Small Signal Loop for Buck Type Converters UnderWide Input Voltage Range |
Gu Yilei1, Lü Zhengyu1, Chen Shijie2 |
1. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China 2. Delta Shanghai Design Center Shanghai 201209 China |
Abstract Buck type converters are widely used, however the power stage transfer function will be changed with the change of input voltage. The stability and dynamic performance are hardly designed to a perfect result simultaneously in wide input voltage range applications. Small signal characteristic of Buck converter is analyzed in detailed, and design considerations are introduced. Input voltage is applied as a compensation signal to change the slope of the sawtooth wave and the effect of input voltage in the power stage is eliminated. The concrete compensation circuits are presented for primary side control application and secondary side control application. The Buck type converter with compensation circuit owns the accordant bode plots of the loop gain and performs the good stability and dynamic under wide range input voltages. This method solves the small signal design issue for Buck type converters under wide range input voltages, and makes Buck type converter more suitable for system integration applications.
Received: 21 March 2009
Published: 04 March 2014
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