摘要 永磁同步电机(PMSM)模型预测转矩控制的代价函数中转矩与磁链具有不同的量纲,需要合理整定各自的权重系数,实现控制性能的优化。为此,该文在构建PMSM离散数学模型的基础上,首先将转矩误差与磁链误差表达式映射至两相静止坐标系下,分别等价为电压矢量终点到直线和到圆的距离表达式,两者因具有相同的量纲,可直接叠加构成该文所提代价函数,省去了权重系数的选取流程。然后将备选电压矢量依次代入代价函数,选取使代价函数最小的最优电压矢量作为下一控制周期的电压输入。最后建立仿真模型与实验平台,对该文所提无权重代价函数设计方法与其他PMSM预测转矩控制方法的稳态与动态性能进行比较,结果表明,所提方法具有良好的控制性能。
关键词:永磁同步电机(PMSM) 预测转矩控制 代价函数 权重系数
永磁同步电机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor, PMSM)具有结构简单、高效高功率密度等优势[1],且随着碳化硅等宽禁带半导体技术的发展,PMSM驱动系统在电动汽车等工业伺服领域具有广泛的应用[2-3]。我国第十四个五年规划中指出,要突破新能源汽车高效驱动电机高性能动力系统等关键技术[4],而对PMSM的控制技术展开研究是提高电驱系统动力性能的必要途径。目前,常用的电机控制方法主要包括矢量控制(Field Oriented Control, FOC)、直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control, DTC)及模型预测控制(Model Predictive Control, MPC)[5]。FOC的控制环路过多,需要对多个控制器参数进行配置,DTC动态响应快,但是电流纹波与转矩脉动较大。相比以上两种控制方法,MPC具有动态响应快、目标函数配置灵活、易于处理非线性约束等优势[6],近几年在功率变换器和电机驱动系统等领域得到了广泛的研究与应用。
MPC可分为模型预测电流控制(Model Predictive Current Control, MPCC)[7]和模型预测转矩控制(Model Predictive Torque Control, MPTC)[8]。与MPCC相比,MPTC通过将转矩和磁链引入目标函数,能够实现对转矩和磁链的直接控制。由于转矩与磁链量纲不同,MPTC在代价函数中磁链项加入一个权重系数,以调节磁链项对代价函数值的影响程度,而不同的权重系数对电机的控制性能存在很大的影响[9]。为此,文献[10-11]分别提出用模糊控制算法和粒子群算法实时整定权重系数,但是额外增加了控制算法的复杂度和运算量。文献[12]以最小转矩误差为原则配置权重系数,但是未考虑电流的谐波畸变问题。
两电平电压源逆变器(two Level-Voltage Source Inverter, 2L-VSI)驱动永磁同步电机系统拓扑如图1所示。图中,udc为直流电压,Cdc为直流侧纹波吸收电容,S1~S6构成了三相电压型逆变桥,ia、ib、ic为三相PMSM定子电流。
图1 三相电压源型逆变器PMSM驱动系统拓扑结构
Fig.1 Topology structure of PMSM fed by three phase VSI
式中,Teref与ysref分别为转矩与磁链的给定值;l 为磁链项的权重系数,其取值方法为:记录多次不同l 的实验数据,选取综合性能最优情况下的取值。
将式(16)~式(19)代入式(15)并转换到两相静止ab 坐标系,有
式中,ua(k)、ub(k)分别为ab 坐标系下a轴、b 轴的定子电压;q 为电压矢量的相位。令
在ab 坐标系下,式(20)的几何意义为一条直线l,因此式(13)所示的转矩代价函数可以表示为电压矢量终点 (ua(k), ub(k)) 到l的距离dT,dT表达式为
将式(15)~式(19)代入式(10),令ys(k+1)=ysref,进行Park逆变换至ab 坐标系,有
式中,m1与m2分别为磁链代价函数变换后的a、b 坐标系等效磁链。
式(24)在ab 坐标系下的几何意义为一个圆c,圆上任意点均满足磁链无差拍,可以将式(14)所示的磁链代价函数等效转换为电压矢量终点 (ua(k), ub(k)) 到c的距离dF,表达式为
记所提方法为无权重代价函数的预测转矩控制(No Weighting Factor-Predictive Torque Control, NWF-PTC)方法,矢量选择示意图如图2所示。2L- VSI共有8种开关状态,对应8种基本电压矢量,包括6个有效矢量和2个零矢量。各电压矢量终点在ab 坐标系的坐标见表1。
图2 矢量选择示意图
Fig.2 Vector selection schematic
图3为本文所提方法NWF-PTC的控制框图,对转速进行PI调节后得到转矩的指令值Teref,再代入式(12)的磁链指令值ysref,用Teref、ysref、当前第k次的采样电流id(k)、iq(k)以及转子位置角q 构造式(27)所示的基于距离的无权重代价函数g,将表1所示的各矢量坐标分别代入函数g,得到使代价函数取值最小的电压矢量,并产生下一周期的开关信号。
表1 备选电压矢量的坐标
Tab.1 Coordinates of voltage vectors
电压矢量a 轴b 轴 0 0 00 00
图3 本文所提方法的控制框图
Fig.3 Control diagram of NWF-PTC
转矩预测控制是一种根据离散模型获得电压输入矢量的控制方法,转矩环路没有具体形式的传递函数。根据转矩的单位阶跃响应特性,本文将转矩环路等效为带宽2 kHz的一阶惯性环节GTe(s),其表达式为
构建转速控制环路的等效模型,如图4所示。图中,kp与ki分别为转速PI控制器的比例系数与积分系数,J为电机转动惯量,J=0.01 kg·m2,TL为负载转矩。
利用Matlab的Sisotool工具整定转速PI控制器,当kp=21、ki=14.5时,转速闭环传递函数的幅频特性曲线如图5所示。转速环路的带宽为200 Hz,既具有良好的直流跟随特性,同时能够兼顾动态响应速度。
图4 转速控制环路
Fig.4 Closed-loop of speed control
图5 转速闭环传递函数的幅频特性曲线
Fig.5 Bode plot of speed closed-loop transfer function
首先对本文所提方法NWF-PTC、传统预测转矩控制(Traditional Predictive Torque Control, TPTC)、文献[17]所提出的模型预测磁链控制(Model Predictive Flux Control, MPFC)三种方法的稳态性能进行比较,仿真中PMSM参数见表2,采样频率设置为20 kHz。
表2 永磁同步电机参数
Tab.2 Parameters of PMSM
