
翟小飞 李鑫航 刘 华 彭之然

(海军工程大学舰船综合电力技术国防科技重点实验室 武汉 430033)

摘要 在发射装置串联电路模型的基础上,根据能量等效原理,提出了直流脉冲等效电路模型,建立了系统能量效率ηe与能量等效电阻width=12.5,height=16.3、损耗等效电阻R*和电流等效占空比D三个参数的数学模型。根据速度趋肤效应引入速度频率,将电枢动态运动模型转化为静态扫频模型并进行涡流场扫频分析,建立了全系统电气仿真模型。与试验结果进行对比,结果表明:电路模型、系统仿真与试验三者之间系统效率的误差小于3%。利用建立的等效电路模型和仿真模型对发射效率的影响因素进行分析,为发射效率优化设计提供了研究方法。

关键词:电磁轨道发射 发射效率 等效电路模型 动态参数 系统仿真

0 引言



1 电磁轨道发射装置数学模型

1.1 工作原理



图1 电磁轨道发射装置工作原理

Fig.1 Principle of EML system


图2 发射装置串联电路原理图

Fig.2 Electrical series circuit of the EML


width=215.3,height=29.2 (1)


width=114.8,height=55 (2)



width=147.4,height=30.55 (3)


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width=107.3,height=27.85 (5)




width=60.45,height=27.15 (7)


1.2 电路模型

导轨可以采用变化的电感Lr和电阻Rr表示,电枢电阻为Ra,采用脉冲电容C、晶闸管SCR、续流二极管VD以及调波电感器(Ls-Rs)构成的脉冲功率单元(Pulse Forming Unit, PFU)供电,能量效率是系统核心指标之一。由单个PFU供电的电磁发射装置等效电气原理图如图3所示,发射过程波形示意图如图4所示。

如图3、图4所示,Ts时刻为电枢出膛时刻。在[0, Ts]阶段,开关S闭合,电弧电阻Rh没有接入电路,此为电枢加速阶段;[Ts, Te]区间为电枢出膛阶段,开关S断开,电弧电阻Rh接入电路中。其中在[0, Tc]区间,电容能量经过晶闸管SCR放电,发射装置将电能转化为电枢动能,电容电压在Tc时刻降为零,晶闸管SCR电流过零关断;[Tc, Ts]区间,调波电感器经过续流二极管VD继续向装置输出能量,推动电枢运动直到出膛[13];[Ts, Te]区间为电枢出膛后拉弧阶段,电枢出膛后上下导轨被电弧短路,系统中剩余的电感储能被系统电阻和电弧电阻共同吸收[14-15]


图3 发射装置原理电气原理图

Fig.3 Electrical circuit of the launcher system


图4 发射过程波形示意图

Fig.4 Waveform of the transmission process



图5 分段工作电路模型

Fig.5 Electrical circuit model in different phases


width=118.85,height=50.95 (8)


1.3 系统能量效率分析


width=141.95,height=43.45 (9)


width=105.95,height=21.05 (10)


width=137.2,height=30.55 (11)

式中,Irms为[0, Te]区间内输入电流的有效值;width=12.25,height=15.6为能量等效电阻,其消耗的能量表示电枢出口动能;R*为损耗等效电阻,其消耗的能量表示系统损耗;参数Ke=width=29.9,height=16.3D为电流等效占空比,D=Ts/Te


width=89,height=74.7 (12)



图6 直流脉冲等效电路模型

Fig.6 DC pulse equivalent circuit

图6a中的理想电流源为脉冲直流电源,在[0, Te]内幅值恒为Irms。在[0, Ts]区间内,开关Sd断开(Sd=0),width=12.25,height=16.3接入电路中,电枢在膛内加速;在[TsTe]区间内,开关Sd闭合(Sd=1),width=12.25,height=16.3短路,表示电枢出膛后无机械能的转换。从电阻消耗能量的物理原理可知,参数Ke反映了动能功率与损耗功率的比例关系,而参数D为动能转化时长Ts与系统时长Te之间的比例。



width=114.8,height=43.45 (13)

在电感梯度典型值为0.5 μH/m,以及最大速度为2 km/s的工况下,根据式(7)可知,式(13)分子中Rk(t)的最大值为0.5 mΩ,而实际系统中调波电感电阻、传输电缆电阻及导轨电阻之和往往远超过0.5 mΩ,因此Rk(t)≤R(t)且TsTe,可见实际系统的效率因子Kη≤1。式(11)所表示的系统能量效率ηe与效率因子Kη的关系如图7所示。


