摘要 直流GIL中线形金属微粒受力运动极易引发气体间隙击穿或者绝缘子沿面闪络,降低GIL的绝缘性能,严重影响直流输电系统的安全可靠运行。为研究直流GIL中线形金属导电微粒电动力学行为机理,搭建自由微粒实验装置和观测平台,并建立直流下微粒电动力学模型。通过实验与仿真相结合的方法,获得线形金属微粒荷电特性、启举与运动特性以及微粒运动导致的气隙击穿特性,并从微观角度解释了微粒启举与运动现象形成的原因。研究结果表明,线形启举电压只与半径有关,与长度和电压极性无关,随着半径增大,启举电压升高,直流电压极性不影响金属微粒启举电压幅值;线形微粒的运动及导致的气隙击穿与微粒半径、长度和电压极性有关,线形金属微粒半径小、长度增加时容易导致气隙击穿;线形金属微粒形状的不规则使得电场畸变作用加强,极性效应更明显。电晕极性效应导致正负极性下线形微粒的启举与运动及运动致气隙击穿特性呈现出明显的规律,当达到启举电压时,正极性下,线形金属微粒一端抬起后,在下极板小幅跳跃、旋转或者直立,难以贯穿气隙;负极性下,线形金属微粒贯穿气隙运动,极易出现飞萤现象,为直流GIL中线形金属微粒污染防治提供了理论指导。
关键词:直流GIL 线形金属微粒 电动力学行为 启举 运动
气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(Gas Insulated transmission Line, GIL)因其电压等级高、输送容量大、电磁辐射小、敷设灵活性强等特点具有广阔的发展前景[1-2]。然而,在实际GIL生产、组装、输运和运行过程中将会产生球形、线形等金属微粒,带电微粒受到库仑力、重力、气体黏滞力等作用力,在GIL腔体内部运动或者粘附在绝缘子表面,使周围电场发生畸变,从而引发气体击穿或者绝缘子沿面闪络,降低GIL的绝缘性能,严重影响到直流输电系统的安全可靠运行[3-4]。因此,有必要开展直流GIL中金属微粒的荷电特性、启举与运动特性以及微粒运动导致的气隙击穿特性研究,对GIL绝缘设计以及金属微粒活性抑制措施的制定具有重要意义[5]。
搭建自由金属微粒运动观测平台如图1所示,平板电极上极板接直流源,下极板接地,采用高速相机(Fastec HiSpec5)观测微粒运动。实验选取半径为0.1mm、0.25mm、0.4mm,长度为2~15mm的铝制线形微粒。每组实验重复5次以上,记录数据。
图1 自由金属微粒运动观测平台
Fig.1 Observation platform of metal particle movement
K. I. Sakai使用势函数法对平行板电极间静电场求解[33],线形微粒的带电量与其位置和形态有关,平躺时微粒的带电量q[34]为
图2 正负极性下不同半径线形微粒启举电压
Fig.2 Lifting voltage of linear particles with different radius under positive and negative polarity
图3 正负极性下不同长度线形微粒启举电压
Fig.3 Lifting voltage of linear particles with different lengths under positive and negative polarity
图4 正极性下不同长度线形微粒运动
Fig.4 Motion of linear particles with different lenghths under positive polarity
图5 正极性下不同长度线形微粒导致气隙放电
Fig.5 Air gap discharge caused by linear particles with different lenghths under positive polarity
图6 负极性下不同长度线形微粒运动
Fig.6 Motion of linear particles with different lenghths under negative polarity
图7 负极性下不同长度线形微粒导致气隙放电
Fig.7 Air gap discharge caused by linear particles with different lenghths under negative polarity
图8 正负极性下不同尺寸线形微粒启举与击穿电压
Fig.8 Lifting and breakdown voltages of linear particles of different sizes under positive and negative polarity
图9 线形微粒沿轴线方向电场强度
Fig.9 The electric field intensity along the axis of linear particles
图10 线形微粒沿轴线方向表面电荷密度和电场强度
Fig.10 The surface charge density and electric field intensity along the axis of linear particles
图11 初始阶段沿电极轴线方向电场强度
Fig.11 The electric field intensity along the axis of electrode in the initial stage
图12 发展阶段沿电极轴线方向电场强度
Fig.12 The electric field intensity along the axis of electrode in the development stage
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Study on the Electrodynamic Behavior of Linear Metal Particles in DC Gas Insulated Transmission Line
Abstract The stress motion of linear metal particles in DC GIL can easily cause gas gap breakdown or surface flashover of insulators, which reduces the insulation performance of GIL and seriously affects the safe and reliable operation of the DC transmission system. In order to study the electrodynamic behavior mechanism of linear metal particles in DC GIL, the free particle experiment device and observation platform are built, and the particle electrodynamic model under DC is established. Through experiments and simulations, the characteristics of the linear particle lifting, motion and gas gap breakdown caused by particles are obtained, and the reasons of the particle lifting and motion are analyzed from the microscopic view. The results show that the lifting voltage is related to the radius and independent of length and voltage polarity. The voltage polarity does not affect the lifting voltage amplitude of metal particles. The particle motion and the resulting air gap breakdown are related to the particle radius, particle length and voltage polarity. The smaller the radius and the longer the length of the linear metal particles, the easier it is to cause the air gap to breakdown; the irregular shape of the linear metal particles strengthens the electric field distortion, and the polarity effect is more obvious. The effect of corona polarity leads to the lifting and motion of the particles under positive and negative polarities and the gas gap breakdown characteristics caused by motion show obvious laws. If the particles are lifted, under the DC positive polarity voltage, the linear metal particles will jump, rotate or standing upright near the lower electrode, and it is difficult to penetrate the air gap; under the negative polarity voltage, the particles will move through the air gap, and the phenomenon of flying firefly is easy to appear. It provides theoretical guidance for the prevention and control of the linear metal particle pollution in DC GIL.
keywords:DC GIL, linear metal particles, electrodynamic behavior, lifting, motion
DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.L90137
收稿日期 2020-06-29
改稿日期 2020-09-22
程 涵 女,1997年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为直流GIL金属微粒电动力学行为及防治措施建模。E-mail: 17854160922@163.com
张 黎 男,1979年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为高电压与绝缘技术。E-mail: zhleee@sdu.edu.cn(通信作者)
(编辑 崔文静)