摘要 永磁球形电机(PMSpM)是一种结构紧凑、可多自由运动的单关节传动装置。该文提出一种适用于PMSpM驱动策略优化的改进粒子群优化(IPSO)算法,该算法可实时计算PMSpM期望转矩所对应的线圈驱动电流。首先,通过圆环函数建立PMSpM转矩解析模型,并构建转矩Map图;然后,在确定种群数量后为标准粒子群优化(PSO)算法引入自适应动态惯性权重和自适应学习因子,将所提IPSO算法与PSO算法进行仿真对比,仿真结果表明,在同样的精度下采用IPSO算法计算驱动电流比采用PSO算法有更快的计算速度;最后,通过PMSpM控制试验进一步证明了该仿真结论的正确性。
关键词:永磁球形电机 改进粒子群优化 自适应动态惯性权重 自适应学习因子 驱动电流
永磁球形电机(Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor, PMSpM)是一种结构紧凑的单关节多自由度电机[1-2],有广泛的应用前景[3]。PMSpM的闭环控制需要计算驱动电流,驱动电流计算需要建立电磁转矩模型。国内外学者在PMSpM转矩建模领域经多年研究提出了很多方法,主要有麦克斯韦张量法[4]、虚位移法[5-6]和洛伦兹力法[7-9]。以上方法的计算速度都因计算量大而无法满足PMSpM实时控制的需求。而PMSpM驱动电流计算需利用转矩模型逆运算,且关系到控制的实时性,国内外学者提出了多种驱动电流计算方法。
本文以文献[18]所提的台阶式永磁球形电机为研究对象,计及电机控制对算法的实时性要求,基于圆环函数建立PMSpM转矩解析模型,进而构建转矩Map图。线圈驱动电流可基于该转矩Map图上快速插值计算得出对应的转矩,避免了解析模型中大量的积分计算。为进一步提升PMSpM驱动电流的计算速度,本文提出改进粒子群优化(Improved Particle Swarm Optimization, IPSO)算法,以线圈电流为粒子,在转矩Map图上快速寻找到最优的驱动电流,提高了控制的实时性。
1.1.1 PMSpM结构
本文所研究的PMSpM转子有三层24个NdFe35的台阶式圆柱永磁体(Permanent Magnet, PM),如图1a~图1c所示。转子磁极阵列N、S交替排布,充磁效果如图1d所示。为避免复杂的磁耦合因素影响并降低转子的转动惯量,转子本体采用空心的铝制球形结构,输出轴从转子顶端接出。图1e展示了球壳状定子的剖面图,24个集中绕制的圆柱形空心线圈均匀对称地排布在定子球壳体的两层上,这两层所在极角与赤道面的角度差均为22.5°。为避免复杂的磁耦合问题,满足轻量化需求,定子壳体采用聚碳酸酯材料。
图1 PMSpM结构
Fig.1 Structure of the PMSpM
表1 PMSpM定转子关键参数
Tab.1 Key parameters of the PMSpM rotor and stator
零件参数数值 转子永磁体转子球半径R/mm65 上层永磁体半径rup/mm11 上层永磁体高度hup/mm12 下层永磁体半径rlow/mm7 下层永磁体高度hlow/mm12 定子线圈线圈内径R2/mm4 线圈外径R1/mm14 线圈高度H/mm25 线圈匝数N1 200
1.1.2 PMSpM工作原理
图2 二维展平的定转子磁极分布图
Fig.2 Two-D flattened distribution of PMs and coils
1.2.1 PMSpM转矩解析模型
图3 局部坐标系下的第j个永磁体
Fig.3 The j-th PM in local coordinate
式中,;为转子坐标系下的电流密度矢量,其模为,为PMSpM当前线圈流过的电流,1 200是线圈匝数。第l个线圈在当前点的位置矢量叉乘力矢量可得第l个线圈在该点的转矩为
1.2.2 PMSpM转矩Map图的构建
图4 PMSpM转矩Map图()
Fig.4 The torque map of the PMSpM ()
图5 PMSpM转矩Map图()
Fig.5 The torque map of the PMSpM ()
图6 PMSpM转矩Map图()
Fig.6 The torque map of the PMSpM ()
在PMSpM控制过程中,已知当前位置期望转矩,利用智能算法在Map图上可快速地寻找到最优的PMSpM驱动电流。显然,所采用算法的收敛速度直接影响PMSpM控制的实时性。粒子群优化(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)算法因为计算量小、收敛速度快而广泛应用于实时控制领域[21]。本文以标准PSO算法为基础,提出改进的IPSO算法用于PMSpM驱动策略研究,进一步提升了驱动电流计算速度。
早期的粒子群优化算法是1995年由美国R. Eberhart和J. Kennedy根据模仿鸟类觅食行为而提出的。1998年Y. Shi和R. Eberhart又引入惯性权重以提高粒子的搜索能力,进而得到标准PSO算法。标准PSO算法收敛速度快,代码简洁高效,近年来在供配电[22-23]、光伏与微电网[24]、参数辨识[25]、电机设计优化[26-27]等领域得到广泛应用。
2.2.1 惯性权重的改进
2.2.2 学习因子改进
图7 驱动电流计算的IPSO算法流程
Fig.7 IPSO flow chart for driving current calculation
