摘要 海洋核动力平台发电机拟采用有源电压消弧技术,需要实现全定子绕组内准确可靠的在线接地故障定位。针对现有基波定位方法存在的问题,该文提出一种基于三次谐波电势分布特征的发电机接地故障定位方法。基于各线圈三次谐波相电势180°相带分布特点,构建三次谐波故障电势与三次谐波相电势间的几何关系式。以三次谐波故障电流为中间量,建立包含三次谐波故障电势、中性点三次谐波电压、中性点三次谐波电压变化量的解析定位方程。方程中不含接地过渡电阻,适用于未安装注入式保护设备的海洋核动力平台发电机。在工程应用中,该方法可与基波定位方法协同配合,解决基波定位方法的多解问题,并提高定位结果精度。仿真和动模试验结果验证了所提定位方法的准确性和有效性。
关键词:海洋核动力平台 发电机定子绕组 接地故障定位 三次谐波 相带分布特点
图1 发电机定子绕组单相接地故障定位多解示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the generator stator windings multiple location solutions under single-phase ground fault
图2 故障分支三次谐波电势分布示意图
Fig.2 Third harmonic induced potential distribution in the faulty branch
图3 发电机定子故障相绕组等效结构
Fig.3 Equivalent structure diagram of the generator stator’s fault phase winding
图4 励磁调节下三次谐波电势分布示意图
Fig.4 Third harmonic induced potential distribution under exciting regulation
为验证所提方法的有效性,基于PSCAD/ EMTDC软件,采用准分布参数模型构建发电机定子绕组等效模型并进行仿真验证。海洋核动力平台主发电机额定容量为31.25 MV·A,额定电压为10.5 kV,定子绕组电阻/相:1.528 mΩ,定子绕组电感/相:2.84 μH,定子绕组电容/相:0.397 μF,发电机外接系统对地电容/相:0.405 μF,中性点接地电阻:2 286 Ω。该汽轮发电机采用2分支绕组结构,极对数为1,总槽数为48,对应的槽距电角度为7.5°。
单一依赖基波零序电压进行的接地故障定位在发生高过渡电阻接地故障或故障点位于近中性点侧时可能出现定位多解情况。在A相第一分支绕组α=0.25处设置5 kΩ的单相接地故障,分别利用以文献[19]提出的基波定位方法以及本文提出的三次谐波定位方法,接地故障定位结果如图5所示。
图5 高阻接地故障定位结果
Fig.5 Ground fault location results under high ground fault resistance
表1 接地故障定位结果
Tab.1 Ground fault location results
故障场景UN1/V基波定位结果三次谐波定位结果 α=0.5, Rg=5 kΩ540.660.2850.5000.500 α=0.375, Rg=5 kΩ478.580.3350.3760.374 α=0.25, Rg=5 kΩ320.190.2520.3340.252 α=0.125, Rg=5 kΩ160.440.1250.3360.125
图6 故障前后发电机中性点三次谐波电压幅值(Rg=5 kΩ)
Fig.6 Third harmonic voltage amplitude of the generator neutral point before and after fault(Rg=5 kΩ)
在数值计算过程中,需要确定a、b、c、d的计算精度。以Rg=5 kΩ且α=0.125情况为例,故障后中性点三次谐波电压为:696.9+j183.2 V,故障前后中性点三次谐波电压变化量为:-41.0+j47.0 V,故障相三次谐波相电势为:-975.5-j193.5 V。在计算a、b、c、d时,分别选取计算为0.01、0.001和0.000 1的情况,计算结果见表2。
分析表2计算结果可知,当a、b、c、d的计算精度为0.01时,将引起较大的定位误差;a、b、c、d的计算精度为0.001时,由于其计算精度造成的定位误差较小;a、b、c、d的计算精度为0.000 1时,定位误差几乎不受a、b、c、d的计算精度影响。本文在计算a、b、c、d时,计算精度取0.000 1。
表2 不同计算精度下的定位结果
Tab.2 Ground fault location results under different computational accuracy
计算精度abcd误差(%) 0.01-0.72-0.040.03-0.050.135 08 0.001-0.723-0.0440.031-0.0540.126 00.8 0.000 1-0.723 2-0.044 30.031 2-0.054 40.125 00
0.2 s时刻于A相第一分支绕组各线圈连接处设置接地过渡电阻为100 Ω的单相接地故障。测量机端和中性点电压,通过傅里叶变换确定EA3、UN3和ΔUN3。不同故障位置下故障前后发电机中性点三次谐波电压幅值如图7所示,基于三次谐波定位方法的接地故障定位结果如图8所示。
图7 故障前后发电机中性点三次谐波电压幅值(Rg=100 Ω)
Fig.7 Third harmonic voltage amplitude of the generator neutral point before and after fault (Rg=100 Ω)
图8 不同位置下的接地故障定位仿真结果
Fig.8 Ground fault location results under different fault points
图7仿真结果表明,针对接地过渡电阻较小情况,故障前后发电机中性点三次谐波电压幅值均较高,最小幅值为α=0.125处,故障后中性点三次谐波电压为70.10 V,现有电压互感器测量精度能够实现准确测量。图8为不同故障位置下的定位计算结果,其中最大定位误差为0.8%。不同接地故障场景下的故障定位结果见表3。
表3 不同故障场景下的接地故障定位仿真结果
Tab.3 Simulation results of ground fault location under different fault conditions
故障场景中间计算结果定位结果 αRg/Ωabcd误差(%) 0500-0.426 8-0.303 20.327 3-0.312 800 1 000-0.607 2-0.229 40.147 1-0.239 100 2 000-0.697 6-0.132 80.056 7-0.142 700 0.125500-0.365 3-0.203 80.388 9-0.213 70.124-0.8 1 000-0.554 7-0.179 30.199 6-0.189 20.1250 2 000-0.664 6-0.110 80.089 7-0.120 70.1250 0.250500-0.346 5-0.088 30.407 9-0.098 40.249-0.4 1 000-0.525 4-0.113 00.229 0-0.123 00.249-0.4 2 000-0.642 6-0.077 80.111 9-0.087 80.250 0.375500-0.373 20.025 70.381 40.015 60.374-0.27 1 000-0.523 6-0.040 4 0.231 0-0.050 50.37-0.27 2 000-0.634 8-0.038 80.119 7-0.048 90.3750 