A Study of the Novel Power Direction Relay Based on the Instantaneous Power Theory |
Gu Bin1, 2, Tan Jiancheng1 |
1. Guangxi University Nanning 530004 China 2. Shaoxing College of Arts and Science Shaoxing 312000 China |
Abstract Based on the instantaneous reactive power theory, a new power direction protection principle is proposed. The power direction element consists of incremental power element and negative sequence power element, the former calculates the reactive power of two sides homotactic passive system of the protected line for symmetric fault, and the latter calculates that for asymmetric fault, and then the principle can distinguish between internal and external faults by the sign of the reactive power of two sides system. The principle based on the remarkable character of the system inductive impedance has clear physical meaning, and has the merits of the power frequency fault component protection principle, furthermore, the special power frequency filter is needless. And the protection speed of the relay is faster than the conventional directional protection based on power frequency fault component. Its reliability is higher than the traveling-wave-based protection, and it has high sensitivity too. The sensitivity and reliability and rapidity of the algorithm can be achieved by theory analysis and simulation experiment.
Received: 04 August 2008
Published: 12 December 2014
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