Time-Domain Distance Protection of Offshore AC Transmission Lines Based on Fault Active Control Considering Distributed Capacitance's Impact |
Zheng Tao, Zhang Ruozhu, Lü Wenxuan, Liu Sen |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China |
Abstract The offshore wind turbine is connected to the offshore modular multilevel converter (MMC) through cable lines, forming the offshore AC collection system. Due to both ends of the offshore AC transmission line being power electronic devices, there are certain risks to the reliability of differential protection based on dual terminal communication. Therefore, a protection strategy based on non-unit protection is more suitable. However, the fault current of offshore MMC has limited fault current amplitude, controlled phase angle, and a large number of harmonic components, resulting in the low reliability of traditional distance protection based on power frequency, making it difficult to meet the requirements of cable lines in offshore AC networks. Therefore, it is urgent to study non-unit protection schemes with high reliability. The time-domain distance protection based on faulty line's derivative equations has become a feasible technical route due to its advantages of fast action speed and not affected by the harmonic components. In view of this, this paper utilizes the fault active control ability of converters and proposes a non-unit time-domain distance protection of offshore AC transmission lines based on the π type model of cable lines. Firstly, in response to the problem of reduced performance of non-unit distance protection caused by the phase difference of fault currents between the two ends of the cable line, this paper designs a control strategy of specific frequency voltage based on the fault active control ability of converters. At the same time, the corresponding control of “voltage reduction control for current limiting” is proposed to achieve the non-blocking of converters during severe faults. Under the proposed control, the negative sequence fault component is modulated at a specific frequency through the phase-locked loop (PLL). The specific frequency components only exist between the converter and the fault point, avoiding the influence of the fault current from the offshore wind turbines, thus the accuracy of time-domain distance protection is guaranteed. Secondly, based on the specific frequency components, a π type model of the cable lines is further used to equivalent the fault circuit, and the influence of distributed capacitance of the cable on protection is studied. By deriving fault differential equations under different fault types, the physical connection between fault distance and fault resistance under single-ended information is clarified. Furthermore, the optimization algorithm based on the least squares method is used to fit the fault distance and fault resistance through multiple sets of information, achieving accurate calculation of the fault distance. The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1) The proposed protection scheme can reliably operate under different fault locations, and the ranging error is within 5%, which can provide accurate information about the fault location. (2) When the fault occurs outside the protection zone of the cable, the proposed protection scheme will not malfunction. (3) The proposed protection scheme has good anti-interference performance. (4) The proposed protection scheme can operate accurately under different fault types under high fault resistance, which has significant advantages over the time-domain distance protection based on the R-L model and can better protect cable lines.
Received: 01 December 2023
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