摘要 对于并网运行的无刷双馈风力发电系统,在电网电压瞬时对称跌落时,相当于在并网点突加一个反向电压源。采用传统双闭环PI控制策略时,通过在复频域推导功率绕组和控制绕组瞬态电流的表达式,得出其超调量和振荡时间受发电机参数、电网电压的跌落程度、相位及转速的影响。提出一种状态反馈控制策略,构建以功率绕组和控制绕组电流为状态变量的状态模型。通过反馈矩阵在输入端加入状态变量,改变了发电机系统矩阵的参数,即改变了发电机的等效参数。极点分布图显示状态反馈策略下极点较传统控制极点大幅左移,则系统加速收敛,同时减小了振幅,支撑系统故障过程平稳过渡。最后,通过额定工况下电网电压跌落至20%时的实验波形,验证了状态反馈控制的可行性。
关键词:无刷双馈电机 风力发电 电网电压跌落 振荡超调 状态反馈
关于无Crowbar控制技术方面,文献[7-8]提出电网电压正常时功率绕组的有功电流设为额定值,无功电流设置为0。而当电网电压发生对称跌落时,有功和无功电流的指令值分别设置为0和额定值,向电网输出无功功率,但这些控制策略仍会引起功率绕组和控制绕组电流的超调和振荡。在文献[9]中,控制绕组的电压指令值叠加功率绕组、控制绕组和转子绕组磁通变化率的补偿项,仿真结果表明,该方法可以有效地降低电网电压骤降时功率绕组、控制绕组和转子绕组电流的振荡幅度。文献[10]提出了一种虚拟同步发电机瞬时电流补偿的方法,减少了电网故障时控制绕组反电动势的幅值。文献[11]提出了一种基于磁链跟踪的无Crowbar低电压穿越控制策略,实验结果表明,当无刷双馈发电机转速为最大值,并且电网电压跌落至0 V时,控制绕组电流峰值可限制在额定值的两倍以内,但文章缺少对比分析。
图1 无刷双馈发电机结构的等效示意图
Fig.1 Equivalent schematic diagram of brushless doubly fed machine
图2 无刷双馈发电机常规控制策略框图
Fig.2 The conventional control block diagram of BDFG
图3 功率绕组同步速矢量空间发电机的矢量图
Fig.3 Vector diagram of BDFG in PW vector space
图4 无刷双馈发电机稳态等效电路图
Fig.4 Steady-state equivalent circuit diagram of BDFG
图5 电网电压跌落时无刷双馈发电机等效电路
Fig.5 BDFG equivalent circuit diagram under grid voltage drops
图5中,upf为突加反向电网电压,且upf =-kups,k为功率绕组电压跌落程度系数,k为1时表示并网点突加一个与原电网电压幅值相同的反向电压,即电网电压瞬时对称跌落至0 V,ips和ics表示电网故障产生的功率绕组和控制绕组动态电流,根据图5中故障电压的参数,代入式(2)~式(5),解得
式中,E为与电网电压跌落程度有关的系数,E=upf/Ld,Ld = LspLsc-Mpc2;Tp为功率绕组的衰减时间常数,Tp = Ld/(RspLsc);Tc为控制绕组的衰减时间常数,Tc=Ld/(RscLsp);kpf1、kpf2和kpf3分别为功率绕组电流基频分量、直流分量和转速频率分量的系数;kcf1、kcf2和kcf3分别为控制绕组电流基频分量、直流分量和转速频率分量的系数,详细表达式为
图6 无刷双馈风力发电机状态反馈控制系统结构
Fig.6 State feedback structure of BDFG
图7 无刷双馈发电机状态反馈控制策略
Fig.7 State feedback control strategy of BDFG
无刷双馈电机参数见表1,代入表1所示电机参数,原系统矩阵A的特征根为-0.727 8±1.154 8i和-0.773 2 ± 0.025 8i,其极点分布图如图8a所示;若取δ=2,新系统矩阵A+BG的特征根为:-3.531 7、-1.208 8和-0.841 7±0.700 3i,则极点分布如图8b所示。
表1 无刷双馈电机参数
Tab.1 Parameters of BDFG
参数数值 额定功率/W4 功率绕组极对数1 控制绕组极对数3 功率绕组额定电压/V380 控制绕组额定电压/V230 功率绕组额定电流/A6 控制绕组额定电流/A10 转速运行范围/(r/min)600~1 200 额定转矩/(N·m)55 功率绕组自感Lp/H0.665 9 控制绕组自感Lc/H0.189 8 转子绕组自感Lr/H0.844 2 功率/转子绕组互感Mpr/H0.654 7 控制/转子绕组互感Mcr/H0.184 1 功率绕组电阻Rp/Ω2.535 控制绕组电阻Rc/Ω2.327 转子绕组电阻Rr/Ω2.948
图8 原系统与引入状态反馈后系统矩阵的极点分布图
Fig.8 Pole distribution diagram of original system and the system with state feedback
图9 无刷双馈风力发电系统实验平台
Fig.9 Experimental platform of BDFG system
图10 电网电压跌落到20%传统控制实验全过程的波形
Fig.10 Experimental waveforms of the whole process of traditional control when the grid voltage drops to 20%
图11 电网电压跌落到20%状态反馈实验全过程的波形
Fig.11 Experimental waveforms of the whole process of state feedback control when the grid voltage drops to 20%
从图10所示传统控制策略实验全过程可以看出:发电机物理量的超调和振荡比较明显,且持续时间达到2.3s。观察图12所示发电机物理量的故障局部放大图,由图12a看出功率绕组电流的变化非常剧烈,其峰值从8.5A增加到32A,大约增加了3.7倍。图12b显示控制绕组电流幅值在电网电压下降之前为15A,突然上升至32A,增加到2.1倍额定值。同时图12c中icd与ipd同步变化,但是icq与ipq 变化趋势相反,且有ipd=icd,ipq=-0.8icq,表明功率绕组与控制绕组电流dq轴分量存在一定的比例关系。图12d中电磁转矩Te及图12e中功率绕组的有功和无功功率均相应地存在明显的波动。
图12 电网电压跌落到20%传统控制故障局部放大图
Fig.12 Fault partial enlarged view of traditional control when the grid voltage drops to 20%
图13 电网电压跌落到20%状态反馈故障局部放大图
Fig.13 Fault partial enlarged view of state feedback when the grid voltage drops to 20%
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Abstract For the grid-connected wind power system with brushless doubly-fed generators (BDFG), the transient symmetrical drop of grid voltage is equivalent to a sudden impose of a reverse voltage source at the grid-connected point. As a matter of fact, there are some deficiencies in the current research on low voltage ride through of BDFG. To be specific, some literatures merely give theoretical research without optimization strategies, and in some other studies, the hardware equipment are installed to improve system performance, but it increased the system cost. What’s more, there are no comparative experiments carried out in the other works. On this basis, the dynamic operation characteristics of the BDFG under transient symmetrical voltage drop are deeply studied in this paper. Moreover, an optimal control strategy, i.e., state feedback control, is proposed to improve the transient operation characteristics of the control system.