图7 能量效率ηe与效率因子Kη曲线

Fig.7 Energy efficiency ηecurve with Kη


2 有限元仿真模型提取参数


2.1 速度趋肤效应分析与速度频率计算






图8 速度频率与静态扫频模型、动态运动模型关系

Fig.8 Relationship between velocity frequency and static sweep model、dynamic motion model


2.2 导轨电阻系数Ru、电感系数Lu及电感梯度width=12.25,height=14.95

设定轨道厚度w=10 mm,轨道高度h=15 mm,轨道间距s=20 mm;电枢静止不动,电枢壁厚度 d=4 mm,电枢长度λ=30 mm,电枢喉部半径r=1 mm,电枢尾部距导轨尾部距离x=100 mm。装置的三维模型如图9所示。采用Ansys软件的三维涡流场对电枢静止不动的模型进行扫频分析,以获得相应的电磁参数,即静止扫频模型。结合输入电流基波频率(约为250 Hz)和速度频率(最高为10 kHz),涡流场扫描频率范围为100 Hz~10 kHz,电流峰值为100 kA,有效值为70.7 kA,仿真的空气域采用磁场强度切向分量恒为零(zero tangential H field)的边界条件。同时,考虑到10 kHz高频条件下的电流趋肤深度为0.75 mm左右,为了准确地仿真出电流趋肤效应和邻近效应,仿真模型中的四面体网格最大边长不大于0.5 mm。


图9 装置三维模型结构

Fig.9 The 3D structure of the launcher

电流频率为500 Hz和10 kHz情况下的导轨电流密度分布仿真结果如图10所示。从图10可以看出,由于趋肤效应和邻近效应,电流主要分布在导轨四个边和电枢C形喉部区域,且更集中在导轨内侧。频率越高,电流越趋于导轨表面,同时也更集中在导轨内表面。电流密度在导轨中的分布影响了导轨电阻数值,同时也影响了导轨电感值。



图10 涡流场电流密度分布

Fig.10 Eddy current density distribution


表1 三维涡流场仿真和计算数据汇总表

Tab.1 Summary table of simulation calculation data

f/kHzL/μHR/mΩLu/(μH/m)Ru/(mΩ/m)Fa/kN/(μH/m) 0.10.055 60.019 10.5560.1911.0700.428 10.050 60.038 50.5060.3850.9780.391 20.048 80.052 10.4880.5210.9580.383 30.048 00.062 80.4800.6280.9530.381 40.047 60.069 40.4760.6940.9480.379 50.047 30.075 60.4730.7560.9450.378 100.046 70.098 20.4670.9820.9430.377


图11 RuLuFawidth=11.55,height=14.25随频率f变化曲线

Fig.11 Curves of Ru, Lu, Fa andwidth=11.55,height=14.25 with frequency f


3 系统仿真和试验



图12 系统电气仿真模型框图

Fig.12 Block diagram of simulation system



图13 发射装置实物

Fig.13 Photograph of the launcher


图14 仿真和试验数据对比

Fig.14 Comparison of simulation and test data

储能电容为240 mF,初始电压为DC1 200 V,总储能为172.8 kJ,试验电枢质量m为57.56 g。试验电流峰值为338.7 kA,仿真电流峰值为334.1 kA,仿真和试验的电流峰值误差为1.37%;试验出口速度为877.6 m/s,仿真出口速度为868.8 m/s,两者误差为1.01%;试验出口动能22.16 kJ,试验的能量效率为12.82%,仿真出口动能为21.72 kJ,对应的系统效率为12.57%,与试验得到的能量效率误差为-1.95%,而根据直流脉冲等效电路模型得到系统能量效率为13.04%,与试验能量效率误差为2.57%,可见仿真计算与试验误差在3%以内。直流脉冲等效电路模型具体数据见表2。

表2 直流脉冲等效电路模型中具体数据

Tab.2 Parameters of DC pulse equivalent circuit

参数数值 系统杂散电阻R0/mΩ0.519 损耗等效电阻R*/mΩ0.699 能量等效电阻/mΩ0.282 电流等效占空比D(%)37.2 电路模型计算效率ηe(%)13.04

根据表2可知,能量等效电阻width=12.25,height=16.3仅为系统损耗等效电阻R*的40.3%(即Ke=0.403),同时电流波形等效占空比D较小,仅为37.2%,可见系统损耗远大于转换的动能,系统效率较低。由于导轨截面较小,加上趋肤效应对导轨电阻和调波电感电阻的影响,系统杂散电阻R0=0.519 mΩ,占到损耗等效电阻R*(0.699 mΩ)的74.3%,可见杂散电阻R0过大引起R*过大,即引起系统损耗过大,从而导致装置效率较低。

