计算式(10),受限于定子电流基本不等式(当且仅当isd= isq时等号成立),即

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图5 满足额定负载的同步转速限制值与转子转速取值范围

Fig.5 The feasible region of synchronous speed limitation and rotor speed to meet rated load

3.2 转矩电流相位补偿










图6 转矩电流相位延迟仿真示意图

Fig.6 The phase delay of the torque current


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4 实验验证

4.1 实验平台

为验证本文所提出主动零频穿越策略的有效性,使用基于意法半导体ARM STM32F103的2.2 kW感应电机实验平台进行实验,实验平台所用电机额定参数见表1。

2.2 kW感应电机实验平台如图7所示。该平台包括两台参数相同的2.2 kW笼型感应电机。负载侧电机工作在转矩控制模式,提供实验所需电动或发电负载;感应电机工作在矢量控制模式,通过输入转子转速指令值测试所提算法的有效性。变频器中PWM开关频率设置为6 kHz。为实现主动零频穿越策略中对励磁电流的自适应修正,初始励磁电流设置为40 %额定电流。

表1 2.2 kW感应电机参数

Tab.1 2.2 kW IM parameters

参 数数 值 额定功率PN/kW2.2 额定电压UN/V380 额定电流IN/A5.0 额定频率fN/Hz50 额定转速ne/(r/min)1 440 额定转矩TN/(N·m)14 最大转速nmax/(r/min)8 000 定子电阻Rs/W2.448 转子电阻Rr/W1.834 定子电感Ls/mH254 转子电感Lr/mH254 互感Lm/mH245 转动惯量J/(kg·m2)0.007 8 极对数np2


图7 2.2 kW感应电机实验平台

Fig.7 2.2 kW IM experimental setup

4.2 零频穿越实验

为模拟工业负载实际变化工况,检验本文所提方法在励磁电流自适应变化以及零频穿越阶段的控制性能,测试主动零频穿越策略在发电负载变化下对维持电机控制系统稳定的有效性,本节进行零频穿越对比实验。设置发电负载恒速率增加,从0 N·m到-8 N·m的时间设定为70 s,转速指令设为恒定值60 r/min,分别在无主动零频穿越策略和有主动零频穿越策略两种控制算法下进行实验。



图8 发电负载变化下无主动零频穿越策略对照实验

Fig.8 Experimental results without PLFRT method under variable regeneration load

为保证无速度传感器感应电机矢量控制系统在穿越低速发电区域与定子电流零频区域时转速可观测,采用2.2节提出的主动零频穿越策略,实验结果如图9所示。考虑到3.1节中所述电机带载能力限制,同步转速限制值wlim设置为1 Hz。


图9 发电负载变化下主动零频穿越策略验证实验

Fig.9 Experimental results with PLFRT method under variable regeneration load


将图8和图9中区域A、B、D的估计磁链轨迹绘于图10中。区域A为图8中电机运行工况点进入不稳定区域后40 s内的估计磁链;区域B为图9中主动零穿前10 s内的估计磁链;区域D为图9中主动零穿后10 s内的估计磁链。对比可知,无主动零频穿越策略时,当电机运行工况点进入不稳定区域时,区域A估计磁链随即发散;主动零频穿越策略使能时,区域B和区域D中,估计磁链稳定可观测。


图10 图8和图9中主动零穿策略应用前后估计磁链轨迹对比

Fig.10 Comparison of estimated rotor flux trajectories using the results in Fig.8 and Fig.9

4.3 零穿过程优化实验




图11 零穿过程优化实验结果

Fig.11 Experimental results with optimized PLFRT method

图12所示为零频穿越过程的10 s时间中,应用转矩电流相位补偿方法与否的估计磁链轨迹。对比可知,图9区域C中估计磁链虽然能在零穿前后保持可观测,但在励磁电流快速变化前后,磁链轨迹有一定的发散趋势,过渡过程存在波动;图11区域E中估计磁链在励磁电流快速变化前后始终保持良好的可观测性,且在定子电流零频穿越瞬间(即图中圆心部分)平滑过渡,验证了转矩电流相位补偿方法对电机零穿过程优化的有效性。


图12 图9和图11中零穿过程优化前后估计磁链轨迹对比

Fig.12 Comparison of estimated rotor flux trajectories using the results in Fig.9 and Fig.11

