Measurement and Feature Extraction of the Radiated Emissions Generated by a Static Var Compensator |
Zhang Li1, Li Qingmin1, Wang Wei1, Siew W. H.2 |
1. Shandong University Jinan 250061 China 2. Strathclyde University Glasgow G1 1GW UK |
Abstract Within nowadays substations, static var compensator (SVC) devices are being realized to achieve high flexibility and wide tolerance to load variation. However, due to frequent switching of the thyristors, large amount of broadband electromagnetic emissions are being generated, which results in electromagnetic contamination to both the power grids and the victim electronic devices positioned nearby. Based on optical fiber, circuit and field transducers, an advanced acquisition system is established to implement on-site measurements of the electromagnetic interference (EMI). Based on the corrected measurement data, the switching bursts of the radiated EMI data within a power cycle are analyzed to give the frequency and amplitude range of the radiated interferences. Further, with utilization of time-frequency analysis techniques, a feature extraction methodology for electromagnetic emissions based on time-frequency analysis is established, and more detailed and useful information of the SVC-based electromagnetic environment can be obtained through 2-D and 3-D display, which presents fundamental reference for characterizing the SVC-based interfering mechanisms and effectively evaluating the electromagnetic environment.
Received: 07 May 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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