本文所采用仿真设备为DELL移动工作站Precision 3541,配备处理器的型号是Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU@2.60GHz (12 CPUs)~ 2.59GHz,运行内存是8.00G,操作系统是Windows 10,仿真软件版本为Matlab 2018b。
3.2.1 种群数量分析与仿真对比
Y. Shi和R. C. Eberhart 在文献[33]提到PSO算法对种群数量不太敏感,其他相关文献也只提了一般性的建议,如取20~50,无精确的选择方法。本文研究PMSpM驱动策略问题,先定义标准PSO算法的学习因子,采用惯性权重公式(17),并取,对种群数量进行仿真对比,适应度函数采用式(22)。根据中心极限定理,为样本容量满足一般性要求,每个种群数量的算法运行30次,仿真结果如图8所示。
图8 PSO算法种群数量仿真对比
Fig.8 PSO algorithm popsize simulation comparison
表2 不同种群数量下PSO算法收敛性能对比
Tab.2 PSO performance comparison for different popsize
种群数量最小时间/s最大时间/s平均时间/s 200.404 020.652 550.529 31 300.602 790.857 560.710 50 400.767 431.144 280.951 21 500.916 291.318 411.125 50 1001.595 922.210 131.940 90
3.2.2 自适应动态惯性权重改进的仿真对比
图9 惯性权重改进仿真对比
Fig.9 Inertia weight improvement simulation comparison
表3 惯性权重改进前后收敛性能对比
Tab.3 Inertia weight improvement impact comparison
权重类型最小时间/s最大时间/s平均时间/s 惯性权重0.602 790.857 560.710 50 自适应动态惯性权重0.125 990.238 120.158 76
3.2.3 自适应学习因子改进的仿真对比
图10 学习因子改进仿真对比
Fig.10 Learning factors improvement comparison
表4 学习因子改进前后收敛性能对比
Tab.4 Learning factors improvement impact comparison
权重类型最小时间/s最大时间/s平均时间/s 固定学习因子0.125 990.238 120.1587 6 自适应学习因子0.103 370.150 650.1282 2
3.2.4 IPSO算法与标准PSO算法的仿真对比
为简化闭环验证试验设计,论文采用比例积分微分(Proportional Integral Differential, PID)控制策略,并忽略PMSpM动力学模型中的不确定因素,PMSpM的动力学方程为
图11 PMSpM控制系统结构
Fig.11 The structure of PMSpM control system
该试验平台由PMSpM样机、电机控制器、上位机、直流稳压电源、微电机系统(Microelectro Mechanical System, MEMS)无线位置传感器(MPU6050)和转子初始位置标定架总成构成,如图12所示。
图12 PMSpM控制试验平台
Fig.12 The test bench of PMSpM control system
图13 PMSpM闭环控制自旋图
Fig.13 Closed loop control for the PMSpM spinning
图14 PMSpM自旋运动误差曲线
Fig.14 Error curves of the PMSpM spinning motion
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Abstract A permanent magnet spherical motor (PMSpM) is a compact transmission apparatus that is capable of motion in multiple degrees of freedom. To achieve the close loop control of the PMSpM, the driving current of the stator coils needs to be calculated, and the analytic torque model needs to be built in advance. However, if the geometry of the permanent magnet (PM) is a non-circumferential symmetric one, the pseudo-inverse matrix technique is not applicable. Thus, the research on the fast driving strategy of the universal reverse torque model is an essential prerequisite for the PMSpM close-loop control.
