Battery Fault Diagnosis and Anomaly Detection Based on Data Mining and Big Data Analysis |
Shen Jiangwei1, Yan Chuan1, Liu Yonggang2, Shen Shiquan1, Chen Zheng1 |
1. College of Transportation Engineering Kunming University of Science and Technology Kunming 650000 China; 2. College of Mechanical Engineering Chongqing University Chongqing 400030 China |
Abstract Due to various environmental and operating conditions, traditional battery fault diagnosis is challenging with the development of electrification, intelligence, connectivity, and digitization in the automotive industry. This paper proposes a battery fault diagnosis and anomaly detection method based on data mining and extensive data analysis. The approach involves operational data collection from the power battery through an electric vehicle cloud monitoring platform and a comprehensive analysis of anomaly detection, localization, and diagnosis for individual battery cells. Firstly, t-SNE is used to visualize the dimension reduction of battery cell data, compressing high- dimensional cell voltage data into low-dimensional data. Then, the K-means algorithm is applied for clustering analysis. Combined with the principles of Gaussian distribution and Z-score, diagnostic coefficients are designed to locate abnormal batteries. Subsequently, the entropy-weighted coefficient of the variation method is used to assess the degree of abnormality for each battery cell. Finally, a diagnostic standard is established using the 3σ-MSS filtering strategy. Compared to the COF and LOF algorithms based on statistical processing of the fault matrix, the proposed method compresses the voltage data of 30 series of individual batteries into two dimensions and effectively detects abnormal battery cells. For a specific period, the voltage curve of the 7th series of individual batteries exhibits significant fluctuations, with a rapid voltage drop at the 28th and 207th seconds, reaching a maximum voltage difference of 236 mV. The Z-value in the diagnostic coefficient designed based on the Z-score for the 7th series of individual batteries is significantly higher than other cells, indicating an anomaly. The overall score for the 7th series in the battery comprehensive evaluation shows a score difference of 0.727. Using the 3σ-MSS filtering strategy for fault probability statistics, a small percentage of vehicles show a battery fault probability exceeding 15% with variable positions likely resulting from unexpected accidents. Most vehicles have a fault frequency below 2%, and the positions of such faults are fixed, possibly due to vehicle design defects or inherent issues. According to the diagnostic results, the 3σ-MSS filtering strategy is suitable for fault probability statistics in batteries. In the time dimension of fault probability statistics, the fault probabilities in spring, summer, autumn, and winter are 1.99%, 4.95%, 3.67%, and 9.52%, respectively, with average fault probabilities of 1.54%, 4.31%, 3.07%, and 4.59%. In conclusion, (1) using t-SNE and K-means for dimension reduction and clustering analysis can effectively detect whether individual battery cells experience anomalies. Additionally, the diagnostic coefficient designed based on the Z-score accurately diagnoses voltage anomalies and locates faulty cells. (2) Compared to LOF and COF algorithms, the 3σ-MSS filtering strategy has more apparent advantages and can further identify and diagnose battery fault types for fault probability statistics. (3) Accordingl to the three-year historical operational data of different vehicles, the frequency of faults does not differ significantly between spring and autumn. However, in summer and winter, the frequency of battery faults is relatively high, which provides maintenance recommendations for the stable operation of vehicles.
Received: 27 December 2023
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