Application of High Frequency Signal Injection Method in Motor Control Using Kalman Filter for Signal Processing |
Zheng Zedong1, Li Yongdong1, Maurice Fadel2 |
1. Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 China 2. Lab. LAPLACE-CNRS ENSEEIHT-INP Toulouse 31071 France |
Abstract High frequency (HF) signal injection method is the most available method to achieve low speed and zero speed operations in mechanical sensor-less control of AC motors. The difficulty in HF signal injection method is how to pick up the HF components from the measured currents. Kalman filter (KF) is an adaptive filter and has been widely used in signal detections and processing. In this paper, a HF signal injection method using Kalman filter for signal processing is proposed to realize the low speed operation in mechanical sensor-less control of AC motor. The desired HF components are identified and detected from measured currents based on the adaptive property of Kalman filter. There is only little influence made by noise and other signals with similar frequency. The amplitude error and phase lag are also very little. Simulations and experiments are performed on a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the results show that this method is a simple and direct signal processing method for HF signal injection method with very good stability and precision. The AC motor low speed even zero speed operation without mechanical sensor can be realized with the proposed method.
Received: 21 May 2008
Published: 12 December 2014
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