This paper takes the PMSpM with the stepped cylindrical PM as the research object. Firstly, this paper proposes new analytical torque models using the toroidal expansion method. To avoid repeating integrations in magnetic and torque analytic calculation, this paper builds torque maps by moving one 1A energized electromagnetic coil on the overall spherical surface of the airgap along the azimuth angle direction and polar angle direction. Secondly, the classical particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is introduced to build the reverse torque model. The current of the stator electromagnetic coils is considered as the particle swarm, and the desired torques are set as optimization targets. Thus, we can use the reverse torque model to calculate the driving current of the stator electromagnetic coils from the torque maps. Thirdly, this paper proposes an improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) algorithm for the PMSpM driving strategy optimization, which can be used for calculating the real-time driving current for the desired torques of the PMSpM. After the determination of the population size of the PSO algorithm, the adaptive dynamic inertia weight and adaptive learning factors are introduced for IPSO.
Simulation results on the IPSO algorithm optimization show that the improvement of the classical PSO algorithm is significantly effective. A typical population size can generate convergence before 250 iterations. The larger the population size, the more concentrated the convergence curves. A bigger population size illustrates the robustness of the PSO algorithm, but it also needs more convergence time. Thus, to balance the current calculation algorithm convergence rate, this paper adopts . With the same convergence precision, the PSO algorithm with improved adaptive dynamic inertia weight can get greater calculation efficiency, and the convergence can be completed only around 50 iterations instead of 200 iterations which adopts the traditional inertia weight solution. The convergence rate for the electromagnetic coil current calculation is significantly boosted. In addition, introducing adaptive learning factors can also boost the convergence rate by 20%. Finally, after introducing the adaptive dynamic inertia weight and the adaptive learning factors, the mean one-loop driving current calculation time can be reduced from 710.5ms to 128.2ms.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: ① The driving current calculation speed of the PSO algorithm with adaptive dynamic inertia weight is 5.5 times faster than the classical PSO algorithm; ② The comparison result between the classical PSO algorithm and IPSO algorithm indicates that IPSO has a better convergence rate than PSO on the premise of ensuring the accuracy of convergence. ③ The PMSpM control experimental result shows that the proposed IPSO algorithm is effective in the PMSpM driving strategy, and the PMSpM driving current calculation speed of the proposed IPSO algorithm is significantly faster than using the classical PSO algorithm. In addition, the proposed IPSO algorithm is also applicable for the driving current calculation of other complex special motors.
keywords: Permanent magnet spherical motor, improved particle swarm optimization, adaptive dynamic inertia weight, adaptive learning factors, driving current
中图分类号:TM351; TP18
周嗣理 男,1984年生,博士,讲师,研究方向为电机设计优化、电机控制及相关算法和新能源汽车电驱动系统等。E-mail:szhou551@gmail.com
王群京 男,1960年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电机、电机控制、新能源汽车电驱动系统和机器人技术等。E-mail:wangqunjing@ahu.edu.cn(通信作者)
收稿日期 2021-06-14
改稿日期 2021-10-07
(编辑 赫蕾)