0.500500-0.441 70.120 90.313 20.110 9 0.499-0.2 1 000-0.549 70.027 40.205 00.017 30.499-0.2 2 000-0.642 50.000 20.112 0-0.009 90.50 0.625500-0.541 50.182 60.213 50.172 80.624-0.16 1 000-0.599 80.080 00.155 00.070 00.6250 2 000-0.664 60.033 20.090 00.023 20.6250 0.750500-0.657 30.201 50.097 60.191 80.750 1 000-0.666 20.109 50.088 50.099 60.750 2 000-0.697 60.055 30.057 00.045 40.750 0.875500-0.771 30.174 5-0.016 80.165 00.8750 1 000-0.738 70.111 20.015 80.101 50.8750 2 000-0.736 50.063 10.018 00.053 20.8750 机端500-0.866 20.106 0-0.112 10.096 410 1 000-0.806 40.085 1-0.052 00.075 410 2 000-0.775 40.055 3-0.021 00.045 510
现有发电机定子接地故障仿真模型通常采用准分布参数模型,无法模拟不同负荷工况下发电机的励磁调节过程。发电机三次谐波电势受励磁调节影响,本文利用动模试验验证所提故障定位方法在不同负荷条件下的准确性。所用动模发电机容量为15 kV·A,额定电压为400 V,额定功率因数为0.8,发电机每相2个分支,极对数为1,总槽数为48。发电机通过升压变压器连接到实验室模拟的无穷大电力系统,实验系统如图9所示。
图9 动模实验系统主接线图
Fig.9 Electrical connection diagram of the dynamic experimental system
发电机A相分支绕组上存在几个引出的抽头,可通过滑线电阻器与发电机外壳连接,用于模拟α=0.25和0.50处的单相接地故障。发电机定子绕组对地电容为0.626 μF/相,机端外加对地电容为0.5 μF/相。发电机中性点通过接地变经高阻接地,接地变压器电压比为210 V:100 V,接地电阻阻值为1 kΩ,折算至一次侧为4 410 Ω。由于接地变阻抗较小,分析计算时可忽略其影响。动模试验系统照片如图10所示。
图10 动模试验系统图
Fig.10 A picture of the dynamic experiment system
控制发电机功率因数为额定功率因数不变,分别在25%负载、50%负载和100%负载条件下进行试验。0.3 s时在α=0.25处设置接地过渡电阻为100 Ω的单相接地故障,故障前后,故障相电势和中性点电压波形如图11所示。
图11 电压波形试验结果
Fig.11 Voltage test results
对图11试验结果进行傅里叶变换,得到25%负载条件下:EA3=2.91V∠-146.27°,UN3(0)=2.23V∠27.73°,UN3=0.71V∠-24.19°;50%负载条件下:EA3= 4.77V∠-73.58°,UN3(0)=3.65V∠100.49°,UN3= 1.17V∠49.09°:100%负载条件下:EA3=7.28V∠-168.77°,UN3(0)=5.57V∠5.26°,UN3=1.78V∠ -46.69°。
图12 接地故障定位计算结果
Fig.12 Ground fault location calculation results
以25%负载情况为例,此时相较于准确的故障位置而言,定位误差为1.2%。相较于仿真结果而言,试验结果定位误差增大,这主要是由于动模试验机组电压等级低,三次谐波电压小,互感器测量误差较大导致定位精度降低,但仍然能够准确定位至故障线圈。在接地过渡电阻为100 Ω情况下,对应不同运行工况及不同故障位置下的定位计算结果见表4。
表4 接地故障定位试验计算结果
Tab.4 Test results of ground fault location
故障场景中间计算结果定位结果 负载(%)αabcd误差(%) 250.25-0.223 60.032 8-0.002 20.000 60.2531.2 0.50-0.406 90.287 0-0.001 0-0.000 40.497-0.6 500.25-0.225 80.032 2-0.002 20.000 60.2520.8 0.50-0.410 60.284 8-0.001 0-0.000 40.498-0.4 1000.25-0.223 60.032 8-0.002 20.000 60.2520.8 0.50-0.406 90.287 0-0.001 0-0.000 40.497-0.6
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Abstract Floating nuclear power plant operates in a wet and salty environment. The main equipment in the power system is easy to be corroded, and generator stator winding ground faults occur frequently. To avoid the power loss of the nuclear reactor loads caused by the generator's blind and rapid tripping, the active arc suppression technology is adopted to realize stator ground fault arc suppression and achieve smooth load transfer. The difference between the active arc suppression technology of the generator and the distribution network lies that: the applied voltage in the neutral point is different for ground faults at different fault points on the stator windings. Therefore, reliable fault point location should be realized.