参 数数 值 额定转速(r/min)3 000 极对数4 转动惯量/(kg·m2)0.004 78 定子电阻/W0.15 定子电感/mH1.625 额定转矩/(N·m)15 额定电流/A18
图6 不同控制方法下的转矩与磁链脉动的仿真比较
Fig.6 Simulation comparison of torque ripple and flux ripple under different control methods
将式(31)转化等效为式(11)所示的代价函数表达形式,此时权重系数l 等效为
将表2中PMSM参数代入式(32),得到l= 369.23。为验证该取值下的稳态性能,表3给出了PMSM额定条件运行下不同l 取值的转矩脉动、磁链脉动以及定子电流总谐波畸变率(Total Harmonic Distortion, THD)的仿真比较结果,随着l 增大,磁链项在代价函数的重要性也随之增大,因此转矩脉动逐渐增加,而磁链脉动逐渐减小,但是当l>369后,磁链脉动对l 不再敏感。同时可以看出,当l= 369.23,电流THD小于其他l 取值,说明本文所提NWF-PTC能够兼顾转矩与磁链稳态性能,并使定子电流THD达到最小。
表3 额定条件下不同权重系数的转矩和磁链脉动及A相定子电流THD
Tab.3 Ripple of torque and flux, THD of stator current under rate condition and different l
权重系数l转矩脉动/(N·m)磁链脉动/Wb定子电流THD(%) 2000.650 10.003 18.14 3000.750 60.002 77.50 3200.752 40.002 67.42 3400.7540.002 57.38 3600.758 60.002 57.33 3690.761 20.002 47.31 3800.769 10.002 47.65 4000.778 70.002 47.82
图7给出了TPTC、MPFC及所提NWF-PTC方法的加减转速工况下的仿真波形。PMSM空载起动,0 s时给定转速2 000 r/min;0.2 s时突加10 N·m负载,并保持不变。0.3 s时给定转速由2 000 r/min下降至500 r/min;0.4 s时再给定转速增加到1 000 r/min。三种方法动态控制性能比较接近,起动时经过50 ms达到给定转速,且无超调,在加速与减速过程转矩与磁链均能够快速做出响应。
图7 三种控制方法的加减速仿真波形
Fig.7 Acceleration and deceleration simulation waveforms under different control method
图8给出了TPTC、MPFC及所提NWF-PTC方法的负载突变情况下的仿真波形。转速保持2 000 r/min,0.2 s时突加10 N·m负载,0.3 s时负载突变为15 N·m负载;0.4 s时将负载突减至5 N·m。三种控制方法均具有很好的转矩跟随性能,且磁链配合转矩做出相应的调整。
图8 加减负载仿真波形
Fig.8 Simulation waveforms under torque changing
图9 实验平台
Fig.9 Experimental platform
图10为2 000 r/min、负载为10 N·m时TPTC、MPFC和所提方法NWF-PTC的稳态实验波形,定子电流的THD分别为8.14 %、8.05 %和7.82 %。说明NWF-PTC在兼顾转矩与磁链稳态性能的条件下,可降低定子电流的谐波畸变。
图11给出了转速给定值从2 000 r/min阶跃增加至2 500 r/min情况下三种控制方法的实验波形。三种方法的转速动态调整时间与振荡过程基本一致,经过100 ms转速重新跟踪给定,其中TPTC的转速超调为4.12 %,MPFC的转速超调为4.16 %,NWF-PTC的转速超调为2.47 %。
图10 三种控制方法的稳态实验波形
Fig.10 Experimental waveforms under three control methods
图11 加速工况下三种控制方法的实验波形
Fig.11 Experimental waveforms of three control methods under acceleration
图12为负载突变情况下三种控制方法的实验波形,PMSM以负载转矩5 N·m起动,参考转速设定为2 000 r/min。PMSM进入稳态后,负载突然增加10 N·m。三种控制方法的动态调整过程大致相同,当负载增加后,转速会立即下降,转速控制器会立即增加给定转矩,通过增加定子电流幅值,实现转矩的快速调整,仅经过100 ms,转速与转矩重新达到稳态。其中,本文所提NWF-PTC的转速脉动最小,转速超调量也最小。
图12 负载突变情况下三种控制方法实验波形
Fig.12 Experimental waveforms of three control methods under torque suddenly changing
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Abstract With high efficiency, high power density, and reliable operation, permanent magnet synchronous motors are widely used in electric vehicles, wind power generation, and high-performance servos. The research of PMSM high-performance control technology is the necessary way to improve the performance of PMSM systems. Compared with the two traditional control strategies of field-oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC), model predictive control (MPC) has the advantages of fast dynamic response, flexible objective function configuration, and easy-to-handle nonlinear constraints. MPC can be divided into model predictive current control (MPCC) and model predictive torque control (MPTC), which can directly control torque and magnetic chain by introducing