Research on Transient Characteristic Analysis and Transient Stability Mechanism of Distributed Condenser |
Wang Tong1, Wang Xiaotong1, Han Zichang1, Wang Zengping1, Zhao Wei2 |
1. State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China; 2. North China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China Beijing 100053 China |
Abstract Currently, the installed capacity and power generation of renewable energy source is climbing rapidly, but the transient overvoltage problem after renewable energy source access to the power system has become a serious challenge. Distributed condenser can effectively inhibit the transient overvoltage of renewable energy and enhance the renewable energy sending capacity. However, due to proximity to renewable energy sources, the distributed condenser also exists transient instability risk during fault, which restricts the consumption of renewable energy. Existing studies have mostly used node elimination or circuit equivalent change for network simplification, failing to consider the dynamic characteristics of point of common coupling (PCC), and there are few reports on the interaction between grid point voltage and transient stability of distributed condenser. Aiming at transient characteristic analysis and transient stability mechanism of distributed condenser, firstly, the transient analysis model of distributed condenser with retaining the characteristics of the voltage of PCC in power angle time-scale is established. Based on the phase relationship of electrical quantities, the power-angle characteristics curve is obtained. The interaction between the power angle of the distributed condenser and the PCC voltage after fault is analyzed. Based on the derivation and analysis of the mathematical model, the expression and changing characteristics of the PCC voltage is obtained, which explains the mechanism of continuous low voltage at PCC. As a result, renewable energy source continuously under low voltage ride-through (LVRT) control. The applicability of the proposed method is further confirmed in three-machine system. Secondly, the process and reason of phase quadratic jumping of renewable energy PCC voltage during fault transient and steady state is analyzed. The mechanism of phase jumping, transition resistance and renewable energy LVRT control strategy on the power angle swing direction of distributed condenser is revealed. For the first phase jumping, when the transition impedance is inductive, the phase of PCC voltage jumps forward, and when the transition impedance is resistive, the phase of PCC voltage jumps backward. For the second phase jumping, The injected power of distributed condenser is calculated based on the superposition theorem, which is effected by the LVRT control strategy of renewable energy. Finally, the influence of renewable energy output power, capacity of distributed condenser and delivery distance on the transient stability of distributed condenser is analyzed based on the transient energy function. The phase trajectory diagram is used to analyze the above influencing factors. The correctness of the proposed mechanism is verified in the improved IEEE39 node system, including continuous low voltage at PCC, phase quadratic jumping, swing direction of distributed condenser, and transient stability influencing factors. The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis. Before the fault, the renewable energy power injection causes the power angle characteristic curve shift downward, which increases the risk of destabilization of distributed condenser. During the fault, the renewable energy control strategy and transition impedance cause the phase quadratic jumping of PCC voltage, which has a direct impact on the power angle swing direction of distributed condenser. After the fault, due to the power angle of distributed condenser swing away, the renewable energy remains in LVRT state, which is conducive to transient stability of distributed condenser. In addition, the output power of renewable energy, delivery distance, and the capacity of distributed condenser all affect the transient stabilization margin of the distributed condenser. Upgrading the capacity of distributed condenser can effectively reduce the risk of the transient instability, and improve the delivery capability of renewable energy.
Received: 04 December 2023
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