Corona Ionized Field Analysis of ±800kV HVDC Transmission Lines |
Yuan Haiyan, Fu Zhengcai |
Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai 200240 China |
Abstract In this paper, a finite-element method (FEM) simulation program is developed to analyze the ionized field of bipolar bundled conductors. In the simulation, the subconductors in the conductor bundle are considered individually while the influence among the subconductors is taken into account. The initial value setting of the positive and negative space charge density near the surface of the subconductor is explained in detail. After the validity of the method is testified, the corona ionized field of ±800kV HVDC line is analyzed. The corona current generated from the bundled conductors, the ground current density and the electric field distribution are calculated. The impacts of the number of bundles, the bundle spacing and the monopolar component on the corona current are investigated. It is found that, the corona current decreases with the increase in the number of bundles, and the corona current increases with the increase in the bundle spacing. If the monopolar component is not included, the corona current will be over-estimated. The simulation results show that the design of the ±800kV HVDC line can satisfy the ground current density and electric field limits of environment control standards.
Received: 06 October 2008
Published: 12 December 2014
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