For the problem of generator stator ground fault location, the influence of the winding structure and operating condition should be considered. The existing ground fault location methods usually utilize the fundamental zero-sequence voltage. They can obtain accurate location results in most fault scenarios. However, in some fault scenarios, when the fault transition resistance is large or the fault point is close to the neutral point, multiple solutions are easy to be located. And it cannot provide reliable location guarantee for active arc suppression technology. Aiming at the problems of the existing fundamental potential based location methods, a new location algorithm based on the third harmonic potential distribution characteristics is proposed. Based on the 180° phase-band distribution of the third harmonic potential of each coil, the geometric relation between the third harmonic fault potential and the third harmonic phase potential is constructed. Taking the third harmonic fault current as the intermediate quantity, the analytical location equation containing the third harmonic fault potential, neutral grounding voltage and neutral grounding voltage variation is established. Grounding transition resistance is not included in the equation, which is suitable for the generator in the floating nuclear power plant without injection protection equipment.
Simulation results show that under different generator stator windings ground fault scenarios, the location error is within ±1%, which has a high accuracy under different fault points and fault transition resistances. Dynamic test results show that the proposed method can realize accurate ground fault location under different load conditions, and it is not affected by operating conditions and excitation regulation. In engineering application, the existing fundamental voltage based method can be combined with the proposed third harmonic based method proposed in this paper. When the fundamental voltage based method has multiple location solutions, the closest solution of the two location methods is taken as the final localization result.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1) The existing ground fault location methods based on fundamental zero-sequence voltage have some problems and cannot provide reliable location guarantee for active arc suppression technology. (2) Based on the distribution characteristics of the 180° phase-band of the third harmonic potential of the stator windings, the analytical locating equation including the third harmonic fault potential, the third harmonic neutral point voltage and the third harmonic neutral point voltage variation is established in this paper. It does not include the fault transition resistance and is applicable to floating nuclear power plant generators without injection protection equipment. (3) Simulation and dynamic model test results show that the proposed method has high accuracy and is not affected by fault location, fault transition resistance and operating conditions. This method can cooperate with the fundamental location method to eliminate the location dead zone and solve the multi-solution problem of the fundamental voltage based location method. (4) The proposed method is applicable to generators whose stator windings meet the characteristics of 60° phase-band distribution and whose neutral point is grounded by high resistance.
keywords:Floating nuclear power plant, generator stator winding, ground fault location, third harmonic, phase-band distribution characteristic
收稿日期 2022-05-04
改稿日期 2022-06-29
王义凯 男,1996年生,博士研究生,研究方向为电力系统继电保护。E-mail:742657004@qq.com
谭力铭 男,1998年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电力系统继电保护。E-mail:904632172@qq.com(通信作者)
(编辑 赫蕾)