零频穿越过程优化前后,定子电流矢量轨迹如图13所示。图13中初始励磁电流为40 %IN,随发电负载增加,转矩电流增加,电流矢量向下延伸;当电机同步转速达到其限制值,主动零频穿越策略使能,电流矢量反复旋转且落在同一直线上,与3.1节中分析保持一致;当励磁电流达到零穿区间时,励磁电流快速减小,电流矢量旋转至低励磁电流、高转矩电流区域。与图13a相比,图13b中优化后的电流矢量在零穿过程中始终保持在电流限制内。


图13 定子电流矢量轨迹

Fig.13 Stator current vector trajectories

4 结论

本文提出了一种负载变化下无传感器感应电机主动零频穿越及脉动抑制策略。与无零频穿越策略实验相比,所提出的励磁电流自适应修正方法可以有效提高在定子电流低频乃至零频区域转速的可观测性。针对主动零穿策略带来的转速/磁链/电流脉动等问题,提出了一种转矩电流相位补偿方法,通过在线计算转矩电流相位补偿值,使电磁转矩与负载实时匹配。实验表明,与传统方法相比,该方法可以保证主动零频穿越过程中系统带载时的稳定性,并有效抑制主动零频穿越策略带来的脉动 问题。


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Proactive Low-Frequency Ride-Through Method and its Ripple Reduction for Sensorless Induction Motor Drives under Load Variations

Yang Kai Li Ruhan Luo Cheng Huang Yuhao Luo Yixiao

(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China)

Abstract In recent years, the sensorless induction motor drives (SIMD) technique has seen significant advances in industrial applications and electrical transmission systems. Compared to sensor-based control strategies, the SIMD technique has low cost, high reliability, and increased resistance to harsh environments. Conventional approaches of SIMD, such as model reference adaptive system, extended Kalman filter, sliding mode observer, and full-order flux observer, nonetheless, fail to estimate the rotor speed stably in the low-speed regenerating mode. Therefore, a proactive low-frequency ride-through (PLFRT) method and its ripple reduction technique for sensorless induction motor drives under load variation are proposed in this paper.

Firstly, based on the determinant analysis of the error coefficient matrix, the instability of the IM in low-speed regenerating mode is analyzed. The influence of load variation on IM is revealed. With constant magnetizing current under changing load conditions, two problems exist: speed unobservability and poor system stability. Thus, the PLFRT method is introduced. At a fixed moment, the electromagnetic torque keeps constant. The change of the magnetizing current means the synchronous change of the torque current and the slip speed. Therefore, The PLFRT method can modify the magnetizing current reference and then the synchronous speed will be prevented from the unstable region. When the synchronous speed reaches the preset limit, the PLFRT method will be triggered, and the current reference will be modified. Then speed observability is ensured during the crossing process. The adaptive increase of the magnetizing current reference will be triggered automatically and repeatedly until the IM is in the appropriate range to cross the low-frequency region. The adaptive variation interval of magnetizing current and its correction step length are derived based on the stator current limit.

The influence of synchronous speed limit is studied to enhance the torque output capacity of the sensorless IM control system. The stator current limit with the implemented PLFRT method is discussed, and the value range of the synchronous speed limit is also given. The suggested selection of the limit value is presented. In the real induction motor system, an inevitable phase delay exists between the magnetizing current and torque current. Hence, the currents cannot change simultaneously, leading to a mismatch between the electromagnetic torque and the load. Such problems occur with ripples of rotor speed, estimated flux, and great torque overcurrent. A torque current phase compensation method is developed to ensure real-time matching of the electromagnetic torque and the load. In the discrete system, the amplitude of the torque current is added in every beat to meet the theoretical value to suppress the ripples of speed, flux, and current during zero-frequency ride-through.

The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated on a 2.2 kW induction motor experimental setup. Performance with conventional and the PLFRT method under variable regenerating load is presented. Although the ripples exist, comparative experiments demonstrate that the PLFRT method can cross the zero- stator-frequency line successfully. Then, the torque current compensation method is applied in the experiments. The ripples and the overcurrent of the torque current are decreased. Furthermore, the estimated flux trajectory of the SIMD system with the PLFRT method enabled keeps convergent and observable during the crossing process.

keywords:Induction motor, sensorless control, low frequency ride-through, ripple reduction

DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.221286


国家自然科学基金(52237002, 52207055)、中国博士后科学基金(2022M721232)、湖北省重点研发计划(2022BAA097, 2022BAA100)资助项目。

收稿日期 2022-06-30

改稿日期 2022-07-24


杨 凯 男,1976年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为交流电机设计及其智能控制技术。E-mail: yk@hust.edu.cn

罗 成 男,1991年生,博士,助理研究员,研究方向为交流电机控制技术。E-mail: luoxcheng@126.com(通信作者)

(编辑 郭丽军)