torque and magnetic chain into the objective function. However, MPTC adds a weighting factor to the magnetic chain term in the cost function to regulate the degree of influence of the flux linkage term on the value of the cost function. Different weighting factors significantly impact the control performance of the motor. The currently proposed methods based on fuzzy, particle swarm, and cascade sorting all need to be revised to handle the problems of high computational power and complex implementation process. Therefore, a conversion method based on the cost function of the torque chain is proposed, which unifies the magnitudes of the two.
Firstly, the discrete current, torque, and flux linkage equations of PMSM are derived. After the torque equation is substituted into the current equation and the inverse Park transformation is performed on it, the torque cost function is converted into a distance expression from the endpoint of the voltage vector to a moving line. Similarly, the cost function of the flux linkage is converted into the expression of the distance from the endpoint of the voltage vector to a moving circle. Thus, the cost function composed of torque and flux linkage is replaced by the distance cost function, avoiding the weighting coefficient design due to the non-uniformity of dimensions. Finally, the design method of the outer speed loop PI controller is presented.
Simulation and experiment are carried out to compare the steady and dynamic performances of the three methods, namely NWF-PTC proposed in this paper, traditional predictive torque control (TPTC), and model predictive flux control (MPFC) proposed in Ref.[17]. NWF-PTC can consider the steady state performance of the torque and flux linkage and achieve the minimum current harmonic distortion without setting the weight coefficient. Under the two dynamic conditions of a sudden change of torque or the command value of the speed, the time of overshoot and adjustment of NWF-PTC is also slightly lower than those of the other two methods.
Simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility and correctness of the proposed method. The following two conclusions are as follows:
(1) The cost function of the torque and flux can be equivalent to the expression of the distance from the endpoint of the voltage vector to a moving line and a moving circle, respectively. Thus the unification of the dimensions is realized.
(2) On the premise of not deteriorating the dynamic performance, the proposed method can consider the steady-state performance of torque and flux, and improve the waveform quality of the stator current.
keywords:Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), predictive torque control, cost function, weighting factor
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220952
改稿日期 2022-08-08
苗轶如 男,1988年生,博士,研究方向为电力电子变换器拓扑结构与控制技术。E-mail: miaoyiru@cqu.edu.cn
吕铭晟 男,1990年生,助理研究员,研究方向为高性能电机控制。E-mail: 289763620@qq.com(通信作者)
(编辑 崔文静)