Power Factor Control Method of Three Phase Current Source PWM Rectifier |
Tan Longcheng, Li Yaohua, Liu Congwei, Wang Ping, Zhang Yanmin, Wang Wu |
Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China |
Abstract Because a LC filter is needed in the ac side of the three phase current source pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier, the source current will lead the source voltage if without any power factor control. In order to control the power factor effectively, a simple and reliable power factor control method is proposed in this paper. The proposed control method only needs to detect the source voltage and the source current, and any other system parameters are not required, so the whole system has very high reliability. Meanwhile, different from the conventional control in the static abc frame, the proposed method based on the gird voltage vector is built in dq synchronous rotating frame, which makes the implementation easy. What's more, this power factor control method can make the rectifier reach the achievable power factor. Meanwhile, the power factor of the whole system is measured in different dc side current conditions when without or with power factor compensation, from which we can see that the rectifier's unity power factor operation area can be improved to a great extent with the proposed power factor control method. All these analyses and the effectiveness of the control method are firstly validated by simulation results, and are verified further in a 5kVA laboratory prototype.
Received: 20 August 2008
Published: 12 December 2014
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