Firstly, the simplified dynamic mathematical model of the BDFG after converting the rotor circuit is listed. Then, the steady-state current before the voltage drop as well as the transient current after the transient voltage drop are obtained. Afterwards, the current of the power winding (PW) and control winding (CW) after the transient voltage drop is solved by applying the superposition principle. It is observed from the results that the overshoots and oscillation time of the transient current are related to the generator parameters, the degree and phase of the voltage drop, as well as the rotor speed.
However, the degree and the phase of grid voltage drop cannot be controlled for the operating wind power system with BDFG. Moreover, the generator speed could not change suddenly. In addition, the parameters of the generator is fixed after been manufactured. To improve the operation characteristics of the control system, the state model is further constructed regarding PW and CW current as state variables. Then, the state variables are added to the input through the feedback matrix. Therefore, the parameters of the generator system matrix, i.e., the equivalent parameters of the generator are changed. As a result, the pole distribution diagram shows that the poles under the state feedback strategy are significantly shifted to the left compared with the traditional control model. Finally, a simulation case is conducted with the grid voltage drops to 20% under the rated working condition. The experimental waveform shows that the overshoot of the generator physical quantity with the proposed state feedback control is significantly smaller than which with the traditional control strategy. What’s more, the oscillation duration is shortened while the requirements of power devices are met. In summary, the anti-disturbance ability of the whole control system is enhanced with state feedback control method.
According to the experimental results, it is concluded that the parameters of the original system matrix of the BDFG is revised by introducing the state feedback control. Essentially, the negative real part of the eigenvalue and the transient coefficient of the output are changed. In the view of physical sense, it is equivalent to changing the equivalent resistance and inductance of the generator, which further changes the attenuation time constant and transient reactance of the PW and CW. Therefore, when the grid voltage drops suddenly, this strategy can effectively reduce the peak value of the oscillating current of the stator PW and CW. On this basis, the convergence time is shorten, and the oscillation as well as overshoot of the system are optimized. In conclusion, the effectiveness and practicability of the introduction of state feedback strategy have been verified.
Keyword:Brushless doubly fed generator, wind power generation, power grid voltage drops, oscillation and overshoot, state feedback
东莞市引进创新科研团队计划资助项目(东科[2014] 109)。
收稿日期 2022-06-16
改稿日期 2022-07-31
聂鹏程 男,1987年生,博士研究生,研究方向为绕线转子无刷双馈并网与独立发电系统的控制。E-mail:niepengcheng2012@163.com(通信作者)
吴文辉 男,1988年生,工程师,研究方向为电力电子功率变换器和SiC器件的应用。E-mail:carefromstone@gmail.com
(编辑 赫蕾)