导轨电阻是系统欧姆损耗的一部分,其导电特性对系统效率有着直接的影响,是装置效率性能优化的重点因素之一。导轨采用三种不同电导率铜材料(黄铜(30%IACS)、铬镐铜(45%IACS)、纯铜(90%IACS),IACS为国际退火铜标准,在此标准下,标准退火纯铜的电导率为100%IACS),在电容初始电压为DC 1 500 V的条件下,利用系统建立的仿真模型,得到出口速度及能量效率的仿真结果对比如图15所示。



图15 不同电导率导轨的仿真性能对比

Fig.15 Comparison of simulation performance with different conductivity rails

4 结论







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Research on Circuit Model and Launch Efficiency of Electromagnetic Rail Launch System

Zhai Xiaofei Li Xinhang Liu Hua Peng Zhiran

(National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China)

Abstract The electromagnetic rail launch system was mainly composed of a pulse power supply and a launch device. It was limited by the saturation of the magnetic material, the low conductivity of the rail, the current skin effect and proximity effect. So, the inductance gradient of the device was low and the resistance gradient of the rail was high, resulting in low launch efficiency of the system. The system also had the characteristics of time-varying parameters, multi-field coupling, and short-duration pulse operation, so it was difficult to carry out accurate dynamic simulation calculation of the whole system. In order to improve the launch efficiency of the device, this paper established an equivalent circuit model of the system including the pulse power supply and the launch device, and given the extraction method of dynamic parameters, and analyzed the factors affecting the launch efficiency.

Firstly, the concept of kinetic energy resistance Rk was introduced through theoretical derivation, and the kinetic energy of the armature was converted into resistance loss. According to the working characteristics in the launching process, the circuit model of two working stages of armature acceleration and armature arcing at the time of exiting the bore was established. Secondly, based on the series circuit model, according to the energy equivalent principle, a mathematical model of the system energy efficiency ηe, energy equivalent resistance width=12.25,height=16.3, loss equivalent resistance R* and current equivalent duty cycle D was established. According to the mathematical model, a DC pulse equivalent circuit model was established. In addition, considering the change of the barrel parameters during the armature movement, the velocity equivalent frequency was introduced, and using finite element simulation software to perform frequency sweep analysis of eddy current field to convert armature motion model into static frequency sweep model. Then, the curves of the rail inductance Lu, the resistivity Ru and the inductance gradient width=12.25,height=14.95 as a function of frequency were obtained. The whole system electrical simulation model was established for simulation analysis, and the theoretical model, simulation model and experiment were compared, the results showed that the error between the three launch efficiency was less than 3%. Finally, the factors affecting the efficiency of the single launch experiment was analyzed, and it showed that the energy equivalent resistancewidth=12.25,height=16.3 was too small and the loss equivalent resistance R* was too large, which was the main reason for the low launch efficiency of the device: One was that due to the low gradient of the system inductance, the energy equivalent resistance width=12.25,height=16.3 was only 40.3% of the system loss resistance R*. In addition, the inherent loss of the system other than the loss of the rails accounted for 74.3% of the loss equivalent resistance R*. At the same time, the excessive outlet current leaded to a large residual magnetic field energy of the system, which further aggravated the additional energy consumption of the system. The design direction of launch efficiency optimization was given: increasing the inductance gradient, reducing the system loss resistance, and reducing the outlet current to reduce the residual magnetic field energy.

The DC pulse equivalent circuit model was established by introducing the concept of kinetic energy resistance and the energy equivalence principle. The simulation model of the whole system was established after extracting time-varying parameters from the finite element model. The equivalent circuit model, system simulation and test results are compared and analyzed to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the equivalent circuit and simulation system. Finally, it provides a research method for the efficiency analysis and optimal design of electromagnetic launcher system.

Keywords:Electromagnetic rail launch, launch efficiency, equivalent circuit model, dynamic parameter, simulation system




收稿日期 2022-03-08

改稿日期 2022-08-25


翟小飞 男,1982年生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,研究方向为电磁发射技术。Email:smartnavy@126.com

刘 华 男,1987年生,博士,助理研究员,研究方向为电磁发射技术。Email:627386936@qq.com(通信作者)

(编辑 李冰)